Newspaper Page Text
a.yl hm, EM LOCAL NEWS. Trade at Joy’s. Lawn hose at Cawthron’s. Fine box stationery at the Palace drug store. For soda water and cigars the Palace drug store leads. Melvin Bros’, pays fancy prices for fancy' fat stock. See them. Fight per cent money for city or farm loans.—W. K. Gibson, Cen tral block. Miss Luna Armatige, of Rocky Ford, came down Thursday morn ing to attend the circus. Highest cash price paid for fat cattle, calves, poultry and produce at the Columbia Meat Market. The Semi-Weekly Tribune and Kansas City Weekly Journal one year for one dollar and fifty cents. R. R. Ross, of Trinidad, district attorney of the third judicial dis trict, was a La Junta visitor on business Thursday. Mr. W. M. Jamieson, of Trini dad, of the Jamieson House Fur nishing Company, was in town several days this week on business, leaving for home Wednesday morn ing. Tickets for the occasion of the Trans-Mississippi National Expo sition at Omaha, June ist to No vember ist, 1898, will be on sale from May 30th to October 15th. Call at ticket office for rates, fwE MEAN IT! j I Still selling Clothing at \ 5 cost. Fresh goods, well J 5 assorted, and worth more j 1 now in the market than we < $ paid for them. < t Woolen goods are stead- | 5 ily advancing, but we are J 2 fully determined to give up J 2 this branch of our business. < 2 If you wait for another « 2 pay day it may be too late. « | It will pay you to buy now J 5 even for next winter’s wear. * 2 It will pay you better still < 2 to buy for present use. < J Bargains in Shoes & Furnishings | Men’s $3.50 Shoes, sale price $2.(»5 4 A Men’s $2.50 Shoes, sale price $1.75 | Men’s $2.00 Shoes, sale price $1.48 a X Men’s White Lanndred Shirts 39c 1 J A Good Suit of Underwear 48c | l S. R. MENDELSON 1 F INAUGURATOR OF LOW PRICES. J route and trains.—W. O. Skinner, Agent. Ice cream soda every day at the Palace drug store. H. G. Bourne went to Rocky Fofd Thursday morning on a busi ness trip. Patent carpet exhibitor at Stark’s displays a carpeted room forty feet square. You can never complete a nice Sunday dinner without going to Melvin Bros’, market. Trainmaster F. C. Fox, of the New Mexico division, was a La Junta visitor Thursday. For the people, of the people, ! and buy the people all their gro | ceries at John V. Peoples. Farmers lake your produce to j the cash market of R. S. Brock & C 0.,, opposite the National Hotel. Mrs. Harry Duvall and daughter, Laura, arrived from Pennsylvania Tuesday and will make La Junta their home in the future. The annual invoice of the store ! house was completed Wednesday. Ed. Rickard, of Rocky Ford, who has been assisting in the work, left for home Wednesday morning. John Garsuch, of Topeka, ar rived this week to take the position |of head blacksmith at this point. 1 1. O. Miller, who has held the po sition for several months past, has j been transferred to Topeka. For the biennial meeting of gen | eral federation of Women’s Clubs at Denver, Colo., June 21st to j 29th, tickets will be sold June 20th and 21 st, with final limit for return June 30th. The fare from La Junta will be 57.25 for the round .rip.—W. O. Skinner, Agent. If you require attention to the disease of the eye, ear, nose or throat and catarrh, wait for Dr. K. C. Sapero, the eminent eye and ear surgeon of Los Angeles, Cal., as sisted by Dr. H. M. Hayden, who | will be at the Park House June 14th to 22d. Glasses scientifically adjusted. Consultation and exam ination for glasses free. Chronic diseases successfully treated. News of Holbrook. Miss Myrtie McCollum is on the sick list, having a case of measles. Miss Cora Lee is visiting this week at her brother’s in Fairmont. Dr. Bryant was out to his ranch the fore part of the week attending his bees. Ed. Cadick, of Lamar, is visiting his brother, Joe Cadick, and Will Spicer this week. H. Naucolas is fencing 320 acres of land for the ditch company, which he has planted in corn. Joe Carl is having his sheep shorn this week. Joe was one of the faithful that stood up for Mc- Kinley, and he will now reap bis reward. W. T. Ball and Leo Kranz can be seen every day working with their bees. Honey is nice, but please excuse us from working with bees in war times. Rev. Uzz Everett, arrived home j last week from near Grand June-; tion, Colo., where he has been for! several months. He intends to j remain at home this summer. , I There is to be an ice crearn and strawberry supper at the Bee Hive ; school house on Tuesday evening, June 14th. There will be an en tertainment before the supper con sisting of vocal and instrumental music and recitations, and if you don’t want a good time stay at home. On Decoration Day John Doyle took a few moments to lean on his hoe handle and wipe perspiration off his noble brow, when he gazed down the road and saw the flag floating over the school house, remarked to himself, “Wonder if that is hung out in honor of my little son.’’ The Epworth League Sunday evening was well attended and a great deal of interest taken to make the meeting a benefit. The sing ing was very good. The next meeting will be held in two weeks at Center school, led by John Wasson, superintendent of Lake view school. W. O. Ensign and Will Hanson have gone into the contract busi ness. Their first contract will be to cultivate two very sickly mous taches that they brought before j the public last Sunday. Take I good care of them, boys, for you know “there is no excellence with out great labor.” A little stranger arrived at the home of Sherman Ball on Decora tion Day. As he made himself very agreeable and is a McKinley ite Sherman intends to let him stay. Mother and child are doing well. The nurse is feeding Papa j Sherman on strawberries and cream; with proper care we think he may recover. Church Notes. Prkshyterian—Children’s day in the morning, with exercises by the children. Regular services in the evening conducted by the pastor, Rev. Robt. Coltman. All are cor dially invited. Baptist —Children's day concert at the morning service. In the evening the pastor, Rev. F. W. Hart, will preach the third sermon in the series on “Abraham.” Sub ject, “Abraham and Lot.” Every body welcome. Church or Christ —Preaching in morning by the pastor, Rev. Elmer Ward Cole. Subject, “The Great Object of Christianity.” In the evening the Sunday school will have charge of the services. Those interested in work with children cannot afford to miss this service. Come and you will be given a royal welcome. Joys for Jewelry. Lawn supplies at Cawthron's. Have your prescriptions filled at the Palace drug store. Peninsular Sarsparilla, the best on earth, at the Palace drug store. Why not own your own home and save rent? Look at the list offered by Buckey St Hart. Bring in your bicycles and get them repaired before the spring rush begins at the Novelty Works. To Exchange —A light double harness for work harness. Also some nice well bred geldings for sale cheap or to exchange for good broodmares. —G.D. Phillips. Mrs. G. C. Gentis left on No. 6 Wednesday night to visit relatives and friends at Council Grove, Kan. Kev. Elmer Ward Cole left on No. 2 yesterday for Las Animas to conduct his usual weekly Christian services. Superintendent Charles Dyer was a La Junta visitor Thursday, leaving for Pueblo on the Bly yes terday morning. * For Sale —A new sewing ma chine; has never been used; price 530. Inquire of Mrs. H. T. Rus sell, Raton avenue. Misses Belle May, Jennie and Marie Stuver, of Garden City, ar rived on No. 17 yesterday morning to visit their aunt, Mrs. Carrie Hurst. Mrs. Katherine Lowe returned yesterday morning from Manza noia, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Beaty, for a few days. Mrs. Burt McKee, of Verona, Pa., who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Austin Joy, for several days, left for Holly yester day morning. Chris and Agnes Dice returned on one of the delayed trains Wed nesday morning from Newton, Kan., where they have been visit ing friends for the past ten days. William Vance, a colored man, at one time in the employ of Matt Daniher, died Wednesday from an attack of typhoid fever. The fun eral took place at 2 o’clock Thurs day afternoon, at' the colored cdurch, the services being con ducted by the Rev. Elmer Ward Cole. Stagnant breath, poor appetite, bad digestion are due to a disor dered liver. Correct this at once if you would avoid a sick spell. Prickly Ash Bitters, the system cleanser, is what you need. It purifies the blood, cleanses the bowels and puts the stomach, liver and kidneys in perfect condition. The firm of Will Bowen & Co., of Denver, have rented the store room formerly occupied by the Plaza drug store and will in a few days open a first-class tailor shop. They have just received an elegant stock of goods comprising the latest up-to-date fabrics, which they are prepared to make up into the latest styles and in the best possible manner. They would be pleased to have you call and look at their goods. There was a scrap circus night. An ex-employe of the show fol lowed them to this city and exten sively advertised the fact that he was laying for one of the gang foremen to do him up. He got what the man who is looking for a fight usually gets. The other man was somewhat of a scrapper him self and when he got through with the ex-employe he couldn't recog nize himself from any recent tin type. Both eyes were closed, his nose broken and several teeth knocked loose. His request to be locked up to escape from his in tended victim was complied with. Letnem Bros, great show visited our city Thursday, and despite the fact that we were forewarned to be on the lookout for sure thing games, thieves and thugs, we have not heard of any one making the claim that they were bunkoed and did hot get their money's worth. There was an influx of tramps and hoboes with the circus, but the show people seemed anxious to get rid of them and appealed to the officers to lock them up for twenty four hours. The show was a very creditable exhibition, the boxing kangaroo and the girl bareback rider being the features. The Kangaroo rivals Tom Sharkey in his ability to fight foul and seem ingly has no respect for Marquis of Queensberry rules. He had bis opponent handicapped and when not hugging to save himself, stood on a very convenient tailpiece and kicked with his hindlegs. The girl bareback rider was a wonder, m—A at good as we ever seen with any circus. Many of the other failures were excellent, there were no tiresome waits and the whole exhibition went off with snap and vim. £ SPECIAL CLOSING OUT £ # PRICES ON ALI—S ? SUMMER MILLINERY. £ £ ' FINNEY BLDG. GUY E. SMITH. £ Are You Troubled with Dyspepsia? If so, do not neglect until it is too late this opportunity of ridding yourself of this trouble. Dr. Fen ner’s Dyspepsia Cure, as the name implies, is simply for Dyspepsia and indigestion. This is a prepar ation long and successfully used in private practice by one of Amer ica’s best qualified physicians, who is an accepted authority on all medical questions. If not satisfied after using one bottle your money will be refunded by the Palace Drug Store. O. S. Dows and wife, of Manza nola, were county seat visitors Thursday. E. E. Schmidt, of Raton, Santa Fe electric light inspector, was in town Thursday. Patrick Walsh, of Topeka, gen eral baggage agent of the entire Santa Fe system, was in this city yesterday. C. M. Higginson, assistant to President Ripley of the Santa Fe system, passed through town on No. 6 Thursday night. Indigestion, constipation and liver disorders yield to Prickly Ash Bitters. It strengthens the whole system and purifies the blood. H. B. Robins, who has been at tending William Jewell College, and Mrs. J. M. Slane, of Rocky Ford, arrived on No. 17 yesterday morning from Liberty, Mo., and are the guests of their father, C. M. Robins, of this city. I was seriously afflicted with a cough for several years, and last fall had a more severe cough than ever before. I have used many remedies without receiving much relief, and being recommended to try a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, by a friend, who, know ing me to be a poor widow, gave it II How Our SI II Clothing Is Made. || The colors are tested and absolutely fast. Sgjh Sgtn The fabrics are thoroughly shrunk so that in rox wear and setting the garments will hold shape. {3<sS aS Every seam is taped so they will not pull and 5sS« ami ravel out. The pockets are stayed Sun faS The tailoring is of the higher order and the £s£2 Skin same found in the Itest custom tailoring. The gSgl BffiS styles are all up-to-date Perfection in every detail that is not covered jggs Bine Serges—Pin Stripes—Crash Suits— ww Sag Plain and Fancy Weaves and Mixtures. .. . SpHg These High Art Suits start at $B.OO and Sraß K3J stop at $20.00 jsgK |gj| COME AND SEE THEM. £m| BERGERMAN BROS flf SjjS RELIABLE CASH OUTFITTERS FOR MEN a BOYS ggl to me, I tried it, and with the most gratifying results. The first bot tle relieved me very much and the second bottle has absolutely cured me. 1 have not had as good health for twenty years. Respectfully, Mrs. Mary A. Beard, Claremore, Ark. Sold by the Palace drug store. WE GUARANTEE Our goods to be first class in every respect. Our prices are the the lowest quoted in La Junta. Others may sell you an inferior article at the same price, but to meet us in quality and price at once is something they never do. New California Onion*. 6 lb* for 2i»c New California Potatoes. 6 lbs for 2V New California Cabbage, 6 lbs for 2T»c Fancy Lemon*, one dozen for 20c Fancy Bananas, one dozen for 2%c Nice Large Oranges, one dozen for 20c Three double sheets Tangle Foot Fly Paper. 10c Three packages Poison Fly Paper 10c Come around and get our prices on Kansas flour. We are head quarters for strawberries. Farmers—Bring us your produce. We will give you the highest market price for your Butter and Eggs, and give you prices that talk on Groceries. We want your trade. CARLTON-TINDALL MER. CO. EGGS FOR SALE. At my poultry yards near La junta 1 have eggs for sale from the following thoroughbred chickens: Barred Plymouth Rock, White Plymouth Rock, Brown Leghorns, Black Langshams, White Langshams, Light Brahmas, White Wyandottes. For further information call on j or address, H. E. HOLBROOK, la Junta, Col.