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V l.l'M* I. Spivey & Holmes Bros., DKAI.KItS IN I | ; Lumber, Hardware i ' : I Agricultural Omplciuciito. llhgoiio. Ar. AMO DRA^. Groceries, . ! - !' f 1 i Provisions, £ F’eodL, <£e,c. C. M. lORKISON. M*najr r. &AMAB, * - CCIOBJUMJ. BENT COUNTY REGISTER. LAMAR, COLORADO, SATURDAY, JUl.v LAMAR. 1 I'Ve make the following clippin fiim a f*ix-coluinn articli on Lame 1 in \ he Coolidgo Border Ruffian; I \amar is a mouth old, and is tnoi ' tli*. twice as large as it was • we%kK ago. Its growth has been ur i prcledented-outside of . mining d * triol and lias fairly rivalled some ■ ’ . the hining booms of the niouniu ' : regiti in the flush days of 1879 ai ,; * 1880. There are fully one hundr*' in the place, besides large Nun her under contract thi will 1* Commenced as soon as t luinbet tan be procured. The bail * ings are >f a substantial character and maii\ of them display architec tural taate\ Among those spec ah; worthy of mention we uotic* tit following: A large two-story h’Otalj erected bj Col. Hewes, at a co>' f $5,000. Ibis is already oc< j » d ami the tab*e is as good as can i* found in any hotel in western i. i sax. A two-story block built 1 y I. W. Decker, the lower story of w . i h he occupies with a l uge stock, till the upper will be divided into oflie s for the accomodation of profe*-ionJ men. Spivey Jc Holun** Bros at* the owners of a mammoth hick ] which is filled from top to butt Ji with a stock of general mere hand is; 1 and a bank which is provided will a burgular proof vault, Yale tine lock and improved safe. This fiiti it* doing an immense business ad are too busy to sleep between mc.'s or eat between sleeps. F M. llussll | is the proprietor of a* ug-» two-atoy J hotel which has a patron:, gc lika caiu|>*meetiug and makes a cow lok! like a spectre of departed hope a u I single meal. F. \V . Burger is »• I owner of a two story building wh 1| • is being used as a boarding hoi where happiness aind hash are »! happily intermingled that «tiant is deluded into the encouraging that he has struck the shining >1 Capt. John J. Munger has just • pleted a block of buildings on north side, big enough a w h- • lot of business, ”*'d vnl be partial to ' nearly completed <»« .1 of til* Bishop and Colt ff *u *• ’ - «- j two story buildu p, !* \ - • o >i | is used as a bili**rd r®* 1 ’* m upper story >•* n r*. . lor o.<_ * residence Fra V . • * .eri5 Bent county, has r. ci -d i liverv, an. **- ic St-'mle an-! » rorrill big eti«• . to se a i Miss &. 1 *m> are proprietors *• »-»*■ voch Kitchen and are « oing idid business. Dnnlar* Jt Co. * Vf» v fine building north of .epoi -a b»r ii they Will occupy in w . - •. ' -se a e only a f> w •f t 1 •• * - -* buildings tha*. are com f ■ 1,1. v .il give some idea of .shat the .«n j*. doing. It is rife u> predict -.hat it will have one thou sjin inhabitants within sixty days from tlie present time. Real out ite has mere t.ian doubled wiihin the last two weeks and th<>« who made p ire bases at the start could sell to day and have handsome margins. The senate has p**>ed Sent.tor Tellers bill crediting the state of Colorado with the accounts now charged against her for arms and ordinance stores issued t« the terri tory of Colorado, aggregating $:<?•, 891, for 590 Spencer rifles, r u0 Spen cer carbines and 50,000 cartridges, issued to the governor in 1880, to be ’i«ed against h x’iie Indians.—[Las : Animas Leade W > have rec ived t' e first num ber < f the Bent Cou ity Rkoistku, the l ew paper j st st rted at Lamar. It i~ neat 5-c< iuian weekly, well filled with ehoic ■ local matter, and everything it d cat *s that it wi*' grow and profr jer. Success to you, I’ro. Davis.— Las Animas Leader. Eight con;p nies of the Ninth !n f mtry have b en ordered from Fort Russell, Wyoming, to Arizona to assist Genera! Miles in his war "n the Apaches. T. tmar, Colorado, will be the p in cipal shipping point for range K ef attie along the lme of the Sant: Fe railroad.—[Dodge City Globe live 8tock Journal. N*>!»le Prenties’ writing for the At* I* 1 , on Ch.i mpion on the climatic * ban; t*a in Kansas in reality em brace* eastern Colorado. In speak mg of the past he says: W* 'twisted that Kansas was not <1 thy country; we whooped and j crow •’ over every shower that fell; i ***»» i ally showers in spring and j siimin got to be an established ' thin . vitd somebody started a post • ‘the* it in a far western country, ib»th 'as <iry as a powder horn, ■'a id i led it “Kain Belt.” We did {not ' li/e, however, that a climatic j clang > does not saw off in six \ months, but continues on through out tli; year. More min in spring J and fumnier means more snow in winter, and more snow means more j eold, more blizzard, more freeze, more wintry and arctic. With this change of winter cli ' mate there cannot fail to he other changes. Volumes have been writ ten to show that man is what his climate makes him The reasoning is that the climate regulates or di*- | jes exertion. In a cold cli mate hut not too cold, man must j “ru»tle” for his food and clothes. Tlw accession of the new kind of white- will, then, increase rather i than diminish energy. That old lie i about cattle keeping fat while run ning at large all winter, will he told i and believed tio more, and the Kan sas man will build barns and sheds ! for his stock. With the approach of a temperature that would freeze .'the toetli ..ff a hav rakr, the Kansas farmer will cease to leav«* his agri cultural implements out all winter; , he will also‘‘hank” his house, erect ‘ storm doers and put in double win dows. and in summer weather pre pa ■ for frost. T veteran soldiers tin* Are of nr till' -y, whether of exploding shrap nel or rattling canister, had no such terrors as the fusillade of a steady i line of infantry. There is scarce! v in old soldier who saw much battle ; ' •rvi’c who has not been hit more | ; g l 1 < frequently, without being * 1, with canister, shrapnel 1 ‘ n!' >r splinters of shell. Hut how i' proportion were -truck bv m»t . balls and not seriously hurt ! ■ ho lew troops though apulled . j:. iding *1<> vti as they. - went on i mgh mo>*- .g against i driving rsiu, -. iil.i advance in t. <e of a c:'M onade, if they weie ropcrly • -n !.f.iande*l; but a severe n i-ketry. i . \ the very best of soldier< *-oul«l endure without some sort < * shelter !— [T. F. Galwey. W I*. Davis, of Dodge City, who for years past ha** been connected with < ifferent journals of the Arksn | sns Valley, will -tart a new paperat : the new town of Lamar, Colorado, in a sl.ort time. Mr. Davis is m | experienced newspaper man and a : good paper may be expected of bin. — (Kinsley Mercury. Thanks for your com pi i inch Here we are and to-day makes thj' third issue of our paper. STATE FAIRS IN 1886. Chicago Fut stock show >/v. s-l« I Inter state. ICnn»nt» Cltj i. M lowa. lies Moines s/pt. ’ •>' IIIIdoIh, at riilcago St pi. .» ( iM'lißiia, at lii > 11:« 11 ii |>r•ll >. Sept. 27 < > 1 hun*.a*4 City Kilt Stock Show Oct..’ Nehraaka. at Lincoln Sept. Omaha Kxpositlon, at Onmlm • Sept.c | St. - < let. ; , Weaterft National “Itleniurk” it Lawn-' Sept. WltruiiAla, at Milwaukee Sept. -2e The nt* w ton'll of Ctrl ton is t i latest pager town tiny has sprur into exisrance in Colorado. It probabl/ too close t> the soliil su staritial town of L/inar to atnou'*: to much until ;Tt Ifhst the country is more thicklv Allied.—[Cooli<Ve 'Border Huflian. ~ A brutal lumbar shot a Tir l l« girl who entered Me room he was rob bin? at Coal Creek one day last week. Tin* citizens of the place de their intentions <>f lynching him if In is captured. The child was not dangerously hurt. -4- The patent side of a newspaper is i not read by one man in a thousand j who tnk « such papers, the day Iran ! gone b» tor the patent news. N UMHKI 3 Or. V. C. Vaughan in • •xami natiou of a specimen of the ice cream which recently poisoned a number of persona at New ton, Mich , haw made the important discovery that tyrotoxicon, the motive element in poisonous cheese, which he dis covered some time since, was also present in the ice cream, and was the cause of the sickness. This proves that tyrotoxicon is due to the decomposition of milk, and may be developed in any milk which is kept in an impure atmosphere or unclean vessels. The germ seems to multi ply very rapidly, and a small amount of tainted milk will poison the whole. Dr. Vaughan** theory is that tyrotoxicon has much to do with cholera infantum, the symptoms of which are similar to the symptoms of cheese poisoning. We understand that a- survey is being made for a branch of the Bob Greek ditch, which will be taken out of the main ditch, whe built, at, a point three or four miles north of the mouth of the Api&hapi, k • ping pretty close to the rive, for ten miles, then diverging north •■itk tow ard Sand creek and when due north of La Junta, is about seven miles from the Arkansas river. Tl'b* w ' open one of the finest sections ..f farming land in Colohg* It i* probable that every desii'-'dc claim on the route lie itoken in a few weeks—[La Junta Tribune. The above named ditch w?!l open up a farming country tributary to Lamar, The newspaper fraternity ulate themselves over the new postal law recently put in force by the post-office department* It tujakesthe taking of a newspaper, and retiming ' pay lor the same, theft, fni-T : i<\- person guilty of sinh action is ;j DI.• to criminal proceedings the same if he had stolen to ’lie amount. "f the subscription. Jlereafwr it will not be considered a very shrew.l scheme to take a m-wspaj ,o . fr.un the postoffice for a yepr an thv n form the editor tluir : had m ( i hoen ordered.—[La- Vegas Op'i The Bent County Re J: ih i. reach. 'us this week, th wpv we - cceiv t being the i oue, ued :.t til. lICW tn» n .. ■■ .... ere ! lg w> will I ivc U> Mr. A. K. Davis "tipi - .he j - , ■-r f editc. Mr. Dun- htsalw » - tool in tl front rat k ol Kti animalist', and is a .'real addith * 1 [\ the Colorado press Tl • H - tkr shews marked ability and will become a power in cistern Colo. ado. —[Garden City Daily Sentinel. 11. M. Beverly &. Op. rejiort the following through i.erds passing 'Frail City, Colorado, to Juno 20$ j Herds. Owners. Xi-‘ :i Continental cattle Company I Curtis Si Atkinson ------ V : i 1 llltson .V Cranener - - - - • - 1 Matador Cattle Coinjmay - - - ft 1 Lee, Scott Cattle Company • -,4? « lteynold* Pros P-f* . 1 standard (little Com)>any - • | l John Perry -- . •v. 1 Continental Company. horse* [-—Dodge City Live St nal. The editor of the Des , pl'hlislic.i •:* Salt Lake; is ■ iw i.g f ' t:r wives, and b uioi- Alta offers to j .f ii" will divulge to the T • ' the s. re of In vv i‘ support f..ur \\ li es upongv. V of one ii" vs -apei. Lovei.ii 1, Co! >r. o, Ju.i 20 FI is vicinity w - vi.- od by :»• >tl ' #<*- ’ei e i :iil to n -t i dHj-i t" Noon. ; The hail i t..w . was mere e'• i 111 lit . t t St"l in <_ 1 •» '»> 'The mod dai aue "ns d«. n '• ’p h i ;thjl u- ext. i ding to I ' < d ins md Win.lso Mu < ‘ ,w aims which lay ii tie tP'< k . Su lav’.- tor* i wire re-visi • i , -'Str ' day and »e f: tners are ■- «' dis \V • . ere inform* i»v C ' hi it this w. k th 1 e> "* i Pucldo Land fii b I orJ hit doubled within tie n< r shows what I*l mar * ‘H 0 i i C r tl" Ruffian. i ; Gi 'en. tl e 'enver ni|nder» •ae > nid gti hp -c