Newspaper Page Text
f-, Think of Uv -1 J rrar w after one W L JQ/J to nil practical in (l tents and purpoaea,— \Sk\frl dead, with the auto fffJH XAlWeraph of death in- M Jy / !fccn * >c< * ,m brow and /t Thousands of women live for V f * or^two n r ** /W When a woman becomes hope she is praCtic ally dead. The roong woman to whom the future is a dreary waste, the young wife who is a helpless, nervous invalid, the mother whose babes are a burden in stead of a blessing,—all these, unless they take the right measures to recover their health, are better dead than living. In the majority of cases these ghosts of women owe their condition to weakness and dis ease of the distinctly feminine organism. Frequently they have been deceived by the incorrect diagnosis of tome obscure physician and do not understand the true nature of their trouble. It only costs a two cent postage stamp for a woman to write and describe her condition to Dr. R. V. Fierce, an eminent and skilful special ist, for thirty years chief consulting phys ician to Uic Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y. He will answer letters from ailing women without charge. He is the discoverer of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, the greatest of all known medicines for women. I* acta directly on the delicate organs concerned in maternity and makes them strong, health}* and vigorous. It banishes the in dispositions of the anxious period and makes baby’s coming easy and almost painless. It cures all disorders and dis placements and checks exhausting drains. " Previous to motherhood my wife was very sick." write* Dennis H Connelly. Esq., of Clear Water. Wright Co.. Minn " Two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription made her well and strong." Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure bil iousness and constipation. One a dose. They never gripe. SANTA FE ROUTE THE BEST LINE. EAST. Double daily train service to Chicago. Kansas City and all parts of Kansas. WEST. Twodaysto California. One night out to Phoe nix. Quickest time to Portland. SOUTH. Two days to Galveston. One night out to Bi Paso. Eighty-six hours to Mexico City. Through Pullman palace sleepers and fret chair ears In each direction. Dally tourist cars to Cullfornla. All trains are uptodntt and fast. Dining cars and eating bouse* managed by Mr. Fred Harvey- W. J. BLACK, Gen. Pass. A pent, Topeka, Kansas. J. P. HALL, Gen. Agent, ■TOO Lawrence St., Denver. m%m*s***«m*« ws 0 In America would have hie (| * olothee made by a reputable j J j) tailor If he fully realized |! 1 1 how muoh more comfort, <[ f | new style and more moneye J, . | worth he seta when he buys < I (> hie sarmente that way. It • I *[ la not odd that a man who J | I haa onoa worn a aenulne (I (I made-to-order suit hardly • IS ever soeo back to a ready - ( | made. Don’t think they cost more, they coat less If 1 1 you conaldar style, fit and J ( comfort. my samples. < | J. W. DOUTHITT. ;! *s%s*%****«**«4 DR. R. E. MEHAFFEY DENTIST^ Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All work guar anteed. Office, rooms I and a, Woodruff block. JDr. Fenner’s | m and LIVER Remedy and j| IBLffJfJIJ Nerve Tonic# Jpir Unr CnpWit, RinroesMss, Biliounss, W CMStiptfM, BM nd Skis Disntts. n lfo eomptafnU art* more common than the above. Any one of llmbi Ml aty ho tho r— lt or fotruag of the other. You fed dull and dipni Jiaaad, Yowbowola novo Jnogolarly and yon feel clumsy and sluggish /JiYhoth body aad mind. May he yon have treated with physicians or triad If /aono raao— nadod nodldac. without benefit. That Is no argmaaal agaiast this woadsrfl laandy- This nodldiw is superior to otter praparaHaaa aad jwartfßw. because It Is prepared by aa enladat physldse.whose'snriMagsoa medical questions are recognised authority, ff asisatliasd aflar ategpae bottle yoar money will he refunded by THE PAXJLCE DKUO STORE, LA JUHTA, 001*0 MEMORIAL DAY. i Programme of Cxerciooo for Monday, May 30, »*»•■ The following orders have been issued from Headquarters Kilpat rick Post No. 41, G. A. R., by T. j M. Gibbs, post commander: The steady, onward march of < time has brought us again near the ;day we hold so dear, Memorial ; Day, with all its sad and hallowed | memories, bringing with it the ten der recollections of the Grand j Army of the Republic, on the 30th day of May, in strewing flowers up on the graves of our fallen heroes. To all Comrades of the Grand Army, their families and friends of our town, we would ask that they attend Memorial service on the afternoon, at 2 o’clock p. 111., on the 29th day of May, at the opera house, where union services will be held. All members of Kilpat rick Post No. 41, and old soldiers, will assemble at the Post room and march in a body to the opera house at 1 o'clock p. m. At 9 o’clock a. m., on the 30th day of May, the Grand Army of the Republic and soldiers of the Blue and the Gray, the Women’s Relief Corps and all other orders of our city will assemble at their respective halls, and form in col umn on Trinidad Plaze, in front of the G. A. R. hall, and we earnestly request and invite all orders and citizens to assist in the exercises of j this National day. The line of march will be east on Trinidad Plaza to Colorado street, ! south on Colorado street to Illinois, i thence west to cemetery. The or der of march will be as follows: Hand. I.a J until Fire Department. Uniform Hank K. of P. No. 7.—Capt. Klikman. Kilpatrick Pont No. 11. (J. A. K.—Commander T. M. Gibbs. 1. O. O. F. lodge No. 71. l,a Junta Lodg** No. 3* K. of P. Woodmen of the World. Camp No. S. Improved Order of Red Men. Tribe No. 31. Children In Wagons. Womars Relief Corps No. :U. All other sister lodges In carriages. Citizens in Curl lag***. At the cemetery all members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C., school children and secret orders will form hollow square, when the fol lowing exercises will take place: Song School Children Address T. M. Gibbs Prayer Chaplain of Post Song t Choir Salute the Dead. All orders and friends will then ibe dismissed for one-half hour to decorate the graves, when the re j turn march will be taken up in the : order above given. In the after | noon exercises will be held at the i opera house at 2 o’clock and the following programme rendered: Opening Address Commander Gibb* Prayer Chaplain Bong Choir Address Rev. Elmer Ward Ode Bong School Children Remarks By Comrades Benediction. The marshall of the day, Capt. J. R. Wells, with with his aides from other orders, appointed to assist, will have charge of fotming the line of march. All persons, so appointed, will report to the mar shal at 9a. m. The column will start at io a. m. sharp. Flowers will be received at the G. A. R. hall. A Bonanza to --Trlbuna** Subscribers. We have made arrangements with the Kansas City Journal whereby we are enabled to offer that excellent weekly paper as a free premium to all paid up sub scribers to the Tribunk. All new subscribers will receive the Semi-Weekly Tribune and the Kansas City Weekly Journal for the price of one year's subscrip tion—, payable invariably in advance. Subscribers who are in arrears, and pay up to date and one year in advance may also avail themselves of this great offer. The Journal is a republican pa per, metropolitan in all particulars. Ln addition to the telegraphic news of the week, which will include all the war news, it contains every thing of interest in current events, science, history, art, special arti cles, miscellaneous matter and a complete market report. Remember, both papers for one year for $1.50. Sample copies may be procured at this office. ■ mm Santa Fa Route Train Sarvlca. No extra charge is made on Santa Fe Route limited trains be tween all points. Fast vestibuled train for all points east leaves Denver at 7 p. m., Colorado Springs 9:40 p. m., Pueblo 11:05 p. m. daily, running solid to Chi cago via. Kansas City without change; carrying Pullman palace sleepers and chair cars; making direct connections for all points in Texas. The shortest and most direct route to California and Mex ico points. All dining cars and eating houses under management of Fred Harvey. For full infor mation, rates, timecards, etc., ad dress J. P. Hall, General Agent, Denver, Colo. B » Real Estate Transfer*. The following warranty deeds were recorded in the county clerk’s office during the past week: John L. Fetxerto Jo§. P. Pollock, wont V, of northern*! of «nuthwe«t of north went ami northwest 1* of •outliwcßt 14 of northwest V*. and all thut portion of the went V* of Miutb east of southwest of northwest in section 12. township 23 south, range 57 west 12,010 00 8. L. Wells and Addle P. Wells to II U. Dye A Bon, lot 5, block 2 A. Rocky Ford I,MO 00 B. U. Dye A Bon to George 0. Maxwell and H. 1. Maxwell, lot 5, block 2 at. Rocky Ford 2,000 00 Andrew Waddlngton to Henry Ilushaw . acres section IS, township 22 south, range SO west 72S 00 J. P. llradish to John Hagtnann. lot 10, block 25, Braddlsb addition. Lit Junta 25 00 J. B. Seelcv to Abigail Hopkins, Fran ces 1. Hopkins and Bertha B. Will iams. lota 5 and It, block 1. Rocky Ford, quit claim 1 U) Jennie Burnett and Hattie A. fiavl- Inud to E. E. Deavetip »rt, lots *23 and 24, block 52, La Junta, quit 01rim.... 400 UO m Dcatncas Cannot B« Cured By local applications as they can not reach the deceased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con stitutional remedies.- Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition ol the mucous lining of the Eustach ian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever, nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mu cous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be' cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free.— F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Just aa Good. This story, narrating an incident which a resident of the Holbrook country says actually occurred re cently, is as worthy of repetition as if it were actually true—and per haps it is: It was Friday, the day of original compositions in a Hol brook school. Each scholar had to memorize his or her production. A little girl with blue eyes and sandy hair lisped: The dawning shafts of light came out To greet the lark’s refrain. And every gladdened heart sang out — Then she stopped. A blue shirted urchin raised his hand and snapped his fingers. “What is it, Bobby?” asked the teacher. “I know it.” “Know wljat?" “The line abe's forgot.” “You do,” maid the teacher, in aurpriae; “what is it?" Prompt as a rifle shot came the answer that completed the verse: To with Spain! Whooping Cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommend ed Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, but after giving him a few doses of that remedy 1 noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It is the best cough medicine I ever had in the house.—J. L. Moore, South Burgettstown, Pa. For sale by the Palace drug store. Public Notice. Hereafter no bills will be paid by the undersigned companies un less accompainied by requisitions Srigned by W. M. Wiley, general manager; E. C. Hawkins, chief engineer; Thomas Berry, engineer in charge; H. A. Pettee, superin tendent Holly ranch; J. F. Mc- Dowell, superintendent canals. Bills must be sent in not later than the sth of the following month and always in duplicate. Tin Great Plains Water Storage Company, The Amity Land and Irrigation O > MPA NY. W. M. Wiley, Manager. Holly, Colo., May 9, 1898. That man is not lazy whose liver is torpid and whose bowels are clogged up. He needs Prickly Ash Bitters. Its cleansing and stimulating properties will quickly restore activity, energy and cheer fulness. For the biennial meeting of gen eral federation of Women’s Clubs at Denver, Colo., June 21st to 29th, tickets will be sold June 20th and 21 st, with final limit for return June 30th. The fare from La Junta will be $7.25 for the round trip.—W. O. Skinner, Agent. Bill Nye wrote to the bald headed man who asked his advice on restoratives as follows: “Take your hair restorative money and buy a lot in La Junta, Colo., a growing town that supports its home paper, and advertises and goes ahead, and you will be fixed, and the man who is fixed don’t care whether he has any hair or not. ” Many old soldiers now feel the effects of the hard service they en dured during the war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of Rossville, York county, Penn., who saw the hard est kind of service at the front, is now frequently troubled with rheu matism. “I had a severe attack lately,” he says, “and procured a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It did so much good that 1 would like to know what you would charge me for one dozen bottles.” Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own use and to supply it to his friends and neighbors, as every family should have a bottle of it in their home, not only for rheu matism, but lame back, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is unequalled. For sale by the Palace drug store. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative llroino Quinine Tablet*. All Druggist* refund the money If It fall* to Cure. 25c. The genuine hue L. (I. Q. stain |>ed on each tablet Sheriffs Sale. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUR iv suant to a Judgment and decree of the District Court of the Tenth Judicial District of Colorado. sitting within and for Otero County, made and entered on the 20th day of April. A. D. 18W8,in a suit then pending en titled The First National Bank of La Junta. Colorado, plaintiff,vs. L. A. Benton, defendant, by which said Judgment and decree the court did find and adjudge that a certain convey ance made by the defendant to the plaintiff on the I6tb day of June, 18», of Lot Twenty-four (24) In Block Eighteen (18) In the Town of La Junta, Otero County, Colorado, wus in effect a mortgage given to secure to the plaintiff the payment of a certain promissory note made, executed and delivered on the ..d day of De cember, 1811 k, by the defendant to the plalnUff. And that the amount due the plaintiff from the defendant on account of sain note and in terest, and on acoount of taxes paid on said R remises was $553.42, which said Indebtedness > secured by said mortiraire and whereas said proceedings were Instituted for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage and whereas the court did order, adjudge and decree that the Sheriff of Otero County proceed to sell said premises and foreclose said mortgage for the purposes said costs, principal. Now, therefore, I, George Barr. Sheriff of Otero County. Colored*, do hereby /five notice that on Saturday, the lltb day of June, A. D. IMB, at the hour of Eleven o'clock In the fore noon at the north front door of the County Court House, at La Junta, Otero County, Colo rado, I shall sell at public auction under fore closure of said murtsure and under said de cree of Court, Lot-Numbered Twenty-four (24) In Block Eighteen (18) In the Town of La Junta. Otero County, Colorado. The terms of said sale to be for cash and the proceeds there of to be applied first, to the payment of costs, second to the payment of the amount due the plalnUff from the defendant. And that the de fend ant aod all persons claiming under him subsequent to the mortgage <>n said premises stthsr as parehaser* or encumbrancers or otherwise shall be foreclosed from all right, elalma or aquttlea In said premises or any part thsrsof except that the defendant or any judgment creditor of tbe defendant may be permitted ts redeem said premises In manner tWjMotM or aay otbor put r <• tkn p “t!SIK , .ISSir tsasSsxSFx" | WILL CONSTIPATION KILL? 11 6/ Under unusual circumstances yes, but ordinarily it Is not 1 Z 47 fatal, because it is not a disease. It is however, the CAUSE of 47 g several dangerous diseases, hence prudence would suggest its i 9 g PRICKLY ASH § g BITTERS g Is an appropriate and valuable remedy In this disorder. It not only relieves and permanently cures constipation but It exercises curntlvs and tonic pro- me /I pertles In the kidneys, liver and stomach. Tims by regulating and stlmulat- xl mZ liik the whole system. It corrects the trouble, wards off disease and keeps the body strong and healthy. Z% raid $l.OO m BOTTLE. Prepared by PKICKLT ASH WTOTS CO., fit. Louis. 7m SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Zj •rrrrinnnrtfTrrgTnnrffYTmnnrrgrffTrg^ I GREAT SLAUGHTER qf^. o o i Clothing and Furnishing Goods, i o ••••RRRRffo* o S I have consigned to me $10,000.00 % | worth of Clothing, Furnishing Goods % o and Shoes that I will offer to the citi- - % of La Junta at Public Auction for the % l next sixty days. ° R. W. MORRISS. i O o o Norman Building, Santa Fc Avenue and Trinidad Plaxa. 0 tSLJLSLSUULSULSULAJLSLSUULSUUUULSUIJiAJL&SUULSULBJLSL&AJLJUUIJLSULSLSL&JIJLSL9 THE WAR IS OIM& But I am still in the bottling business, and doing business at the old stand. I manufacture every known temperance drink and can give you something that’s non-alcoholic that can’t t)o told from the genuine article. There are fakirs abroad, and they have even invaded the realms of La Junta and held up a number of reputable citi zens for a dollar a gallon. When you want to l>e faked anil faked right, see me, for water is cheap and the article eau bo duplicated for half ju ice. Remember Wonderly’s Wild Cherry Sherbert, Wild Cher ry Wine, Colorado’s Best Ginger Ale and Mineral Water are the best the market affords. Buy no other and you will avoid a slojijiy drink. Soda Pop in all flavors. THE LA JUNTA BOTTLING WORKS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ATTORNEYS. yf H. GIBSON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ranch or city loann and real estate. Will practice In •late or f« deral courts. Room 3, Central block. La Junta. Colo. JjIKKD A. SABIN. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Central Block. La Junta. Colorado. J£U,GORK A HESS. Attorney* at Law. Special attention given to irrigation and probate law. La Junta. Colo. jg J. LEWIS. La J unta, Gilo. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. JAMES BURNS. Justice of the Peace. Loans, Real Estate. Office at City Hall. l.a Junta, Colo. J W. DOUTHITT. Justice of the Peace. Prompt attention to Collections and all Justice Business, i Junta, Colo. ARCHITECTS. Q. C. BURNETT. Architect. Office, southeast coiner Raton avenue and Granada street. Plans and esti mates furnished with accuracy and despatch. j£RANZ BROTHERS. Architects. Room 6, Bones Block. Ka tin ates furnished on all classes of work In our line, La Junta, Colorado. HOTELS. gT. CHARLES HOTEL. Having purchased the National Hotel, 1 have reopened it under the name of the St. Charles, and am prepared to give first-class accommodations to transients, railroad men , and regular patrons at reasonable rates. The • house has been refitted and refurnished : throughout. Give me a (rial- Respectfully, j MRS. L. C. MOORE. Prop. La Junta, Colo. 1 WOMEN IN DOUBT KRnM^Tmu They OTtraoat Vakha, trregu Urtir md onalMtoiui.lncrc*M< vigor jEHL, &sr assrsr KThistt For Ml* «« lh« r«l«e« drug »tor* , William’s Kidney Pllla < * Hu no equml in diaeaaes of the | ’Kidney, aud Urinary Organa. Have , .yon neglected your Kidney.? Hare • yon overworked your nervous aya-( I item and caused trouble with your , , Kidney, and Bladder? Have yon 1 I pain, in the lolna, aide, back, groin, I . land bladder? Have yon a flabby ap- . .pearanee of the face, especially l I ’under the eyea? Too frequent do-, I , )sire posa urine? William's Kidney 1 Pilla will impart new life to t|Mdla-l { ’eased organa, tone up the ayatesn | land make a new man of you. By 1 mail 50 centa per box. i ' > , For sale at ttto Falnoo alryc atom. IJUIE I.A JUNTA STATE HANK. A General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, *30,000. Surplus. 16,0 U). R. A. Stoon, President; A. C. Draper, Vice Presi dent; M. Z. Karwell, Cashier. REAL ESTATE. |J O. BOURNE. Real Estate, Ilians and Insurance. Furm and ranch pro|»ertles a speciality. Corre siKindeuce solicited. Office, mom 2, over FI tel National Bank. jgUCKEY & HART. Abstracts of Title. Real Estate. Loans and Insurance. The only complete records In Otero coifnty. Houses for rent. Investments made. Business and interests of non-resi dents carefully looked after. Answer all let ters of Inquiry. Reference ; First Nutional Bunk. PHYSICIANS. Q. W. PHILLIPS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office and resi dence, corner of Raton avenue and Kansas streets. Lu Junta, CMo. DENTISTS. JJR. I. 8. BRYANT. At home in La Juuta from the Ist to the 20th of each month. Office In Woodruff block. LADIES* HAIRDRESSER. JJRS. M. B. GARNETT. Has resumed her business at her house. Ladies who desire to have their hair cut or cleaned call and see her. If your hair IS fall ing out or you are troubled with dandruff. I have the best tonic known to prevent it. PRINTER*. ! jJUOWN St MASON. j Leaders in Job Printing. Everything in the line of artistic printing done at this office. I Our prloes when we know what you want. ■ ■ ■■ ft Dr. Williums' Indian Pile ■ R JkOintmeiit will cute Blind. H HI I r “Bleeding and Itching ■ R lwPilis. It absorbs the tumors, ■ N allays the Itching kt once, acts ■ ■ ■■us a poultice, gives Instant re ■ ■ lief. Dr. williams' Indian Pile Oint ■ m ment Is prepared for Piles and Itch ■ Ing of the private ports. Every box la warranted. By druggists, by mail on re ceipt of price. M cents and $l.OO. WILL I IRS MAIuFACTUIIINB CO.. Props.. ClrvdamTtfElS: For 0010 at the Palaoo dru« otoro. Mott’s Nerverine PiUs iMfl JMI tratUa’aud F«v Ml* ■« tti* MMaa