Newspaper Page Text
Oily the tor tom of the me- wV * final rack are j/\ temp arable totto/Sfo^v ft— ka which ( v S3S tSSSS (to •M £tmn of their deli tote, feminise structure. KoWf leas (boo unbearable torment mould reduce eenaitfve-minded women to oubmit to the intolerable methods of the twntt doctor in dealinf with disease* of tbia nature. That them is “a better way •• than tbeae detectable “examination* “ and "local ap plications ** la a truth which come women tare yet to learn, although thousand* are fflreedf rrjoidnf in the knowledge. They bare found in Dr. Pierce’* Favorite Pre scription the one unfailing remedy which |«ib feminine eeaknrMW at their very Source. Thi* marvtlon* “ Prescription “ restore* absolute health to the internal Organ i«m; atop* weakening drain* and nl cerated condition*, give* elastic *trrngth to the supporting ligaments, vitality to the awm center*, and complete womanly vigor to the entire constitution. It ia the perfect fortifier and regulator of women at every critical period in their development; from the time when they merge into womanhood until the ** change •f life." It i* the one medicine which make* motherhood safe and almost free from pain. A lady living at 7 Park Avenue. Chicago. lII*. Mr*. Emily Howe, write* “1. ntyarlf. Buffered a long time from female wmknrn and vunnl to be going into s decline Took *eveml iwttlet Of your ' Favorite |*rrvrir»tkm ’ *nd it wived me from a great deal of suffering. I now enioy per fect health ami will ever praise the wonderful efficacy of your medicine The be*t popular medical hook in the world ia Dr. R. V. Pierce's iono page jllu atrated Common Sense Medical Adviser. It will be sent free paper-hound, for at one-cent stamps, to fxir the co%t of mailing Only. Address the Doctor at Buffalo N.Y., or aend 31 stamp* for cloth bound copy. LA JUNTA TRIBUNE PARKS * MASON. Proprietors. Published st the Tribune Itulhlliig, Trinidad IMua*. every Wednesday and Saturday by Brouin & Mason. Entered at the Post office ut I.a Junta. Colo., aa second class mail matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF U JURTA. Subscription $1.50 a year in advance. If not paid in advance, fa.oo a year. SATUKDAV, APRIL 2, IH9B. The hoard of county commis sioners at their meeting next week will lie asked to make an appro priation* ot $ 100, which is to In added to the SSO the Denver Cham ber of Commerce are to give to tin farmers in Otero county who will raise sugar beets. It is proposed to have the 5150 divided into prizes as follows: One $25 prize, two sls prizes, two £lO prizes and fif teen £5 prizes, making twetrtx prizes in all ol the £l5O. Efforts are also being made to have tin Business Men's Association of Pit e do offer prizes of 5 100, $75 and SSO for which the farmers in all tin counties of the Arkansas Valley may compete. Sugar beets can not he excelled as feed for stock, and it is hoped the offering ol prizes to the farmers making the best showing this Near will act as an impetus to give this industry a fair trial in the Valley. Free seed will he furnished to all farmers who desire to give sugar beet rais ing a trial. Applications for seed may he left at this office and the names will he forwarded to the distributing point. The claim that plutocracy flour ishes more vigorously under the g.jld standard than under the silver standard is knocked into sinither eens by ex Governor Stone, of M issouri. who has just returned from a trip to Mexico and says that the most pestiferous class of pluto crats exist in that country. The Mexican plutocrat, he says, owns from ten to a hundred thousand Acres of land, free of taxes, era-, ployes droves of ignorant peons at exceedingly low wages, makes money hand over fist and spends his money and his time in gay Paris fn true plutocratic style. And all this happens under a currency system—the free coinage of silver —which has been claimed as an absolute preventative of plutocracy. Business complaints from Ne braska, which, a couple of years ago» came from farmers, now come * from men wfk) were accustomed to loan money to farmers A recent : dispatch from Omaha points out , the fact that mortgages in Nebraska , • fere being canceled at the rate of a < Million dollars a month, and says: , if ere' vast sums of money, ( Opt duly id. the banks and other ; jlanrir' institutions of Omaha, but 1 iu other large cities of the state, ready for investment on reasonable security at 3 per cent interest, which cannot be loaned out at this low figure. Less than two years ago 10 per cent could be obtained without difficulty. Now farmers dictate their own terms in the money markets of this and adjacent states. The New York World, that vigor ous democratic organ, calls the at tention of the public to the fact that although gold has been scorn fully designated by the friends of silver as a “great coward," in times of business uncertainly it contin ues to flow steadily into the United Slates in the midst of war rumors, the amount engaged for shipment into this country in the past thirty days aggregating nearly thirty mil lion dollars. ANTI-SCALPERS' BILL. A bill will be introduced in con gress at the present session limit ing the sale of railroad tickets ex clusively to the accredited agents of the railroads and absolutely pro hibiting the scalping business. Our local agent, Mr. W. O. Skinner, circulated a petition among our citizens during the present week which will be sent to Colorado's representatives in congress asking their co-operation in securing the passage of the bill. The good features of the proposed legislation were generally recognized and the petition was signed by every man to whom it was presented. The desire of the railroad com panies to make excursion rates to trade centers is greatly hindered by the existence ol the scalpers, and it they were out ol the wav it would enable the transportation lines to offer inducements that v\ould attract the people to attend conventions, fairs, expositions, and various other gatherings ot general interest. It is proposed 111 tile new law to have all railroad tickets redeemable at their lace value when not used, a feature that will be appreciated by those who have had experience in disposing of unused tickets to scalpers. The scalping business furnishes an incentive to traud and false im personation, and provides instru mentalities winch have in certain cases been used for counterfeiting railroad tickets, constituting a se rious tax upon the railroads. The offices of ticket scalpers have been used as an outlet for railroad tick ets fraudulently or dishonestly procured. It is proper that the general public and the railroads should he protected in their rights, and the innocent should he pro tected against lraud and incentive to fraud. Without such protection provid'd by suitable legislation, the railroads are obliged, in self defense, to observe rules in the making of reduced rates and the issuance of excursion tickets, which are less liberal to the public than they would otherwise be ready to adopt. Real Estate Transfers. The following warranty deeds were recorded in the county clerk’s office during the past week: Mrw. J. L Polk to Mrs. Rebecca Frey, lot 22, bluck s, Lofland a addition to LaJuJtta ...!..• CM Ui Mrr Holt* W. Hawkins to Mr*. Anus M. llu 1 oa, lot* 1 and tv, t>l.«c* tl. La Junta I,’tfo «0 Su-U** L. Blankenship to K. F Turley, lota 15 and 17. block *«. La Juuta.. .. >,900 00 F. F. Turley to N. E. Illankeualiip. un divided Sof lot 21. block -*7. LaJUiita 250 00 Chas. W. Walter* to F. M. Welland. eu*l «4 of northeast >4 and east *4 soutlieast 14 section town»lilp zl • tutb. rang© ~>J wist. Iflo uerva Hut) 0U O.i I ted State* Security and Bond Co. t-j G. M. Uaiuerou, northeast »* of northca*t l 4 section 4, township :« Miutli. rung© is west 1 00 O M Damerou to H. W. Potter, north east "4 of northeast > 4 section (.town ship 24 south, ran ire -Ml west 200 U) Mrs. A. lnveen, residing at 720 Henry street, Alton, 111., suffered with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies recommended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but received no relief. She then used one and a half bot tles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which effected a complete cute. This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afflict, ed to know what cured her. The 25 and 50 cent sisea for tale at the 1 Palace drug store: Evidences of Prosperity. The records of the county clerk’s office during the past three months give some very reliable evidence of the fact that times are not neatly so hard in this county as some people would like to have them— lor political purposes. The rec ords show that during the past three months, front January 1, 1(198, to April 1, IH9B, the following in struments have been recorded: Warranty deeds 144 Hrlrsw vf in<-rtgax«- . - 18 Ks lease .if Deed uf Trust , Bond for dfvd ... 21 Ikadvof trust 72 Xonytifi* I® rhiitle murt«<rs *** Quit ola m - I» There were 220 instruments fav orable to improved conditions and only 91 against. Can any other Colorado county beat this record? Eli's Coming. To the Editor o! the Tribune: On inn Train in Kansas, March 2s. I will be with you Monday, April 4. without fail; will telegraph train later. I never fail to he on hand. If all trains break down 1 will walk from Kansas City letting my truth and veracity follow on the freight. Eli Perkins. Please have my mail, the electro cut and a warm room ready for me. E. P. To Cure a Cold in One Day T»k»- llromo Quinine Tablet#. All Ifruf Isu refund 1 h<- money if It f^llaU» Cure Cm' Tb© gviiuiru- has L. IS. Q »t«in|w«i on each tablet. Notice to Melon Grower*. rpilE HOOK»OFTiIK Kim KY KOKH MELON X t.rwwci* A«B4>ciMii<>n will iw- closed on May I'U atnl no new uictubers can be received after tliut date Tire sblppinir station at Swlnk will lie oper ated fr»<m the dale of th«- first dilpnient tr.nn 1 any point, uoi wli(»»i.»inllnjr any misrepresen tation to the contrary. IiOAHU or Oikkctoks. March 12. l*V* Notice. V. 8. Ukd OrncK. Pmui.CoUiw » Marcli, 4. Hr. f COMPLAINT lIA VI vQ HKKX KNTKKKD at tlil> office by Henry T Hu«s*-ll aguinat 1 lltrain 8 Kenyon for Mi>Mn<l<>fiiug bis llom*- 1 s.ead Entry No It O. d*i ed Marcn il. l-Vf. opi»i. the it. V| S E Srlloti and 8. ** 9. W Section 21. To a nslnp it south. Iting** *-'» Wist. In Otero Con <ty. ('«»( .rail >. with a view to the cam'Hlatlon of »unl entry, the waul |«*rtlo»arv 1 hereby summoned to appear la-lore the Clerk District Court at Lu Jupu*. f.'olo . on the !Vth I day of May. 1» a. at V o clock a. in., to n-apond and furnish testimony eonccritinff said alleged abandonment, hearing Ire fore (Ida offer on May 20, IMO, at V o'clock a m John J. Kiev. Kecdrer. Notice. INtTIIR DIBTKICT COUKTOFOTKKO COUN t>, Cok» In the Mai.erof ihe Application or JoaepMne J. late. iHneresatenl Gnardhin of Buicene i Uiatii Dih*. a minor for and author ity to sell real eat ale. Nolle** Is herelo irfv.-n Uiat J.aiopbine J Doe, tui 11. resident auanlian <>f KnaetM* • itrson |>ie. minor, aid make application to tb© District • ourt, of Ob-ro « onnty, < olomdo. I 011 t .rllurloaf April. 1-U-v at In o clock In the forenoon, oir license and authority to aeil [ tire followli.R described real e«tate Ireloneiriir to-ual minor 'ituaud in Sttid Otertr Oiunty. Colorado tiewlt: Au oiHilndtsi o ~-half Inlerew: in Ihe East ball n ut the Houlbwe* nuartemf the Nor l»- wew. quarter (K s and » W . t of N W „f I StH'tion twenty In Town-ldp tw. nty uo <2z> south ol iliingf nfty-iittie 'V west of (be rlilh princtiat meridian, e -ntdlnlue one bun dr**! and twenty ni reorie-s accoidtnff to the tt- •Vertlmeii. surrey Iher.-of Da ed this 2nd day ot April, l-hv loskfhink J. Ihit. Guardian. P. O. Address. K«d Lake Falls. Minn. > First puhl ca April & i>UB Last publication April 16, l v .e Foreclosure of Mortgage Sole. NOTH'B 18 HKItEIIY GIVEN. THAT BY virtue ol a special execution h*ue<] by tite County Court of Olem * 011 nty. lu tto*- Mate of 1 olorado. amt to me directed !•« a cer tain cau-e luteiy |M*i»d|tnr therein a lieteln ti»e First National (tank of La Junta. L'oau-ado. is plaintilT. and B J llotfmlreand James Hoff mire are deteialanis. w.ierein I .on c -ininattd ed to sell certain pietulses thciein and hereln alter descrlt>©d. tor the purpose of sati*ryiiip the Jmbftneni and dec ee rendered in said causeamouiitinir to three hundrvd atai twenty •m- dollar* and Hity-aeven cents with Intereat and (ir»K In favor of said plattitiffs and airalnst •81*1 dofendunts. Now therefore, I will on the IMb day of April. lM<n, at the north front door of thet.'..urt lloose. In the Towu of U Junta. In said f’ouo ly and State, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, sell at public auction to the hiffhe*! and beat bidder for cash, the fol lowinv deaerllMMl pn*niiaes situate in aixki County and State to-wlt: Lots numbered Twenty-one (21 • and Twenty-two (2ij, In Itlock numbered Thirty-nine (3W) lu the Town of La Junta accordiiiK to the recorded plat t ercof. subject to ull rtjrhtM of ledemptlon iu. provided by law. for the purpose of paving oB and dl«- churKlnif ruM Judgment and n.-cre**. ÜBONUR ll* KM. Sheriff of Otero Pounty. Stnte of t olorttdo. Trustee** Sale. Default been made in the pay menl of principal and Interest on a Erotmsnory note dated Fay ihiti l -vt. executed y 'llio.i a-* J. Jones and Jennie Jones, hla wile, for one thousand ifi.tOUjtkillarH. payffltMe to the Columbia Uuildlnß and isiau .luucis -1 tlon. of Deuv« r. Colurado, secured by a deed of trust to Clyde J. Kastman, trustee, and Id rase ol bis di-at h, resianation, reu.oVai or at>- vnet* fr«>m the County of Otero, Mate of « oMv mdo or refusal, or fsiiurv or Inability U 4 aet then to tne act bur sheriff of nn-m > <<* sueeessor 111 trust, dat -d May IBtb. LH& re corded June Ist. 1.8*2. in Book *, paife tt, ot Oie,oCounty (Coords: And, whereas, Thomas J. Jones assigned Stock CertlOuSie No. B|>.Ul)8 | >.UI) for ten (tui duns 1 of 4«k in the < olumblu Building and Loan Association, to said Assuclatß»u t* addittonal col a era! security* for aabi loan; And wberea*.Cl>dcJ.B isimanbas reslgtied 1 his p.*iti«»ii a- trustee, and is now airw-ut fren the t aunty of Otero, State of Colorado; Now. therefore, at the request of the Colnm- , bta HulidiiMr sud Loan Assockitutn. the Mgrai hold.-r of said • ote. and under nod by virtue of tbe power and authority in me vested by Bald deed or trust. I will, on Tuesday, the id day or Mar. A. D 18». at the hour of lu o eiuok a. m . sell at public auction, at the front door of the t'EMimjr Court House, lu the Count* of Otc-10. and Slate of Colorado, the above fe ■ertlM-d ten (lU.i situ res of Mock, for the idffbtot and brat price the same will bring in cash, for tl»e purpose ~f laying said note and tb j Inter e«t lleroon, and the expenses of exeentta* this trust. I will also sell the following described prop- < erty. -Ituute In the County of Otero, and State of Oatoradu hrsll: Lot number two (2), In Block number three (!) of Verier M. law • Addition to the T.iWauf 1 La Junta aa shown by the recorded piat there- 1 of. and ell the right, title. Interest and equity : ot redetopthm of mid Thoexas J.Jonmand 1 Jennie Jones, hla wife, thrtr heir* and nntoim 1 lit and to *Bld premises, for the hfgheet amt 1 be-1 price the seme will bring In cash, for th# 1 parpowe of paying mid note and the Hlgmt i thereon, and the expenses of ©xe- utlng this 1 Shuttf Diego Cnunty jind hiYt un 1 First puhllestion. Ap 112. into. 8 1 Last publlcehoo. AprilfelM OFFICIAL LIST OF NOMINATIONS To be voted for at the Municipal Election to be held in the Town of La Junta on the sth day of April, A. D. 1898. To vote a Straight Party Ticket place a CROSS MARK, (X) WITH INK, in the square opposite your Party Emblem. .PEOPLE’S PARTY 81 |LAW AND ORDER If you have not voted a Straight Ticket above place a CROSS MARK, (X) WITH INK. opposite each name you wish to vote for in the blank space left for that purpose. FOR MAYOR. Vote for One. jihuffuL C. W. BOMGARDNEK. Post office address, La Junta. Law and Order. Place ol residence, Katon avenue. Place ol business, Colorado Ave. B. F. HASKINS. Post office address. La Junta. People’s Party. Place of residence, Katon avenue. Place of business, Raton avenue. : t FOR TRUSTEES (Full Term) Vote for Three. A. G. BENTLEY. Post office address. La Junta. People s Patty. Place of residence, Smithiand Ave. ' Place of business, Smithiand Ave. MILTON MELVIN. Post office address. La Junta. People's Party. Place of residence, Colorado Ave. 1 Place of business, Santa Fe Ave. I j: V. PEOPLES. Post office address, La Junta. Law an j oriJ ,. r Place of residence. Belle view Ave. * Place of business, Colorado Ave. » C. S. STUBBS. Post office address. La Junta. Peoole's Partv Place of residence, Smithiand Ave Place of business. Smithiand Ave. 1 H. S. SHULL. Post office address. La Junta. Law and Order. Place of residence, Katon avenue. Place of business, Katon avenue. F. F. TUKLEY. Post office address. La Junta Law and Order. Place of residence, Cimarron Ave. Place of business, Santa Fe Ave. STATE OE COLORADO,! County of Otero, fss. Town of La Junta. ) I, G. S. Thompson, Clerk and Recorder of the Incorporated Town of La Junta, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the ticket to be voted at the annual Municipal Election in said Town, to be held Tuesday. April 5,1898. G. S. THOMPSON. Clerk and Recorder. Ilotitw of CloctlOfll. MOfICI IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE il aofflMl muncipal election la and for the TVwn of La Junta. Otero County, State of Colorado, will be held at the various oolllav platM la mid Town, oa Tuesday, tbe Sch day of April, A. D. laws, for the purpose* of elect* (gw die following officers: Owe Mayor, for full term of ooe year. Three Trustee*, for the full term of two ye at*- B. W. Hama**. ffßifc) Meyer. 0.8. Tnoicreox. [afffffffffftl Oerk aad Heoorder. SgmfmWhMHi the «M eoamto muHb* ■liiai aigClrt — June end Oroember, vm, and toedeNaqoeat«ex ietef mM eounty for SaSriMR for the tome to be for the SSStohe merged per bteiqaed the said ******** OmitlyOkrk. DHdi and Bridge Work Workmanship a Specialty. Unexcelled. A. W. MILKER, Contractor : and : Builder. la Junta, Colorado. WANTED—Artesian Well Contracts. r Will take part pay in land, stock, hay, or any other . marketable commodity. For terms apply to V; , J. L. STANLEY, La junta, Colo.