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Volume XVIII GRAND SPECIAL SHOE SALE FOR THE LADIES! From now until the time that we move into our new shoe room we will make a special sale on Ladies’ Shoes. Below we quote you prices on twenty-five styles. Pick out your style from the list and come in and get a bargain in footwear. Itnlar Salt Met. Price. No. i. Ladies' Dongola, Button, Patent Leather Tip. ..$1.25 t .75 No. 2. Ladies'Dongola Button, Welt, Pat. Leather Tip. 1.50 1.00 No. 3. Ladies' Dongola, Welt. Op. Pat. Tip 1.50 1.00 No. 4. Ladies’Glove Grain, Button 1.25 1.00 No. 5. Ladies’ Bright Grain, Button 1.25 1.00 No. 6. Ladies' Kangaroo Calf, Button ......... 1.50 1.25 No. 7. Ladies'Bright.Grain, Lace .... 1.25 1.00 No. 8. Ladies’ Fine Dongola, Button, Patent Tip 2.00 1.50 No. 9. Ladies' Fine Kid, Button, Pointed Toe 2.00 1.50 No. 10. Ladies' Dongola, Lace, Patent Tip 2.00 1.50 No. 11. Dongola, Button, Plain Toe, Turned 2.50 2.00 No. 12. Ladies’ Dongola, Patent Tip, Turned 2.50 2.00 No. 13. Ladies' Fine Dongola, Pat. Tip. Square Welt 3.50 2.50 No. 14. Ladies' Fine Dongola, Button, Plain Toe 3.75 2.75 No. 15. Ladies' Fine Kid, Patent Foxed 35° a.50 No. 16. Ladies’ Dongola, Butt. Pat. Tip, Trnd, Sq. Toe. 3.50 2.50 No. 17. Ladies’ Fine Kid, Butt. Pat. Tip, Hand Turned. 3.50 2.50 No. 18. Ladies' Fine Kid, Butt. Pat. Sq. Tip, Sewed 4.00 3.50 No. 19. Ladies' Fine Button, Pat. Tip, Hand Turned 4.50 3.50 No. 20. Ladies’ Kid, Cloth Top, Button, Hand Sewed 400 2.75 No. 21. Ladies’ Kid, Button, Pat. Op. Tip, Hand Sewed. 3.00 2.00 No. 22. Ladies' Fine Kid, Butt. Pat. Op. Tip, Hnd Trnd. 4.50 3.25 No. 23. Ladies' Cloth Top, Lace, Pat. Tip, Hand Welt. 5.00 3.00 No. 24. Ladies' Fine Kid, Butt. Hand Welt, Pat. Tip 5.00 3.25 No. 25. Ladies' French Kid, Button, Pat. Tip, Welt 5.00 3.25 PRICE-DRAPER CLOTHING CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEN'S OUTFITTERS i Will Outlive :j 1 A ? |: 1 j: m ' ;> A cat will live a long time, 2 5* but our Chicago Electric Hose, with proper care, will rj„ live longer. g* It will not Kink —twist it. ‘j( It will not burst under two J* hundred pounds pressure. <£ 1 1 It ugill not split. It has no v f laps, no seams, no joints. 4 1 t * We have a complete line of {I I, all grades of Rubber and i j Cotton Hose at all prices, ' £ * a . from 8c up. Everything * J j * imaginable for the lawn or * J J garden. Obtain our prices. J f BOM GARDNER a O’NEIL '[ 2 mm imsiL mam n ml i*ub mum. \ I LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. PUBLISH BO BVBNY WKDBBSDAV AND SATURDAY. LA JUNTA, OTERO COUNTY, COLORADO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9. 1898. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. Joys for Jewelry. Trade at tfie Palace drug store. Fine box stationery at tl|e Palace j drug store. W. M. Wiley, of Holly, was a ■ La Junta visitor Monday. E. Robb, of Rocky Ford, was a j county seat visitor last Saturday, j Peninsular Sarsparilla, the best ; on earth, at the Palace drug store, i G. A. Kilgore was a Lai Animas ! visitor last Saturday on legal busi ness. The Fortnightly Club iniet with Mrs. A. A. Frost last Saturday afternoon. A beautiful line of Easter souven irs, book marks and spoons, at Fisher & Larsen’s. Highest cash price paid for fat cattle, calves, poultry and produce at the Columbia Meat Market. Owen Donahue, who is now lo cated at Manitou, Colo., visited his parents in this city over Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Walker lefhjyesterday morning on the Bly for Springs, where she will visit friends for a few days. Messrs. W. H. Bongart and J. M. Gallup, of Denver, arrived in the city this week and have en tered the employ of R. C. Inge. O! say, Lucy, where did you get that fine photo, isn’t it just splen did? Why, at Carpenter's, of course, hiscarbonettsareall the go. C. L. McPherson, of Holly, a brother of Mrs. Austin Joy, was the guest of his sister last Sunday, returning home on No. 8, Monday morning. The colored people ,will bold their first service in the new church next. Sunday. The occAjega will partake somewhaTofthen«uirie of a jubilee service. S. A. Burt has moved the Star barber shop to the room one door west of the Nellie Bly restaurant, where he will be pleased to meet his former patrons. Miss Stevens, who is to appear in this city March to, was a pupil of the great pianist Liszt, and she carries excellent recommendations from this great master. G. C. Burnett, an architect, for merly of Raton, N. M., has located permanently in La Junta and has a professional card in our business directory. His office will be located in the new building now being erected on the southeast corner of Raton avenue and Granada streets. O. G. Hess has a card in this issue in which he rectifies an error made by the Tribune last week. He does not deny that he was ill and went to Puehlo to recuperate, but insists that we were in error as to the means employed to re gain health. He went there to indulge iu a series of baths. R. G. Dalton has sold the fix- i tures of the Gem pharmacy to Dr. j F. P. Gregory, who will move the i stock of the Plaza drug store to i the quarters now occupied by Mr. I Dalton. About the first of April: Mr. Dalton will remove to Boulder, Colo., where he will engage in ! business. He has long been a resi- j dent of La Junta and his many! friends will learn with regret of his ! intended departure. Q. D. Merrill, of Jimwlco, Mex ico, who was at one time located in La Junta as train dispatcher, write* as follows to the Tribune: “Please discontinue sending your paper to me here, as 1 am going oat of the Republic as quickly as God will let me. Will write you; as soon as I get located where to send it.” Mr. Metrill was .an j anient supporter of Bryan, and j upon that gentleman's defeat joined. himself to the silver idols of Mex- 1 ico to palliate in some degree his! keen disappointment, ft seems I that his experience has not been altogether satisfactory. Have your subscriptions filled at the Palace drug store. Buckey & Hart have plenty of money to loan on good farms, j J. W. Phenecie, of Hock Ford, ! was a county seat visitor Monday. C. M. Robins, deputy county I clerk, was a Rocky Ford last Sat urday afternoon. Wanted —Good, secondhand la dies bicycle, must be cheap. Call at No. 27, Company rows. Mrs. C. A. Burghardt went up to La Junta on Tuesday to visit the family of Dr. Phillips and her daughter, Miss Lena Pusey.—Las Animas Leader. Mr. James Beezley and wife, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Powell, returned to their home in La Junta last Wednesday.—Manzanola News. A. C. Kennedy, the hustling furniture man, left this morning on a sixty days' journey into the wilds af lowa. During his absence the local store will be in charge of T. |. Cook, of Shadron, Neb. The revival at the Baptist church continues to grow in interest. On Sunday evening the house could not accommodate all who wished to attend. Rev. Mr. Gravett closes the meetings on Thursday night. This evening the subject will be "The Five Judgments.” Postmaster Parks and a force of men wrought a wonderful change in the appearance of the postoffice after business hours Sunday. The new boxes were placed in position and the office has a decidedly metro politan appearance at present. The walls and ceiling have been re papered and a coat of paint given to the woodwork, which. ban had a wonderfully brightening effect. Uncle Sam now has a place to do business that he can with due modesty feel proud of. The La Junta Woman's Club met with Mrs. T. T. Woodruff last week. The paper of the afternoon was the "Island of Crete," read by Mrs. Igo and dealt with the early history of the Cretans and their many struggles for freedom. The subject was handled in a very bright and able manner, assisted by Mrs. Joy, who illustrated her brilliant conversation by a well drawn map. A general discussion followed by the club, which showed the great interest taken in the subject. Joseph Holloway, a young man belonging to the party in charge of Barney Schrieber's race horses, was accidentally shot at the race track late last Friday evening. One of the party was engaged in target practice with a 22 calibre rifle and Holloway got within range, receiv ing a bullet near the left shoulder blade, which passed around the left side and lodged underneath the skin in front of the heart, making a slight flesh wound. Dr. Dow was called and attended to the wounded man's injuries. Hollo way was able to leave with the party for St. Louis on No. 6 the same night. The instruments of the W. of W. band have fallen into a state of in nocuous desuetude since the retire ment of Manager Charles Little. They have been stored in a back room out of harm's way to await I the liquidation of a balance due | upon them. Music may have charms to sooth the savage breast, ' but the soul stirring strains do not | have that effeqj in civilized com-. munities, they rather seem to stir j up strife and jealousies. It is' really too bad that the boys andj 'their energetic manager could not' agree, as. they were malriog great! I progress aad would soon have beenj ;a credit aad an ornament to La! I Junta. SIE IN AND £ £ | £ SEE OUR NEW 1 Sfcfi? My w aIM aFM atM tu iat sc, Bc, 10c and 12c w it 7c, 10c and 15c 3% ys at 10c and 15c Hi it 5c w Jloth at 10c and 15c • JR avert Cloths at is c 3| Table Covers at.. .$l.OO, $1.50 and $2.00 $ lsc up to $l.OO W Cloth at 7c 3 'lannels at 5c 7c and 10c 51.75 to $4.50 | tticoats at $l.OO, $1.25 and $2.00 tains, per pair, 75c to $5.50 J| per pair, $2.50 to $O.OO iv Dress Patterns at $3.75 to $lO.OO '! F. KENDALL J Diamonds—Fisher & Larsen. Ice cream soda every day at th 4 Palace drug store. W. B. Gobin was down from the Ford on business Monday. For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher’s, postofiice news stand. R. C. Inge is moving into his elegant store room in the new Fin ney block to-day. E. P. Chambers was a Lamar visitor Saturday in the interests of the La Junta Bottling Works. County Commissioner F. M. Wieland, of Fowler, came down 1 on the Bly Monday morning to at-1 tend the regular monthly meeting j of the board. The colored people of this city, who are interested in the new church, will give an elegant supper on the t6th of the present month, the proceeds of which will be ap plied to the expense of building the new church edifice. A hobo painter, who was in the employ of L. O. Everett last week, got on to the fact, while in the pur suit of his avocation, that a barrel of wine was stored in the cellar of one of Mr. Everett's patrons. Upon the arrival of the flock of hobos the first of the week, who came to "in spect" the work being done on the sewer, the painter put some of “de gang” on to the snap, with the re sult that they didn't do a thing to lit. Accompanied by several of | the gentlemen of leisure, the painter made a raid on the cellar, and "de ! gang” proceeded to fill themselves jup with good, rich, red wine. They : were soon in a state of hilarious | inebriety and a message was con ; veyed to Sheriff Barr' informing ; him of the facts. The sheriff met : the gang returning to town with a ! bucket full of the red liquor, aad *as soon as. they caught tight of him the hobo in charge of the ! "growler” attempted to immerse Number 99. the sheriff and succeeded part; The gang were arrested and Juste Burns gave the painter thirty da; while the rest were given one h<|sj to get out of town. A. W. Shelton left last nip with two cars of sheep for Kanj; City. There are an equal numS‘ of Utah bred and Mexican bred' the lot, with which Mr. Shell will experiment on the mar kef ascertain which bring the best; suits. The sheep have an aver, weight at this point of eighty- ( pounds. I How To Look Good:—G f | looks are really more than deep, depending entirely o■ healthy condition of all the organs. If the > liver be inac I you have a bilious look; if stomach be disordered, you ha,; dyspeptic look; if your kidney,;; affected, you have a pinched 1>; Secure good health and youb surely have good looks. Ele: (j Bitters is a good alterative |; | tonic. Acts directly on the s* ach, liver and kidneys. Pit' the blood, cures pimples, blor< and boils and gives a good ?' plexion. Every bottle guaran: Sold at Joy’s pharmacy. Awarded Highest Honor*—World’s j OoW Medal. Midwinter Fg eo wars t 3 SSSk?