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Volume XVIII GRAND SPECIAL SHOE SALE FOR THE LADIES! From now until the time that we move into our new shoe room we will make a special sale on Ladies’ Shoes. Below we quote you prices on twenty-five styles. Pick out your style from the list and come in and get a bargain in footwear. Regular Sale Price. Price. No. j. Ladies’ Dongola, Button, Patent Leather Tip >1.25 t .75 No. 2. Ladies' Dongola Button, Welt, Pat. Leather Tip. 1.00 No. 3. Ladies' Dongola, Welt. Op. Pat. Tip 1.50 1.00 No. 4. Ladies’Glove Grain, Button 1.25 t.oo No. 5. Ladies' Bright Gram, Button 1.25 1.00 No. 6. Ladies’ Kangaroo Calf, Button 1.50 1.25 No. 7. Ladies’ Bright Grain, Lace 1.25 1.00 No. 8. Ladies' Fine Dongola, Button, Patent Tip 2.00 1.50 No. 9. Ladies’ Fine Kid, Button, Pointed Toe 2.00 1.50 No. 10. Ladies' Dongola, Lace, Patent Tip 2.00 1.50 No. it. Dongola, Button, Plain Toe, Turned 2.50 2.00 No. 12. Ladies' Dongola, Patent Tip, Turned 2.50 2.00 No. 13. Ladies' Fine Dongola, Pat. Tip. Square Welt... 3.50 2.50 No. 14. Ladies' Fine Dongola, Button, Plain Toe 3.73 2.75 No. 15. Ladies' Fine Kid, Patent Foxed 35° 2.50 No. 16. Ladies' Dongola, Butt. Pat. Tip, Trnd, Sq. Toe. 3.50 2.30 No. 17. Ladies’ Fine Kid, Butt. Pat. Tip, Hand Turned. 3.50 2.50 No. 18. Ladies' Fine Kid, Butt. Pat. Sq. Tip, Sewed.... 4.00 3.50 No. 19. Ladies' Fine Button, Pat. Tip, Hand Turned— 4-5° 3.50 No. 20. Ladies' Kid, Cloth Top, Button, Hand Sewed 400 2.75 No. 21. Ladies' Kid, Button, Pat. Op. Tip, Hand Sewed. 3.00 a.OO No. 22. Ladies’ Fine Kid, Butt. Pat. Op. Tip, Hnd Trnd. 4.50 3.25 No. 23. Ladies' Cloth Top, Lace, Pat. Tip, Hand Welt. 3.00 3.00 No. 24. Ladies’ Fine Kid, Butt. Hand Welt, Pat. Tip 5.00 3.25 No. 25. Ladies' French Kid, Button, Pat. Tip, Welt.... 5.00 3.25 PRICE-DRAPER CLOTHING CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEN’S OUTFITTERS That Wave of | Golden Grains. A regular breaker, that rolled $ over the Arkansas Valley, land- ( K ing her people high and dry. tg |We Made It f With our choice assortment of »|5 2* Carden and Field Seeds, pro duced by careful, conscientious ’ growers who know how, and do *| * grow seeds at the closest cost. | j; Well Do It Again, f J p uC q We have unloaded our second E fear of John Deere and McCor mick machinery. Our line of J| 5* harvesting implements will be 4C unexcelled and we bring the largest line ever brought to S? Southern Colorado. I BOMGAKDNER i O'ltEIL £ Cl mbv MttttL MDorn nUL iqmii kaldk, ® y* .JUfc.v *.• ■.* • • fwpf ’ LA JUNTA TRIBUTE. PURLISHBD IVMY WEONCSDAY AND SATURDAY LA JUNTA, OTBRO COUNTY. COLORADO. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2. 1898. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. Joys for Jewelry. Trade at the Palace drug store. C. R. Buckey was a Las Animas visitor last Saturday. New goods being received daily by Fisher & Larsen, Jewelers. T. W. Hawkins, of the depart ment store, spent Sundav visiting his family in Rocky Ford. For Rent—Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. In quire of Mrs. Dr. Phillips Highest cash price paid for fat cattle, calves, poultry and produce at the Columbia Meat Market. Chas. D. Ford, of the United States land office at Denver, passed \ through this city last Saturday morning on his way to Lamar. La Junta is rustling a subscrip tion list to enable her to have sev eral square feet of her melons labelled, “From La Junta, Colo.,” at Omaha. A laudable undertak ing.—Pueblo Mail. S. R. Mendelson, the inaugura tor of low prices, returned Monday night from Chicago, where he pur chased a fine stock of spring and summer goods, and about which he will inform our readers through the columns of the Tribune later on. Lieutenant-Governor Jared L. Brush, of Greeley, Colo., was a La Junta visitor last Saturday. He is on a tour of inspection of the varied industries of the Arkansas valley and was much impressed with the improvements made here abouts. A handsome hand-painted silk Sunday school banner, hub barn purchased by the Presbyterian Sunday school, which is to be awarded every two weeks to the class showing the best average per cent of attendance and the fewest cases of tardiness. Mr. A. C. Morris recently arrived in this city from Howard county, Missouri, and will become a pei manent resident of our city. He is a builder and contractor by oc cupation, and is already engaged in erecting for himself a neat frame cottage on lower Carson avenue. We received a visit this week j from George Herndon, a typo, who was blown out of business by an | Oklahoma cyclone last spring. He ' had been working at La Junta for! several months, but the balmy weather of the valley served to make him homesick, and he is now wandering back to the land of cy clones and blizzards. —Lamar Reg ister. C. F. Kendall returned last Mon day night from Chicago, where he has been for the past ten days pur chasing an extensive stock of spring and summer goods. Dur ing Mr. Kendall's absence the store | has been repapered, painted and a number of other improvements made. He expects to make this' season a record breaker in the dry I goods line. The February edition of the li rigation Era contains an extended , write-up of La Junta and the sur- j rounding country, and is well ! illustrated with numeroua views of j our public buildings, industries, orchards, etc. It will have an ex tended circulation in the east and ' doubtless will cause many letters ; of inquiry to be written to our citi zens for further information. Geo. R. Buckey, manager of the Otero canal, was in our vicinity the first of the week. While here he 1 made dur office a pleasant call, j Mr. Buckey states that the canal 1 company has filed upon a reservoir ; site for the Otero and will began constructing a dam in the'spring, which when completed.'tyll form one of the largest rese|»oiira in the Stai*. He things after the completion of the reservoir the Otero ditch will be abto to supply water the entire year.—Manzanola News. * Buckey & Hart have plenty of money to loan on good farms. G. H. Taylor, of Rocky Ford, was a Sunday visitor in La Junta. James Hoffmire.of Cripple Creek was a La Junta visitor Saturday and Sunday. Lewis Swink and wife, of Rocky Ford, were county seat visitors last Monday. Frank Wisdom and wife left on No. 5 Monday morning for Denver, where they will reside. Why not own your own home and save rent? Look at the list offered hy Buckey & Hart. In the prohate court last Mon day a notice of final settlement was filed in the estate of Isaac B. Pitkin. At the opera house on Friday evening. March 18th, the ladies of the M. E. church will give a music al and literary entertainment. Lost —An open face silver watch, Hampden works; has a bird dog cm bossed in gold on the hack. Rea-* sonable reward.—G. D. Phillips. Rev. Dr. Coltman and wife left last Monday for Holyoke, Colo. Rev. Coltman will hold special services in that town during the present week. Ed. Rickard, of Rocky Ford, was a county seat visitor last Saturday. Ed. says that he has more business than he can attend to in the paint ing line at Rocky Ford. Ed. Carey, of La Junta, pur chased a fine tract of land from R. O. McClain the first of the week, and is engaged at present in build ing a dwelling house.—Manzanola News. A.C. Kennedy, the rustling agent for the Jamieson House Furnishing Company, was in our vicinity sev eral days this week looking after the interests of the company. A. C. is an all-round jolly good democrat and makes friends wherever he goes.- Manzanola News. Martin Hi Dice, the brakeman who was knifed by a colored hobo two weeks ago, arrived Saturday from Las Vegas, where he has j been in the hospital since the cut jting affair. He identified George j Brookes, now in the county jail, as his assailant and swore to a com ! plaint charging him with assault to murder. The preliminary ex amination comes up before Justice Burns at 3 o'clock Thursday after noon. The Woman's Club met last Fri day afternoon with Mrs. Leslie Jones. After current events by the members, a discussion of the question, "Has the Introduction of Machinery Bn n a Beni fit to the ! Laboring Classes?" was opened by | Mrs. Blakesley for the affirmative, land Mrs. Jamieson for the nega tive. The leaders were each well prepared with telling points and statistics, and were ably assisted on | both sides. The time came for roll call before the discussion was concluded and each participant de , parted feeling that her point of | view was the right one. | A Raymond & Whitcomb excur , sion train passed through town last Saturday morning. The tourists were from Boston and on their : way to visit the bean eaters of New Mexico and California, for whom j they have a fellow feeling. We failed to observe a single young person in the entire party, and 1 most of them appeared to ‘have ; reached the allotted three score 1 and ten period. A majority of j them enjoyed a promenade on the 1 depot platform, and we heard sev eral expressions of disappointment lover the fact that there were no | Indians or cowboys in sight—noth ing but plain, ordinaiy, law abiding Otero county natives. | QU R | I | I j # We have the reputation of being t $ the highest priced store in town, J fIS but, people will add when telling * & you of it, J I a You Carry Better Goods” ; IThat is just the reputation we ■ want. Poor qualities are dear at ] any price. We shall make it our aim during the coming season to carry none but first-class goods, snd sell them at a close margin. Our Mr. Kendall is now in the eastern markets buying, and buying none but reliable goods. No job lots—no cheap trash will be on our shelves this season. When you want good, reliable goods come to us. If you want the other kind we don’t carry ’em. ' —C. F. KENDALL. Diamonds—Fisher & Larsen. Fine writing paper, 5 cents a quire, at J. H. Read's. Riley Higbee, of Higbee, was a visitor in this city yesterday. H. M. Fosdick, of Fowler, was in town yesterday on business. For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher’s, postoffice news stand. G. E. McCauley, of the Las Ani mas Democrat, was a La Junta visitor last Sunday. A notice of final settlement of , the estate of Lucy M. Loring was! filed in the probate court last Mon- I day. , Mrs. L. N. Hendricks and Mrs. ! E. J. Smith, of Rocky Ford, were the guests of Mrs. G. H. Winchell ' last Saturday. J. L. Ford left yesterday for , Jerome, Ariz., where he has se cured a position with the United Verdi Copper Company. John Simcoe who has been working for the Santa Fe at La Junta for the past few months, ' threw up his situation and came back to Garden City this week.— Imprint. Mrs. Elizabeth Warner, wife of D. H. Warner, of this city, died last Sunday, after a short illness, : from pneumonia, aged 26 years. I The family came from Kansas to ' Colorado a few weeks ago, hoping ’ I that the change might be benefi 1! cial to Mrs. Warner's health, but i on the trip she contracted a severe ’ [ cold which developed into pneu- II monia and resulted in her death. !! Mrs. Warner was a native of : Douglas county, Kam, where she f was born July 1, 1871. She*was * married to her now bereaved hus - band December 23, 1888, and t united with the Methcdist Epis > copal church in January, 1893. - The funeral took plue yesterday [ morning at to o’clock at the resi deuce of J. W. Warner, the serv Number 97. ices being conducted by Rev. | B. Collins, and the interment I curring at Riverview cemetery.I Oscar Rosendahl and family ; on No. 6, Monday* night, for Tcf ka where they will reside in future. A. W. Shelton, M. Badger A. C. Comer left last Satin' afternoon for Kansas City, « having in charge two carload' sheep. The sheep were b through to Chicago, but if | find the market favorable in I j sas City they will unload t there. How To Loog Good:— C , looks are really more than deep, depending entirely c hcalthy condition of all the organs. If the liver be inac you have a bilious look; if stomach be disordered, you htl dyspeptic look; if your kidney | affected, you have a pinched 1 1 Secure good health and you: 1 surely have good looks. Elt Bitters is a good alterative: : tonic. Acts directly on the s • ach, liver and kidneys. Pu the blood, cures pimples, bio [ and boils and gives a good . plexion. Every bottle guaran Sold at Joy’s pharmacy. .■ 1 liUl Awarded 1 Highest Honors—WoiMl f :£ Oold Medal. Midwinter f% no _ ‘ f tfgi i t i ;