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§ WILL CONSTIPATION KILL? 8 tZ Under unusual circumstances yes, but ordinarily it is not V */ fatal, because it is not a disease. It is however, the CAUSE of ■? 47 several dangerous diseases, hence prudence, would suggest its 47 prompt removal. , ... 21 I? PRICKLY ASH X BITTERS © I I Hn approprtata and Yaluabla romodr In this dtaonlar.' It abt only reltoTaa S , and parmanan tlr cure# const ii>at ion out It ex«rc‘.B«a ruratlYa and tonlc pro- W I p«rt*MlnttMkldne/a, U*araiul stomach. Tim*|ur mniatHiff and *• lmulat- ZV In* tb* whola ariien. It Cornell the trouble, wtriu off dIMCM and k*epi the w I body atronf and bealtlijr. ZR 6 YUCS fI.MfKB BOTTLS. Frcterad hr PKKZLT AS! BITIIf CO., St. luli. X A SOLO BY ALL OMMMUBTS. X <^THE^S> ST. LUIS GLOBE DEMOCRAT ALWAYS NEWSY AND RELIABLE. ALWAYS BRIGHT AND ABLE. ALWAYS CLEAN AND GOOD. ALWAYS THE BEST & CHEAPEST. DAILY, INCLUDING SUNDAY: One Year J 6.00. Six Months $3.00. Three Months $1.50 DAILY, WITHOUT SUNDAY: . One Year 54.00. Six Months $2.00. Three Months Si.oo SUNOAY EDITION, 36 TO 60 PAGES: One Year S;.oo. Six- Months $l.OO I WEEKLY EDITION Issued in semi-weekly sections, eight jutges each Tuesday aud Friday. The liest twice-a-week paper hi America. One Year Jt.oo Six Months 50 cents FREE TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION Send your name and address on a jiostal card aud get seven consecutive issues of either the daily or weekly Globe Democrat free of chargeT Comjtare it with other ]>apera aud see for yourself how superior it is. Mention this pajier and state whether yon are inter ested in the daily or weekly issue. Address THE GLOBE PRINTING CO., St. Louis, Mo. Ditch and Bridge Work Workmanship a Specialty. Unexcelled. A. W. MILLER, Contractor : and : Builder. on*AppS«.tton. La Junta. Colorado. B B paoi Wtlllum.’ ladlu PUa j ■ I L twill cute Blind, i i Hi r v ßle«tiiiitf sod Itching ■ ■ IpHuh. I. l. bson.H the tumors. i ■■P ■ ■ *!!*»>» the itching »t on . acu f£9 ■ SBus s jkHiltie*. irlYcs i stsnt re* SS I Kef. Dr. VII fauss’ladutn PileOinC- | II ■ ment Unreptml for PTe*sod lich §l in* nf the private puns. Every box Is I warrants ». By drnvf |k tiL by mall on re ceipt of price. M eenu and lI.W. MUJIM MANUFACTURING CO.. ClevelaSOXiSa For sals at the Palace drug store. WOMEN IN DOUBT nmownu Fbr sale at the Paleee drug store • _ , ... JACOB SHANK I have just vngagedtheser vices oi a first-class shoemaker, and am now prepared,to make ' order, in any style; Ladies' and Gentlemen’s footwear. Cosy boy boots a specialty. Repair work ,bf all kinds neatly done. Gill and see me —east of court bouse, on Colorado avennei - >■ • FREE FEED CORRAL I have just opened a Ith M in connection with fifty blacksmith shop. The use of the cSrrall is afafidldMty> fide to aIL Plenty of watered covered stalls twn "war^D^^^^w^^for A Colony for Colorado. i Several hundred families are | compelled to leave Minnesota on | account of the extremely severe winters there, and have sent Mr. C. T. Lauman to investigate this state. He will spend a month here looking the state over thor oughly. From his latest reports probably the Arkansas valley will be selected as the most promising farming and stock raising portion of the state. The colony will be composed of well-to-do men with money in their pockets. Mr. Lau man is more than pleased with Colorado, having been told in Kan sas City that potatoes and fruits would not grow here. He was ' was greatly surprised upon hearing nti varieties of fruits find vegeta bles are grown in the Arkansas valley. It does seem strange to OOP grbobfiO been familiar With the condition d things in this section that ’ people from 5 other states sbmJd-wxpregp fiirprifio. fit < finding that we can produce in abundances etMy- frbir, vegetable and’ grain known to the temperate cone, bill *be foot that they, do show their astonishment only emphasises more clearly the need of advertising m oar resoficces.— P»Cblo, Saturday Mail. ■ ■ • Arthnr Laminore, of Rocky Fordj ■wr ! '-.0./.'-i. W’. i „ . . . - ■ COUNTY AND VALLEY. Tin New Weaned With fan and Sets ears From Our Valley Exchange. Holly is about to indulge in a full-fledged brass band. About March Ist 1,200 head of cattle will be shipped Irom Fowler to Kansas, over the A., T. & S. F. The residents of Las Animas county have organized and formu lated plans lor a big wolf ami coyote hunt. Wetzel, the St. Louis cantaloupe man, says it will take 1,000 cars of cantaloupes to supply the eastern demand this year. Antelope are reported to he plentiful in Prowers county, twen ty-one having been counted hy one individual in a trip of eighteen miles. W. Frank Crowley arrived last week with his family and house hold goods, and has taken up his residence on his new farm.—Holly Chieftain. A correspondent of the Times- Repuhlican savs that everything looks favorable for the construction of a branch line of the Missouri Pacific to Rocky Ford. The ex-Missourians of Otero county held a big reunion at Rocky Ford on Washington's birthday. About 200 people were present and a grand old time was enjoyed. Farmers Institute will be held at Las Animas on March nth and 12th, and among the features will be addresses by President Ellis and Professorb Carpenter and Cooke of the state agricultural col lege. William Saunders, of Pueblo, who has been for some time past foreman for J. D. McDonald on his ranch near Fowler, was accidently killed by falling from a wagon in Pueblo one day last week.—Fowler Tribune. The Otero County Mining and Prospecting Co. is the name of a home corporation in which a large number of our citizens arc inter ested. It owns a large body of rich placer ground in Routt county. —Rocky Ford Enterprise: Three new branches of business will be opened up in Fowler March Ist, which will be welcomed by our people. Mr. Bulkley will pur in a fine stock of millinery, G. M. Mil ler a meat market and E. B. Grable a harness and shoe shop.—Fowler Tribune. joe Lawless and George Merrill, of the Lamar Sparks and Register, respectively, say that all their type could not express their enthusiastic patriotism, but they shudder to think of the condition of the resi dents, should they leave their pa pers and fail to ,bring forth the news each week. Jacob Wilson, who spent the winter at Dripping Springs ranch, fifty miles south of Rocky Ford, says that coal was lound there which burned fairly. As it was only the exposed coal that was used, a much better article would doubtless be found deeper Rocky Ford Enterprise. As an evidence of the great profit derived from the bee business here, A. F. Dunton, one mile south of Fowler, started in the spring of ’97 with one stand, for which he paid gj;during the summer he harvested SIOO of choice honey, besides hav ing an increase of three good, healthy stands.—Fowler Tribune. Two men bought on the same day 1,000 sheep in New Mexico and shipped them to their feeding grounds. One bunch went to the Arkansas valley and the other to Nebraska. By agreement they were both to ship at the same time tfue to the bargain tbe geotle men met in the Kansas City market the same day. The valley man re ceived $5.35 for bis sheep, while the Nebraska fellow was glad to get if Ho. The lambs which were fed in the Arkansas valley On alfalfa weighed at the Kansas City stock yards an average of ifigfijiiy-five pounds, and the ones fed ip Nebras ka, *Y«rfge of fifty Rounds. Qn summing up the of, the fwo flocks it is found <£at the mmAm #teite«a|pina «fign netted these owner* the sum °l >3.937. while those wliitli were led in Nebraska on prairie hay brought (2,695, or * difference o ( *‘i34 2 - —Rocky Ford Tiines-Re publican. Marauding thieves touched the Alialla Land and Cattle Company last week lor two horses and two saddles, the latter being valued at (jo each. The report was made last Satur day of one ot the largest cattle deals made in Colorado lor many years. It is said Beaty Brothers, .ot Manzanola, have sold their en tire stock of cattle, numbering about 20,000 head. These cattle ate ranging on property along the various creeks and rivers in South eastern Colorado. The amount of money involved in the-deal is said to be (500,000. The purchasers ot the cattle are said to be St. Louis men. Communication could nut be had with Beaty Brothers to verify the story of the sale, but it is nevertheless thought to be true. (100 Reward (100 The readers ot this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sci ence has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure is taken internail), acting directly on the blood and mucous surlaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in its work. The proprietors have so much laith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it tails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Fills are the best. Involuntary Manslaughter. The trial ot William Smith, charged with the murder of Will iam Nichols, took place at Colo rado Springs last week and on Sat urday afternoon was given to the jury. After deliberating twelve hours over the evidence, the jury returned a verdict of guilty of in voluntary manslaughter. The con clusion was reached Sunday morn ing at 3:30 o'clock, when Judge Lunt came down to receive the verdict. This verdict means a maximum penalty of twelvemonths' imprisonment, and a minimum of thirty days. The prisoner will be forced to remain in jail until sen tenced by the court. To Attorney J. K. Dixon'sefforts probably more than to any other cause, is due the light punishment which Smith will receive. Mr. Dixon is one of the best criminal lawyers in the state and he is a veritable power before a jury. His conduct of the case thoroughly demonstrated his ability. Although the jurors refuse to tell how the balloting was conducted and how the vote stood, yet it has been learned that the first ballot stood nine for murder in the first degree, two murder in the second degree and one for acquittal. Suc ceeding ballots showed a material change, but finally several of the jurors voted for involuntarily man slaughter. One man would not convict of murder under any cir cumstances, and finally after dis cussing the evidence and worrying over the case until 3:30 a. m., the involuntary manslaughter verdict was reached. The next meeting of the Otero. County Horticultural Society prom ises to be one of the most import ant in the history of the associa tion. It will be held to-day at the Fairview orchards near Rocky Ford. • On the morring of Feb. ao, '95, I was sick with rheumatism and lay in bed until May atst, when I got a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved me almost entirely from pain and the second afforded com plete relief. Ifa a short time I sms able to be ep and about again.—'Ai T. Moreaux, Loverhe, Mlnn. For sale at the frftce drug stork From Colorado to the great Lakes via Lincoln and Omaha. Less than 1,100 miles in about 35 hours. Electric lighted, steam heated sleeping cars from Denver through to Chicago, via the Rock Island Route and the Chicago Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway, every night in the week. Denver City Office, 801 Seventeenth Street. J. E. Preston, Commercial Agent. Consumption Positively Cured. Mr. R. B. tireeve, merchant, of Chilliowie, Va., certifies that he had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical, treatment could procure, tried all cough rem edies he could hear 01, but got no relief; spent many nights sit ting up in a chair; was induo d to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured by the use of-two bottles. For past three years lias been attending to business and says Dr. King’s New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guai antet-d for coughs, colds and con sumption. It don't fail. Trial bot tles Iree at Joy's pharmacy. H.G. BOURNE, Real Estate Loans, Insurance. NOTARY PUBLIC. For Sale—l6o acres, under Cat lin ditch; will sub-divide or sell al together at a bargain. For Salk—Two lots and 4 room house (Mi Katon Ave.- Nice place; cheap. For Salk or Trade —Two de sirable residence lots in Pueblo lor sale cheap, or will trade for La Junta property. For Sale—l2o acres good land on 1 impels creek, under Calliu ditch, at $5 pel* acre; good terms For Sale— One ol the most de sirable brick residences ill La Junta; nice lawn, shade and all best improvements; lor .sale very cheap and on good terms. For Sal»— Several highly culti vated ranches, mar La Junta, un der the La Junta and Lamar canal; these ail on very best terms. For Kent—Bo acres good taint land, under Kockv Ford Highline canal; on very desirable terms. For Sale— 2B acre tract, near La Junta, under La Junta and Lamar canal; here is it bargain; good place lor dairy farm. For Sale—l6o acres, under Holbrook ditch, near Swink sta tion, a big bargain in this it taken soon. For Sale —Good five room brick house, cellar, pantry, closet, water in house, stable, etc.; here is a good bargain; terms easy. , For Salk— Cheap lor cash; des ert filing relinquishment on tom acres; good house and fence; near La Junta; many other desirable properties in all parts of the county. Acre, garden and orchard tracts near La Junta on best terms. Call antj see me when looking for a home. I can show you some of the most desirable properties in the valley. H. G. BOURNE, La Junta, Colo. Roam a, Over First National Rank. W. H. PALMER, WATERLOO, lOWA., •Rand From tha Horror* of Nsrvsaa Fra* tratlon” by Or. Mil*** Norvln*. \\'w • r a a COUGH Not* not always Nnßnaßi amuaiitlOD. Mr- W. EL palmer, of vSSSkISr., vrltw: “I.u«ak« with a wwwi krlcln. ot tha brgackW iutjw. which hnhwd loth atrroot pnm tcrnUoa, Imu as week I oould sot .It op. I madCTth. aw a lu. hsMhw BOTTOMS PTOBOTOBfff ATTO»M«V. axtcu a. a a him. AUurn., and Ouum.ll.rjM tMW. CMlhf bSI-H. la Junu, vSwSSii 1; , gimoßKhHhW.- ■ ■j.J <4 AltoruDjr. lew. iuwrfdl etAtkm |M to irtixatloo .nd ptvfaafw.h.w. t»Jmna.CWhl £J. LB win. ] AUorn.y-.t Law. La Junta. Colo. juaiTcih or TMi<lF«Aok-^ JiKtimif thrfMM. Loan*. Heal fclitti (ffUc« at City Hall. La Junta. Colo. , j * W: pmjTHnT-V' "TS Justice of the Peace. Prompt uttmtja* (riven to Collection* and all Justice BuslaaM U* Junta, Coio. . g, W. PHILLIPS. M. 11. PhvHh lnn and Bnnreon. Office and real deuce, corner of Union arenuo and JCanMM street*. Lu Junta. Colo. PEWTfSTS. J JJH. I. ». BUY ANT. At home lu La Junta front the l«t to thcJOtl of cacti month. Oitlcv iu Woodruff block. LAPIIB* HAIffiPBSSSBB. JJItS. mTr. «»AHNETT. H:»s resumed her liumluc** at her hotiM l.ndlcMWH • desire to have their hair out o i-leaneii call mid see her. If your hufr I* fa I iuirout or j’oti are troubled with dandruff, ’ hnvu the best tonic known to prevent It » BANKS. fJtllK LA JUNTA STATE BANK. 3 A General IlHukiuir Bit* ness Tramuictet t'Nidial Stock. f:u.OH- Surplus. B. J Steen. I’rcMldciit; A. C Dr i|K*r. Vice Pre* dent; M. Z. Kurwell, Cn filter. ARCHITECTS. gtCANZ Archill ctK. It out •», Soiich Block. Kril tl.» a ten furnlMlieil on all chins*** of Work 1 our line, I* Jiiiiiu, Oiloradn y, ■ PRINTERS pAItKS A MAMIN. leader* in Job Prlntinir Everythin* In tl line of urilhtic print him done at thin offle Our price* when we ku..w wliai you uaut. . REAL ESTATE. g (T tol BN E : Ileal Relate, faiaua and liisnr.ince. Far amt much pmi ertlea a apeeialll.v o-r» hj omieiie. m»I cited. Office, mom j. over Fli National Hunk. gI’OKKV & HAHT. A bat aet* of Title. Be. I Eat ate. l/wtn* hi l-a ranee The only eomplete record* Otero county H onset* fo*- r»-nl lnvesiineu ' iiiaiie. Mus'uo-** and In ten-at a of non-re i.enia caiefnll> looked nfier. Answer all h u*rs of iiKjtih) . Itcfcrcme: First Natloi Bunk. Q L. SEELEY. Iteul Katate Lonlia am! Insurance Fh Her** foil! traela ami stock ranches. Pn m a i tent ion idvcii lo letters of tii<|Uiry. .lunt i. (Join. HOTELS. gT~CHA HI. Ks 111 1 IE L ~ Havluir purehasetl the Nailonal Hotels, have feopeued it under ilh- name ol the i harles to il ain pit iwrieil to mVe 1 rat cite - iiccoii.iiiodntloes to trauaietits. railroad u* and eiriilar palrona at r»* •sonabb* rnli-a *1? iioiiac lm- he u n*ll ted and refurolhb; tlimuiriimit. Give tin a trill lte-|*e tf^t. MlL**. L. t:. MOO ICE. Prop. * La .liiiifa. t'olij' -■ 1 Mott’s tavfcfbiO Ym f, m ext such as Nervous Prostration, Failing - ost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly £n ions, Youthful Errors, Mental worry, ; ressivc use of Tobacco or Op«um, wh ead to Consumption aik Insanity. $1; jet box by mail; 6 boxes f«r $5.00. MOTTS CHEMICAL CO.. Prop s. Cleveland. C For oala a• tha V-alace drug ato, f PIMsi * Has no equal in diacaacH of tbi % ( IKidncya aut Urinary Organa. I yon neglected your Kidneya? HaVj f you overworked yonr nervous ayi t j item and caused trouble with yon | .Kidneys and Bladder? Have yof l ( 'pains in Hie loins, aide, back.groin | I land bladder? Have yon a flabby ai | .pearunce of the face, especial! AL I 'under the eyes? Too frequent d# S . | sire pass urine ? William's Kidne * Fills will impart new life to the dl. I I 'eased organs, tone up the system | make a new man of you. B; I 1 . mail ftO cent* per box. y f 4. For aala at th* Palaca drug aft; j . j j : I EVERY , ■| j | tallor-itrlHl :ft>,