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Tbe woman who it wnron«. . who ha* a and vanablr appe and no *trcnirtb or ▼ JT nerre. who »uffm from I jr pain* and ache*, dra* ■ * ring down and //A kurnini nen*a /y/l \y . tiona, and who w IvJQiiyiir^rTarecoißii**. 1 w) war be r*e I f. that I \ —*• *he ha* become I 1 *- "TT irritable, croa*. <A-Pt Mvvv b,oc ,n< * ** e ittrfAjkf f | J spondent, is in 'fmß I \ r rr almost errrj #".*/ £ V»l»r c*mt snffenn* f • s r* »L- from weakness ' ?7 y \V and disease of • " 1 the delicate and important organ* that bear the burdens of maternity Thouwaml* of women suffer in this way and do not rectynixe the cause, or if they do understand their condition, neglect it rather than submit to the obnoxtou* exam ination* and local treatment insisted upon by the average physician. Dr Pierce's I Favorite Prescription is a wonderful medt cine for women who suffer in this way It does away with the necessity for these try inf ordeals, and may be used in the privacy of the home. It acts directly on the deli cate organs concerned, and makes them strong, vigorous and healthy. It banishes the discomforts of the expectant period and makes baby’s advent easy and almost pain less. It transforms weak, nervous, petulant ; invalids into happy wives and mothers j Thousands of women have testified, over j their own signatures, to this fact. The j "Favorite Prescription " may be procured from any good medicine dealer Any wom an who will write to Dr. R V. Pierce. Buf fain N Y.. may have the advice of an emin ent and skillful specialist without charge Mrs Cor* M Mcbaurin of Rockport. Copiah Co M«%-* writes •I had displacement and inflammation of the uterus I was under the treatment of oor family physician tor a long time but received no benefit I had falling of in ternal organs with ulceration and enlargement I commenced u*ing l»i Pierce s Favorite I're •rriT'tK/n ‘ ridden Medical Discovery Flea-mnt pellet* and Extract of smart Weed From the first dav I began to improve, and in a short time I wa* able to do all my houvwork If it ha*l not Seen for your medicines I would have been dead long ago " Stomach and liver troubles with sluggish action of the bowels are cured by Doctor Pierce’* Plcaaant Pellets LA JUNTA TRIBUNE PARKS A MASON. Proprietors. published at the Tribune Building, Trinidad I’luxa. every Wednesday and Saturday by Brotjun & JVlason. Entered at the Post Office at La Junta, Colo., ! as second class mall matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF LA JUNTA AND OTERO CO ; Subscription $1.50 s year in advance, •f not paid in advance, fa.oo a year. SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1898. Texas editors arc being killed off rapidly. J. Guy Smith, of Cotuila, otherwise known as “Brann No. 2,” is the latest victim. And his opponent in the shooting match died with his boots on like wise. The American torpedo boat Winslow and the gunboat Wiln - i igton engaged in a conflict with m For i H 1° n 1 Pure Drugs, |g| H|§ Toilet Articles, jj§§ Cigars and Tobaccos jgjg go to PH The Palace Hi f M m Drug Store. | ICE CREAM SOM | Hammocks and §||| Croquet Sets. Wi£ Lowest Prices. js|| br|| Now is the time to buy, |gga ]|jg while the stock p$ Si is complete. gfjg §H The Palace Drug Store. jljf Spanish gunboats off the coast of j Cardeoas Thursday in which five American sailors were killed, the first fatality of the war on the American side. Rear Admiral Sampson, with nine ships, bom barded the defenses of Porto Rico the same day and utterly demol ished them without any dam age to his fleet or the loss of a man. The Spanish fleet has been sighted off the coast of Martinque, and Sampson only 400 miles away. It is only a matter of a few hours until tbe “man with the long hair and the strong arm” wrecks the I “Spanish column” and sends the balance of the fleet to hades by way of the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. God speed the hour. The senate this week passed a resolution submitting to thelegisla* ; tures of the various states an | amendment to the constitution of the United States, changing the date of the beginning of the terms of president, vice-president and members of congress from the 4th of March to the 4th of May. One reason was the bad weather in 5 March. The most important rea- j son for the adoption of the amend- j ment was that the time between j the date congress convened in De- j cember and the 4th of March, when congress expired by limitation every two years, was too short for the properconsidcration of the thirteen great appropriation bills and other matters of importance which must necessarily be considered during tbe short session of congress. Too many publishers in this j great land of ours seem to be firm jly convinced, deep down in their | inmost souls, that the home popu | lation is in some way. morally and I legally bound to support the home papers without any special efforts on their part. It they can not afford to be enterprising on their own account, they are all too eager to become objects of charity and let the dear people, by popular subscription, pay for their efforts of alleged enterprise. A publisher who utilizes such methods rarely gets up a paper that is worth the ’ ink with which it is printed. Good, honest, hard work and an eager de sire to get up a readable paper will, we believe, accomplish much in gaining the respect of a community and at the same time add shekels j to tbe usually depleted treasury of the publisher. The bulletin board neck is the latest thing out. It is even more j elastic than the rubberneck. Pueblo has been selected as the i site for this year’s state liorticiil-; tural fair. It will be held the last i three days in the month of Sep tern her. “Where rolls the Oregon?” has j been the pertinent inquiry during J the past week. Does she hear no sound save the booming of her! thirteen-inch guns? Naturally a great many depriva- j tions are counted upon in a time j of war, but it will be hard to ex cuse the proposed corner in Rocky Ford melons.—Globe-Democrat. Ninety per cent of the rejected volunteers for the army were cigar ette smokers. The applicants have gone home to engage in a little warfare of their ow n with the de testable habit. After all Dewey is to be cen sured by the naval stragetic board lat Washington. What for? He jis charged with being the chief j manipulator in a shell game on the | Spanish dons at Manila. The wheat crop prospects in Kansas are even more flattering than they were last year, while in California there is a general belief that there w ill not be enough wheat for seed. The normal yield in California is from 100,000 to 125,- 000 tons and this year it will not reach 10,000 tons. Old Bachelor's Chance. Uncle's Sam's Old Maid volun teers will be auctioned off at the i opera house Thursday evening, May 19th. to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand. All guar anteed to have teeth and a tongue [ of only normal length. ■ - mm ♦ County Commissioners. The county commissioners met . in regular monthly session Mon . day, May 9th, all the members be ing present. They were in session two days, adjourning Tuesday af ternoon. Monday was devoted to , examining claims and allowing . bills. The claims of the recent i session ot the district court amount . ed to a good round sum, and the total amount paid out was unus ually large. Follow ing is as> nop sis of the proceedings of Tuesday: The vacancy in justice precinct No. 3, by reason of the official elected failing to qualify was filled by the appointment of B. H. Mar tin to the office. The appointments by Assessor Adsmond of J. M. Gibbs, F. PZ. Robich, J. D. Musgrave and R. M. Beach as deputy'assessors was approved. The contract for screening the grade and second floors of the court house was awarded to John Gwyn for $121.50. The county assessor was instruct ed to procure from the state board of land commissioners a statement of the lands in Otero county pat ented from the state to the present date. Adjourned. Fred A. Sabin, one of La Junta’s leading legal illuminaries, is in the city and has parlors at the Colum bian.—Trinidad Saturday Adver tiser. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Mattingly, of Topeka, arrived in this city on No. 1 yesterday morning, to visit their son, John Mattingly, for a few days. The O’clock Club made S4O at their recent entertainment at the opera eouse, and will utilize the funds in acquiring membership in the National Federation of Woman’s Clubs. Rev. Elmer Ward Cole left on No. 2 yesterday for Las Animas, where he delivered an address at tbe commencement exercises of the Las Animas schools, which too place yesterday. J. F. Gardner, of Silver Cliff, Colo., has accepted a position in the local store of Bergerman Bros. Mr. Gardner has rented the house formerly occupied by C. A. Beer bohm for a place of residence. Public Sale. I will sell at public auction 1 twenty-six of my beautiful Old j Maids at the opera house in La 'junta, May 19th, to the highest bidder for cash. Please remem i her the date and be on hand. Uncle Sam. P. S. I will give my written j guarantee that there i*= not a single lone under 40. U. S. aS» 0 m - Bunting is in great demand these days and the price of it has gone ;up 200 per cent since the declara -1 tion of war. To Cure m Cold in One Day Titkt- Lsxatiie llromo Quinine* Tablet*. All : [irtig. I*t» refund the- nintivy If it fasti* to Cura. I Tbr Kfouior bu L B. Q. ftUmpud on «acb ; tablet. Notice. O' x AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 23d. I 8». the banka in U Junta will open at V a. no. i ami cloM* at 3 p. tii sharp, thereby oontorm- I iny ui the tanking hour* of other town** of ■ thi* cla*s In Colorado. The La Jcstta Stat* Bask. The Fihat National Bask. M;iy 10. 1-te Notice. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OK OTERO County. Colorado. j in thn Matter of the Application of Josephine J. Doe, non-reeldeut Guardian of Bujrt-ne . ir-on D>>e. a tulnor, for ltcs-a*e and author ■ it> to sell real c-tate. ( Notice l« hereby given that Joaephine J. ! iioa-mldent sruaidian of EugenrOrnon j late, minor, will make application to the 111*- j inet Court, of Otero County. Colorado, on the i i i h day or June. l*V*v at 10 «t clock In the fora* i noon, for license and authority to aell the fol ! lowing described real estate ba-lontrinff to aaid ■ min. r. situated In aaid Otero county. Colo j r*do. 10-wit: An undivided one-half Interest In the Ka>t half and the Southwest quarter or the North west quarter iE. '» and 8. W. of N. W. »,) of j Section twenty in Townabip twenty-two<*2 l » .utii of Itanjre flftr-nlne <-*9) west of the *txtb prlnci»*al meridian, eontaiuins one bund rail and twenty acres, more or Urea, according to ila* government survey thereof Dated tbU I4tb day of May, IS*. JoiiStiiiMJ. Doe. Guardian. P. O. Address, Red Lake Falla. Minn. Flrxt publication May 14. I*4l*. last publication June 4, like. Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to a judgment and decree of the DlstrUt Court of the Tenth Judicial District of Colorado, sitting within and for (hero County, made and entered on the Alth day of April. A I). IMS', in a suit then pending en titled Tbc First National Bank of La Junta, Colorado, plaintiff,v* L. A. Itenton, defendant, by which said Judgment and decree the coutt did SSitd and adjudge that a certain convey ance made by the defendant to the plaintiff on the ititb day oi June, lSltt. of Lot Twenty-four (ill In Block Eighteen < lr»* in the Town of La Junta. Otero County, Colorado, was in effect a mortgage given to -ecure to tlie plaintiff the (taytm-nt of a cert.ilu protntSNOrjr note made i iivutwl and delivered on the . d day of De cember. IMM. by the defendant to the plaintiff. And that the amount due the plaintiff from the defendant on account of said uote and in terest, and on account of taxes paid on said premises was $ ..VLIJ. which said Indebtedne-s is secured by said mortgage and whereas said proceeding* were instituted for the purpose of forecUwing said mortgage and whereas the court did order, adjudge and decree that the Sheriff of Oteio County proceed to sell said premises aud foreclose said uottgagv for tbe purposes of satisfying said costs, principal, i Merest and taxes. Now, therefore. I, George Barr. Sheriff of Otero County. Colorado, do hetehy give notice that on ttaturday. the Ittb day of June. A. D. IM, at the hour of Eleven o clock In the fore noon at the north front door of the County Court House, at i.a Juut*. Otero County. Coke rndo. 1 shall sell at public au •lion unde fore closure of said mortgage and under said de cree of Court, bit Numbered Twenty-four <J4j In Block Eighteen d»» in the Town of lu Junta. Otero County. Colorado The terms of said sale to be for cash and the proceeds there of to be applied first, to the payment of cost*, second to the payment of the amount due the plilntiff from the defendant. And that the de fend ant and all persoas claiming under him subsequent to the in <rtgage on suid premise* either as purchasers or encumbrancer* or otherwise shall be foreclosed fn>m all right, claims or equities In said p emisea or any part thereof except that the defendant or any judgment creditor of the defendant may lie permitted is redeem said premises in manner and form provided by law. That the plaintiff or any other party to this suit may become a purchaser at said sale. GEORGE BAR f. Sheriff of Otero County. Colorado. First publication May 11, Irtd. Last publication June 8,1898. Sheriffs Sals. TCTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PCR -19 suant to an order and decree of the Dis trict Court of the Tenth Judicial District of Colorado, sluing within and for Otero county, made and entered on the a/th day of April, A. D. IM*N In :t certain matter tlien pending en titled the First National Bank of La Junta, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. William M. Ander mip. Mrs. M. M. L>rtuni. L. A. Benton and L. A. Roland, defendants. w..lch said mutter was a proceeding instituted by tlie plaintiff to re cover of and from the defendants a judgment on a promis*or> note made, executed and de livered by the defendants to the plaintiff. And for a Judgment of this Court decreeing that the defendsnt L. A. Benton holds the fol lowing real estate to wit: Block numbered four (4) and lota five (5) to twelve 4121 In lu stre, In block two (2) In Lofland's addition to tlie Town of La Junta, Otero county, Colo rado. In trust for the use and benefit of the plaintiff for the payment of said promissory note and tnteraat thereon and the taxes on said real estate. And whereas on the 30th day of April. A. D. UW, said cause coming on for trial before the court and it appearing to tlie satisfaction of the court that the defendant L. A. Benton bad been reguiariv served with summons therein and a copy of the complaint therein, within the county of Otero, and that more than twenty days had elapsed since said service and that toe defendant. L. A. Benton, bad entered no appearance therein and whereas, upon mo tion of the plaintiff the default of the defend ant, L A. Benton, was duly entered, and whereas tbe court, after the Introduction of plaintiff's evidence did And and decree that ail the allegations of the plaintiff's complaint were true and that the said defendant Benton bolds the said real estate In trust for the use and benefit of the plaintiff for the purpose of paying said Indebted mss-, and whereas the court did further find and adjudge tb-t the de fendants were Indebted to the plaintiff on ac count of said note and tbe interest thereon, and on account of taxes paid on said pretnl-aa in tbe sum of f( and whereas the oourt rendered Judgement for the plaintiff and against the defendant. L. A. Renton, for Mid amount, tbe other defendants above named not having been served with tbe summons herein, and whereas the court dkl further ad judge aud detree that tbe defendant. L A. Benton, execute s-id trust and within tends)* from tbe entry ° r sakl decree proceed to ad vertise said real estate for sale and sell the same after Thirty days notice in some News paper In Otero County, it Is to be sold to the highest and best bidder for tbe beat price that can be obtained therefor, and In ease of a fail ure or refusal of tbe said Benton to execute said trust that the sheriff of Otero County ex eeute said trust end sell said premises In eon “rasssi"'THU —r.««.. «f Otero County, Colorado, pursuant to aaid de cree do hereby give notice that on Saturday, •he Utfc day of June. A. D tan. at tbe hour of Eleven-thirty o clock In the forenoon, at the north front door of the Oonnty Court House of Otero County, at La Junta. Colorado I shall •all Block Numbered Four nod Lota Fire to Twelve Inclusive in Block Two la Lofland’s Addition to the Town of La Junta to the Mrtnflasa best bidder at pubHe auction ftv S toat arte* that can he obtained therefor, the luinhsstr at sold sale to pn* the amount Sfi for said premises to the Clerk of said Start* of Owro Ooootjr, OotoraSo VStgSSSSSXS'KSt sssstsssssss** ss ssws %*%♦*»<♦**%*%< [the baby buggy j! Will be Given Away j! j| _ jgjJBSV Saturday, May ai. jj <[ This Baby Buggy may ][ 11 \ / l* 2 yours for the guessing. < j J, - Every 50 cent purchase <i j[ • We are showing a full <[ body Baby Buggy, worth jj (» $lO.OO, for $7.50. A 1 s;tter one, with brake, real value j| J! $13.00, at $10.50. And our $15.00 grade, complete p J[ with brake and rubber tires, at $12.50. These prices * ( (I will hold good for thirty days. <J 1 1 Examine our new la)s>r saving Washing Machine. It J) t 1 is superior to any other make, and the price, st».;>o, f J i brings it within the reach of any one wanting a first-class S <' machine. X { FINNEY’S DEPARTMENT STORE, i ©©©©©©©©©©©©©4©©©©.©©.©©®®®® |WE CATER TO THE COOK 1 And meet all comers who desire to comjtete in jgj jg quality, variety, promptness or price. <§j (gj Man’s l*est friend is the cook; the cook’s l>est '©) (§j friend is us, because t>ur goods are always the first of the season. g THE CASH CItOCIS. / , J. H . SI MONTON. ii G. B. ROUND & CO.—o l DEALERS IN A ]| Staple and Panc\ ? Qroceric§4 < Jj FRESH AND SALT MEATS. A «[ CROCKERY AND OUEENSWARE. 4 We handle only corn fed beef. . . V | THE LA JUNTA NOVELTY WORKS—g G 3 Repairs Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Machines, Lawn £3 S 3 Mowers, Typewriters, Umbrellas, Locks, Baby S 3 eg Buggies, and does all kinds of small, difficult jobs. C 3 S 3 Key fitting a specialty. The best equipped repair S 3 S 3 shop iu Colorado. Sg g E. G. HAWKINS, Proprietor, g m fn wr a********************************** V Ditch and Bridge Workmanship V <[ Work a Specialty ’ . . Unexcelled J jj A. W. Mil ifp - | jj CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, j | | Furnished on Application La Junta, Colorado. | ( %%%%%% ry yyryy * g-mnnny i MATT DAKIfFTEIFi, I l pmtii m f o \ r COAL, HAY, j i FEED AND GRAIN. i • c J Canon City Prepared Coal—something new—far surpasses ° LP anything that has ever been put on the market for cooking J purposes. Try it once and you will use no other. ■ ■ «»«B»»«eaii««»»aBa»atam«B8sg8fo««DiiB«oD« < i».oii 00n ° R. S. BROCK & CO,^> General Commission Merchants WHOLESALB DBALEttS IN LIVE POULTRY, GAME. £OOS k BUTTER* We need fresh poujtry every day. We want your fresh ; dairy and roll butter. Get all of your produce on the mar- ' before the prices drop any lower. ; CASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE " - tss**s*s*****s***s***s*ssss***ssss*ss**s*ss**ssssss* | WANTED I artesian well contracts. j | %»**»■ 4 5 Will Uke part pay in land, stock, hay, or any other mar- V ketable commodity. For terms apply to j i J. L. STANLEY. J