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Volume XLX I 1 I WEATHER | 1 GOODS! i 4S < A 1 A Come and buy a nice Linen Crash <i 4k Suit, only $3, and be comfortable and ]j JP not go sweating yourself to death; j £ you will feel better and be in better \ A humor. We have a nice line of Linen <j 4k Crash Suits—Crash Pants and Fancy ]j ® Linen Vests—to select from and at J a lower prices than were ever shown in \ A La Junta. A Men’s and Boy's Linen Hats. ! 2 The best line of Men’s and Boy’s A Straw Hats to pick from in the city, A from 5c to $1.50 A Summer Shoes. S T Men’s and Boy’s Canvas. Bicycle A and Tennis Shoes from 75c to $2. X Summer Underwear. < jP Fine line of Summer Underwear J A from 25c per garment up to $1.50. 4 A Come and see all the new things W A that we have been getting in for your A comfort these hot days. X A Yours for Business, W A The Price-Draper Clothing Co. | # THE LEADERS. Sj | CHEAPNESS!^- 1 A »j The tendency of the times is toward a will-o’- jj * the-wisp called “cheapness.” J V ’ While prices have been going down, qualities 9 * have been going down too, and deception has be- * * jjj' come so widespread as to almost pass unnoticed. 'jj We lay it down as a principle, eternal as the * k 2* hills, that “cheap” things are never cheap. They ' t 2 * are neither durable nor satisfactory. * I' You have got to pay a fair price 'jj if you want to get a good article. )5 Good things cannot be purchased at the price of ( £ (, bad things. Tinware is no exception to the * ? C rule. No one can sell an absolutely “straight” 2 ( ( article for less money than we can. J There are several grades of Tinware. We ( * handle the highest grade in this town, and guar- ( | Jan tee satisfaction in quality and prices. We are sole agent for | } 3, Usk's Celebrated Anti-Rust Ware, J i Guaranteed against rust or corrosion for five if, ii years —and we will be here to make every piece ( h il , good. We carry the only line of Delftware in \ \ J the city, and cordially invite an inspection of the ( £ ( same. Quality considered, we are yours for ( J 1 fair prices 2 j; b. *, 1 C the pi&fcikEß Hardware men. Jj Mr •• & ’f :T J' . ' r LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. PttILMHIB ■VMY WEDNESDAY AND NATUKDAY. LA JUNTA, OTE&O COUNTY, COLORADO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22. 1808. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. Yesterday was a scorcher. Trade at the Palace drug store. Don’t miss the special sale at Smith’s. Rubber stamps, pads, ink, etc., at Novelty Works. E. P. Chambers came down from Rocky Ford Monday morn ing, where he spent Sunday. Go to Stark's and see his abestos sad irons. They make ironing a pleasure instead of a drudgery. Julia Morris returned to La Junta Monday, after a two weeks’ visit with Florence Kreiger.—Manza nola News. E. C. Graham, of Ordway, sec retary of the Colorado Land and Water Company, was a county seat visitor Monday. Miss Carrie Sayer stopped off here a short time Monday while on her way from La |unta to Colum bus, Kan.—Holly Chieftain. Major G. M. Dameron has been invited to address the grangers’ picnic next Saturday at Horse Creek, and will accept the invita tion. Mrs. M. E. Benton and Mrs. L. B. Paulsen left on No. 5 Monday morning for Denver, where they will represent the La Junta Woman’s Club at the biennial now in session. The farmers in the vicinity of j Horse Creek will give their annual grange picnic next Saturday, Juncj 25th. A general good time is promised. Good speakers have been invited. Miss Jennie Burnett returned Monday morning from a two weeks’ visit to Mrs. W. H. Snoddy, of Las Animas. Miss Burnetf kit Tuesday morning for Denver to attend the teachers’ summer school. C. F. Harrison, of the Harrison Comedy Company left on No. 6 Friday night for Kansas City to negotiate for a palace car on wheels in which to transport his company on its tour soon to be inaugurated at La Junta. Mrs. Anna Cass, who was oper ated upon for a tumor by experts in Denver at the recent session of the American Medical Association, is reported to be doing nicely and will probably be able to return home in a few weeks. Mrs. K. N. Kirkpatrick left on No. 5 Monday morning for Denver to attend the Keeley convention. She will also attend the district convention of the Woman’s Circle W. of W., which is held at I.ead ville, before returning home. Rev. Dr. Coltman, wife and daughter left yesterday morning on the Bly for Palmer Lake, where they will remain during the heated term. The doctor owns a fine cot tage at this notable summer resort and will remain there during most of the summer, returning each Sat urday to hold services in this city on the following day. The Holly Chieftain, in its ac count of the wreck, says: “The roost seriously injured, fiotn the best information we can obtain, was Mr. Forster, the Santa Fe master mechanic, who sustained severe bruises about the head and had his hands and arms badly scalded.” “The best information” the Chieftain man secured was of the very punk order. Mr. Forster was not on either train. The Pueblo papers say that the game of baseball in that city last Sunday between the Pueblo Hovers and the Rocky Ford team was a very wretched exhibition indeed. The kida from Rocky Ford were scared of the big fellows, but fin ally one of them braced himself and made a home run. This en couraged the rest of the team and seven of them followed suit, mak ing eight “homers” in a single inning. The score was: Rovers, 26; Rocky Ford, 20. No ice so cold as Crystal Lake ' ice. Stop the yellow wagon. Buckey & Hart have plenty of money to loan on good farms. For the people, of the people, and buy the people all their gro ceries at John V. Peoples. D. B. Carey and J. B. Pearce attended the flag raising ceremonies at Rocky Ford last Saturday. Fok Rent —A large, nicely fur nished front room; cheap; Raton avenue. Inquire at this office. . There are several cases of scar let fever in this city, upon which a strict quarantine has been estab lished. Editor Van Gundy, of the Rocky Ford Times-Republican, was a! j pleasant caller at this office Mon day morning. J. G. Howard went to Las Ani mas on professional business Mon i day morning, several head of stock of the Amity Canal Company re quiring attention. The Rocky Ford flag raising last Saturday was attended by a num ber of our citizens. Owing to a number of postponements, the event did not go off with the eclat usual to Rocky Ford enterprises. Henry Behymer left Sunday , morning for Forks, Wyo., to visit his parents. He expects consider able pleasure from participating in , a horse round-up, and will he gone about sixty days. Mr. and Mrs. John Beard cele brated the fifteenth anniversary of their marriage at their residence on Raton avenue last evening. They were the recipients of many beautiful and costly presents from ftwnda. 'ii, ... na—l'tTf'rtiti 1 1 . Mrs. Oftenbrink, wife of Chas. Oftenbrink, an employe of the Santa Fc shops, died in this city last Saturday, of blood poisoning, aged 38 years. The remains were shipped to Curtis, Neb., on No. 6 Sunday night. About 150 recruits for the First Tennessee volunteers, now on their way to Manila, passed through this city last Saturday morning in a special train of five cars, bound for San Francisco. They were mostly boys under 20 years of age, with out uniforms or arms, and were a decidedly “bummy" looking outfit. Otero county physicians and surgeons met at the home of Dr. B. F. Haskins, on Raton avenue, last Friday and organized the Otero County Medical Association. Dr. G. W. Phillips was elected presi dent, Dr. Fenton, of Rocky Ford, vice-president, and Dr. H. G. Sig man, of Rocky Ford, secretary treasurer. The next meeting of the society will be held in Rocky Ford, July nth. Every precaution should betaken to prevent contagious diseases, in cident to the heated term, from ob taining a foothold in this city. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Back alleys, cor rals, and streets where stagnant water and filth are allowed to ac cumulate should have a thorough cleaning out, and the cleaning out process should be attended to at once. Delays are dangerous. At the meeting of the city coun cil held Monday night, J. M. Mc- Cune, mayor pro tem presided, all the members of the council be ing present. The petition of two thirds of the property owners that Mountain View addition be made • part of the incorporated town of La Junta was acted upon favorably and the territory is now within the (Corporate limits. The mayor was instructed to abate the nuisance connected with Holly’s butcher ■hop. The sewer ordinance was placed on its third and last reading, and will appear in the next issue of the Tribune. PERMANENT PATRONAGE And Business Friendship are valuable to us. For this reason we use every effort to make this store excel in its stock, its novelties, its system. LACE CURTAINS. Nottingham Lace Curtains i'/i yds long, 62 in. wide, worth every cent of <3.00, now #2 00 Every grade of Lace Curtains from 75c per pair to $7.50 WINDOW SHADES. Heavy Oil Color Opaque Shades with dado, worth 1 50c and 65c, marked down 2sc Dark Green Shades, heavy fringe and new style dado, worth 75c, for 50c Plain Opaque Shades with fringe 35c LADIES’ UNDERWEAR. Swiss Ribbed Vests,low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless 10c Ribbed Vests in white or cream, low neck, taped neck and sleeves 15c Finer grades at 25c, 33c and. 50c Union Suits, low neck and sleeveless, or high neck with sleeves 50c Children's Vests and Pants at from 5c up to 35c SHIRT WAISTS. Fine Line ol Wash Waists.. 50c Weiy Stylish Waists in Ging- fillri; Madras Cloth and Percales, 75c and <l.OO —C. F. KENDALL. Pure Drugs, Hi Toilet Articles, Cigars and Tobaccos gp The Palace Wgl Drug Store. §g|p ICi CREAM SODA | Hammocks and ||§ Croquet Sets. |p ||| Lowest Prices. k|| Now is the S§|| i§| time to buy, Hg while the stock l|g| S is complete. §g| fi| The Palace §j| Drug Store. |§f Number 25. Pink or Blue Pique Waists, pointed yoke, plaited back.{l.2s White Pique Waists $1.50 SILK GRENADINES. » We have six exclusive patterns > in silk grenadines; no two alike. Fine iron frame goods at <1.25 to #2.50 WASH GOODS. Large line of organdies, lawns dimities, etc., at sc, 7yic.. 10c Fine lappit patterns, white ground with neat figures.. 15c Linen lawn with colored em broidered d0t5..... 15c Fine French organdies, beau tiful patterns 25c Plain black French organdy 25c and 35C White organdies, two yards wide, at 50c, 75c and {i.oo OXFORDS. Ladies' fine Oxfords, in black or tan, solid throughout-. _si.oc Ladies’ strap slippers at $1.25 and .' f 2.00 Drew, Selby & Co.'s fine goods at {1.50, {2.00 and.{3.oo If you have never worn any of this make we want you to try them. You will never find others so comfortable. Ladies solid comfort Oxfords or slippers, just the thing • for house wear this hot weather tr.oo