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Volume XIX ! It Still Continues! $ 5 We will still continue our £ # special invoice sale. We have # x turned out a good many goods J 5 since commencing our special J 4 sale, and we want to keep it up. * J All summer suits have been J 5 marked down in price form 25 \ 2 to 50 per cent to close them out * # at once. When we can sell you £ J a fine suit at $lO.OO, tailor made J £ and for less than what the cloth S £ in it cost, you make the mistake 4 r of your life when you don’t come T J and get one. We will slaugh- J A ter prices on all summer goods 4 # to close them out before taking # J stock. J Ladies, now is the time for 2 J you to get a nice pair of Oxford £ j ties at less than cost price. We J 5 have a lot of small sizes, from 2 £ £ to 4, fine hand turned, goods # 1 worth from $2.50 to $3.50, will J close them out at $1.50. Come £ and get your choice before they 5 are all gone. * The Price-Draper Clothing Co. £ I CHEAPNESS! ! I -—a—- ;i The tendency of the times is toward a will-o’- _ ? ff . " the-wisp called “cheapness.” } T While prices have been going down, qualities Y V * have been going down too, and deception has l>e- ' % come so widespread as to almost pass unnoticed. y' We lay it down as a principle, eternal as the * % Z<i hills, that “cheap” things are never cheap. They ' y * are neither durable nor satisfactory. < j £ You have got to pay a fair price £ J' if you want to get a good article. 'ff Good things cannot be purchased at the price of ( A bad things. Tinware is no exception to the rule. No one can sell an absolutely “straight” £ (J article for less money than we can. J There are several grades of Tinware. We jj J ' handle the highest grade in this town, and guar antee satisfaction in quality and prices. We are ' sole agent for * J Lisk’s Celebrated Anti-Rust Ware, , £ J ) Guaranteed against rust or corrosion for five * C fi years—and we will be here to make every piece ,ft 1 , good. We carry the only line of Delftware in tg the city, and cordially invite an inspection of the ( & <; „u„. w. for L fair prices £ $: b. & i THE PIONEER HARDWARE MEN. LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. PUBLISHID IVIRY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. LA JUNTA, OTERO COUNTY, COLORADO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27. 1898. SUMMER CLEARING SALE! LOOK HERS! Ladies' fine black mitts, the 25c kind 18c LOOK HERE! Shirt waist sets, the 15c ones, only 08c LOOK HERE! Ladies' and Children’s belts in all colors, worth 15c, foi 10c LOOK HEHEIt Ladies' white duck skirts re duced from $2.50 to.. m oo ! LOOK HERE! Ladies’ crash skirts reduced from $2.50 to ....'i.oo $3.00 linen skirts now r >2. 00 $4 00 linen skirts now >2.50 READ THIS! Ladies' crash suits that wer« $3-50, now >32.50 Ladies’ crash suits that wer<- $4.00, now .... $3.00 Ladies' crash suits that wer» *4- 50, now . 33.50! WRAPPERS, i $2.25 light colored wrappers £1.75 $2.00 light colored wrapper*. sl*so $1.75 light colored wrapp&t* *1.50 light colored cTT KENDALL LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. The Dewey. Joys for J ewelry. Trade at the Palace drug store. Dick Lake has accepted a posi tion with Melvin Bros. Melvin Bros', pays fancj prices for fancy fat stock. See tle-m. Eight per cent money fur city or farm loans.—VV. R. Gibson, Cen tral block. Miss Maud Peck, of Las Ani mas, was visiting friends in town last Saturday. You can never complete a nice Sunday dinner without guing to Melvin Bros’, market. H. C. Wood, a newspaper man of Castle Rock, was in town Mon day and made the Triiium a pleas ant call. Miss Minnie Stinson, ol Stans burg, Mo., who has been visiting friends in this city, returns home this morning. Andy Smith returned Sunday morning from Colorado Springs, where he has been visiting friends during the past week. The Rover Club baseball team, of Pueblo, and the Rocky Ford baseball experts will play a game of baseball next Sunday at Rocky Ford. The Bloomer Girls were defeat ed in Trinidad Sunday afteruoon in a close and exciting game, the score being 16 to 15. A large crowd witnessed the game. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will hold their regular semi-month ly meeting on J uly 30th, at 3 o’clock p. m., at the home of Mrs. E. P. Hiscock. All interested in the work are cordially welcome. Tickets for the occasion of the Trans-Mississippi National Expo sition at Omaha, June Ist to No vember Ist, 1898, will be on sale from May 30th to October 13th. Call at ticket office for rates, Look Here! Read This Ad! You will tint! all goods sold at the lowest prices. We intend to sell in each department special values that deserve your sincere attention. There may In* other bargain sales, but you know from past ex |>erience who among the merchants live up to their statements in the newspa[»erH. Each and every article here mentioned you will find on sale at our store at the prices named. READ THIS! $1.25 white parasols 75c! 51.50 white parasols with one flounce $ 1.1 5 52.00 white parasols with two flounces Si. 50 1 Children’s fancy parasols at 25c, 35c and 50c HOW IS THIS? Black silk grenadines, full dress pattern, former price 5 10.00, now $6.50: 5i 2.00 silk grenadine pattern . $7.50 j 5i 3.50 silk grenadine pattern .58 50*1 wash Goods. All of our 25c French organ dies now 15c 15c organdies, grenadines and dimities now . . 10c ioc organdies now —— 7>4c 8c organdies and lawns now. 05c G F. KENDALL. route and trains. —W. O. Skinner, Agent. For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher’s, postoffice news stand. Mrs. Field and Miss Sutton, of Horton, Kan., are visiting friends in this city. Highest cash price paid for fat cattle, calves, poultry and produce at the Columbia Meat Market. Mrs. Laura Benedict left on No. 8 yesterday morning for Las Ani mas to visit friends for a few days. Farmers take your produce to the cash market of R. S. Brock & C 0.,, opposite the National Hotel. G. D. Hubbard, of lonia, Mich., who is building J. K. Dye’s new residence in Rocky Ford, was in town Monday. J. T. Lawless, of the Lamar Sparks, was in town for an hour Monday morning, on his way home from a Sunday visit to Trinidad. Miss Amy Prowers and Miss Agnes Monroe, of Las Animas, were La |unta visitors Saturday and attended the Bloomer ball game. Two packers from New Mexico on their way to join the Rough Riders at Porto Rico, came in on No. 22 yesterday morning and con tinued their journey eastward on No. 8. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” “Delay is dan gerous.” Prevent contagious di seases during the hot summer months by having Thompson thor oughly disinfect your homes. Eugene Rourke, of Bent Canon purchased six lots in Mountain View addition Saturday, and will soon commence the erection of a residence to cost between $3,000 and $4,000. Mr. Rourke is a wealthy cattleman of Bent Canon, and will become a permanent resi dent of La Junta in order to give his children the advantages of our excellent public school system. READ THIS! 50c shirt waists now ._. 25c 75c shirt waists now 50c 90c shirt waists now. 50c 5i.00 shirt waists now 75c 5125 shirt waists now ... 85c 51.50 shirt waists now 5i.00 52.00 shirt waists now 51.25 52.25 shirt waists now 51.50 SUMMER CORSETS. Our regular 35c corset 25c Our regular 50c corset 39c Our regular 75c corset 50c Our regular $l.OO corset.... 75c Our regular 5 1.25 corset.. .. fi.oo COLORED OXFORDS. Our 53.00 hand turned Ox fords 52.50 Our $3.00 hand, turned strap. $2. 50 Our $2.50 colored Oxfords..(2.oo Our fta.oo .colored Oxfords ,£i.&s Our Si.3o colored Oxfords..Si. 25 C. F. KENDALL. The Dewey. 1 rade at Joy’s. We do job work too. Buckey & Hart have plenty of money to loan on good farms. C. M. Robins and family have moved into the house formerly oc cupied by J. B. O’Neil. Have a few choice suitings left which I will make up at a great reduction. See them. Robt. Slew ing, Merchant Tailor. Oscar P. Schmidt, county clerk of Bent county, came up from Las Animas Saturday to witness the bloomer game of baseball. Harry Bourne resigned his posi tion with Melvin Bros. Saturday night and leaves to-day for Hunts ville, Mo., where he will enter the employ of a drug firm to complete his course as a pharmacist. Rocky Ford was visited by a heavy rainfall Sunday night, ac companied by a very little hail. The hail did no damage to growing crops, however. In La junta there was barely a sprinkle, not even enough to settle the dust. M. A. Reid, an itinerant actor man, who has been spending bis summer vacation in La Junta pre vious to starting out on the road as leading man of a famous dramatic company, has left for parts un known. He left “Dad’s Girl” and an unpaid board bill behind to wrestle with new conditions as best they may. The consumptive who bored the life out of our merchants for sev eral weeks with his advertising fakes, played a short, but brilliant engagement at Rocky Ford last week. He pursued the same tac tics there that he did here, collect ing money in advance for advertis ing schemes that never materialized He claimed that whisky relieved him from the pain of pulmonary troubles, and from the diligence Number 35. | HOW IS THIS ! » Children’s strap slippers, size sto 8, in black or tan ... 75c Size 8 1 /t to 11 5i .00 Size 1 \ x /t to 2. 5125 CHILDRENS’ SHOES. We have added to our stock s M. D. Wells & Company’s Celebrated Mastiff School Shoes. Box calf in button or lace, size B *4 to 11 51.00 Size 11*/. to 13 si-75 Size 13 'j to 2 ...52.00 Kangaroo calf in button or lace, same sizes same prices. Youths’ shoes, size 2% to 5, in box calf, front lace 52.00 ( Misses dongola in lace or but ton, fine uppers, welt soles, ( very nobby shoes, size B*4 to 11 51.50 Size 11 */ to 13 si-75 Size ’3*4 to 2 52.00 I Boys’ tan lace, low heel, very nobby, back stay, can’t rip. 52.00 NEW SILKS. Have just received a beauti ful line of plain and taffeta silks in shades suitable for evening waists. Prices are 75c and —90 c BATH TOWELS. ' New IHi£ sizes at ioc, 15c and 25c C. F. KENDALL. with which he used the “pain killer” in this city, his lungs did not hurt him much in La Junta. He left Rocky Ford on the blind baggage leaving an unpaid board bill. County Treasurer Bcerbohm re ceived $800.05 week from the state treasurer on account of a re cent apportionment of state school funds made by Grace Espey Pat ton, state superintendent of public instruction. A new order recently published by the postoffice department is now to be put in force. Nothing but sealed letter mail will be sent to a destination other than the one’ess prepay ment of the extra postage be made. A. W. Shelton was in from Hol brook Saturday for the first time in a month. He says he has been so busy harvesting his first crop of alfalfa that he has not had time to visit the metropolis of the Arkansas Valley. All his farm hands struck to attend the bloomer baseball game and A. W. came in to see that none of them followed the show off. He says the Holbrook country is strictly in it this season as far as crops are concerned. Rtjnl —lm tl»« food para, mi frigs* rowpg} s