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Volume XIX . I 1 1 1 * : i| ' *!! Ist j! ooc< m *^ e * J J |T ¥ JiL, that was just , . Jlil I « 4F as durables* S « || I ! Stetson Hats !| A Z 1 but it wasn't as comfortable. Z \ f jL '| Until helmets come in again, ) I i Stetson Hats will lead for du- ' J \ i rAbility. | 7 f 4S Spring: Styles* (898* on sale. \ i || w Stiff and Soft Hats that are w \ / A Z ', the standards for style and Z i i T « S excellence. « A new line of Stetson Hats in all the lnt- J | M est styles an<l shades just received. We ( $ handle from the 10-oz Cowboy Hat to the J | ifS finest Miller Soft and Stiff Hats. We buy Ij f X all of oui best hats direct from the old re- J | AS liable factory of John B. Stetson «fe Co., 1 f m so we are sure to get the best hats in the | | AS market at all times. Call ami see them. 1 t | The Price-Draper Clothing Co. ! ! 4b THE LEADERS. ! \ | CHEAPNESS!-^-1 The tendency of the times is toward a will-o’- ' the-wisp called “cheapness.” * J V While prices have lieen going down, (qualities V * have been going down too, and deception has be- * % come so widespread as to almost pass unnoticed. * y. * We lay it down as a principle, eternal as the * w hills, that “cheap” things are never cheap. They ' % y * are neither durable nor satisfactory. • 2' You have got to pay a fair price £ if you want to get a good article. p) Good things cannot be purchased at the price of K C t bad things. Tinware is no exception to the , * rule. No one can sell an absolutely “straight” j( {( t article for less money than we can. ( } | There are several grades of Tinware. We handle the highest grade in this town, and guar- | | ? antee satisfaction in quality and prices. We are ] 0 sole agent for J X, Lisk’s Celebrated Anti-Rust Ware, JA» Guaranteed against rust or corrosion for five t years —and we will be here to make every piece ( fs t t good. We carry the only line of Delftware in « £ i the city, and cordially invite an inspection of the £ I same. Quality considered, we are yours for ( # £ fair prices 1 1; b. & o.—- :i J , THE PIONEER HARDWARE MEN. < J LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. PUBLISHED BVBY WBOBBipAY AMP BATUBPAY. LA JUNTA, OTERO COUNTY, COLOIADO, SATURDAY, JUNE 11. 1898. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. Trade at the Palace drug store. Rubber stamps, pads, ink, etc., at Novelty Works. Keep your lawn wet. Cawthron will sell you the hose. C. L. Barrett was a Rocky Ford visitor Thursday on business. For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher’s, postoffice news stand. Ten chattel mortgages were filed with the county clerk last Wednes day. Postmaster C. D. Parks returned , on No. 6. Thursday morning from ’ a trip to Denver. Go to Stark's and see his abestos . sad irons. They make ironing a ' pleasure instead of a drudgery.' Karl Haskins returned from Denver Thursday morning, where , he has been for several days past. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gibson i went to Rocky Ford Thursday to ] attend the funeral of a daughter of J. W. Parker. Rev. Cannon R. S. Kadcliff will hold services at St. Andrews church on Tuesday, June 14th, at 8 p. m. The public cordially invited. H. G. Todd, Austin Joy’s phar macist, left the first of the week to visit friends at his old home in In diana. He will be gone six weeks. Mrs. James Draper and daugh ter, of Afton, la., arrived in this city Tuesday night, and will be the guests of A. C. Draper for several weeks. . I am prepared to do all kinds of plumbing work and would be pleased to submit prices to those 1 who wish to make connections to the sewer.—A. H. Cawthron. The ladies of the Christian church served ice cream and cake circus i day in the store room formerly oc- 1 copied by R. C. Inge. Their re- I ceipts were in the neighborhood I of $25. < If you have granulated lids, sore I eyes or any defects with the ear, nose, throat or catarrh, consult Dr. ' Sapero, assisted by Dr. H. M. I Hayden, at the Park House June I 14th to 22d. Dr. Purse, of Denver, will be at 1 the Park House June 13th for the 1 purpose of practicing dentistry. 1 He will remain only a few days and would be pleased to see any of his former patients and many new ones. La Junta and Rocky Ford will play a game of baseball at the fair grounds Sundav afternoon. The home team was defeated in a close game at Rocky Ford two weeks ago and will endeavor to retrieve themselves by winning this time. Miss I. M. Holbrook, of New York City, is the guest of her brother, H. E. Holbrook, of this city. Miss Holbrook came west for her health and has been so much benefitted during her short stay here that she will probably locate in Colorado. Clarence Dow, an ex-fireman on the western division, was one of the principal features of the “con cert,” which was heralded with so much gusto and persistency about the circus tent on show day. It only cost 10 cents to see him as one of the leading blackface come dians of the age. At the request of a number of the citizens of La Junta the A. T. and S. F. have put in a summer rate to Colorado Springs and Man itou to enable those who wish to spend Sundays, during the heated season at these mountain resorts an opportunity to do so at a nomi nal rate. Saturday tickets will be sold to Colorado Springs at the Tate of $4.35 and Manitou at the rate of 84.30 for the round trip. For tickets good going and return ing on Sundays only the rate to Colorado Springs and return- will bn'to.go; to Manitou #3.05. —W. Agent. JEo ice so cold as Crystal Lake Stop the yellow wagon. feuckey & Hart have plenty of qg|ney to loan on good farms. The 581 came out of the back shops yesterday after a light over hauling. JL W. Plummer, of Cripple Creek, was a guest of the Harvey House last Wednesday. jEngines 796 and 798 have been transferred from the New Mexico tq’the western division, arriving in l*a Junta this week. 'lCommissioner F. M. Wieland returned to his home at Fowler Wednesday morning after attend ing two days' session of the board. 1 J|A carload of negroes from Bir mingham, Ala., passed through town on No. 5 Thursday morning OB their way to Pueblo to work in the steel works. *Mrs. D. S. Fairchild, of Over bfook, Kan., arrived in this city Wednesday morning to visit her sOn,Claude Fairchild, stenographer ii Master Mechanic Forster's office • Mrs. D. S. Fairchild lett on No. 5 yesterday morning for Colorado Springs to visit friends for a few days. She was accompanied by her son, Claude, who goes to Den ver on a business trip. A card received from Rev. Robt. Coltman in Denver says that he will spend Thursday in Glen Park, and on Saturday morning will meet his meet his daugher, who is re turning from China, at Pueblo, imd come home on the Bly. Dr. Sapero guarantees to cure Any case of lids or sore eyes in one half required by any other living occulist. Call at the Park House June 14th to 22d. Consul tation and examination for glasses free. Nervous diseases treated suc cessfully. The best of reference given. Another washout, near Pierce ville, Kan., Thursday morning, de layed the three early morning trains for several hours, and all arrived in a bunch about 9 o’clock a. m., making the depot platforms quite lively for an hour. This is the third washout in this vicinity dur ing the present week. For the Overland Park Driving Association Meeting to be held a' Denver June nth to 25th, 1898, we will offer for sale tickets at the low rate of $7.25 for the round trip. These tickets will be on sale June 10th, 13th and 20th. Tickets good going on date of sale, continu ous passage in both directions.— W. O. Skinner, Agent. Mrs. D. W. Carpenter was ten dered a reception at the Methodist church Tuesday night on the eve of her departure for Millville, N. J., where she will spend the sum mer. She was the recipient of a handsome present from her friends on this occasion, who accompanied her to the depot to bid her farewell. No. 6 was delayed here on account of the washout and Mrs. Carpenter did not get away until 8 o’clock Wednesday morning. H. G. Bourne made a trip into the Fairmont country the day after the storm, and brought back with him several limbs of the trees which were denuded of their leaves and green fruit by the hailstorm of last Monday. He has them on ex hibition at his office, and they give very reliable evidence of the vio lence of the storm and the devasta tion wrought by it Fields of wheat just heading were crushed to the earth by the deluge of water and the stalks completely severed by the hail. One alfalfa field was completely washed out, leaving nothing but the stalks, which one week ago was as fine a looking crop of alfalfa as ever grew out ol doors. WHY WE GROW. You may have arrived at a con clusion on this subject, but we have decided fully in our own minds that it is because We give reliable values in foot wear. It is certainly true that if we give you this, that we are en titled to your trade. Is not this a safe proposition ? Self-interest, under the circum stances, would impel you to purchase your shoes of us. We have been and to-day are working along these lines of safe merchandising, and our trade on shoes is growing daily. Pqrt of our time is closely ap plied to the question of price. The giving of something dur able, stylish, well fitting, at a price safe for the masses to pay. Suppose you figure with us on your next pair of shoes. C. F. KENDALL. || Pure Drugs, | Toilet Articles, j|p [ Cigars and Tobaccos 1 ICE CIBAM SOU | J ||s Hammocks and j|§j| fp Croquet Sets. gag • g|| Lowest Prices. S||j • j|| Now is the S§|§ g|| time to buy, ||© i||§ while the stock j||| ; is complete. [ The Palace w| : jig Drug Store. Bg Number 22.