Newspaper Page Text
Spain’s New War Ships Tushinfl Work on Three Armored Cruisers of a Type Superior to the Vizcaya. The Spanish govrrnment Is doing *ll irlthln Its power to augment the itrength of her navy, and with that, end n view, orders have been given to push forward the three new armored crul lers, the Cardinal Clsneroa, Prince** le Auaturlas and' Cataluna. which thla :ountry is building, and which are de tcribed In the following articles, taken from that excellent weekly naval II- ; iuatrated paper. El Mundo Naval, writ ten by Lieutenant of the Navy Mario j diibio Munez: "The navy Is anxiously awaiting the j eappy csnipletlon of the three armored : ?rulst*ro which are lielng built in the ; trsrna'H of Ferrol, Carraca and Carta- j tens. The general description given in brief In a previous number, when we described to our readers the crui-i- j •rs Infanta Marta Teresa. Vizcaya and ; Oquendo, arc repeated In reference to 1 :helr sister ships in all that relates to j the generic type: but there will boa ( large number of new details which ; ltigment their lighting value In the j Cardinal Cisneros. Princes* do Actur- ! is and Cataluna. Arm a ii> fiit to B* f|r»«lrr. “Apart from the small variations of •xternal appearance, the differences to which we allude are for the main part ' introduced In the armament of the new , rrulsers. which Is to be heavier and at ; the same time more complete. “1 he characteristics of these cruisers ire the following: Length. 106 metres; breadth; 18m. Bcm.; draught. Cm. 6ctn.; llsplacement. 7,000 tons; engines, 15,- JOO horee power, and speed 20 knots. Armor: Belt, 31cm.; deck. scm.; gun i*o iltlon. 27cm.. and conning tower. 31cm. Armament; Hontorla system, 24cm.. 2; 14cm. quirk firing. 10; small calibre. 20; torpedo tubes. 8. "If our readers will take the pains to compare these official figures with those of the Infanta Maria Teresa. Vlx ;aya and Oquendo they will find In the newly built cruisers an Increase of 1,200 horse power In the engines, which MAINE BOARD OF INQUIRY. af course will give a large increase of < speed. In addition to this there Is the ; finer model which will add still fur ther speed. The armored belt which de fends the vital parts of the Cardinal Cisneros Is larger and the quality of the plates has Improved, and we main tain hopes that the sister ship In Bil bao will have even stronger resistive power. The defensive power of the whole has also Increased not a little, i for they have the exceptional advan tage of the Installation of a battery of Hera, quick firing guna. Cnmimrnl with Our Ship*. “It seems. In our opinion, well to form comparative data with other na vies as the best means of appreciating the relative value of the national forces and with that object In view we present to our readers for reference and anal ogy the three most powerful armored cruisers flying the United States flag, which serve to-day as the sword of Da mocles to our Spanish pessimists. * “The four fundamental properties of this class of ship, power defensive and offensive speed and radius of action, can he easily appreciated by the data which follows; am ? n .? g7* -JS •> 2n »-> |o !3 53 §>□ S» *3 5 5 "=S p f H n DUplacemeut. Ton*. C.7‘o 7.UJO 5.700 9X<O Mscltinerr. If. power. 10/XD X-Vuw 17jju) l».u» •: belt. In cro.. »> 31 10 "J S Peck pUilnc. cm. 74 10 I IS IS E (100 ,-J*Ul..n«. cm 3U 10 17 SS 14 < rn*i»2l U>2Bcm.. S * S • Krv« 1* to ’fivm.. Kmrn 14 to l.Vta . • • 10 - • g or 1ocm < Smaller S 3 SO SO SO IS Torpedo tab** s S I 7 S •peed la tool* 17 17 SOJ SI St lUdlua of action In uillee 3JWO 3,300 tOjWO 12jOOO fjO» Deduction From Figure*. "Direct deduction tram the preceding figure* enables 11s without any strain ing of onr conscience to call onr three national cruisers snperiorcs In absolu te over their foreign antagonists, but, nsTertheless, the eloquence of those figures should be sufficient to lnsptrs in • the pessimists and Incredulous the be oeasary peace of mind, to clone the months of those who are constantly stating that the. Spanish forces are de fective and those who to freely criti cise the naval profeaalon tn onr coun try. "Secant experiences of such import ance an that at the battle of the Tala, la the Chlao-Japaneee war, have dam anetreted the supremacy of quick Sr- Itg ertnsnsn end the former custom at trusting to anas of immense eau hre ha* gone out of date, while tmday SSSS.7S7S3S“SS that Idea In mind the new cruisers have been equipped, for the rapid firing guns sre perfectly protected by armor, and with special provlaion for s separ ate supply of shell. Brtl«r Than Old Type. “These points will mark the suprem acy of the Cardinal Cisneros, Princes* de Asturias and Cataluna over the In fanta Maria Theresa type. The rapid evolution which has taken place in na j val construction of modern times, age j In a short time the moat admired and renowned ships; the sphere of action | of the critic expands and extends log ically under such circumstances, and j daring are the arguments of those who ! seek to show that efficiency Is want ! lng." HERO OF MAINE DISASTER. Brave "Bill” Anthony, marine order i ly of the ill-fated battleship Maine, has ; a record to he proud of. Amidst the shrieks of wounded sailors and the rush of flames, with the great steel ship settling to Its grave and the dead lying | thick upon Its shattered decks, brave ' Anthony made his report to Captain Sigsbee. That report—the essence of courage | and discipline—should live In Amerl : can history. "Sir." said the gallant orderly, stand ing at salute. "I have to Inform you that the ship has been blown up and la sinking." "Bill" Anthony has carried a rifle In Uncle Sam's service since he was 17 years old. Hla father was a boss truckman In New York in the old days when Fifty-ninth street was out in the suburbs, and "Bill" was born within a stone's throw of the battery. He was a natural born soldier, six feet two inches tall, broad-shouldered, narrow hipped. slender-limbed. and stout hearted. The family moved to New Jersey Just about the time "Bill" completed a rath- er turhulen career In the public schools and one morning he vanished. "Bill" had enlisted. That happened twenty eight years ago. and from that moment Anthony has never ceased to wear the uniform. His first active service carried him to the Carollnas. where the Ku Klux were busily engaged in their deviltries. There he laid the foundation for his soldierly reputation. His commanding officer In those early daya was Major Steward, long since retired, but still living. Years later a young man drifted Into the marine corps as a volunteer, a slender, soft-handed fellow, who was the butt of the company until “Bilk” Anthony, the pride of the barrack*, called a halt. The recruit proved to be the wayward son of Anthony's old major, and the big marine watched over him like a father. Anthony saw fourteen years of sol, most of It cn the western plain* before he threw In his fortunes with the marines. He was always * marked man In the service, conspicuous for his magnificent physique, his cool courage, and perfect discipline. As a non-commisaloncd officer he filled every position known to the mil itary code, and filled them well. There was Just one blemish In brave “Bill's” character —a blemish which many be lieve alone kept him out of a commis sion. “Bill” would drink, not often to ANoram raw or tub wucbd I PBdrocnuPH. ■■■-■; -,TT excess. but Invariably fist at tks vrsaf time, when his commanding afificore— favorite though be waa-aoqld ant wink at the offense. His last army service waa at Went Point, where be figured to Ihn admira tion of cadets end everybody else as drum major. "Bill's" splendid figure and profound knowledga of aoldiary won him this appointment. Ten years ago be left tbs gray and .enlisted as a marine. It wad the old ' story over again—rapid advancements. . followed by the Inevitable setbacks, all due to unwise conviviality. Not that "Bill" ever transgressed white on duty —for a firmer disciplinarian never j wore a marine uniform. Ovar at the Brooklyn navy yard Anthony la well , known and well liked. Ho was sta tioned there for two yean, and during the greater part of that tlma. served as clerk In the recruiting office. Anthony was detailed to the Brook lyn on Its cruise Id the China aoas. Up on his return he was sent to tho Maine, DIVER ON THE WRECKED MAINE, where bis soldierly merit won him the pest of marine orderly. Wreck of Ik. Asheolot. Lieutenant Frank 8. Hotchkln. of Chicago, who served eightasa yean In the United Stales navy, and then re tired Into commercial life, anya that If the Maine had not been a warship the disaster might have been mash worse than It was. The lieutenant wss an officer on board the the fated Ashuelot when that warship was wrecked In the Chins sea. Eight men won teat—three Chinese who were looting the officers' quarters, and five "middtes” who lumped overboard, crazed by four. The Ashuelot was built for service on the Mississippi during the wsr, and fifteen years ago. Feb. 23. wss In Chinese wat ers. She was walled In by a heavy fog when at 4 o'clock In the mornlag Lieu tenant Hotchkln went to relieve the watch. He had scarcely pot foot on deck when the lookout cried: "Land on the starboard beam!" Tho next min ute the ship struck, and had it not been for the discipline the whole out fit would have gone to tho bottom. Tho lose of the ship caused an inquiry and a court-martial, and thn osgteln and the navigator were dlaelpllsad. "It ever I am la a marine d teas ter again." qnoth the lieutenant, *T desire that It shall be on a man-of-war." WhMlkM la Training. An experienced trainer asked to con dense the best information bo could give a new racing man, answered aa follows: "Eat almost everything ex cept 'green stuff.’ potatoes and turnips. Make beef, dry toast and weak tea the principle article* of food. Do not bo afraid of Ice cream and ripe fruit at your meals. Be In bed at 9 o'clock each night and up at I in the morning. Take a cool spray bath on rising. Do not use tobacco or drink any kind of li quor. For rubbing mixtures so dear to ail racing men use witch hazel mixed with a very little pepperment oil. Mix in the proportion of one pint of witch hazel to five cents' worth of oIL Do not depend so much on the mixture as on the rubbing. Hove the body well rubbed over. Kneed every muscle. End by briskly rubbing in order to bring blood to the surface nicely.—Ex change. Am Artists' Model'. CsiA Even artiste' models nowadays use the latest form of advertisement One lady In Paris leaves the following visit ing card at the house of certain famous painters: "X , model. Fine and spiritual figure. Civil ae well aa mili tary uniform* of all epochs worn with the same style of excellence:"—Das Fremdenbtett, Vienna. Man's "science” may be quite Irre concilable with man's "theology.” bat God's “Word” and God's “work" can never contradict each ether. A Total Disability Claim of $1,650 Paid to a Man Who Was Afterward Cured. “isSicTSsSs lenctb. which Bum wnu, owi»* to tb, ,u Uoll . Thaw by w.iua frirsxU ha au ad- Monitor. can of It, to ba . mlracU,. Tha fccu wan TiMd to taka IW. Williauia' Pink Pill, for > <>o, wtutba ngtr. ao nmaxk.bla that maay paopla doubled fula Paopla. Ha took them and there waa Doctor* had failed.a. had atootheßurner : tha truth of them. They .aid: "It la too n- a alifbt chaacaL The Brat thing noted wa. oua rau.cdlca | mark.bia: it .wuuot ,o..lbi r ba true; the aleidney to ml fneiyrfliij>>bowed *° t *;‘“* WUliam? K‘Sly^“u^Vu h f^SSWruSfc ifrl^srsr^ sm 2 Uor datarmiaad to Had out fnwly. naturally aai »i«oroiudy through my friaoda. .‘° ifadnibiir whether the fact* were m suited M« bodj, #**«i the helplessnan* gtvt wit their fewer. I *bsll always txffffa **" gswcttsass.s.d Watch ou the caa# for two atari after tb, huUk. c-otd&nz 0td&nz ' < ~‘ ££^^^o—o nm article appeared, end hare just now The abowe ia the substance of the first one saw. in the face of rack testimony, that published auotner article about it in which article published by the Monitor. How fol- Dr. Williams Pink Piila are not entitled to the trriginal reports art completely reri/le*l,tiit low some clipping*, taken from the same the careful consideration of any Buffering cure is permanent, and they jmbUsh a fae paper two years afterward, and there is not man. woman or child, la not the case In simile of the cheek ptren by !*« Canadian Mu- the slightest shadow of doubt, in view of truth a miracle of modern medicine? tual Life Association for $1630.00 a mount of to- this testimony, that Mr. Fetch’s care la To make the evidence complete we publish tal disability claim paid by them to Mr. Petek, permanent. Here follows the account: abowe a foe simile cat of the check received The first account stated that the patient On being again questioned. Mr. Fetch by Mr. Patch fro® the Canadian Mutual (see address below; had been a paralytic for said: “You see those hands—theskin is now Ldf a Association, being the amount due him five yean*, that there was such a total lack natural and elastic. Once they were hard for total disability. It is unnecessary to add of feeling in his limbs aud body, that n pin and without sensation. You could pierce that this Ufa insurance association did not run full length could not lie felt; that he them with a pin and 1 would notfeelit.and pay this large amount of money to Mr. could not walk or help himself -at all; for what Is true of my hands U true of thereat Fetch, except after the moat careful exam two years he was not drained: furthermore of my body. Perhaps you hare observed ination of his condition by their medical thatne was bloated was for that reason at- that I have now even ceased to use a cane, experts. They west have regarded him most unrecognizable, end could not get his and can get about my business perfectly as forerer incurable. clothes on. The paralysis wa* ao complete well. You may say fkcre is absolutely no Mr. Patch’s address is as follows, Reuben aa to affect the face and proven led him from doubt as to my cure being permanent. Indeed Petch, Griersville, OnL, Canada. “Kitty is such a happy woman.'* “Whyr* “She thinks her husband la jeal ous of every man *he knows." SPRAYING FRUIT TREES. The question of iprajlat fruit trees to pre vent the depredation* of insert pests an 1 fuagus diseases U no longer an ezpsrlmebi, but a necessity. Our readers will do well to write Wm. Stahl 616 U Sl. ijutney. 111., end get his catalogue describing twentv-one styles of Spraying Out fits and full treatise on spraying the different fruit and vegetable crop*, wnicn may he had for the asking and contalna much valuable Information. “Word* of cheer are bright Jewels along one'a pathway." “That'* all right, but lust wait until you run upon a girl who in expecting a diamond ring." •eat Tabs cce Sett and tad* Year Lite Away* To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To llne. the wonder-worker, that make* wreak men strong. All druggists. We. or 61. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. “A woman cuts magazine leaves with t hntr-pln.” “Yes: and a man cuts them with his thumb." Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5 cts. “I can't determine what to give up dur ing Lent.” “Well, Harry, I'll tell you— give up snoring." Plso'a Cure for Consumption Is the best of all cough enres.—tivrirgp W. Lots, fc'a bncher, La.. August 2tt. lKtt. “Wouldn't you be glad to know that you descended from a king?" “Not un less I could pick out the king." Macata Tear Bowels With Cas revets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Me. Me. IXC-C.C. fall, druggists refund money. ••In It true that a perfect gentleman never thinks anything he wouldn’t say?" “Of course; there are lota of perfect gen tlemen who never .ulnk at nil." POS 30 DAYS MOSS YOU OAN TRY IT POR 25 DINTS. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LA6RIPPE SL SSSSSSC&mEgM ■ MAD RHSUMATISM POR 40 YEARS. Owsssss BkMsMk Cars Co-, Chfc-sgo. G«Utsn:-I writ* this to Inform inlniUM sums —jsaasssrsrws «st UA&sjm* ss»aasfflMaStojrr!Ss , ffsSs gggg-4— l » -u U-4imh-u.MwllliWMl-M'llMn.' I ~Uh 41 nS.rtu SSnTli 1 CmM Wllkm, - iDion.” faftt k .km I. »,kl.d. (UrTiSuSwUlStfijJ MAO RMKUMATtSM OP THE HEART. hlHiUßlßoeiallEsisf WsMcr——bsdhoogjAdsosilsCsws ts hsa to U-j^sd7a» g * Molds it hst>Eß nay sf his rliShts.sad hofocoo ••cent trtsl bottts«rsi —»*w.!u|r.s „ Mswedwhsea peteists pmVdhssWi, ssdsssldhsocs tort—a— sssoo4ss*Y*r. r irsM tmTTs : gBMWOMBssdIiVi mil MAsssitaiw ltd iMifiwgi.i.bwtaspooks for Maolif- ***** * 0 hiWi iff Hy» Ma*» <k ff» Ftawes, XolMsa, lan— t, Jsnsry i, IMA m iMmr urs Ltata txrjsrzzn; i ::S?£- a * Handful of dirt may bb a house- - \ QF SHAME.” CLEAN HOUSE WITH Ii'JBAPQLIO u "Do you think -our father will gtv* bin consent to our marriage?*’ "Conaent.* He’ll bo delighted that I let you go to the trouble of unking him." Mr*. Winslow’* Hoothing Syrup For child r*n tcwthlor soften* the ir— T 1 —r~ ‘~ffirs —tlrn.elley psin, mr»> wind colic. U orau • bottle "It is said thnt strong Intellectuality is not essential to good acting." "No; but It takes strong intellectuality for an actor to get his pay." Star Tobacco is the leading brand of the world, because it is the best. "To please a man a woman must allow him to do things for her." "Gracious! You ought to hear how my husband raves when 1 ask him to pay my bills." FwTe-RM for Fifty Coots. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. fiOc. 11. All druggists. "Perkins has a theory about the ex plosion of the Maine.’’ "What la It?" “H« says perhaps some of the sailors wore celluloid collars." f"4 7ff ettke Higheet Order of - £*c#//sjic* in Manufacture. ’' Waltaßalff<ts ; Cgftßreakfast JT(i]coa ' >H'l gflHtt Absolutely Pure, , Nutritious. ..can LmTki mean cp„! Be stare that yoe get the Gcnsias Article, 4 nude at DORCHESTER, MASS, by < ‘ ' WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. ' Estasuskkd 17*0, Denver Directory. •|W^WMRth^o««vs^cstl AND AWNIND CO. I Wtmtffjym menu MTun m ucn I 2ND Hand Mach I nery. Mining. Engine*. Bo era, etc Bend tor prices. & H. Msrblnery CO., lias Lawrence. WsrchonseBthA Msrket. OPTICIAN WWwtMF Denvw, Colo. STATE ORE smaes book, vaissbie mote sklppeis.smiledftua ASSAYER ANO CHFMIST M .^ k *dll l th flt. Send fur price lUu sad ore enYelopea. WIND MIIK ninu miLLOi Sa. s 2a^.‘iss reventsenth Street. DENVER SAVINGS BANK, Opposite Fmt Office. Pays 0 per cent. Interest mm Prixe Contest Denver Academy of Music. LEADING «CHOOL Off* THE WEST. 1711 Grant Avenue. FACULTY »►’ 22 iiMsThUCTOR 4 *. Instruction In private or churn lessons In all branches of Music and Elocution. Spe cial Inducements and free advantages to beginners. Send for catalogue and special circulars. C. W. PRICE, Pres. E. E. BURLINGAHE’S ASSAY OFFICE SSS»US7&SUB&. l uas COLD AND SILVER BULLION »■*«*. **MMlimr4orru.kuM iNuut»Mll»Uw.M.«. Oi^r.Oote. I Denver Public- Sampling Works, *• ff*NTM, Pti.iMVT, o*t. *OLO 0* THE _ *ti»uc m««tr. P*nw, Colo. CAMERAS! KODAKS! tommym* uu* O—NW Supplta. c-iiu»u,mu..i«wi OUR 4«* OEM IS THE BEST <5 CAMERA IN THE WORLD. Writ, for MUaIoiMMU pt:m. TH* OTAKPAAD m, ■KICK CO.. iDAVIS SAFETY^gBAIE .■ i A CTmTOrSfe ml J l '. ij. i t 1 ===a^==^~:; ■