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THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN VOLUME XII. A MIND READER. Basket ball at the usual place next Saturday night. Holly's team will be the victims.—l Lamar Register, Feb. 3. The way it was done carries out the Register man’s prophecy. Is he a second-sight man—or sim ply an accomplice? STRUCK OIL AND SALT. C. H. McVay, the Milesian oil king, has recently organized the Breckenridge Basin Oil company, with a capital stock of $25,000, some of the most prominent men in Otero county being interested in the project. The ol field is lo cated in northwest Otero county, about twenty miles north and west of Ordway. Mr. McVay says the conditions there are the same as at Boulder and Florence, the proposed Breckenridge oil field being located on the south cdge of the same basin. In bor ing artesian wells Mr. McVay has encountered oil and salt wat er at Sugar City and gas at Ol ney, and these conditions justify iurther investigation. At the pres ent time Mr. McVay is boring an artesian well at Swink, and as soon as it is completed the outfit will be moved to the new oil field and operations commenced at once. It will be necessary to go down 1,500 fect to-reach the oil bearing sand. Among the capi talists interested in the project are J. N. Beaty, H. I. Dye, H. A. Dawlev. D. E. Lantz, C. H. ‘le- Vav, A. B. Wallis, C. L. Randall, . E. Gauger, S. W. Sinsheimer. J. P. Bradish and M. E. Bradish. —La Junta Tribunc. ie A e " Dr. Kalmet ¢ Sapero, the: Den ver specialist, ~will again be im Holly on Monday. Feb. 22nd. at the Holly hotel. Consultation and examination for glasses free. Call early. Handsome $5 Valentine Pt e given to the sehool wirl re eciving the greater number of val entines bought at the Holly Phar macy. F. D, Baird & Co. TOTAL PRECIPITATION. Colonel Wiley of Holly wrote to The Sparks man recently in quiring if it was not a fact that the year 1908 was the worst on record from the standpoint of dry weather. In looking up the records of the local weather sta tion to ascertain the facts in the case some information was gain ed that wil undoubtedly interest the general reader. In the first place the total precipitation for the year at LLamar amounted to 18.14 inches, which was nearly two and one-half inches above the normal. The precipitation was very unevenly distributed. During the first six months of Igoß there was a deficiency of 5.50 inches in the total rainfall, while during the last six months of the year there was a total ex cess of 5.29 inches. Five months showed an excess and seven months had a deficiency. From January Ist until July Ist only 4.87 inches of precipitation fell. while from July Ist until the end of the year the total was 13.27 inches, or nearly three times as much. Conditions could not have been much worse from a crop crowing standpoint, — Lamar Sparks. A Well Cooked Meal Appeals to ns all and The Star Restaurnnt serves them daily Voleen & Bogue are experienced chefs, and know how to please you. Loeation; next to Lozar's pool hall. ?? PROWERS COUNTY ?? PRINTING? The commissioners were in session this week and allowed the usual monthly bilis. No action was taken in the matter of ap pointments, as Chairman Rey nolds is still absent .in Texas. The bold-overs are very well sat isfiedl with the condition of af fairs.—Sparks. ° Isn’t it about time that bids should be askeg for relative to the county printing—or will the offices outside of Lamar continue to be hoodwinked—t> the detri ment of the taxpayer—who is anxious to at least catch a flying glimpse of the county's funds?? 572.000 TO_PUT LID ON Wenatche: CGity Council Gives That Amount Annually (o Keep the Saloons Out W. W. Gill. the grocer. who has just returned from s visit to his son in Wenatchee, Washing ton, telln some very intereating tales regirding this phenomenally rich froit counsey, and how the fruit-crowera beenme incensed over the influence the eleven saloons had on their hired help. To b ein: The eleven saloons in Wenatehoe paid < 10,000 vesrly for their licenses. until the froit-grow ers, alarmed at the untit condition 1 of their men, united und offered the council $2 per nere on 36,000 1 acres.-.amounting to »72.000.._per year for a period of 10 years if 152} iWMQMfm This offer was immediately c ocepted, and Wenatchee (now a thriving city of 7000 souls) has funds galore for its . public im provements, and the efficiency of the workers has incressed one | thousand percent. Young Willard Gill, who wu? formerly n Holiy resident, has o ten acre fruit-farin which bids fair ; toyield him a fortune in n very | few vears. He writes that Apple ‘ King Mike Horan received re eently » check for 225,000 for a carload of faney apples. Lincoln's Birthday Friday evening, Feb. 12th, at the Preshyterian church, the Rev. Guy W. Wadsworth, D. D. of Pu. eblo will speak. .on *“Lincoln the Man of the Hour” and the Rev.W. P. Davenport of Rocky Ford, on *the Redemption of America”.” A large chorus choir will furnish special music. It is expected that this observance of Lincoln day in Holly will be generally attended by the people of the community. Attention Farmers! Farmers bring your cream to The Cash Meat Market and re ceive more than you et for your butter, besides saving the labor of making butter.. Keceiving dnys \Vednesdays and Satardays. Continental Creamery (‘o., W.R.Wright, Agent. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME. This paper is boosting for Hol- Iv becanse its success depends npon Holly's growth and pros peritv. It may be a personal motive but it i 3 a far-sighted one. Every family that moves into own helps us and it helps you, Holly Ice Plaut | Water delivered by the barrel | Phone Black 92, HOLLY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1909. MEN AND THINGS IN GENERAL ‘ Epilosie of the Week's Doings in _iHolly und Vicinity The Jgenial countenance of Druggist I. D. Baird is now be bl the counter of the Holly | Plasmgey, and is heart and soul in his f,‘ifor!;. A farewell dance was given 1o the family of Dave Muvers last Monday night at Granada. For ty-two couples were presecat, and a very enjoyahle evening was spent. #Mr. Myers has been a resident of this section for eight vears past, and his departure will be keerly felt by his legion of iriends. z Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Moore, who are gencral favorites in the southern district, have returned from Enid, Okla.. where they were cilled in response to a tele gram stating that their son-in law, Rebert Courter, was danger ously n!. He is now gradually convalescing, and Mr. and Mrs. ‘'oore ‘are jubilant in conse quence. i “Doe? [kelman went to Den vor et Saturday on business. Merle MeCreery was the um pire at the basket-ball fiasco last 1 week at Lamar, where the Holls hoys “got theirs.” Next! ! Mrs.*Sherman. wife of Dr. E. M. Shepman, was a [.amar visitor last ;;“‘&??d% s .. TSRS Canfield is slowly gain: iing strongth, and Lind ' friends are constantly in usttendance, and everything possible iz being doue that acumen of womun and the skill of physiciang cun suggest) Miss Dorphy Bragg, « tried and i true fricid of the Canfield cara vansary, is in constant attendance. 1; It is now against the rules of | the pop-u-lar peanut genius in the { postoffice to put your mail on the | show case—if you don’t buy any- Ithing. What sort of sure-thing game is it that keeps the Holly ’ postoffice gagged to its present location? A party of young folks consist ing of Misses Opul and Blanche Roe, May Check and Mr. Fred Chevk climbed to the top of the new water tower, last Monday. viewing the sights of a city from un eminence. Prof. H. Cooter, wife and fam ly of New York are here stopping at the Van Wey hotel, and may locate either here or at Lamar. Mr. Cooter is & professor of languages. whose arduous duties in the East ern colleges has undermined his health, and the balmy breezes of { the Valley, seem especially pleas ! ing to him. Let us get you up some sta l tionery that will be a credit to your business—not a detrinrent. The price will be practically the same, and you’ll have something you'll be proud of. The Holly Chieftain Printery. Nice clean four-roomed house, only $8 per month. - Also improved forty for rent, close to sugar fac tory. See Holly Investment & Loan Co. lam always in the market for fat cattle and hogs. Call, tele phone or write i Thomas Harmon, Holly, For Rent Fat Cattle Mrs. C. H. Thatcher entertained the Bridge Whist club last Friday. Those present were: Mesdames James Wilkin,S. E. Lewis. John Schlager, John Duncan, Kate Millinger, W. (i. Boyd and C. H. Thatcher. Mrs, John Duncan won the prize. Little Barton White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard White, is grad ually recovering from o siege of Huess: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Porter re cently took a ten day spin in their touring car, and bad a delightful trip. For that feeling of “‘broke” con sult us before selling out. We can alleviate that teeling. Holly Investment & Loan Co. W. W. Willis of the Postal Tel egraph has branched out into the cleaning and pressing business. See his advt. in another coluum. S.T. F. Fowler, state muanager of the National (Benevolent Soci ety, is here organizing a lodge of the same name. Mr Fowler says he has been very successful throughout the” Valley, and hopes to install a good lodge here. The Cuppy sale last Saturday brought a large number of farm ers to town, and the prices as a whole were very good. Mr. Cup py would not bid on a single ar ticle declaring he would prefer to -give them away rather than bid. Col. J. F. Given of Topeka, ac companied by his son, J. G. of Granada, paid this office a pleas ant call last Saturday. The Col onel is a highly interesting gen tleman, and it is safe to say that the redoubtable J. G. comes by his eloquence honestly. The genisl countenunce of Grocer William Gill is again be. hind the counter. having returned from a visit to his son at Wenat chee. Washington, Although hemmed in by floods en route, Mr. Gill enjoyed the trip hugely and may return at no distant date, His son, W. W., wishes to be re. membered to all who may ask for him, and to tell them that he is enjoving life iv no small degree For Rent We have a few farms of from 40 to 60 acres for rent. Beet, small grain and alfalfa land. Good im i,v;:evemsnts. Call at the American t Sugar Co. Factory, Lamar, or S. E. Browne, Farm Sup’t. Manvel Farm, Granada, Colo. Fancy Stationery. The kind you have always wanted, printed handsomely, 1n an up-to-date manner, suggestive of individuality. We can supply you with the.printed product at about the same price you pay for the raw material. The Chieftain Printery, ‘Manufacturing Station ers. Oilf Octopus Pays Fine. The Waters-Pierce Oil com pany thinks it has a great joke on the state of Texas. The ol concern which is a subsidiary trust, was recently fined $1,600, 000 and ousted from the state of Texas, and much to the ocncern’s surprise state court decision was upheld by the United States su preme court. It now declarcs that it will pay its fine in silve dollars. That will require about 50 tons of the white metal, and oi course it will somewhat discom mode the state treasury to take care of the stuff. NUMBER ! SAID OF HOLLY. Holly is putting in city w: works and saloon licenses h been raised to $3,000 a year, : one of the two saloons is going quit, but our informant did . know whether it was because city water or sticking up the! cense. Don’t you think the p( ple of Holly will kow-tow to t man who drops nearly ten sily dollars each work-day morni on the tin roof of the city tre: uryl And Syracuse will he while Jones, he pays the freigl —Syracuse Journal. The mayor of Holly, J. S. M Murtry, is now financially in condition to swim on the cre: wave of society in his town an command the greatest respe« from his subjects. He sold hi home in Denver the other day fc $36,000. Mrs. W. R. Pratt returned las Tuesday from an extended trip t Kansas City. Judge McGlashen held an inter esting session of court, last Tues day. Two Greeks with unpro nounceable names charged with as sault on one of their companione were fined $lO and costs, but were later released and the fine remitted upon their promise to be better men in the future. Fred Lambert the tailor, who dissapeared bhetween two days in company with several suits of clothes and an overcost which is sadly missed these cold days. was seen in Pueblo last Sunday. It is presuined that he made a success ful get-a-way to the Coast., Let us get you up some sta tionery that will be a credit to your business—not a detriment. The price will be practically the same, and you’ll have something yvou'll be proud of. The Holly Chieftain Printery. Look out for the Scarlett sale on Friday, Feb. 12, at 10 a. m., on the Scarlett Ranch, 5 miles north and 2 miles west of Holly. The 20 horses consist of good big work stock. also several head of milch cows and hogs Johnny Robinson, the pop-u-lar pranut man, may soon erect an ion lailing on his counters in the postuitice to prevent those who dc nor buy anything from using the counter to sort their mail up on. Hurrah for Jeff’'son Greeley an« Horace Davis. Dr. K. C. Sapero The Denver eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, will again be at Holly one duy, Monday Feb. 22. The annual convention for the Arkansas Valley Dist. of the Knights of Pythias, will be held at Las Animas, on Friday, Feb. 19. A large delegation will go from this section. The Mystery of Figures People who believe in the mysterious properties of figures will be interested in the declara tion of a New York business man that this will be a prosperous year for the country because it contains the figure 9, which has always proved a good omen in the history of the country. Hec cites the business revival of 1839 following the panic af 1837, the discovery of gold in California in 1949, the opening ‘of the Colorado mines in 1859, the revival of bus iness in 1869, the boom period oi 1880-93, and lastly, the boom which set in in 1899, following the Spanish war. From this it looks as if history would repeat itself in 190 g.