Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME L D T T T T X ’ 1 $65. Machi A " The improved ¢¢ » A .00 hine - S 7}' New High-Arm flmnmn ¥ For $18.50 Si i (1, ". hmm S—— A NEW LATEST Cash with Order and Coupoa A S HOME . BEST : 7 3’ 1 STYALE . CHEAPEST ey eS U Shipped toanyon: T Te A T A 3’3,. Ay p s P I THs KT Py hl§ W Ry, tivhers. °¢'r's§. oy DT RPN 1025 it 5 KRS es s R SIS ©2t NS A b v beAN G e i.-g_!‘.;‘.vg] ) eDy kin, v g OISR DT b ‘4 ¢ " ‘f‘)x'—t":;“ &1 ) E i —_— Ai bR :_:"}"I ; Y 10 years' written i O RSTE s N ; ‘ ) f [ warrssty with f‘i:“;,‘-;,_,, "_‘t.; L:i"J N A AP . each machine. ‘ .<.-v, I We LT N ’ i & .‘3'(' ot ATN ok ‘] ‘ . ing Machine, Bnished £TRE I 8 N thmghmlnfi-hnw g i\"j{"fv??ifi : N 4 dble;:in:e. It possesses all . 3] :2 mechanical construction i: Blasd ek £ £ v such that tu it are combined RS TN T I simplicity with strength, LY RS PNESREN \ S 3 lfla G:&' N {-Q-v\, Bl . thus insuring ease of run 1.5 R AN ;;,%3 (i s v d-n_hflitx;‘-nd making it im- BRSPS S SIS / ‘ possible for the machine to be LS iR PR SN . ,\ Pput out of order. It sews fast g RO SO TN Sot SRS Ro\ i ol Mm.gfiefllfllfl Coupon, if s ' ‘\Q‘ PR ) with all kinds of thread and sent C. 0.0, G i I allclasses of materinl. Always - S RN \\‘_,._vzi:‘ RN teady for gle :z?l‘l’l un'r‘iinntd 3. A S RS -a |- or on triat ! LI gso;}ed. nnmde u:fl;l{ y i STYLE No. 5. “ARLINGTON.” lowing points of superiority: The Head of the “Arlington" swings on patent socket hinsu. firmly held down by & thumb screw. ” Strong, substantial, neat and handsome in design, and beautifully ornamented in gold. plate hias rounded corners and is inlaid or countersunk, making it l('mh with top of table. lighest Arm—s Space under the arny is mn:fiu high and 9 inches long. This will admit the rgest skirts, and even quilts. 1t is Self-Thresdisg—Abeolutely o holes to put thread through { except eye of needle. Shattle is cylinder, open on end, entirely self-threading, a7 to put inor r ake out; bobbin kolds a large amouut of thread. Stiteh Rc‘-‘tor is on theged of the machine, neath the bobbiu winder, and has a scale showing the number of stitches to the imch, and can becblfng‘ed fr(tmili to fj Mli;fhu tho theinch. Feed fs double and extends on ‘l?j“‘ sides of need!:; nev to take goods 3 ver steps at s & ‘re:{ lnnld! get cut gf nn!cr:rg."\xg bc“:l‘f::d and l;w:::dm:t :11. Amfl*‘a:&l‘mfl: lling the bobbin automatically and perfectly smooth without holding the thread. Machine does not run while winding bobbin. Light Rm{ —Machine is to run, doesnot fatigue the: . ator, makeshittle noise and sews rapidly, s&fa isa dm:blem stitch, the same on both 333. will not ravel, and can be changed without stopping the machine. Temston is a fiat s ring ten sion, and will admit thread from 8§ to 150 1 cotton without changing. Never gets onfo! order. The Needle is a straight, self-setting nted;e. flat on one side, and cannot be put f- wrong. Needle Bar is round, made of case-hardened steel, with oil cup at the bottom to prevent oil from on the goods. Adiastable Beari All bearings are case-hardened steel and easily with. a screw driver. All lost mglon can be urel up, and the machine will last a lifetime. Attachments—Each machineis furnished with necessary toolsand accessories, and in addition we furnish an extra set of attachments iu a velvet lined metal box, free of charge, as follows: One suffler and gatherer, one binder, one lhl'rflrlf plate, one set of four hemmers, different widths up o 74 of w;:dch, nae ;x}:kcrl. lfufi':mde; brai d?r, <‘>ne l:?rt or l"-lch‘ dment loontk;:;i mfifirud cutter, 'wWor Df hues! ual T ut, COver ant ) to d:nwcn'. dress gu‘.':rds tow u:cll, ’.':3 d:v(c'elf:r regln:dxf. belt. pabityl y o ¥ HIGH PRICES FOR DIRECTLY OF MANUFACTURERS AND DUN T PAY SEWING MACHINES m" SAVE AJIT'. AND DEALER'S PROFITS 0w QYR GREAT OFFER. $23.80 Isour Special Wholesale Price, but @€ @™ > in order to introduce this high-grade sewing machine, wemake & special cou pon offer, giving every rzml’:r of this paper a chance to get a firstclass ma- Cospon chine at the lowest price ever offered. On receipt of $lB.BO cash and coupon. No. 3333 we will ship the above-described machine anywhere securely P.cked and crated, amd guaranteesafe delivery. A ten years' written warranty sent with aOOD each machine, Money refinded if not as represented after thirty days' test von ; trial. We will ship C. 0. D. fnrrfm.:'fl with ptivilege of twenty days’ trial on 11 seat with: receipt of £.OO as a guarantee of good faith and cbnzcs. If you prefer thirt: Sratuih miviny days' trial before paying, send for our large fllustrated catalogwe with testi. for Arlington mmoolals, explaining {ully how we ship sewing machines anywhere to any- Sewing Machine one at the lowest manufacturer's prices without asking one cent in advance. Ne. B 8 Thg best plau is to sehd all cash with order, as you then save the $l.OO dis count. Remember the soupon must be sent with order. ADDRESS (N FUEL) CASH BUYERS’ UNION, ’ Bx, 3833, 168164 W. VAN BUREN ST., CHICAGO, ILL ——e e g el mv " UNDER THE GREAT AMITY CANAL IN VHE ARKANSAS VALLEY i IIA Ao - i 4 i Bt ihia s ' . 1 EGT 7T These Tendi Tie pérfect f“"fm""w‘“fi’sm ¢ : richest lande in the Arkansas valley.. The | GREAT AMITY CANAL, 100 miles long, was | built i 1895 and together with reseryoirs cost upwards of $,500,000. This i< the largest and ‘ best constructed irrigation canal in the state. It | | has first right to water and can therefore deliver water at all times during rhe Irrigation season. Lands can be bought in any size tracts de : sired, at low prices and on long time payments. : Perpetual water tights. No water rents to pay. Now is the time to secure & home in this beantifel valley. For farther particulars write to : ~~ HOLLY, COLORADO. z " - - . _4—__—“' THE “MAYWOOD” BICYCLE » » 2P 1 3 ; THiS CONPLETE THE DOUBLE OIAMOND FRAME BICYCLE $2 ’ TRONGEST WHEE 4 AND COUPON GN lll‘l’l’. e AP A2 * f s 1 { i§\"A‘ ) —§\\ = % [ i"‘ - :'r-. ] : { H' P ] \, ‘ NS W Nl\ W 4 o o ond f evét tmade . kinds ot 3 jood"* is the 3 n Adapted for all g ruznmm?—l&d-%fiidhw nd 7 in w spert and put s(e parts: 1s ol ouch ity that its patts will ‘ %‘l“m”w u.-.sfnh contact; u fra e that cangiot M mple that ; & one-piece cran bt ol & %’.‘;‘-‘d ':lw-yn to .fi"’ reliable and ”énu !nupomuu. FRAME— -1 m“-:vddubk ;;mol I (i:uduulrod.§ nndum%ut metal for Tis weight known): joined together ouf improved steel ; & fmarvel of novelty, plicity and . the test com bination of Inmulmn. mechapism kuown, mdld-huwhm and as all know that tubular frames sometimes break and fraciure at brazen joints, and they are buckled in, cannot be repaired. e et e e g e TToAe o i ekt atffoat spokts and vices, Whh patent m.‘:.'a"‘"" Bages. dirgetly oyer ball beariaga. TREL- " Geseiier of Se e SEL TN eke Her e S e i neumatic tires, guaran e % 5 n' ‘wmtwflntqfl&nflrfimh 3 Nutr:i net. m‘%&vm fl‘ including wheels, crank axle, mlfi d epd ‘pedals. mgufl %hon‘r‘ tent ball casés, which are flocked ; and wm«. "2 ‘ wf&wm carefully tempe and ed. -Humber glum. gx,nmum.dmmm- QJuitsient reelebntedofi:&kmmn , fully rotmedb‘ tents: 10 cotter pins: SPROSKET s—Made from best qu ned steel, nicely Biiished and hardemed: rear detachable, ! sprocket wmkfic. %’ {nches; imehes, or 73 K~ e} K of drop L. HARIALE -8 ble, y ehanged to eitber | raisedor YA cork or compogition Bandles, style tips and ferrules. :m “K'' high grade, t'?.myb;lmm.-gll.. m,m FlRlH~Tonaxished in biack, with all bright & h‘[m-’g.m Lde bearing ) 3 aks gf ted ch srith tool . wierch e Te Bt T e panie ARARIEL Sk Yiaywood"" is fully guars 2ed Jou bae yoiy | NAPAVINE, W, ,W< 1 M“W'w birougent it satest bicyel 6 and such as we [ countty. y are aleo light tynsisg aad essy to adjost. one-pictecrank is ¢ pie Mecyabt eal simplicity. N Z construction, sud: ‘_- osinents. 3 ritand they ) &r¢tohave this year, it will be the besf ehiegl bakdf, : 'mfit“’ ' RO VIAT 6800 special coupon By ey O T TLI » ‘6OO 1o get a Gret-c] at the 15 7 rpd. "Of ® B NID oWO NS ‘ of 4 onk ‘;55,&#;-'\,, : ¥ . examination. Wail ship Eud. D, awith peivilege ; R amination, for (00 eoo ot Jibt is'ngai witd ogtiys .0 BiETOLR 'Y f m:.\gof 00G fhith oot Sharges, A wriiiy . RERESY e nadag o) 19.3¢t the op ity ‘x" AL ORI . ) eey R SR g b \fl?‘fi* Saaaci Glr S gt A iy Mt hRe R 0 :Qv-"”h". 7 Pt w.,::",q,\;/iw“s',"- A/‘ e ,l~ !‘a!ga‘ % M:-‘:s@m‘ L J S gel S R R s R S S R eRN G M S e e B ok THE HOLLY CIEFTAIN. HOLLY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1897. S R THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. e e e » PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. —_—_—— | BY H. W. MILFORD: - PROWERS COUNTY DIRECTORY, Clerk and Record: .+ 8B Falkner. w"n:eéa at, L Ge T h gé‘g‘. N T R R Sheriff, - < . . - Wm.McKinzee Coroneér, - =+ - . - . ;vreduu Assessor, sooe e e O Willlams, Surveyer, - - - hi{'b"c‘n"?'." 5 - . J. B , Ch'r’u. Comsmission: Girahtad ] v m'} DI IUEM. Sust M TOFFICE BOURS. E QOpena 1 A%sr.n. est bound closes 8 P, M. Sunday opens 3o BA. o cads (ogi%0 P M, C. L. McPHERSOX, P, M. e e e e UNDAY S8CHOOL EVERY, SUNDAY AT S 1000 A M. ot 1o sehdol hompa LA i ARTHUR ELLIS, Supt. l“ THE ATC‘HISON, TOPERA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY. Trains leaves Holly as follows: EASTBOUND. WEST BOJND, No. 8.....12:06 p.m, |’ No. 5.... 1:5%a.m. *No. 82,.....9:30a,m. | | *No. §1....12:37p.m. O o A 1. B Homar, Agent. Durrant has been resentenced to hang and the execution will take place January 7th. — At 8 meeting in Chicago on. Monday night Commander Booth-Tucker raised ten thousand dollars for his Arkansas vallev colonization scheme. The Com mander now has over half the amount needed, and tnere is no doubt buat what he will be successful in securing euffi cient capital in time to get his colony here early in the spring. O The freight rate war will come to an end at. midnight on December 3let, .| when the old rates will be restored. The firet claas rate from the Missouri river to Denver has been down to 25 cents for some time'and will remain at that until the new schedule goes into effect on January lst. In the mean time the “raifrosds will have sn im. all the western merchants will: endes vor to lay in. large stocks while the rate is down. : —————TTe Call it jiagoism or what you will, Pre sident McKinley holds ‘eorrect views on the annexation of Hawali. He ‘recom mends in his message to congress the aquisition of that little island by the United States, and congress isapt to act accordingly. We only wish he had gone further and expressed a hope that some day Cuba would also be a part and parcel of our body politic. We believe in the annexation of everything in sight in both the Atlantic and Pacific, even encuuraging Canada to come in out of the wet. The extension of our territory is the thing.—Pueblo Indicator, I It is reported that the Rocky Ford Melon Growers' association signed a contract with a Kausas City firm for thirty cars of cantaloupes to be deliver ed on board the cars at Rocky Ford next season at 97§ cents a crate, The '{firm is to have as many more cars as it desires, at the same price, Thisis the price contracted for by Bt. Louis merchats, Denver will probably cohsume seventy cars of cantaloupes next season and over 125 cars of water melons. The aessociation ‘has voted to be on friendly terms with other assuciations in the state of & similar nature, but of course we do not expect that any other region will produce ‘the quality of cantalonpes which has made Rocky Ford fsmous.~Denver News. ——— - Bocretary of-Agrinnliure Wilson told Oongresaman Shatroth the. other day that ‘he would willingly supply tha farmers of Colorade wnith s half ton of sugar beet oodd sad that it would be shipped in January orearly in Febrn ary. The farmers about Holly should wake application early (or some of this seed and- plant esbugh- ground pext spring 80 &8 to fully demonstrate what can be done in the production of sugar beets in this part of .the: Arkansas vally. - Whenever it is thoroughly demonstrated that sugar beets countaln ing & good per cent of saccharine matter can be grown here, and the far mers show a disposition to raise a large enough quantity to justify it, there will be-no-trouble to.get capitalluts to build & beet sugar factory. . As s result /| of the work Becretary Wilson is. doing toward ' eneouraging the growing ot sugsr beets in the westorn states, that’ industry is in s fairway to undergo & wonderful unlm during the next fow years, Holly :is to starain the prospenty whish sxeh - aa. limportant indyetey lo beand (o brisg /| to:the Wast, depasids altogethier upon | miot Srut sow, and i order o ges & ‘I any e of this kind. all ; Joriniiprotent weeded, U R B gsßy AT DR e i e e G PB Tt CONGRESSIONAL . 'Mauy. repablicans, whilé < honestly. bobing that Representative Dingley is a true prophet when he says there will ‘ be a surplus of ten million dollars during the next fiscal year, have.their doubts f about it. : Itis ‘pousible, of course, that the house committee on banking and cnr-|, rency, which has been given permissjon | . to sit.during sesaions of the house, . will |, report a financial -bill at this session of|, congress. but the best informed men in . ocongress do not regard it as st all pro-{, bable. In the first place, about half the |, members of that committee have biils|, of their own, . each diffetiog radically | from all of the others, and in the second | place, there is a general bellef that if the administration coricludes it to be wise to force a timancial bill of any sort through the house, it_will lLave it re-| ported from lho‘v’i‘}i’.’fl{l%m com-|. mittee. Secretary Gage will separate| his recomm en(iationa into severs] bills, which will probably be introduced in the house and senate as feelers, both of the congressional and public pulse. The democratic senators arv already, with two exceptions, solidly_opposed to|: the annexation of Hawaii, and the house dempcrats are going to declare against annexation at & cancus to be held this week. Btill the sdvocates of sannexation say that it is certain to be accomplished at Lbissession. A lobby plentifully supplied with money, is working hard against annexation, and its agents will stave off settlement as long as possible, if they cannot defeat| it, a8 their pay will stop as soon as the question is settled either way. It has become apparent that the fight on the civil service law. is no trifling matter, even if it is being conducted against the wishes of the president. Leading republican representatives have | attacked the law on the floor of the nouse, when they had to strain a point to do so, and sixty odd republican mem bers of the house who oppose the law as it now stands met in caucus to dis cuss the best way to conduct their fight against it. That was at least fily more than were supposed to be willing to be counted as publicly hostile to the : law, and has had an alarming effect upon those who stand by the law, and bave generally been‘disposed to poke fun' at all talk of fighting it. Hustorv. does not: repeat ‘itself with mote certainty than ‘certain’ phases of | o session of copyrem. Oge of these iet si o | sate which save 10 precede the | md%homu:? pension appro pristion bill by tbe . Somehow everybody knows tha{ these little sharp sentences have got tohe spoken; conse quently they do notsjtract the attention thev deserve, concersing as they do,] the expenditure of more than one-third {of the government’s income. The fact is, as most people in Washington know, that the aversge congressman is mbr tally afeaid of the pension question, and desires to see the Lill disposed of as 1800 n as possible, and if he makes any re-' marks at all they are of a general nature about the */saviours of the country” etc. It is the exceptional fellows who make the little debate interesting.. There may -have been years when some strong republican did not farnish these gentle men with ready-made srguments, but |they are not recflled just now. This |vearit was Gen. H. V. Boynton’s vig orous newspaper attack upon: the pres ent law and their abuse: that was ‘used. This question must, sooser. or. later, be thoughbtfully considered. The present appropriation excoedlt:lu,ooo.(xl). and |there i 8 a general beljefthat it is eight or ten million below what will be spent by the Peneion Buresn during the next | tiscal year. ; | At's caucns of the dsmocratic mem | bers of congress on Tagsday night their’ position on the important ‘snbjects be | fore this seasion of 'congress, was set | forth by passing the ' following resolu | tions: Resolved, That it is the sense of this canens that the democrstie members of | the house of repregentstives ought to | resist all efforts, direct or indirect, to |relire the greenbacks and treasury | uates. ; 1 Resolved, second, That we are op '| posed and will resist all attempts to ex | tene the privileges to national banks, or to reduce the taxes which they pay. ‘| Resolve, third, That we favor the | early consideration and passage of the | senate resolution recogniging that a condirion of war exists in the island of Cuba between the government of Spain |and the Cuban people, | Resolved, fourth: That we favor the | early. enactment of 8 just and wise bank | ruptey law. | C—— . : There js ' considerable doubt abont § Mark Hanpa's election to the United | States Senate. It is claimed that there A are 27 anti-Hsuna republican . yotes in | thie Ohio Legislature.- If this is trde he | will be turned down. D 3 | ——— : | o % incries (actho. shipneat | rate ot per ton from' the %to , W"fl"‘" ‘“3:‘“"“ 18 {BOS oG e i o RS e ) AT 70 R G K K o The sensationol private bank _ failures in Indiana, the resuit.of specalstive and dishouest management, serve (o empha size anew the need of sound baukingl’ for all classss of the community. . ; For the poorer class of dopositors the solution of the guestion ie easy if. con gress will apply - the remedy. Postal savings banks would guarantes to every small depositor who chooses to take ad vantage of the institution, absolute se carity against loßs from any canse what ever, save oily the disrnption of the government itself. The repeated fail ures of private institutions for the re ceipt of deposits should “impress upon congress the need for action in order to safeguard the savings of ‘the poor.—|V Chicsgo Record. 5 g S — = How to Prevent Pneumonia. At this timd of the yaur a cold is very ' essily contracted, and if let to run its courss withons the,aid of some reliable cough medicing js ilable to result in that dread disssse, poewmonia, We know of 5o better remedyto cure a covgh or cold than Chamberisin’s Cough. Remedy. We have used it quite extunsively and it has always given entire satisfaction.—Oolagh, Indi Ter. Chiet. This the only remedy that is known to be & certain preventive of pneumo nia.. Among the muny thousands who have used it for colds and 1a grippe we have never vet learned of a single case having resulted in pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have rearon to fear an attack of pneumonia, should|. keep the remedy at band. The 25 and|™ 80 cent sizes for sale by C. L. McPher-| . son. 5 —— THE JANUARY NUMBER Of the DELINEATOR 1s called the Winter Holiday Number and 'begins ‘ the New Year with such an attractive display of fashions and literary work thatit will easily retain ite place as the Woman's Favorite Magasine. The Winter styles are. exceedingly becom ing and are handsomely illustrated in colors and biack. . Lady Jeune’s review of London Society is at once a picture of its salieut features and a defence of its essential kindness. Mrs. Alice Meynell, the eminent English writer, begins & series on “The Ways of Children” with an analysis of “The| ' Naoghty Caild,” full ofsympathetic insight. The first of several papers | on *The Common Ills” is by Dr. Grace Peckham Murray. author of the popu lar “Health and Beauty’”’ pspers. Deyotees of the camera will be delight {od with_Bharlot. M. Hall'a sxplapation of Blue-Print Pbotography as s. money making. . accupation. Emma OChurch man Hewitt begins her contributions |on Domestic Bubjects with & bright paper assailing False Economy in the Household. The wise sand experienced ] advice to thase perplexed as to points of behavior is continued by Mrs, Cad #alader Jones. The fiction includes “Dawn,” s story of French life. in which potencies of tragedy melt into a hwuppy finale, by Helen Choate Prince, author of A Transatlantic Chatelaine, }ln *The Yacht Byrinx’’ Martin Orde icontinued the account of the Adven, tures of Clive Rayner. Keplacing the “‘Seasonable Cookery'’ pages is a paper| ® giving formulae for Inexpensive Enter- Aainment, such as the afternoon Tes and the Btand-Up Bupper. The sannu al review 6f the Holiday Display in the shops will be of special interest to those considering the question of Chaistmas prasente, and Mrs. Wither spoon’s Tea-Table Ohat and the notice of the Holliday Booke afford other is formation on this sbsorbing topic. Of like timelinessis Emms Haywood’s explanation of How to Make Orna. mental Texts for Churches, and the suggestions for Children’s Parties. Mr, Vick's “Flower Garden’’ and the de-|. partment deyoted to knitting, Laee-|~ Making, etc., completse & capital|® {numbper, . After hearing some friends continual|” Iy praising Chamberisin’s Oolic. Ohol era and Diarrhoes ' Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, Caltfornis, por-|* |cbased's bottle of 1t for bhis own use and ,is ‘now as enthusiagtie oyver ita woaderful work as anyone can’ be, The |25 and 86 ceat'sises for asle by C. L.| McPherson, S — ‘ The Hicks (18308 Aimanac and 1 Paper. | Weare informed that the 1898 Aima- | nac ot Prof, Irl R. Hicks is now ready, | and judging from Its past bistory, it wili not be many weeks fn finding its | way into homes aud offices all over America. It is much larger and finer than sny previons issne, It contains 118 pages, is splendidly printed and| | | llustrated on fine book paper, having ; the flnest portrait ever given of Prof| | Hicks. 1t can no longer be denfed that the publicationa of Prof, Hicks have|' | become & necessity to the family and commercial lifs of this' country. . His {journal, “Womn Awp Wonks,”. aside | from ita stcrm, wesather and astronomi | osl feptures, has taken rank with the best literary, seientific ond u:uy magasines of the age. Do Dot ‘belisve |t ‘ %-!-v snd reyorts. See the Hicksl" | Almanac ud paper for yoursell. Yew| | will then know why they ave so popa«|: |ise. They arv oducatons of -the milhs| jorse and haman lie. 1t tn n mathiiaf] IL TR '% 'M.’f J(;*j Y .m s o “mm"fi‘i . o ;E b I rent gy e D By gt | ) 4 ;!!@“ ? 1W ¥ .'l,_:".r.;“‘j":" A TR e Se(C b see T e T e > REFRESHMENT ROOM. % = | T o e 'THEO. BAXTER, PROPRIETOR. =~ & ] S ~ FINE WINES, =- i LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. = & NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS GOODS. = £ 'SERETALT HOLLY, COLO. gg,'gm,@?} : < e LI T”»{fi AA R el e C. C. HUDDLESTON. v NS BB oT | = o i eNN sSR W e gLSR A TR e *f ‘- ji % w;.&." Deering Mowers, Reapersand Binders. Binding Twine, Dain Hay Stackers and Rakes, Our Line of Hardware, Gro- : ; ceries, Queensware and Harness is Complete. e >LIVERY, FEED AND SALD STADLDmc e o Good Teams, Elegant Rigs, % : Furnished at Reasonable Rates. . ° - . e E FRANK GILMAN, Proprietor, GRANADA, ¥ : 3 g : s COLORADO. .. PRAIRIE HAY, For sale. In Any PUANTITY To Suit M H. A. PETTEE HOLLY, - - . - = = = COLORADO m & ELEVATOR CO., WHOLESALE GRAIN, MKAL, CHOP FEED, . " HAKD' and BOFT WHEAT FLOUR, GRAHAM, Lol BOTTEL, Yo' 7 | LAMAR, COLO. * - ————_—--——————_————_—% over all the country, The Almanse s slon® is 26 cents s copy. The paper is g $l.OO a year ‘with the Alnianac as & pre- » i, Sintie MONTHLY § v ORD AND ORKS 3 0y » 2201 Locust Bt., Bt. Louls, Mo. SUFFERING. \ By oo “Thonsends of B A GooD Sy e b & ED BEC ST [ romdy, e Honmom REG;’.H. & ? u‘;, hl:‘-d, @ : e| b ¥ a g q hips and limbs. o EAMSTRE: || E=== gk My not suffer. f 5 TR PN Y Buk. it |§ | e pimssrermumect era: n SEWING MACHINES. B can'be corrected: | The mte: lA¢ strual function should operate ¢ At *n‘ painlessly. o A J j‘ M’Elfl "(O Y A.vaj. ey ‘,‘r ! \ ..: ;’,«‘%' l \ ‘,;’r‘ ::::e’sulu- It pn'é-fi"a‘.fi:...# - AN © catemenstrual organsin coudi- - f N ik‘: T 5 R - . And that stops sll ..5. b (VP Why will any woman auffes. . b ’\ A by- smoith after niouth when Wine | " ' Y ) o R TR ‘. v d . mOO ‘\', B ?fi,,,.u‘;‘ % TR il IR don’t you get's’ % &7 Yel it e ‘ e o ffiwfl; 5 atiGial OCWNg athlneLe. 1m e , --Z‘i;“:“vj?"ff;*,‘:i‘l;«.‘é'a'\, ;'VG :‘"‘}4.;,/&:’ bl : ’/{ -e atreme e, 1B EEERITEES . "f‘t?‘ 7*‘ /J{}A‘,‘g {i;‘;’?‘:':;. "l,:p,"ifi‘{‘;. SLRe (e £lt K Re S e S 7 ke SR ) »‘,@ B : & | At SR eße T B L T eST