Newspaper Page Text
■ ■>■l ■!" * * f mi sassss LOCAL NEWS. 1 rade at Joy’s. I.awn hose at Cawthron’s. Fine box stationery at the Palace drug store. For soda water and cigars the Palace drug store leads. Lemen Bros, circus is billed for La Junta Thursday, June gth. Melvin Bros’, pays fancy prices for fancy fat stock. See them. M. L. Beckwith, of Manzanola, was a county seat visitor yesterday. Fok Rent—One furnished room. Inquireof Mrs. J. T. Rogers. Raton avenue. Eight per cent money for city or farm loans.—W. R. Gibson, Cen tral block. Highest cash price paid for fat cattle, calves, poultry and produce at the Columbia Meat Market. Boilermaker Carter Needham left this week for Quincy' and Chi cago, 111., on a thirty day s’ vacation. The Semi- Weekly Tribune and the Arkansas Valley Farmer and Fruit Grower both one year for *1.75. 1 have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At last 1 found one remedy that has been a success as a cure, and that is Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy.—P. E. Grisham, Gaars j WE MEAN ITll £ Still selling Clothing at £ £ cost. Fresh goods, well £ £ assorted, and worth more £ £ now in the market than we £ £ paid for them. £ t Woolen goods are stead- £ £ ily advancing, but we are £ £ fully determined to give up £ £ this branch of our business. £ £ If you wait for another £ | pay day it may be too late. £ £ It will pay you to buy now £ £ even for next winter’s wear. £ £ It will pay you better still £ £ to buy for present use. £ £ Bargains in Shoes & Furnishings £ a Men’s $3.50 Shoes, sale ]>riee $2.05 d Men’s $2.50 Shoes, sale price $1.75 Men’s s2.(>o Shoes, sale price $1.48 Men’s White Laundred Shirts 39c S J - A Good Suit of Underwear 48c I S. R. MENDELSON £ j INAUGURATOR OF LOW PRICES. £ Mills, La. For sale by the Palace drug store. Ice cream soda every day at the Palace drug store. The county offices will be closed Monday, it being a legal holiday. F. A. Hodge and son, of Pueblo, were La Junta visitors yesterday. You can never complete a nice Sunday dinner without going to j Melvin Bros’, market.* Please call at Hecox & Co.’s and } see some of the new canned goods I—the 1 —the “Dewey” brand. Why not own your own home and save rent? Look at the list offered by Buckey & Hart. For the people, of the people*, and buy the people ail their gro ceries at John V'. Peoples. Farmers take your produce to the cash market of R. S. Brock Sc I C 0.,, opposite the National Hotel. These fine mornings we are now having are fit for angels, though angels are said to be few and far between in La Junta. A photograph of the interior of : R. G. Dalton's drug store at Boulder is on exhibition at the Arcade Pharmacy. It has a pala ; tial appearance. A new bill board has been erect ed on Trinidad Plaza, which pro i vides some choice rubbernecking i for those fond of seeing the ele phant in all of his pristine glory. For the occasion of the annual meeting of the American Medical Association at Denver, June 7th to 12th, tickets will be on sale June 6th and 7th, with final limit for re turn ten days from elate of sale. The fare for this occasion will be $7.25 for the round trip.—W. O. Skinner. Agent. Curtis V. Shelton has been heard from. It was reported that he passed through this city with the first troops on their way to Chick amauga. He is still breathing Col orado ozone, however. A. W. Shelton heard from the prodigal yesterday. He is located at Fort Logan, a member of the regimental band, and does not know* that he will leave Colorada at fell. RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. Items Picked Up, Cewdeweed and Stolen for tke Special UHkttlM of Railroad Men. J. Q. Adams visited his family in Dodge City Sunday. Eight car repairers from Topeka have gone to Raton for service there. Business on the Santa Fe at present is dull on the western division. J. B. Lynch, of Pueblo, Santa Fe live stock agent, was a La Junta visitor Wednesday. A new time card is expected in a few days. What changes will be made is not yet known. Joseph Payton, of Topeka, Kan., succeeds John Jelfs at Raton in the car department of the A., T. & S. F. An average of fifty carloads of stock has been quartered at the stock yards daily for several days ! past. Robert Kissock has returned to Dodge City and resumed his place in the Santa Fe telegraph office at that point. Machinist Roht. Wright is tak ing a thirty days' lay off, and he and his wife are visiting his parents ! in Topeka. The engineers on the Santa Fe ; are commencing to think of ice and j ice water for the coming hot months. ! Water kegs are being renovated and how to keep them supplied with ice is now worrying the men who ride on the engines. John Jelfs, for eighteen years superintendent of car repairing at ; Raton, has resigned his position on account of ill health. lie will con tinue to reside here and enjoy a competency he has attained by prudent management and intelli gent investments. Raton Range. Probably the best time on record was made in the shipment of the 700 head of cattle from Santa Rosa Island. They were shipped in two sections, the trains averaging thirty three miles an hour from the time they left Los Angeles, Cal., until they arrived at La junta. The boiler of the new compound consolidation engine has been erect ed in the Topeka shops. This is the newest of the Player engines and has an extension of ten feet on the front end, which is five feet over other engines. There is to be two cylinders on each side, one high and one low pressure, and there will be one in front of the other in stead of one above the other as in many cases. The drivers are sixty three inches and there are four pairs. This engine will be decided ly new to the Santa Fe and is the first one ever built or used by the road. It will probably be used on the mountain divisions. Several changes have taken place in the mechanical department of the Santa Fe during the last few weeks. Amos P. Goodhue, for merly of Denver, has been pro moted from his position at Strong City to take the place of General Foreman T. F. Underwood, who has been transferred and promoted to the place of master mechanic of the Santa Fe Pacific at Winslow', Ariz. John Murphy, of Newton, has taken the place of Amos Good hue at Strong City. George W. Smith, who was formerly master mechanic of the eastern division of the Santa Fe is now superintend ent of machinery on the Santa Fe Pacific. John W. Record, who has been in the Topeka shops, has been promoted to the position of general foreman of the shops of the Santa Fe Pacific at Needles. A la Junta Maaaangar in a Holdup. Messenger Ed. Hiscock of the Wells-Fargo Express, who was held_ up near Belen, N. M., last Tuesday morning, returned to this city Thursday on No. 2. Hiscock says that he was awaiting an attack with his gun, but thinking the rob bers had entered the coaches went there to investigate. The bandits cut off the combination express and mail car, and with it and the en gine ran two miles down the track, leaving Hiscock in the coaches. The express car was broken into and the safe, at the suggestion of the engineer, thrown to the ground, so as not to injure the car by the | use of dynamite, a stick of which was used to blow open the safe. All the lights and window panes in the express and mail car were ■ shot out by the robbers, who are reported to have secured several i thousand dollars. The safe passed . through this city on No. 2 Thurs day and was a total wreck. The bandits have since added murder to their list of crimes. Two deputy sheriffs and an I ndian trailer, who were in pursuit of the robbers, were shot and instantly killed by the bandits when surprised in camp. The bandits are supposed 1 to be two of a notorious gang of desperadoes well known in the ter ritory. Taking to Water. The United States seems to take . as naturally to water as a cat takes to cream. Six months ago we didn’t know a cruiser from a gun | boat, and now we are nautical to I the top notch. We talk boats, we think boats. We have pictures : of boats all over our daily papers: boats decorate our magaaines, boats ■ cover our billboards. We fight 1 naval battles with gravy boats and sail cracker boats in waists of steamy soup. The mere pigmies j of the land, the crawling infantry, | the hoppity-kickity cavalry, the trundling artillery, are for the mo rnent set aside. It is the sailor i lad, with the rolling gait, the bully !of the after deck, the Captain in ; his conning tower, who hold our j hearts’ affection. The gorgeous I galaxy of Generals may bedizen themselves as they will; it is the ; Admiral on the bridge who catches i the admiring eye of an adoring I public.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. School Notes. Miss Beck spends the summer ; at her home in Ohio. Miss Sherman will stay in this city duting the summer. Miss Brown will spend the sum mer with a sister in Trinidad. Miss lngersoll goes to her home |in Delta, Colo., to spend the va cation. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Abbott will be at home in La Junta until July Ist. The Misses Hill, Brierly and Sebree remain at their homes in this city. Miss Adams goes to her home in Kansas, after a short visit .with friends in Las Animas. Misses Bergland and Burnett spend part of their vacation in Denver attending the summer normal. Miss Sherwood goes to her home in Connecticut, stopping on the way at Chicago to take some kin dergarten work. The High School Alumni held-a reception and banquet in the high school building last night in honor of the class of '9B. Principal R. L. Davidson, of No. 1, spends the summer at his home near Topeka, Kan., leaving for that place next week. Principal Hugh has accepted a position in the normal school at Greeley-, Colo. He leaves for that place next week to get ready for his work as professor of psychology. Superintendent and Mrs. O. J. Blakesley leave next Tuesday for Cornell, N. V. The professor is very anxious to reach Cornell in time to attend the commencement exercises of the university. We had thought the attempts of Captain General Weyler to im pede the progress of the advancing Jiosts of Cuban insurgents by means of the “trocha” had clearly demonstrated its ineffectiveness. There are others who do not seem to think so. A property owner in this city who owns a strip of land which the highways leading to Mountain View must cross, erected a “Spanish trocha” upon his pos sessions one day this week, think ing thereby to impede the progress of those whose habitations, present and prospective, lie beyond the dead line which he had erected. In the stilly night, ere slumbers chains had bound the residents there abouts, a small band of “Cuban insurgents," to the general public unknown, razed the impediment to the earth, where it properly be longed. The “captain-general" has retired to the seclusion of the ways and means committee room to think up some new project. | SMITH’S BARGAINS! A few more of those elegant ft.4o Kid Gloves at 95c. This is your last chance. We arc showing a comfortable line of Summer Underwear and Corsets at ridiculously low prices. A new lot of Flowers and Ribbons just. received. Patriotic rib bons 10 cents a yard. We have begun to put the knife into our Trimmed Hats. Beauti ful ones at $3.00. GUY E. SMITH FINNEY BUILDING. Cfcyrch Wot—. Presbyterian —Regular services both morning and evening conduct ed by the pastor. Rev. Robt. Colt man. Morning, I. O. O. F. serv ices, subject, “Brotherly Love, or Now let Brotherly Love Continue. ” Evening subject, “Jehoiakim’s Wickedness.” All made welcome. Methodist Episcopal—Preach ing both morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. H. B. Collins. Morning subject, “Seeing Men as Trees Walking.” Evening sub ject, “The Biography of Spirit.” Prof. D. D. Hugh will conduct the evening meeting of the Epworth League. Everybody invited. Church ok Christ —Preaching both morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. Elmer Ward Cole. Morning subject “Christian Growth A Duty.” Evening subject, “The Bible, Its Place in Politics.” This is the third of the series of three sermons. You will be given a royal welcome. Come and wor ship with us. Baptist —Preaching by the pas tor, Rev. F- W. Hart, both morn ing and evening. Morning sub ject, “In His Steps.” In the ev ening the pastor will begin a series of sermons on “Abraham, the Friend of God.” These sermons will be similar to those delivered on the life of Joseph one year ago. Everybody welcome. Joys for Jewelry. Lawn supplies at Cawthron’s. For Rent —Chandler place in Home Place. Have your prescriptions filled at the Palace drug store. Superior Dutch cheese, right from Rotterdam, Holland, at He* cox & Co.’s. The members of La Junta Lodge No. 74, I. O. O. F., are requested to meet at Albera hall Sunday, May 29th, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., to form in line of march for the WE ARE Furnishing, throughout this and adjacent counties, a large majority of the best dressers with their Suits, Shoes. Hats, Furnishing Goods and the like. OUR GOODS Are strong and substantial as well as new, fresh and up to date. THEY'RE MADE By the leading makers -of the world. Most of ’em directly to our own order, therefore adapted to our trade. YOU WILL Save money by using our goods. When you have them from us you know they’re right. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Express charges paid to any point. One price to all. Always your money back for the asking. BERGERMAN BROS. RELIABLE CASH OUTFITTERS HER ARD BOVS. Hark Presbyterian church, where the annual memorial services will be held, conducted by the Rev. Robt. Coltman. Subject, “Broth erly Love, or Now Let Brotherly Love Continue.” The schools closed Thursday lor the summer, and the mortal dread of the small boy is now confined exclusively to the curfew. Bring in your bicycles and get them repaired before the spring rush begins at the Novelty Works. WE PROTECT YOU against high prices, by using our money and judgment in buying goods before they ad vance. We are now selling almost every article in our stock (or less money than it can be replaced for. Take ad vantage o( these prices: Ranch Butter, per lb 15c : Best Comb Honey, per lb 10c , White Russian Soap, 7 bars —25 c | Good Sugar Corn, 3 cans 25c 1 Battle Ax Tobacco, 1 lb. ....25c Matches, I pkge (12 boxes) —20 c Good Tea, per lb 30c Pure Pepper, lb 15c Evaporated Peaches, per 1b...i0c Blueing in Jug, 1 pint 10c Farmers—Bring us your’produce. We will give you the highest market price lor your Butter and Eggs, and give you prices that talk on Groceries. We want your trade. CARLTON-TINDALL HER. CO. EGGS FOR SALE. At my poultry yards near La Junta 1 have eggs for sale from the following thoroughbred chickens: Barred Plymouth Rock, White Plymouth Rock, Brown Leghorns, Black Langshams, White Langshams, Light Brahmas, White Wyandottes. For further information call on or address, H. E. HOLBROOK, La Junta, CoL