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Volume XVIII I DISCOUNT ! j I * m * 1 # We will discount any price I m. made in the city from 10 to £ & 26 per cent. We can and W £ will do it, because we own | #; our goods that much cheap- j j 2s, 1 1 K er. We buy direct by case < t £ < > #; lots from first hands, and j \ £ St «V for spot cash, thereby get- < j £ ting all there is in it. j \ £ < > ft. Watch this next week j t r for prices. We are the lead- \ \ £ s t «S ers in our line. s t £ ■ • $ Yours for Business, | | PRICE-DRAPER CL8THIN6 COMPANY, 1 AND MCI>T^<WTm-T^».^p[ I WE ARE HEADQUARTERS j ft i] For Seeds, Implements, 'J V j S’ Harness, Hardware, Tinware, y' » S' Plumbing and *6 | • — ‘J IMPLEMENT DEPARTMENT. Oiir line for 1898—a car load of Implements— * John Deere and McCormick Machinery. * J SEED DEPARTMENT. A complete and select line of onr celebrated g * ' Garden and Field Seeds to arrive February 15. * * 9 * Early Seeds are now in. £ f HARNESS DEPARTMENT 0 ' Is always complete. We cut only the highest * C y * • grade oak tan leather, and carry a full line of * M A, Machine and Hand-made Harness at all times < J A, Repair work promptly and neatly done. < J t] HARDWARE SPECIALS, | X, We are sole agents for Lisk’s Celebrated Pat- Jn XL ent Anti-Rust Tinware/ We guarantee and Jg f warrant every piece purchased of us against rust, 6 | * Have yon seen onr new line ofDstft ware! We % 9* invite yon to step in and get priced No trouble W St to show goods. Earnestly yours, 4P § BOMGARDNER & O’NEIL f « MUST IHTtlUL losom men. Stow DBUJM. S LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. TOIUtNIB BVBRV WIQHaaDAY AND SATURDAY LA JUNTA, OTBRO COUNTY, COLORADO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1898. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. Joys lor Jewelry. Trade at the Palace drug store. G. H. Winchell and ttife spent last Sunday in Rocky For i. T. R. Hoffmire left j Saturday moruing for Denver on lCgal busi ness. * Editor Wilson, oi the News, came down from Manxanola yes terday. For Sale.—A span o( heavy work horses. Inquire of G. S. Thompson. Nelson Rhodes,Jr., went to Trin idad last Saturday to visit friends for a few days. For Rent—A nicely ‘furnished room for two with board. Inquire of G. D. Phillips. Mrs. R. E. Chaffer will open a dressmaking school in Roicky Ford in the near future. W. J. Overstreet, a representa tive of the Topeka Paper House, was in town last Monday. Highest cash price paid for (at cattle, calves, poultry and produce at the Columbia Meat Market. Joseph G. Davis, of prdway, was last Saturday granted an in crease in pension from f 6 to SB. Frank Van Gundy, editor of the Rocky Ford Times-Republican, was a county seat visitor yesterday. Mrs. Mary J. Anderson, superin tendent of schools, came down from Rocky Ford yesterday morn ing. Bud Eggleston returned last Monday morning from a two weeks’ trip extending as far east as Chi cago. G. M. Hall, of Rocky F,ofd, was in the county seat latt 3*t«mlay and attended the commissioners’ meeting. Farm tor Rent—Two and one half miles from town on the north side ditch. Inquire of G. S. Thompson. Mrs. Maud Kolloch, of La Junta, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McVay, on Sunday.— Las Animas Leader. Mrs. J. B. O’Neil recently pur chased through Buckey & Hart, lots S 3 and 24, block 51, corner lots located on Carson avenue. We have added to our stock the celebrated “Perfect" baking pow der and will sell it reasonably. Ask us about it.—G. B. Round & Co. D. R. and J. M. McCune left on No. 2 Monday for Belle Plaine, lowa, having received a telegram announcing the serious illness of their father. Special sale on guns at E. G. Hawkin’* until February 17th. Prices extremely low. Guns sold on installments—lo per cent down and 10 percent per month. Thomas Conyers and wife, ac companied by Thomas Wood and wife, drove over to Rocky Ford last Monday and were the guests of Guy Wood while in the melon metropolis. It is learned that a young La Junta man, now married and in Indianapolis, has fallen, through an heirship, to 200 pounds. This mayruin the airship as well as the Animas Democrat.. ‘ For R*nt —My old “Hillside Dairy Farm’’ at La Junta, Colo. Good place for cattle, 40 acres in alfalfa; good impfovementa with plenty of outside range. Canning factory and creamery in operation on.the place. Inquire of L. C. Gillen, La Junta, Colo. The. La Junta Tribune predicts great things for the Arkansas Val ley metropolis the coming year in the way of building and a general development of the fruit aad agri cultural country surroundings -La Jonta is certainly one of tbs moist eaterprising.and foremost towns in Colorado to-day, with no Superior as to future prospects!—Colorado City Chronicle. Buckey & Hart have plenty of money to loan on good farms. J. H. Lance, of Rocky Ford, was the guest of Fred A. Sabin last Sunday. G. H. Taylor came down from Rocky Ford last Sunday for a visit of a few days. Why not own your own home and save rent? Look at the list offered by Buckey & Hart. Andy Waddington, of Fowler, was in town last Monday and made the Tribune office a pleasant call. I • Dr. Frank Finney was called to, Rocky Ford last Monday to act in j consultation with Dr. Kirby in a delicate operation. Miss Stella Gillespie, of Walsen-! burg, who has been visiting rela- j tives and friends in this city for j several weeks, returned home yes- \ terday morning. Use the pure high grade baking j powder named “Perfect” for all 1 cooking. Any flour will make good , bread and no indigestion if you use the “Perfect" baking powder.—G. B. Round & Co. W. H. King, of La Junta, who has been in town for several days on business, received a telegram Monday calling him to Oklahoma ' on account of the sickness of his daughter.—Las Animas Democrat. Lee Ellis, manager of Bergerman Bros.’ local store, returned last Monday evening from a two weeks' sojourn in 3f. Louis and New Or leans. He reports having had a very pleasant trip in viewing a vast expanse of territory. R. G. Emmert left on No. 5 yes terday morning for Denver, which he will make his headquarters in the future. Mr. Emmert made many friends during his short stay in this city, who will always extend him the glad hand whenever his business calls him down this way. E. |. Lewis, who successfully passed a legal examination at Pueblo several months ago, re ceived a license from the supreme court of this state last Saturday and is now a full fledged lawyer. His professional card appears in our business directory of this issue. E. S. Corbin, O. S., R. D., eye specialist and refractionist of Den ver, Colo., instructor in the Colo rado Optical College, statistician and examiner of school children, will be at Park House parlors Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Spectacles (l and up. Con sultation and examination of the eye free of charge. At a meeting of the Otero Canal Co., held last Saturday, a special assessment of 12j4 cents per acre was made for <he needed work to be done. H. H. Norton, J. L. Burke and H. Savage were elected a committee to collect and expend said assessment. One half is due j and payable at once, the second | half at the call of the committee. Charles Ellis, the young man | who left here some weeks ago on ! horseback, looking for work.strand led at Syracuse, Kan., and his mother sent him money to come home on yesterday.—Otero County Democrat. The young man above mentioned is still in Syracuse act | ing as head chamber-maid in the ! P. P. Thomas livery barn.—Syra jcuse Republican. Bomgardner & O’Neil, our en i terprising hardware merchants, have contracted for space in the Tribune, and each week during the present year will have some thing of interest to say to our readers. They are in receipt of the finest and largest invoice of farm machinery ever laid down in La Junta, and expect to receive a very large order of garden and field seeds about February 15th. NEW GOODS RECEIVED! i: 5 /a *V 4 \ I JTA / 'V a ■» TL yVVV\' \ G ./V**. aV 4 \ i >&>aVV* \ (\W, / I \ V' ATVS' / NXV*' / "**—C. F. KENDALL. Diamonds—Fisher & Larsen. L. W. Walters, of Ordway, was a La Junta visitor last Monday. For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher’s, postofficc news stand. James Foley left for Lamar on No. 2 last Monday for a few days’ visit on business. Highest market price, in cash, paid for fat cattle, hogs, calves and chickens.—Melvin Bros. J. A. Bittell, representing R. P. Smith & Ch's. popular shoe house of Chicago, was a La Junta visitor last Monday^ The Fidelity Building and Loan Association appears to be quite popular among the lady school teachers of this city, as q is re ported that seven of them have re cently acquired stock in that cor poration. E. S. Emmert, organizer of the United Moderns, left on the special last Monday afternoon for Denver, and will probably make that city his headquarters in the future. Mr. Emmert has made many friends during his short stay in this city, who wish him unbounded prosperity in whatever field his duties may call him. The Woman’s Club of La Junta held its regular meeting Friday afternoon at the residence of Mrs.. Dr. Timmerman. A paper on "American Historians and Bio graphers,” by Mrs. Skinner gave interesting sketches of the most eminent historians and biographers. Mrs. McCune reviewed the life of Lincoln s| written by various his torians. Mrs. Leib took up the work of Justin Wineor and John Fiske. A general discussion on biography and autobiography by the club followed. The cltkb. de cided to give -a musical end cake walk on February 17, the funds of which wilt be the club’s oontribu tion to the general food tor enter Number 01. taining the general Federation ne June. G. A. Kilgore sold a 5-acre tra in the Tree Forty addition th week to Mr. Kraft. Ben Bergerman, who has be« in charge of the local store durii he absence of the resident mal ager, Lee Ellis, returned to Puebi yesterday morning. | Buckey & Hart sold lots 15 ad 16, block 53, one day this week, I Mrs. Anna E. Lee. The lots an located on San Juan avenue, net; W. O. Skinner’s new residence. | Free Pills. —Send your addrei to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago and get a free sample box of D King’s New Life Pills. A tri will convince you of their merit These pills are easy in action ar are particularly effective in the cui of Constipation and Sick Heac ache. For Malaria and Livi troubles they have been proved it valuable. They are guaranteed 1 be perfectly free from every de etrious substance and to be pure, vegetable. They do not weak* by their action, but by giving, tot to the stomach and bowels great invigorate the system. Regul: size 25c. per box. Sold by Joy Pharmacy. Awarded j Highest Hooors—World’s M Oold Medal, Midwinter Mr. j DU ?®3S ■in k