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La Junta tribune. (La Junta, Bent County, Colo.) 1881-1939, July 20, 1898, Image 1

Image and text provided by History Colorado

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Volume XIX
1 SPECIAL—*2=- l
J For the next 15 days we will slaught- £
er prices on all summer goods. We J
£ invoice the last of this month and T
J we want to reduce our stock to the J
lowest notch before that time. And £
*n order to do that we will make J
£ prices your object. £
X You will want a new suit for the ex-
cursion. We want to fit you out.
0 We will give you the best suit in the 4
a state of Colorado for the money.
2 For a ten dollar bill you can dress
up in good shape, from the top of
2 your head to the soles of your feet. 4
# A few linen crash suits and pants left
at less than the eastern cost price.
# Underwear from 25c up. Straw #
# hats at your own price. #
J A large line of Ladies’and Children’s £
J Oxford ties at reduced prices. Some J
5 broken lots and remnants at less 5
J than cost prices. If you can find J
5 your fit you can save money. £
# We want to get ready for the fall
# campaign and in order to do so we 4
# have got to make room for the new
# goods that will be bought when we #
# go to the eastern markets. S
S The Price-Draper Clothing Co. £
A l*
| The tendency of the times is toward a will-o’- j;
' the-wisp called “cheapness.” ' J
While juices have been going down, qualities
V'* have been going down too, and decej>tion has lie- * %
g| * come so widespread as to almost jiass unnoticed. '
y * We lay it down as a princijjle, eternal as the > w
hills, that “cheap” things are never cheap. They
«jt' are neither durable nor satisfactory. t
£* You have got to pay a fair price *£
if you want to get a good article.
ft Good things cannot be purchased at the price of £
( , bad things. Tinware is no exception to the , 0
rule. No one can sell an absolutely “straight” £
C article for less money than we can. J
There are several grades of Tinware. We J?
J handle the highest grade iii this town, and guar- }
? antee satisfaction in quality and prices. We are
jj' sole agent for | J
», Lisk’s Celebrated Anti-Rust Ware, 1 1
# » Guaranteed against rust or corrosion for five t K
Z ( years —and we will be here to make every piece ( f>
I , good. We carry the only line of Delftware in * J
the city, and cordially invite an inspection of the £
4 t same. Quality considered, we are yours for , J
4 fair prices D
1; b. &, o —1
The Dewey.
Joy* for Jewelry.
Read the advertisements.
Trade at the Palace drug Store.
S. W. Cressy, of Rocky Ford,
was in town Saturday.
Santa Fe route dining cars are
equipped with electric fans.
Melvin Bros’, pays fancy prices
for fancy fat stock. See them.
C. L. Seeley returned from
Boulder, Colo., on No. 6 Saturday
Eight per cent money for City or
farm loans.—W. R. Gibson, Cen
tral block.
You can never complete a nice
Sunday dinner without going to
Melvin Bros’, market.
Mrs. S. H. Fcrtig and daughter
left Monday for Granada, Kan., to
visit friends for several weeks.
Miss Carrie Schneider left on No.
6 Monday night for Fort Smith,
Ark., to reside permanently.
Andy Smith, of the electric light
works, went to Colorado Springs
Saturday to remain for several
Miss Stella Gillispie came down
from Man/anola Saturday night
for a few days’ visit. She is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hjrcen.
V. Albera and family, whotyiave
been visiting friends at Cripple
Creek during the past two weeks,
returned home on No. 6 Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Worley left
Monday morning on the Bly for
Denver and the various mountain,
resorts, where they will remain for
several weeks. < £
Attorney G. A. Kilgore,
the lightning-on-a-limb legal flashes
of La Junta, was attending to busi
ness in the city Tuesday.—Las
Animas Democrat.
Editor Ernest Wilson was down
from Manzanola Monday shaking
hands with his numerous friends,
and incidentally looking after the
interests of the premium list of the
Rocky Ford fair.
A. R. Cawthron, of Triplet, Mo.,
who has been the guest of his son,
A. H. Cawthron, during tiie past
week, left on No. 617 yesterday
morning for Gunnison, Colo. He
will return to La Junta Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. j. K. Smith, of
Colorado Springs, arrived in this
city Saturday to visit their son,
Guy E. Smith. Mr. Smith re
turned home yesterday morning,
while Mrs. Smith remains until the
end of the present week.
The Colorado recruits now sta
tioned at San Francisco, among
whom the La Junta boys are in
cluded, have received orders to
hold themselves in readiness to'
move in twenty-four hours. They
will probably sail for Manila to
Rev. T. C. Winn, of Galesburg,
111., a missionary to Japan, stopped
over in La Junta Sunday and de
livered interesting addresses both
morning and evening at the Pres
byterian church on his work in for
eign lands. Rev. Winn was ac
companied by his wife and left on
No. 17 Monday morning lor San
Francisco, from whence he em
barks for Kanazawa, Kaga, Japan,
to resume his labors.
T. R. Hoffmire returned yester
day morning from Omaha, where
he had been attending the national
convention of Republican League
Clubs. Mr. Hoffmire attended the
Omaha Ezposition, and says the
people of that city are entitled to a
great deal of enterprise and cour
age for the very creditable exposi
tion they have provided. Tbe
buildings and grounds are superior
to those of the Centennial and al
most equal those of the World’s
Fair. The attendance thus far has
been very poor.
Mrs. Austin Joy is spending the
summer at Manitou.
For fresh bread, pies or cakes go
j to Fisher’s, postoffice news stand.
The Harrison-Daniel Comedy
| Company will play an engagement
' at Rocky Ford fair week.
Highest cash price paid for fat
1 cattle, calves, poultry and produce
at the Columbia Meat Market.
For Rent—A large, nicely fur
' nished front room; cheap; Raton
avenue. Inquire at this office. ■
'I Farmers take your produce to
j the cash market of R. S. Brock & j
jCo.,, opposite the National Hotel, i
j. A. Gooch and family, of Shell
1 City, Mo., arrived in town last
week and will become permanent
residents of La Junta.
1 Mrs. Laura Snowden, of Rocky ;
Ford, came down on the Bly yes
terday morning to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. E. P. Chambers.
Miss Vivian Brieriy returned yes
terday morning from Denver,where
; she has been attending Prof. Dick's
summer school for teachers.
Rev. John Brunton, chaplain of
the Santa Fe and D. & R. G. rail- '
way companies, was in town yes-; 1
terday visiting the railroad boys. I 1
R. E. Fisher left Saturday for j
Colorado Springs. He will be,;
absent from home several weeks |
visiting the various mountain re- j ]
sorts of Colorado. ;
Mrs. Dice and daughter, who 1 !
want to Colorado Springs on the j ,
excursion Saturday, decided to re- !
main there for several weeks be- ■ ,
fore returning home. !
- . Q. H. -Hayter will be home soon
!i “dVilrfa nSWlmi of hack grounds
and new accessories. He will
then be prepared to do any style
or grade of work that the public
Rev. Canon R. S. Radcliff will
hold services at St. Andrews
church on Friday, July 22nd, at
8 o’clock p m., and on Sunday at
7 and 9 o’clock a. m. The public
cordially invited. 1
There is only one preacher left
in La Junta. All the others knew ,
: it would be but a waste of brain
• fag to build sermons during the j
: fishing season, and put on their j
r worldly clothes and went fishing
themselves.—Denver Post.
[ Tickets for the occasion of the |
i Trans-Mississippi National Expo- j
, sition at Omaha, June Ist to No
■ vember Ist, 1898, will be on sale ,
, from May 30th to October 13th. (
• Call at ticket office for rates, .
route and trains.—W. O. Skinner, '
r Mrs. J. E. Walker left Saturday
. for Colorado Springs, where she '
, expects to remain all summer. The 1
>' change in Engineer Walker’s run 1
r keeps him away from home most '
. of the time and it is probable that '
he will remove to Colorado Springs
to reside permanently. i
I The employes’ excursion last 1
- Saturday was unusually well at- 1
1 tended, 572 tickets having been '
- sold at the local station, and a '
- large number from different points 1
- along the line. Those in attend
-1 ance report having had a very !
1 pleasant trip, the day being an
- ideal one for an outing in the :
, mountains.
The Bloomer Girls baseball
- team, which plays in La Junta next 1
: Saturday, seems to be a hoodoo.
I At Newton, Kan., last week a 1
! member of the local team in run
s ning after a ball fell and broke his 1
t shoulder, and at lola, Kan., the i
1 week previous, a member of the 1
- team dropped dead while playing
- against this aggregation. We hope
1 the local team will not meet with
r any casualties, and will be able to
• survive the shock of a mix-up with
■ the bloomers.
nryymn lyyyti aeaateaaa arinnfTTTO»vaTnrr»'inisTni , » mvmrs
g - 1
t :
O a ■
j Santiago
o o
I »« i
o a
l l
1 And so have we...
* °
o o
i i
o a
i i
° We have surrendered to the inevi- i
» table and make the best of it. We °
i have too many summer goods, l
l and they must go. With this end i
“ in view we have slaughtered the i
i prices all along the line. i
o o
o o
o Dont buy a dollar’s worth of goods l
o e
• in our line till you have been here, =
l seen our line and got our prices. 5
o m
o a
The Dewey-. 1
Trade at Joy’s. 1
We do job work too.
Buckey & Hart have plenty of 1
money to loan on good farms. 1
Isaiah Denniss, of Rocky Ford,
was a county seat visitor Monday. 1
Miss Daisy Metzler, of Texas, 1
is the guest of her classmate, Miss
Beulah Haskins, of this city. ]
Commissioner F. M. Wieland 1
returned Monday morning from his
home at Fowler to resume his
labors on the board of equalization.
Dr. Frank Finney went to Palmer
Lake on No. 5 yesterday morning
to visit his family, who are spend
ing the summer at that delightful
and popular resort.
"An ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure." “Delay is dan
gerous." Prevent contagious di
seases during the hot summer
months by having Thompson thor
oughly disinfect your homes.
The street commissioner is wag
ing a mighty war upon the weeds
in our principal streets, filling up
numerous unsightly holes and
making other necessary improve
ments that will be appreciated by
the public.
William Nilan and wife left last
Saturday night for Clinton, 111.
Mr. Nilan has been working in the
shops for the past five months and
returns home on account of his
wife’s delicate health. Mrs. Nilan
is a niece of Mrs. Charles Ford.
The Florence Citizen says “The
Charles Harrison Repertoire Com
pany held the boards at tbe Me-
Candless opera house last night
and was greeted with a fairly large
audience—not wbat it should have
been, as tbe company is a first
class one and the best that has
been in Florence for a number of
years. The orchestra is good and
the little lady who manipulates tbe
ivory keys on tbe piano touches
Number 33.
them softly, but brings forth splen
did music from the instrument.”
The Bloomer Girls will be here
next Saturday. Buy your specta
cles of Outhwaite.
Why not own your own home
and save rent? Look at the list
offered by Buckey & Hart.
Miss Mabel Shrum is acting
librarian at the city library during
the absence of Mrs. Laura Lieb at
Mrs. Kate Carter's residence,
near the North La Junta bridge,
was damaged by fire last Saturday
to the extent of about {25.
Miss Charley Pusey, deputy
county clerk of Bent county, came
up from Las Animas Saturday to
attend the excursion, and upon her
return visited friends in this city
over Sunday.
“1 have used Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy in my family for
years and always with good re
sults," says Mr. W. B. Cooper, of
El Rio, Cal. “For small children
we find it especially effective.” For
sale at the Palace drug store.
The members of the Rocky Ford
Melon Growers Association, whose
shipping point is La Junta, are re
quested to meet at the store room
under the G. A. R. hall at 7 p. m.
Wednesday evening, July 20th, for
the purpose of selecting an inspec
tor for this point.
Our baby has been continually
troubled with colic and cholera in
fantum since his birth, and all that
we could do for him .did not seem
to give more than temporary re
lief, until we tried Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. Since giving that remedy be
has not been troubled. We want
to give you this testimonial as an
evidence of our gratitude, not that
you need to advertise your meri
torious remedy.— G. If. Law, Keo
kuk, lows. For sale st the Paines.

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