Newspaper Page Text
BUBINESB DIRECTORY. ATTOWIIIYI. H. GIBSON. Attorney and Counet-llor at Law It* nob or etlj Imiu tad rval e*Ut«. Will practice in Slate or Udenti courts Uuim i. Cvntrul block. La Junta. Colo. jIKKD A. 8A BIN. Atioruej and Councilor at Law. Central BltcK. La Junta. C«4«>r.Mlo. 11.00 UK a UK-'B. Attorneys ut Uw. attention Rtvnn to irriffatlun and j*r«.bate law. La Junta. Colo. g J. LEWIS. Attorngyat-Law. La Junta. Colo. JUST ICcB OF TMI PIACI. J.lMtis lII*HNS. Justice of the Peace Loans. Heal Estate. Office al City Hall. La Junta. Colo. J W. DOUTHITT- J list Ice of the Peace. Prompt attention irlecu to Collections and all Justice Business. La Junta. Coio. ARCHITiOTI. g C. II IT It NETT. Architect. Office aout»»east corner Raton arenue and (intnada stfvct Plans and •*'*»• ra ttes luml-Mitsl with accuracy and despatch. gU ANZ BROTH BUS. Architect*. K sun 6. Hones Block. ll*i furnished o*i all clashes of work In our line, 1m Junta, Colorado. PHYSICIANS. g W. PHILLIPS. M. !►- Physician and Burgeon. Office and resi dence. corner or Raton avenue aud Kansas Stnots. Junta. Colo. DENTISTS. jj Li. I. 8. BRYANT. A* home In La Junta from Hie Ist to the 30th of «-nch month. Office In Woodruff block. LADIES’ HAIRDRESSER. JJItS. M. R. CIAKNBTT. resumed her bnshiess tit her hou«c. Ladles w*. .desire to have their hslr cut or rhttiii-fl call and see her. If your hair Is fjill- Intr oilt or you an* troubled with dandruff, I have the heat tonic known to prevent It BANKS. rptlß LA JUNTA STATE BANK. A General Itauklnir Bus*ness Tran**ct«l. Capital Stock. MVbi. Surplus. #6J"U. K. A St« H-n President; .V. O. I»r.i|>er. Vice Presi dent; M. t. Fur-well, Cashier. - pR — T|BB gItOWN St MASON. leaders in Job Prlntlnir Rverythltur in the line of arllstic printlnsr done at this office. Our prie s when we kn-.w wlia' you want. : • REAL ESTATE. JJ G. HOITKNB. Heal Estate, Liana and Insurance. Farm and ranch pmi**rtle* a speciality. C-orre- Sjatndene.- nolk-itfd Office. r«oia 2,Over First National Hank. DUCKKY a ||ART. Abst acts of Title. Real Lam and Ins ranee. The only complete record* In Otero count v. Hoo*a-s for rent Investments made. Itus'nesa and Interests of non-resi dents curefullv looked after. Anawer oil let ters of inquiry. Reference : Fine Nutlonal II ink. __ g -L. BBELRY. Real Estate. Loans and Insurance. Five acre fruit tracts and stock ranches. Prompt attention irtveu to letters of Inquiry. La J untv. Colo. I HOTELS- gT? CH ARLES HOTEL Hivlnir purchased the National Hotel. 1 have reopened U tiacler the name of the Bt. Charles, and am prepared to give flrst-class accommodations t« transients. railroad men and ocular natrons at r»* ‘sonable rates. The house has be n retltted and refurnished throughout. Give in*- a trial Ke-*|*e trolly. MRS. L. C. MOORE. Prop. Is Junta. Colo. \ WinianVsVuJ PMs"** • Has no eciual in diseases of the ( > Kidneys ai.d Urinary Organ* Have I you neglected your Kidneys? Have i you overworked your nervous sys-A i Item and caused trouble with your » .Kidneys and Bladder? Have you! I 'pains in the loins, side, back.groinsj ) I land bladder? Have yon a flabby ap- . . ‘ pearance of the face, especially! 4 'under the eyes? Too frequent | . | sire pass urine ? William’s Kidoev . ’ Pills will impart new life to the dis* I 4 'eased organs, tone up the system. | land make a new man of yon. By' ' mail 60 cents per box. 4 < I Williams Mro. Co., Props., Cleveland, O. | For >ale at the Palace drug otoro. JSott’s Merverine Pills lot sF Vl Hwt nervous pros- JH v|i tration anr. all nervous diseases of . the generative or ■EpcSnSo arrxH übixg pans of either •ex. each at Nervous Prastratsoo, Failing or loet Manhoods Isnpoiesscv, Niftrtly Emh sions. Yoothfssl Emn, Mental worry, ex ceasvc me of Tobacco or Opium, which lad to Conoompthm as*. Insanity. SIXO per box by mailt 6 boxes for SSXO. MOTTS CHEMICAL CO.. Prgpt. CkwM. OW* For onto a* the Palace drug ntoro. i EVERY j; !| MAN— \\ I I In America would havo hi, 1I (1 clothe* mad, by a roputabl, | ( j[ tailor If ho fully realized < I (I how much more oomfort, < | < 1 now atylaand more moneye j, J) worth ho goto when ho huyo <1 I I hlo garmente that way. It J | I | lo not odd that a man who J i j I hoe one, worn o genuine < I t 1 mode-to - order null hardly J J * ! over gooo book to a ready J, J I made. Don't think thay , i < I coat more, they ooot looa If I | ] | yeti conoid or style, fit and J | j ) oomfort. goo my camel do. I J. W. DOUTHITT. | NOTICE OF REDEMPTION —OF— COUNTY WARRANTS Office of County Treasurer, Otero County, Colo., Mar. 10, ’9B. Notice is hereby given that I will redeem at my office in La Junta. Otero County, all Warrants num bered as follows: MIKMII. UtHTKirT N4l. 3, SPECIAL WHD 341 # HI 2*5 23 Ml 25ft 2 55 300 .. ... tC. Oil 302 * 10 344 ** W» 3ft*. « UU 25.1 7 W) 2*o 7 25 254 5 25 r-S 5 74 274.. 65 til 271 :n uo 272 45 00 367 2*75 2- « 13 60 362 SOI 270 ft - M 304 2 M» tCHINII. DISTHICT NO. 4. HPKCI Us MJSD. MS 6" 00 517 60 Oft 514 60 Ul 547 00 (W 5*2 Itt ww. a » 5K4 1 tf. 590. 5 00 590. 60 00 SNI f... 60 tO 002 5 00 Oil. 15 00 SOI. so «• 012. IS 00 603. 6 10 *B. 3 75 613. ... 10 as 607. 1 15 614. is on 61S . 15 ft) 62*- IS U* 636 20 00 617 r* W) 62*. 39 24 619 25 00 627. 10 •«» 622 a an 624. 1 25 629 105 00 6 tn. 60 on 631. 00 00 tW2. 60 On «». CO 00 6-34 60 00 6SI. 7 60 00 NCIfOOI. IUBTKICT NO. &. BPKCIAL. n!ND 221. 45 00 tf 52 00 2*. . ' 21 l' 2.-7. 7*5 228 15 WJ 22ft »*» 230. - IV tii 2 Ul 233. 4SOO 336. -'4 00 SCHOOta DISTRICT N*». 10. KFBCUL rVND. 36 a 00 11 40 00 HCHOOIi D4KTKICT NO. IP. MPkCIAL VtTND. 336 2 25 240. 15 00 243. 1® 44 47 » 2- 25. 170 .-.57 10 »0 2 8 .'.T. 50 00 l„ SI 50 263. 24 00 JBS. 24 00 266 80 00 207. »» »».: *173 r *2 77 270 ' w » 271 12 00 27;i 22 f 0 274 : ‘l 50 275 -1 0U 276 1 W 277 t«8 25 278 » W 279 13 *7 it*> 9 36 297 30 OU a* 25 00 299 67 12 :mo 2 25 SOI. 4 50 302. 35 31 309 70 00 am. 7000 311 79 00 *l2. 63 00 313. 63 00 *l4 '■•OU 315 ?. 65 00 *l6 65 00 *l7 60 00 310 60 00 319 60 00 SCHOOL. DISTRICT NO. 17. SI'KCIAI. FUND. 33. 1 25 1«. 34 in» * * 1»31 I*. 5 00 2» 7 00 SCHOOL DISTRICT VO. 19. SPBCIAL I9ND. SI 42 50 80 t 05 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 20. SPECIAL. VCND. •4. 125 00 9b 40ftU lOL.v 27 44 102 11*6 1U8....# 1105 SCHOOL DIST. HO. 23. OK NO. ft, SPSCIAL fUND. 1». 40 00 22 2 00 J 0... 50 00 21 »00 SCHOOL DISTRICT RO. N, SPECIAL FUND. 187 8 64 188. *» I*4 88 JOl 8 08 JOB. 80 00 i HR 12 50 200. 42 10 , *ll •> 08 , 212- 18 01 211. 1152 214.. 18 07 1 2KL f 0 38 224. 800 I 225 18 88 I 288. . 18 B 0 , m - - 407 , 128. 12 85 , Interest will cease on above War i rants after April i6th, 1898. 1 (Leal) C. A. Beerbohm, I County Treasurer. Wheel Notes. Ht. tin, wt-rr wilt amt tabby amt bf didn't Intvt- a pump. 8n lie wultvd by the rosdslck* undhecslhfl 1 ! hlninvlf m chump. But u wind-some bloomer Riri cam® by snd niltf) with Joy his cup. And he null] tJic w.«s his whid-luss ’esus® »hi* j pumped bis tiro* up. A good road makes a good ride. Geo. Ferrel bought a new Cres cent racer from Gene Hawkins. Let him that is willing to wear skirts cast thp first stone at the bloomer girl. Ed. Hamilton reports the sale of , several ’9B KambU rs, Ed. Bowman purchasing one of them. What La junta wants this year is a good bicycle club and every body that rides a wheel to belong to it. Jimmie Michaels, the little Welshman, made over #IB,OOO last year anti had the prospect of mak ing #30,000 this year. For a person that does not can to be bothered with oiling a wheel often, take pure vaseline and apply direct to the bearings, cleaning them well before doing so. The string of foreign riders that are to be brought to America in the spring may not be allowed to land, as it is claimed that they are violating the contract labor law. Ed Lewis is now mounted on a new- ’9B Crescent racer and a good many of the speedy ones will stud\ the chain adjustment on his rear wheel before the season is over. It is doubtful if Eph J Joins will do any racing this year, hav ing developed an ambition tdsprint on the cornet instead of the wheel. La Junta will lose one of her fast est boys. When oiling a chain revolve tl e wheels so the oil will work down in the joints, then wipe the oil off and apply graphite. When oil alone is used it collects sand and dust, and does more harm than good. College Boys Will Sing. T he Glee Club of tne University of Denver will give an entertain ment at the opera house in this i city next Monday night. Ticket*- and reserved seats at Daniel's m - 1 s c store. The Trinidad Daily Ail vertiser of March 2;th says «-i • them : | The club’s appearance was ti « signal for tremendous applause and after they had concluded their ini 1 . J 1 tial number of the programme tin | demo>tralion of approval wassoim ; thing wonderful and a revelation to old-time theatre goers. On* 1 encore did not seem to satisfy the 1 house and very often two, three 1 and four encort-s were made. Every | number on the programme was captivating in its effect and had 1 the Denver boys succumbed to the 1 demands of the audience, they 1 wouid have sang the greater por : tion of the night. At the close of 1 the amusement season, when drama has become a little monotonous, 1 the sprightly, sparkling songs of 1 the Glee Club were as refreshing 1 ns an oasis in the heart of a sun -1 burned desert. Free Sugar Beet Seed. 1 Every farmer of Otero county | who desires to plant one-eighth of an acre to sugar beets will get two ' pounds of seed free by leaving i his name at this office. ' In a cutting scrape at Rocky ) Ford last Tuesday afternoon H. L. ’ Brannan, a farmer living five miles > south of Rocky Ford, received ser | ious though not fatal injuries, in -1 dieted by John Freymyer, a farmer ‘ and stockman living about eight ) miles northeast of Rocky Ford, J along the river. The trouble origi ) nated in Col. Robb's saloon and started by Brannan’s attempting to i josh Freymeyer about the breed of 1 some chickens owned by him, to t which he took offense and retaliat > ed by drawing a pocket knife and > slashing right and left. Brannan [ received a cut in the abdomen and j two over the heart, and for a time 1 hit life was despaired of. His ! condition yesterday noon was re * ported to be much improved and l the prospects now are that he will t recover. Freymeyer was arrested > by Constable G. W. Meador and • lodged in the county jail Tuesday night. The preliminary examina tion will probably take place to . day. From Colorado to the Great Lakes via Lincoln and Omaha. Less than 1,100 miles in about 35 ' • hours. Electric lighted, steam | heated sleeping cars from Denver through to Chicago, via the Kock | Island Route and the Chicago Mil- , ! NNaukee & St. Paul Kailwax, every night in the week. Denver Cit\ Office, 801 Seventeenth Street. J. IC. Preston, Commercial Agent. How's This? We offer one hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.—F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last til teen \ears, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to c irr\ out any obligations made by their firm.—West & Truax, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wald tng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. I\ stunonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists.’ Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Mrs J. L Timerman, of Denver, arrived in this city last Monday night, and will be tin* guest of hi r so i. Dr A R. Timerman, for a s iort time. • Americans are the most inventive p< uple on earth. To them have b en issued nearly 600,000 patents, or more than one third of all the patents issued in t|ie world. No discovery of modern years has been of greater benefit to mankind than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and hcea Rernedx, or has done non- in relieve pain and suffering. | \V. V.iuithn, of Oakton, Kv.. s ‘T have us* *1 Chamberlain' Colic, Choh ra and Diarihoii U* rn d\ m m\ fatnils for sev« nil vc.ns and find it to be the best m* <1 »• n I ev* r us d tor cramps lor cramp i stomach and how* Is ! • • 1;• at the Palace drug stor<- Annual Sml ovt «.000,000 Cosaa s*K2i«s FOB BILIOUS ABD BESTODB MBOBDBBB such a* Wind and Pn'n In the Stomarh. Hi Idlii-M. i'ulueM Rftor moat". Hrail ocbo. DUutlnuaa. Drow*lnesA. Flushlnits of licit. Lom of Appetite, OwtlveiK-sa. Blotctien on tha Skin. O'l'l Chills. Dis* turbod Sleep, Frkchtful Dreamh and all Nervous and Trembling Sonsatfona, THE FIECT BOSB WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer Will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. ■RRCNANY riUA, taken as direct ed. will quickly restore Fomnloa to com plete heal in. They promptly remove obstruction*orlrreirulnrltlcs or the sys tem and cure Rick Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OM CHILDREN Beecham’o Pills are Without a Rival. And bava tha LARCEST »ALE i> of may Patent Me.leloe la tlaa WawM. Uo. at all Drtur Store*. Elder Wm. Tennison OF BUFKIN. IND., Tolls of tha Orsat Benefits Derived From Or. Miles' Heart Ours. HEART DISEASE of long atandlng ia not easily eared, bat It is cdoaole. Elder Wm. Tennlaon write*: "I was aSUctad for thlrtj-lTe years with heart dis ease, in fact, troubled with ft nearly all my HIM life; I think It heradl tary aa my father was Hot* a afflicted with IL I have RC . H suffered treat dlitrMS. RHamCad my heart palpitated to a. llaalMa* *uch an extent aa to R. shsk* ay whole body. So dl.tres.lni was It I HHBUMWNB could only with yreat aatdlßenlCT eomnose mysplt toaleen. About two yanrs ago I beyantitklag Dr. llllas' Heart Cura. Tha irsl bottle |tn me no panwjXlhla baaeflL bat after taking tha third I began to teal mock relief andleoo tinned for mu months. I ban good no ■on to believe the eww Is permanent. Dr. Hues- Bemedfee are told by *ll drag gists nader e positive pusraniee, «m bottle benefits oe money refunded. Boos on Bean and nerves seat tne to ell applicants. DB. BUD MEDICAL 00., Elkhart, log. DRICKLY ASH BITTERS : :: JT CLEANSES THE LIVER AND BOWELS ;; ud ramrat ns swim to sssbt nmasao nsusss. ;; PRICK •>•<*• PKR BOTTLE. SOLD BY AU DRUGGISTS. REASONABLE REASONS- If there in any reason why you should buy Groceries, there i» every reason why you should buy them of us If you are a little particular us to the class of goods you buy, there is no place you can l»e so completely satisfied. AIJ Groceries vou buy of us you can depend on. Our pride is equally is as great as our well assorted stock. iou are perfectly welcome to insjiect our stock. If we didn’t have a good stock we wouldn’t be so willing. If we did not know that you woidd get 1 letter goods frtr the same price and less than you pay elsewhere, we wouldn’t say so. J. H. SIMONTON. t hiie best Leases no room for betterment. Our goods are not all best. We could not sell many goods if we handled only the best. Ev ery man can not afford 40c coffee, so we handle the 35c, 30c, 25c, 20c, 15c and ioc. You can take your choice of prices, knowing when you do that you get as good quality as can be sold for that price. Same way with our canned goods. The 15c can is better than the 10c, and the 10c is better than the 8c and the 8c is bet ter the sc. In some kinds of goods, such as sugar, vinegar, meats, lard and flour, for it is cheaper for eveiyone. Cheapness in these are dear in the end. ~ G. B. ROUND & CO. jpTHE Telephon.. FJ. > * BURNING \ i 1 W Now is where is the place to buy , * 0 I keep constantly on hand a large w 4) supply of Canon City, Anthracite 4 A and Blacksmith Coal, and am pre- w pared to fill all local orders. Cal 4} and see me. # MATT DANIHER. # Branch Office, Thompson** Furniture Store v gMmmmmxmmmm ■ EXCEPTIONAL VALDES I KjrJyA Is found in our assortment of Ladies’ pfjjjc Belts, just received, at 25c, 40c, and 50c each, S ee «nr Ladies’ Skirt Supporter, the most practical article yet invented, only 25c jier uSefl H _ l * ir • • ; il &JJCJ You will find at all times the Freshest §7rS‘ of Fmits, Apples, Oranges, Lemons and raiiS Hi - Bananas, in onr Candy Department . ■ A guess on our Baby Buggy to Vie Given Away goes with every Fifty cent &I\i m i )ureuage • MVSS Bring us your order for Wall Pajier. Orders taken for one room or your whole pQ® house. We pay the freight jgjg FINNEY’S DEPARTMENT STORE. |g| ShcrifTe end Commieeioner’e Sale. State or Colorado, i County or Otero, f In tlie District Court within and for Mid County and Slate. No. r»u. John F. Tyler, Plaintiff, v». MargureMa Bole, David A. Hole, Jameii Cleinow, Trustee. Mrs. H. M O Connor and John Johnson, De fendants. Public notice !• hereby given that under and by virtue of. and in obedience to un older of aale and decree of foreclosure made and entered of record in the above named Court on the 4th day of January. A. D lnH*. in the above entitled aetkm, wherein the above named Plulntiff obtained a Judgment and de cree against the above named defendants, and whereby I am commanded to Beil the pro perty hereinafter described, I will on tlie IWh day of April, A. D. 18M, at the hour of two o'clock lu the afternoon of aald day at tlie south door of the County Court House, in the town of La Junta, In the fluid County of Otero, eznote for sale and sell at public auction to tlie highest bidder for cash all tboae certain premise* situate, lying and being In said County of Otero, In the State aforesaid. known and described an follows, to-wl*.: The south east quarter of Section eighteen. In Township twenty-four soutli. In Ranee flrty-flve wear of the sixth principal meridian, containing t' O acres more or leas, together with all and nln*r ulur the tenements, hereditaments, privileges J and appurtenancea thereunto belonging or ir 1 any wise appertaining. Including all water right* and privileges, ditch or ditches. for the porposeof obtaining tin various amounts found due In and by said dec foe, together with interest aod coats. w ' Dated La Junta, Colorado, March 17th A. t D. IMS. George Barr. • Sheriff of Otero County. adorado, tttsssssxsima*: MONUMENTS IAI U. L. SEEUEf AOENT.