Newspaper Page Text
2 7 S 7 | THEHCLLY CHIEFTAIN | ¥ ] ™ " 1 FRIDAY, DRCEMBER 24, 107, | Entered in the Post Office in Holiy, Colorado as second class matte r SUDSCRIPTION PRICE. | One month . - - $ .M, Four months . - - . 50 Six months - - - - - One yonr - - - 1.70, Advertising rates ...;..l'lT.:&TT,,I ay ,7 l-x All Kinds of job printing neatly done. Call and get our cstilmates, | PESENIINE ST MG L S NI RS " R e e . St e — e e | eSS T ] WHEN IN LAMAR | Callon the E‘“E. ¥ 5‘_ B o i Oriental Billiard | Fall. 3 @ "% @ a @ a rorthe | REST WHISKIES <. , -5 VOLAND ‘ - . - CIGARS. ) “RED SCHMIDT, Prorggrer o DR s { TP R YOUR BUILDINGS INSL’ILE : f‘\'u'l'l'li-i 1‘ C. L. MCPHERSON, | Holly, Colo. ,‘ ....Agens for the. . \ ®erman American Insurance Company, “0f-- | NEW YORK. " Insures Aecainst ] FIRES, LIGHTNING,| \\&/ TORNADOES and | X CYCLONES, 1 WhY Should We ’ Patronol;e the ? 1 “POSTAL . Een T ! Because: Its pervice is prompt and reliable. | It has new lines and modern equip ment. It maintains genuine and aggressive competition. ‘ Public patronage is essential to th(-{ corntinned maintenance of competition. The present low rated and geod ger vioe Baye been obtained only through ita cottipetition. Its employess are intelligent, dilli gent, energetic and courteous and their constant effort ia to render the BEST telegraph service. Tt reaches every important commer cia! point in the United States and CUanads and connects with the LEAD. ING Atlaafic Cable Company. Thets ate & few reasohd why you éhould send your Tolek(n:: by the POSTAL, THE HOLLY OFFICE 16 OPEN: {rom B o’tlock A. M. to 8 o’clock P. M. AUNDAYB: 9to 10 &, M. and 5 to 6 P. M. H. W, Mitrorp, Manager. DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, TO EVERYWHERE. Through service in ELEGANT VESTISULE TRAINS (sleepers and chair cars) hetween COLORADO POINTS and Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angles, San Francisco and Salt Lake City. ,One Change to New York and Boston, ~ The way to travel is to atart right Sasta Fe Routs offers the best possible accommodations to nearly every par of the world. For Information coneerning : m iaiirosd and steamship travsl, adiress, J. P. HALL, (Jeneral Agent, Pasa., Dept.. 1700 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo, B T J. K. DOUGHTY. | ATTORNEY-AT -LAW Office in Land Ofice Building, Lamar. Cdlorado. T P T ey . . CARRIES THE LARGEST SFOCK IN EASTERN COLORADO OF Hardware, Harness, Stoves and Ranges; MeCormick Mowers, étc, Furiitare, Undettaking Goods, ‘ *e 4 Pumps and Pipe. | Rock BottomijPrices Tof Cash. : ————————————— ‘CALL AND SEE MY STOUK, AT NAMAR, COLORADO) HOME NEWS. A Nlerry | Chrish .“»I:'3 Ard Happy ; New Yoar.! o you all. ‘ 8. N. Caufield went to Lamar on| Monday to attend the tux sale. 8. W, Perkios bas azain takencharge of the restaurint on Santa b street. | Bottomley, the photographer, will be ; in Holly on December 24, 25 and 26th, Be sure to see Geo Hollis belore buy- l ing XIOBB presents, | Jimmy Simpeon has returned from | Animas to spend Christmas a!l home, 3 J. M. Jobnston returned on Tuvsdnyl : trom Kingman, Kans«s, where Le at-| tended the funeral of his gister. | % Try a sack of George Hollis’ bt-sli tfluun I | Willie Witfles—*Whut do you thizk | {of Santa Claue?" ‘ | Tommy ! Taddells—‘“He's a warm | | number. Push him along.” } } The man who can nottfind a suimhlel | Christmas present for his zirl among) | the elezant displays to be found Hm: ;lluily stores, is to fastidious for the west, ' { E. J. Baker was in Holly on Wed- | | nesday, accompanied by three gentle {men from Secott City, Kansas, who | came to look over the country with & : yiew to buying farms. | - — L | Christmas toys at Johnston's; [@olls,” dishes, books, foot balls, deums. magic lanterns, blocks, ete. The Holly people are invited to at- I tend a ball at Granada on New Year's | Eve, Itisto be <iven bv the Odd | Fellows of Granuda and will be held at Mace Palmer’s residence. Sapper and dance, one dollar, W. B. Padley and tamily left Tuaes day for Holly where they expect to make their future home. Mr.and Mrs, Padley have lived here for a number of years and are bighly respected. Mr. Padley has beld several positions of trust always to his credit. Mrs. Pad. ley was one of the best women In the country. She was kind and thogghtful and never eaid an vnkind word to any one. Weare sorry to luse this astima ble family but as they have decided to try a new location we wish them suc cess and may they prosper.—Greeley County Republican. George Hollis keeps on hand at all times a complete line of under taking goods. I B. P. Greenlee, who has been em ployed as chief irrigator, by the Amity Company for some time, left on Tnes day for Emporis, Kaneas, his old home, where he will spend the holidaye visit ing his relutives and old friends, Mr, Greenlee who I 8 more familiarly kuown an “Spike’ is a splendid fellow and is well liked by eyery one with whom he became acquainted in Holly, and it is hoped that he will not fall in loye with . Kaoeas but retarn to his old position again. He will be kept posted in re gard to the doings of Holly during hia absence, through the col umns’ of the CHIEFTAIN. Go to J. M. Jobnston for schoo!l supplies, tablets, slates, pencils, ink, and colored crayons. —_————— e— —of Mrs. Alice Morke. Bpectal to the Topeka Capital. Kingman, Kan., Dec. 17.=Mri. Alich Johnston:Morse died in thia city this morning. The decesased was a highly accomplished and popular young lady @ graduate of the Kingman fii(h ichoo'l and the Emporia Normal co&len. SHe was married to Mr. Irving H, Morse; & former resident of Emporia, bit now of Bt. Patrick Parish, La., last March. A son was born to them on the 3rd of this month and still lives. Her death has cast a gloom oyer the community. In March & re-tnion of the Johnaten family was held here. In August the head of the tamily, J. J. Johnston, died suddenly of heart diséase. Mrs, Morse was & sister of J. M. Johnaton of this place and W. J. John ston of Lamar, —_————— e— — “sny old person’’ what period of their youthful days they remember with the greatest pleasure and they will invariably say Christodas. The littie ones dresm of Sants Ulsus for weeks before his visit, and ita a mighty tnean person who will allow them to be disappointed. How well do we re member the time when a little tin horse, Jack-in-the-bok, or a new pocket knife would give us more pleasure than Leiter gets out of his wmillion dollar wheat deals. No matter how severe the crop failure had been, or how many bhoge had died with the cholers, old Sants Claus catne as regular #s clock work and was always generons hearted. On account of hard tites the old gen tleman sotietimes had to hatl & losd of cord wood to town to get the where withal, but Christmas muroing the ‘atockings were filled just the same and all the kids were as happy as kings. How Wwe loved the mysterious old fellow on Christmas! We take 1t that the'children of today are uhl,hly de- Jighted by old Santa as of former years and it cortainly is the d'ut;-: every pareht to see that their children haYe 8 good time, retneraberink 9&& “Christmas cozses but once a vear. fiig 55 T ee e Take yonr watch, clock or feWel- Ty to Applegate st Lamar for ¥rit 'blit repurthg. | Go to John:ton’s for clothine. | Patrovnize the Cniesiarx advertisers. | See Geo Hollis for Xiuac goods, Baby im:;.-,, doll carriages, rocking horses, ' tricycles, and handsome rogs, i | Arihur Conley is working on the sec-| | tion, ! { | | Miss Ivy Millinger was 2 caller at xue’ CurrrarN office Thursday. | | W. A. JoLpson cams down from| | Tribune yesterday and relurned today. ‘ Mr. Norris and son Jimmy left Eyculelday for Sterling, their old home. | Mrs. E. J. Baker went to Logen 'county, Kansas, Thursday to yisit her folks during the holidays, Parties wanting to purchase build |ings of any descriptiou ebound address ' A. L. Jouxsox, Tribune, Kansas. @i McPherson has just re- Iu:nvcd a large stock of ladies’ dress |L;()Uda and shoes. Prices low as the Howest. J. B, Harden returped from Tribune yesterday., We imagine we see & more l:v'msum look on the girls’ fuces since {Jim returned--and alone. ! John Schmidt who lives in Kansas | Boutheast of Holiv drove io last night ;v..m a toad of fine turkeve, He bad no ditficalty 1o disposing of thew, l Cbarley Gores, who is saperintending !u cattieranch in the panhandle, arriv led in Holly yesterday and will spend I the holitays with the old folks. | Seott Shobe has the Jumber on the grouvd and the foundation laid for & 12x24 addition to his residence. Wnen completed Mr. Shobe will bave a roomy ' and comfortable cottage. We understaud quite a Jarge acreage of flux willbe planted by the farmers ander the Awmity caunal the coming yedar.enough haying been grown this season to demonstrate 1ts profitable nese, the yield being from 12 to 15 bushels per acre.........Prowers county, Colorado, 18 to haye a melon growers’ association organized on the sape plun as thut of Otere county. There i big mouey in welons, and the soil of the Arkansas valley is specially adapted to their growth both in Colorado and Kansas. The one thing necessary to success 18 that a sofficient acreage should be planted to produce the fruit in sufficient quantities to make ghip wments in carload lots. The market is timitlesg.—~Syracuse Journal. e VAL RS . - e A nice line of jewelry at Johnston’s, just the thing for Christ mas presents, watci chains, cuff but tons, breast pins, stick pios, solid gzold and hkighest grade plated rings. The most diabolical thing of the cen tury is the attempt of certain Hitra Igoud people in New York to destroy Santa Cisus. They are evident!y in spired by tlie devil. They say Santa Ciatia is & pagan myth, Thisis a lie. He is the best saint in the calsndar. He keeps our bearts yonug and tendet. He fiils the minde of the youdg with innocent delight. The tnonotony of life is broxen by two great days; Ubrist ,mu aud the Fourth of July, How would we ever drag our weary bedies through a year deyoid of those two ‘great days? Ao what wottld Christ mas be without Sants, that fime old long bearded frlend of the children; with his reindeer and sleigh full of ioye aod Chiistmas goods? We kiow Banta Claus lives, and we believe in him and know be is coming ot Christmas BEve. And we know little children who talk up in the sky eétvery day to bim What they want. And they ask aftef him every day. And that man who does not bélieve in Sunta Claus hds & dry hard old stone for a hear t,—Ex. —— A Melon Assbciation Organized at Lama¥, The Denver Republican of Wednes day giyes the following accoutit of the organization of & melon growers’ asso ciation at Lamur: Lamar, Colo., Dec. 21.—Thé furmers {of this vicinity held s meeting in | Lamar today for the purpose of organ~ izing a meion association. There was a large attendance of our most euter | prising farmers, and all showed a | deterwination to take bold snd make |8 succesa of the movement. W. R, Gibson, of the Rocky Eord Melon | Aseociation, was present and guye the | farmers some valuable pointers with regard to the rsising and shipping of the melons, and of the edvantages of | cwrrying on the business through an | association, The expericuce of the | Rocky Ford furwers this yeur haviug .| been yery satisfactory and the wet | Proceeds from theindustry much larger | than could huve been obtained through y | individual effurte, .| The meeting voted Mnanimously to ,| Orewnize the Lamar Melon Growers' ) | association, aud a list was opened fur | subscriptions to the stock sod ouver r | thirty farmers have alrexdy signed and )| many more wiil be wecured belore the | election of otticsrs, which takes place | | the latter part of next week. Several | hundred acres of melons have becn , | guaranteed by the members of the - |organization and. the Lumar Melon | Growers’ association will take rank as -| one of the leuding amd strongest farm. | ers’ organizations in the vallev, Thli || Iarge association of the sawe Hml.i | which was recently organized by the | | farmers of Holly and Gransda makes | two for Prowers county, and tley will | 4dd a luzge sum yesriy to the income 1 of otr farmers. : —_————e—— { “Aftor hearing some friends ‘continukl |1y praisiog Chamberisin’s Colic, Chol ; gn and Diarrhoea g::mm Cartis ) fo - chased & Houtts ofur” oy e amry Fose and is now &n enthusiastic over its woaderful wo ."u#ono ‘csn be. Tgo d 50 ceut sfved for Wale ¥ 'C. %. o A ¥ e P e R e ! Nz {;-.!‘édf} | Lzu._.r\g"]%f)‘\.”_ | I X % pid anls Clau | 2 i 51 feppesr e i $ehoot Holse io-mo: ‘ = : 1 row nights %r cat al ] e lileffolk: - nice ! v e resenisiiies i i ' Be eure you see thoee handsome rugs’ st George Hollis’ betore buying a Christm ae presont. Go to Johnstops for overcoats gloyes, mittene and arctics. Agent Horst will gell tickets at one fare for the ronad (np to all points in Colorado and to points within 200 miles | distant in Kansas, Dates of gale December 23, 24, 25, 81, and January 1, limited toretarn January 4th. Governer Leedy, of K 1nsae, announ ces that he will pregent a scheme to the Nebraska irrigation conyeation, which, if carried out, will cause the arid plaius to blossom as the rose. A 1,700 mile canal from Montana to Texas is the startling proposition to be for mally made by Governor Leedy to the coming irrigation congress. The pur pose of the canal would be to divertthe flood of water of the Missouri and Migesissippi valleys, impound thew and let them down when wanted. The canal would tap the Missouri riyer |u'. Milk river, in Montana, and empty into Red river in Texas. The governer maintaing incidentally that the cost would be only $36,000,000. *I did not want to keep you wailing-‘ Mr, Westend, 80 I eame down just as I was,”” said Miss Darlingion, eweetly, | a8 she entered the parlor. “Ob, what a whopper!” exclaimed her smalt brother. “You kvow you only had on’’~— And then Tommy was violently hustied ont of the room.—Harlem Life. —_—— —— — How t0 Prevent Pneumonia. At this time of the year a eold is very essily contracted, and if It to run its course without the aid of eome reliable coagh medicine is liable to result in that dresd disease, pneomonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a cosgh or cold then Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively and 1t has always given entire satisfaction.—Oolagh, Ind. Ter. Chief. This the only remedy that is known L0 be a certaln preventive of pneumo nia. Among the Wany thoueands who haye used it for colds and la grippe we have never vet leatned of a single case | baviog resuited in paeumonia. Persons | who have weak I Or have reason to |fear an attack of gueumonis, should | Reep the remedy athand, The 25 and 80 cent sises for sale by C. L. McPher | son. i — . —— | Don’t be persuadedinto buying lini | ments without reputstion or merit— | Chamvertuin’s Pain Balm costs no | more, and its merits have been proven by a test of many years. Buch letters '| as the following from L. G. Bagley, '| Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being i tecelvedi *‘The best remedy for pain 1 have ever ured is Chsmberlain’s Pain ' Balm, and I say so after baving used it '|in my family for u:rnl years.” It '| cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains | and swellings. Fo" sale by C. L. | McPhsrson. | ; S———— | | SANTA FE ROUTE—Californla Limited. y| The California Limited now runs | twice a week between Chicago aba Los Angeles, via Sants ¥e Route. The third annual season l’r this magoifi | cent train, o | Equipment of superb vestibuled Full | msn palace sleeper‘ buffet-smoking | car, and through dinimg car mnn-uedi | by Mr. Fred Harvey, Most lnxnriou-i service via any line, 'and the fastest | time. ¥ ‘ ,| Apother express lrd_n. carrying pal .| ate and tourist sieepers, leaves DpaiLy , | for Culifornia. 5 | .| Injuire of H. P. Homst, Local Agent ,{A. T. &8. F. Ry, A | m ) ’ sw o ety S it BSF S e S S e—" ; $2.765. L ] ) ; Will pay for ““Plaa Farm , and Field’ , ¢ Andthe CrIIEETAIN DPage 1 S— , THE FARM AND FIELD i ' | 48 the best farm journul in the west. em | bracing The Colorado Farmer, The Live Stock Journal, The Live Stock Record | The Range Journsl and The Colorado '| Fruit Grower. in one ; @RAND COMBINATION: l published weekly §n | Denyer, Colorado. Regular snbecription. ) | price $2.00 per year. We will send vou, | | thie paper and the CHIEFTAIN | {ONE YFAR for TWO DOLLARS and y . SBEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. ' | Youf cannot afford to do without either. » e—— INOTICE OF CONTEST. ' (First published November 36, 1897, ] '| U. 8. LAND OFFICE, LAMAR, COLORADO | Ootober 29, 1807, || Compidint having been entered at this omce | by Michael Garrity, Hamilton om. Kansas, against the heirs of Alexander Have for ¥ban ‘dontig Ms Homestead Entry No. 3502, ¥ated Pueblo, Oolorado, October 37, 1886 Bpon tise 5, of thie N. &. Section 17, township 28 8., Range §1 West, in Prowers county, Colerade, With & | view to the caucellation of said entvy, the sad parties are hereby summoned Yo appear &t this | office on the 31st day ‘of December, 1397 at 9 | ©'clock a. m,, torespordand furnish testimony |éoneeruing saia sloged sbundoasment. 4 K mmsM% i SANTA FE ROUTE, : BEST LIRE | ‘ EAST Doable daily train service ; to Chicago, Kavsas City | and all parts of Kangas, | WEST Two days to Califoruia. 1 One night out to Phoenix. | Quickest time (o Portland, l SOUTH Two days to Galveston, } ' Orne night out to El Paso. l ; 56 hours to Mexico City. I | Through Pallman palace sleepers jand free chiair cars in each direction.! | Daily tourist cars to California. All | trains are up to date and fast. Dmlngl :cuu and eating houses managed by " Fred Harvey. ‘ W.J.Brack, G. P.A.,, J.P.Hanr, Topeka, Kansas. General Agent, 1700 Lawrence St., Denver. e e ’ “Keep In the Middls of vhe Roaq, ‘ THE FIGHT IS NOW ON. | e e e | S | (R 0 F Your *, N O gl | flr =~ Rocky _A fl‘?’ " Mountain i i 7 News.” "({ b Cartoon with P~ ; _ every isrue. ....WITH... 3 GREENBACKS THE MONEY OF THE PEOPLE. The Rosky Monotain Mewe, (A MFTROPOLITAN DAILY.) 1s the oldest and most widely known newspa per printed in Colorado. It adopts, regardless of cost, every facility offered to keep abreast of the times. 1t pays especlal attention to the unparalleled resources ofits own and adjeining states and territories. Its mining stock reports are full and accurate. Whoever reads The News will be kept in touck with all national. state and home reforms, and fully posted onthe development of therich goid and silver mines of Imperial Colorado. Subscribe—or send 5 cents for a sample copy Daily (with Sunday), $7.50 per year., three months $1,9, per menth 65c. Weekly $l,OO per year. Address NEWS PRINTING CO., Denver, Colo. ——————————————————————————— 100 ENMELQEPES 100 | With your name, address and ‘ Return printed neatly thereon | for fifty cents. COHIEFTAIN, HOLLY, COLO. T R T I A DR. R. D. WILSON. PHYSICIAN axp SURGEON, HoLvy. CoLORADO. e S — C. 1.. MecPhkersem NOTARY ¢ PUBLIC, HOLLY, -~ - -~ CoLO cOo TO FRANK MILBURN'’S FOR WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Mali Orders Premptly Fliled. Granada, - Colorado. ie e— — KNOWLEN, BUILDER. GRANADA, COLORADO. *—\ JOHNNY SIMPSON, A DRAYMAN. 1 | Goods Promptly Delivered to Any{ | Part of the City. | et N ot e SN ——————————— e 1!;.-. Sai-Rioum had fceema. 1 intense ftching ndmrfinahd-{ Mth“% layed Bl Bt M oF n t. Many very cases have been permanently cured b{l“' It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite W nlpflu. chnmma. , frost bites and c sore eyes. 30 ets. per box. —————— Dr, Cady’s Powders, are Just what a m when in bad condition. Toalo, Nw and vermifuge. 'lhuu food but medicine and the fn use to put a horse in prime condithon. PE& a5 cents per package. For sale at McPherson’s. e ey ——‘————-———--o_.v passaßaAna ? {8 iCAN o~ e JQithg you_inverm or tuiphove; a0 £ts | G TR SUOK ON PATENTS S tsce "o 0. A. SNOW & oO.{ Patent Lawyern. WASHINGTON, D.C -> ; ) — FORJORY WESOMNURs b ¥0.3 '}": Nl oghingten, D. C. 1 thotr LI Ahßab Slch . B. B. BROWN, President. A. N. PARRISH, Viee Pres, W. C. GOULD, Cashier. | e | n T BT : ; > FIRSTS NATIONAL § BANK = raNdn Bt G e 0L 4 | $ ; Capital Stock, - - - $50,000. Surplus, - - . - = 4,000, DIRECTORS. i B. B. BROWN, A. X. PARRISH, W. 6. GOULD, : " M. D. THATCHER, T. M. BROWN. e——— e— i ‘FURNITURE STORE. MRS. BELLE HOLLIS, PROPRIETRESS. e ] i * " 4 Bedroom Sets, Chairs, Sofas, Rockers, any a . 3 thing you want in the - - Furniture Line. UNDERTAKER AND PRACTICAL EMBALMER. : HOLLY, COLORADO. —_—_— e (. L. McPherson ¥ . o Lo y N ' DEALER IN GENERAL. MERCHANDISE ! PRESCRIPTIONS CARE-~ nflfi ¢ spamlwv FULLY COMPOUNDED DAY OR NIGHT. % GEO. A. WATSON, Real Estate and Collection Agent. water that cannot be surpassed. 4 Practice in Justice Courts and the U, §. Land Office, CollectionsaSpecialty. 2 LAMAR, COLORADO. Bl | (A e 5 ThesEastsNidesLiverysStablese | P g ; Does a Genel Livery and Feed Business. | ) RIGS FURNISHED, RATES REASONABIE. : ‘ —o JAMES BAIRD, Proprietor -o-— 28 HOLLY, - - - - - . . . OOLORADO lan m:_—___“—._ >[HEs HOLLY s HOUSE = eeeeeese.Board and Lodging by......... ey ‘ * DAY + OR + WEEK » _ ! Ascommefations - First - cluys. ) s it Nirs, Kate Milinger, Prop. ; | VENTENE. OFf SOEEE AT e | NIGHT TRAINS. i S HOLLY, COLO. "__“————————————_—————-——.__fi.________—————-—.__?_:::. fa J. L. WOOD'& soN.. * DEALERS ¢ IN ] Lumber, Laths, Bhingles, Doors and Window Sash. :il “i ——OCOMPLETE STOCK.— v HOLLY, - - - . - ... COLORADO ' s et AT o SILVER STATE HOUSE, W E Vincent, Prep. L. Honse Refitted lhmghut. Pt e1n1.......“ ‘:“.,_‘ (,:' i savrn AocOmevedations. Large Sample Roows for Commercial Moo, | . GH o EEEEE T