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Volume XIX I of Our ' j Lad es' and Children’s !! < ~f y j Shoe Department<> Jj |! /|S On Thursday, the 7th of this <; f jS month, we will open to the public our 'i > T New Shoe Department. ‘We have ? f spared no expense to fix up a fine f 4S room and have bought direct from <j j t £ the best manufacturers the finest < f T and best line of Ladies’ and Chil- S /fit dren’s Shoes ever brought to La X 4S Junta. We will give three special w 4ft sale days this week, commencing on W jE Thursday morning, and on that date jh we want five hundred Ladies to visit X four new department. To each Lady calling we will W give a nice Easter Souvenir, free, and SK /j\ all will be shown through the depart- X /h ment and shown the new line of shoes W for spring and summer. The follow two days we will give to each Lady SK >|\ buying a pair of shoes to the value of X 4ft $2.00 or over, oi any other cash sale W to that amount, a fine gold pen and f paper cutter. We would like to have ■. h\ all the Ladies in Otero county call <j \ 4ft and see our new department. With < f 4ft the compliments of the season, Yours Very-Truly; y p $ The Price-Draper Clothing Co. J \ %€€€€€€€€€€€€€€t€€€€€€€^ I I i] | DON’T MAKE YOUR | |! WIFE SPLIT WOOD! !jj j, Get her a Gasoline stove. Gas ,g v stoves are clean, economical and (' threy require no wood spliting. v' The “Insurance” is the only 2» stove in which provision is made 2> to prevent the escape of gasoline *E should the burner be accidently ( ¥ blown out or left open. ( } Gasoline, when used in the “In- \ suranee” stove, is as safe, if not \* safer fuel than wood or coal. In -2» surance and Jewell stoves are our < 6 2 * specialties. <C. 2 * A large assortment of Refriger- < \ L ators are on the road and it will tg A pay you to await their arrival. All [ ( * kinds of Ice Cream Freezers now | ’ on hand. < |' Hardware, Implements, Seeds, ' • 3r Harness, Plumbing, Sewerage. 1 j LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. niaunin every Wednesday and satudday. LA JUNTA, OTERO COUNTY, COLORADO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6. 1898. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. Joy» for Jewelry. Easter glove sale at Smith’s. Trade at the Palace drug store. Fine box stationery at the Palace drug store. Honest values at lowest prices at Thompson's. R. E. Chaffer is visiting friends in Garden City. Rubber stamps, pads, ink, etc., at Novelty Works. Easter Souvenirs in the latest designs at Fisher & Larsen’s. J. W. Phenicie was down from Rocky Ford Monday on business. Newest and latest patterns in queensware just received atThomp son’s. A. J. Stark, of Trinidad, visited his son, F. M. Stark, of this city last week. The biggest values ever offered the public in chinaware at Thomp son's closing out sale. Bring in your bicycles and get them repaired before the spring rush begins at the Novelty Works. John Grier, the hospital cook, left on No. 2 Monday for Topeka, j where be will visit friends for a few j days. For building loans or 8 per cent | farm loans, call on W. R. Gibson, j Room 3 Central block, La Junta, Colorado. Mrs. J. K. Dye is planning to build a tine dwelling on her lots on I North Main street. Rocky Ford j Enterprise. Canon Radcliffe, of the Episco- j pal diocese, held services at St. Andrews church in this city Mon day evening. An Atchison man believes that if he should go to war ami be shot in the back, be would receive a back pension. Winter still linge rs in the lap of spring. One day the <I list grits and the next the snow flits through the atmosphere. Buy a pair of those fine residence lots in Mountain View addition on monthly payments of *5 each.— C. L. Seeley, agent. Melville D. Landon, better known as Eli Perkins, the champ ion liar of the United States, was registered at the Harvey House Monday. r Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kintner and children left on No. 2 Satur day to visit relativts and friends in the east. They will be absent about thirty days. E. D. Carlton left on No. 2 Monday for Paris, Texas, where he had been suminonod as a wit ness in the courts. He will prob ably be absent for ten days. Grant Harbour, recently of Ana conda, Colo., has opened a racket store on Santa Fe avenue in the room formerly occupied by Buckey & Hart. He will be ready for bus iness some time this week. Mrs. G. W. Singer, of Syracuse, Kan., a cousin of Ex-Lieutenant- Governor James A. Troutman of that state, arrived in this city. Mon day and will be the guest of. her son-in-law, F. M. Carlisle, for sev eral weeks. Mrs. J. K. Dye returned Thurs day from Greenville, Mich., where she was called a couple of weeks ago to .attend the funeral of a brother who was killed by the kick of a horse. She visited relatives at lona, same stafe, while absent. —Rocky Ford Timea-Republican. Mrs. Florer, mother of Mrs. T. If. Finney, has given the Presby terian ladies a beautiful Easter gift in the way of a quilt, being the work of her own bands since com ing to La Junta. Mrs. Floret is a comparative stranger in pur city and is 9* years of age, yet she takes an intelligent interest in nil I " - CT. KENDAUL. j that concerns her friends and neighbors. I Have your prescriptions filled at the Palace drug store. Young spring chickens, broilers, at the Boston restaurant. Buckey & Hart have plenty of money to loan on good farms. 1 For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher's, postoffice news stand. 1 C. C. Washburn, of Rocky Ford, was a county seat visitor Monday. Clean up the back yard and get ready for the springtime and gentle Annie. Thompson has the finest decor ated china stock patterns imported to this country. Mrs. C. M. Robins, of La Junta, is visiting Rocky Ford relatives and friends.—Rocky Ford Enterprise. Mrs. A. A. Frost, treasurer of the Ladies Aid Society, says they have earned (310 during the past year. F. B. Van Gundy, of the Rocky Ford Times-Republican, was let ting the light of his benign counte nance fall upon the just and the unjust of this burg last Monday. A. W. Shelton left last Saturday night for Kansas City with • ship ment of four cars of sheep. He anticipated a depressed market owing to the large number of sheep that are now being shipped and did not expect to realize as good a price for the last lot as former ones. E. S. Corbin, O. S. t R. D., Eye Specialist and Opthalmic Optician. 1 Head office 6a6 Sixteenth street, : Denver, Colo. ■ Four years study ! of the eye, five years practical ex • perience, statistician o! schools t and instructor in the Colorado r Optical College. Now at the Park ! House Parlors. Any dissatisfac -1 tion of past trips gladly rectified without cost Regular trips made. j t Consultation and examination free, j i George D. Parks, of Rogers, 11 Ark , was domiciled at the Harvey House yesterday. I Highest cash price paid for fat ] cattle, calves, poultry and produce 1 at the Columbia Meat Market. How about your eyes? Corbin the specialist will tell you free, at Park House Parlors this week. W. J. Garvin, the Santa Fe agent, contemplates bringing his family here from La Junta soon.— Lamar Register. A. Everett has a very competent and accommodating meat cutter at his shop in the person of William Fitzpatrick, who came here from La Junta. —Lamar Register. An incipient blaze at the stock yards Sunday, during the high wind, was extinguished before it had gained much headway. Five dollars will probably cover all the damage done. Roadmaster Marshall was in the city Monday and together with S. E. Marquand, Grant Reeder and W. E. Tarbox went up Cheyenne ' creek duck hunting, but found . game very shy and only succeeded ; in bagging seven mallards Cool t idge Enterprise. 1 The moon last Saturday evening I was an interesting spectacle. It 1 was encircled by the red, white and - blue colors of the star spangled ! banner, which some of our citizens . declared was a sure sign of war, , and of the success of our army and f navy. Others claimed that there - waa “blood on the moon” and it s augured ill for this nation. But » behind it all .there was probably It the man iq the moon with one eye - closed and bis index finger along 1 aide of his ante laughing to him Number 3. self at the sensation he was creat ! ing on this mundane sphere by his j pyrotechnic display. Four seals from the seal rocks at) the Golden Gate, San Franciacht passed through this city by expresi on No. 8 yesterday. Their desti nation was Liverpool, England. Pure blood, .good digestion and; regular bowel movements are the; results that follow the use of Prickly Ash Bitters. It removes lethargy due to a disordered livers The preliminary examination of John Freymeyer, charged with as-' sault to kill H. L. Brannon las week, took place at Rocky Fort | Monday before Justice Green. H ( was bound over to the April tern of the district court in the sun of SI,OOO. Mrs. A. C. Armstrong has not completed the Standard Squar Inch Tailor System of Dressmali ing. A perfect fit without altert tion. Call and see her, and g« style of cut, price and finish. Sb : has had experience in dressmakin before and with the new systei she will give perfect satisfaction. j Last Saturday evening tbirt4 * one members of the Masonic fr* 1 ternity, of this city, and six frpj Rocky Ford went to Lamar in special car to assist the brethtw ; of that city in conferring the wow : on the third degree. At LaM I they were met by • delegatkj i from Lamar Lodge, No. (jm , 1 escorted to the lodge room, until a late bout they were leybffi"* 1 tained in a manner that wißjJlw i be remembered as one of tMMMff : ant occasions so seldom egtjjHm : The brethren of Lamar fully ajjijj - oDstrated their ability to eMM|| i in a most pleasing manMg||jffi£;& ; tended the right hand o! MB ’ . in the true spirit of the *wßߧ| -