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Volume XIX I A FINE | | DEPARTMENT. j[ A ! \ 4S we will open next week to <) | the public the finest j \ 1 Ladies’ and Children’s Shoe § | and Clothing Department 1 * f J In the state. We have just J 4S fitted up a new room for that f Department and have bought % 2 the finest and best line of Ladies’ X >l\ and Children’s Shoes ever $ 2 brought to La Junta. Also a J ffine line of Children’s Clothing. X We have a nice Ladies’ and $ 2 Children’s Department where it /is will be much more pleasant for X. 2 a lady to come and buy her & J shoes and children’s clothing. X 4b We will tell you more about X 2 it next week. Then look out for & something new. Yours for busi- | X ness, 5 J $ The Price-Draper Clothing Co. X "V V* '***£*'*&*& I* —I I J- <J »! DON’T MAKE YOUR '■* j! WIFE SPLIT WOOD I | jj' «»**#€«** ** Get her a Gasoline stove. Gas stoves are clean, economical and Y* they require no wood spliting. ' J 5' The "Insurance” is the only ‘l? stove in which provision is made <& 5» to prevent the escape of gasoline tE should the burner be accidently ( blown out or left open. J Gasoline, when used in the "In- ’ surance” stove, is as safe, if not 5' safer fuel than wood or coal. In- 'j? surance and Jewell stoves are our «E 3» specialties. J > A large assortment of Refriger- , £ ators are on the road and it will j| pay you to await their arrival. All & j * kinds of Ice Cream Freezers now * £ ?T on hand. | & Hardware, Implements, Seeds, * p w Harness, Plumbing, Sewerage. ’ e I BOMGARDNER & O’NEIL !> LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. NMNMDMNP «VK»V WNPMEAPAT AMP AATUNPAV LA JUNTA, OTERO COUNTY, COLORADO. SATURDAY. APRIL 2. 1898. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. Eli Perkins. Joys for Jewelry. Easter glove sale at Smith’s. j Trade at the Palace drug store. Fine box stationery at the Palace , drug store. Honest values at lowest prices at Thompson’s. Rubber stamps, pads, ink, etc., at Novelty Works. A. E. Bent, of Lamar, was a La Junta visitor Thursday. Easter Souvenirs in the latest: designs at Fisher & Larsen's. Jesse Rood, of Pueblo, visited La Junta Thursday on business. Newest and latest patterns in queensware just received at Thomp- j son’s. The county commissioners meet j in regular monthlj’ session next Monday. H. H. Remick and W. E. Roop were La Junta visitors Thursday on business. Under Sheriff C. D. Steward was • a Rocky Ford visitor Thursday on official business. The biggest values ever offered the public in chinaware at Thomp son's closing out sale. The Arcade Pharmacy opened for business Thursday night in the j quarters vacated by R. G. Dalton, j Bring in your bicycles and get j them repaired before the spring rush begins at the Novelty Works. Mr. Ed. Marshall and wife left on the Bly Thursday morning to visit friends in Pueblo for a few days. | For building loans or 8 per cen|> farm loans, call on W. R. Room 3 Central block, La Junta, Colorado. Canon Radcliffe, of the Episco pal church, passed through town i yesterday morning on his wav to Las Animas. A “hard times” hall at Rocky' Ford last night was largely attend- j ed by lovers of the terpsichorean j art in this city. Buy a pair of those fine residence | lots in Mountain View addition on monthly payments of $5 each.— C. L. Seeley, agent. A delegation of Euclid Lodge, No. 64, A. F. &A. M., leave to night in a special car for Lamar to assist the brethren of that place in work on the third degree. Mr. Smith, a representative of the Industrial Building and Loan Association of Denver, was in tow n Thursday looking after the inter interests of his company in this vicinity. A number of prominent cattle men were in town yesterday morn ing. They were awaiting the ar-1 rival of a large shipment of cattle, which was expected to arrive in! La Junta some time during the 1 day. Since the inauguration of the building of the new sewer there have been a numbtr of inquiries' concerning bath room equipment, ! and Bomgardner & O’Neil are making preparations to make a specialty of this class of work. A Holbrook man who yearns for { Castilian gore is daily practicing 1 shooting at a dog with a Spring- j field rifle at a distance of 200 yards. After posing as a target for two; days the dog got over its timidity, j and now lies and quietly slumbers j in the sun as its warlike owner j blazea away at it.—Denver Post, j A new swindle is being worked i on Kansas farmers. A man puts in an appearance in a locality and announces that be proposes to or ganise a farmer’s lodge, to be known as "Progressive Friends.” The. object, it is explained, is to give the members an advantage over others in regard to markets and prices on manufactured goods. The organizer collects initiation fees and disappears. Have your prescriptions filled at ' the Palace drug store. F. A. Sabin was a Pueblo visit, r (Thursday on legal business. I Buckey & Hart have plenty of ! money to loan on good farms. For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher's, postoffice news stand. The present city council hold I the'r last meeting next Monday 'night. j John B. Lynch, of Pueblo, Santa | IFe live stock agent, was in town I ! yesterday. Thompson has the finest decor ated china stock patterns imported . to this country. Bomgardner & O'Neil advertise! j something seasonable in tin ir adv I on the first page. Highest cash price paid for fat j cattle, calves, poultry and produce at the Columbia Meat Market. Vacant nights at Hecox’s hall Tuesdays each week, and second j and fourth Wednesdays each month ! Mell Sparrow came down from j Denver the first of the week to visit friends in this city for a slioit time. E. W. Davis, of Pueblo, was in 1 town yesterday looking after a j trustee's sale in which he is inter j ested. j The Price-Draper Clothing Com-! pany have added a new department 1 to their store. Read their adv on the first page. Mrs. Joseph Little returned the first of the week from St. Joseph, ■ j Mo., where she has been making . an extended visit. l Eli Perkins, the werld-famed liar, will give an exhibition of his truth dodging abilities before the ! local talent of La J unta April 4th. — i Denver Post. I J. E. Walker left on the special i Thursday afternoon to visit his son, ' Charles, who manipulates a throttle , on an engine out of Cripple Creek. Mr. Walker expects to return this ( morning. Mrs. R, G. Dalton left Thurs day morning for Boulder, Colo., where she will make her home in the future. R. G. Dalton com pleted packing up his stock of drugs and followed the next day. There will be a hot time in the Holbrook country to-morrow. The local sports will open with a red hot baseball game, immediately followed by two warm, ten-round pugilistic encounters between local professionals of that section. Hol brook is inclined to be sporty — some days. Mrs. A. C. Armstrong has now completed the Standard Square Inch Tailor System of Dressmak ! ing. A perfect fit without altera- I tion. Call and see her, and get ! style of cut, price and finish. She has had experience in dressmaking' before and with the new system she will give perfect satisfaction. The Arkansas Melon Growers' I Association were in session in this j city Thursday perfecting the de | tails of their contract with N. Wet j zel, of St. Louis. The following j representatives were present: A. |E. Bent, Lamar; J. E. Gauger, j Fairmont; F. E. Collins, Olney; E. C. Graham, Ordway; H. B. : Carter, Las Animas. Another meeting will be held in this city, ! Monday, April nth. j At a meeting of the Build’ng land Loan Association held last j Monday night at Buclcey & Hart’s office the new seriea of stock to be operated under the perpetual or Dayton plan was formally opened and the secretary, R.. Phillips, in structed to receive subscriptions after April Ist. The by-laws and other supplies are in the hands of the printer and will be ready for distribution in the near future. What is Worn and Where to Find It L— . •77 • • • All the novelties in La- Mohair and Woolen Fa dies’ Neckwear for Eas- bries for Plaster dresses ter at Kendall’s. at Kendall’s. • • I j • —' l • 7 7 —-• • ——• ; Organdies, both European Jaunty Capes and Shirt and American, for Eas- Waists for Easter at ter at Kendall’s. Kendall’s. j•• • • 7 1 7 \ I . I •- — • •— —- —— • White and Colored Para- Fancy Foulards in exquis sols for Plaster at Ken- ite printings for Easter dull’s. costumes at Kendall’s. • • • : C. F. KENDALL U Peninsular Q Sarsaparilla §§ ||f Celery and ||| ® Koa §j| fete. The Great Spring Medicines, l|a ffljj Every Bottle Warranted. .. . j|| THE PALACE DRUG STORE. §|j P PABST BEST TONIC || |§§ The Greatest Tonic on Earth §|| Hg Croquet Sets, gg Balls, Bats, Gloves. || Remember we carry everything |1 ; & in the Drug Line and our g| 7 ; vj prices are the Lowest. |fTJ if Palace Drug Store j| |im YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WART IT. Number 2.