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The Ammunition m Used last week to enable you to secure the j 1 1 largest values for the least cash ! !Was Discharged I With good results, as we were compelled < to carry from our floor almost our entire < company of Refrigerators and Gasoline « Stoves. We were forced back to our desk < to wire orders for reinforcements. < With Telling Effect In good goods and low prices we are also t in the van of battle for the sale of all goods » usually kept in an up-to-date Hardware, j Tin and Plumbing Store. | Remember the Main |[ Rule of our business is fair dealing and a | reasonable profit. We are "Schley" about J |! nothing. j YOURS FOR GOOD GOODS . . j j; 8. cawtHßoN. j I LAST CHANCE FOR SUMMER BARGAINS! 8 The Golden Rule will quote 8 prices that will positively sell 8 on sight the balance of all. . . 1 I FANS, I WASH GOODS, I LADIES’ VESTS, I UNDER MUSLINS, I LADIES’ OXFORDS, I SUMMER CORSETS, I BLACK SILK MITTS, I BLACK & WHITE PARASOLS, I JWC I And a whole lot of other things too numerous to mention. 8 You are sure to find some -8 thing here to please your 1 pocketbook. Come and see. I 2NC I S. R. MENDELSON I « INAUQURATOR OF LOW PRICES » News of Holbrook. Mrs. W. A. Lee, of Fairmont, is visiting in the valley this week. Mr. Frank Osborn came home Tuesday, after visiting in Pueblo for a week. The rain on Tuesday evening was a welcome visitor to the far mers of the valley. Messrs Nancolas, Denson, Wi mer and Adkins have their thrash ing machines running almost in sight of each other at present. About two weeks ago a young man arrived in the valley from Kansas and being of a pugilistic turn of mind started out on the prairie to find something of the same nature, which he found in the form of a badger. After a rough and tumble fight, lasting thirty minutes, our pugilist came off victorious. As there was no gate receipts, the victor was awarded Mr. Badger’s hide, which now adorns his parlor floor. As he was victorious in his first en counter he made another attempt last Wednesday. One of the Weary Williams that had been employed by Mr. Carl Lance to pick cantaloupes became weary of manual labor and left for the city with a pair of our pugilist’s pantaloons. The theft was soon discovered, and a posse of four men went in search of William, who was soon found, but had hidden his booty. When ac cused of the theft it aroused his an ger and he commenced to show' the sand he had—accumulated by sev eral years on the road.T his was a time for our pugilistic friend to achieve wonders. After six rounds were fought our friend made Will iam decide to return the panta loons and leave the country, never to return. William received a broken nose, lost three front teeth, received a pair of black eyes and other parts injured too numerous to mention. For further particu lars see Jay Yost. —♦- m The Dewey. 1 rade at Joy's. For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher's, postoffice news stand. Traveling Engineer Ross, of Las Vegas, was in town on com pany business Thursday. Why not own your own home and save rent? Look at the list offered by Buckey & Hart. F. M. Sclienck, our new drug gist, is the proud father of a baby girl, born last Wednesday morn-! ing. Orren GemmeJl, ex-under sheriff I of Otero county, is reported to be in Seattle, Wash., on his way to ' Alaska. B. G. Wilson, of Rocky Ford, and his father, J. T. Wilson, of Indiana, were county seat visitors Thursday. M. Z. Farwell returned on No. 6 Thursday night from Denver, where he has been attending the sessions of the American Bankers' Association. Miss Rose Tagader has been the guest of Miss Minnie Egbert in Grand Valley for several days past and enjoyed an outing of one week at Red Rock canyon during her absence. Wanted. — Five hundred car loads of choice cantaloupes. Will handle any quantity at the highest price. Will buy of associations or individuals. Call on R. S. Brock, La Junta, Colo., for particulars. Our friend, John Madigan, could have had the demo-pop nomination for representative if he had wished to enter the political arena. His popularity among his former asso ciates on the road would have been a strong point in the race for him. —Dodge City Republican. N. W. George, the popular San ta Fe engineer, has developed into a cantaloupe king during the past week. He has a five-acre tract in North La Junta from which he has marketed this season up to Thursday evening nearly 400 crates of cantaloupes. Wednesday he broke the record for a five-acre tract delivering eighty-three crates at the local station. On Thurs day the yield of the tract was seventy-eight crates. The pro ceeds of the crop thus far will more than pay the original cost of the land, and he still has several crates left to “nigger with." R. S. Beall, one of the legal lights of the melon center, was in the county seat yesterday on busi ness. Mrs. Laura Benedict left on No. 6, Wednesday night to visit friends at Great Bend, Kan., for a few weeks. Men to pick cantaloupes are hard to get at the ruling rate of $1.25 P er day and board. The same difficulty exists at Rocky Ford. Fireman Frank Campbell and M ss Lulu Bradford were married io Denver last Thursday evening. The happy couple are now resi dents of La Junta. As more experience is gained in the pooling syetem the men are beginning to like it, and the com pany is getting almost 200 miles a day out of their chain gang engines. Call at Jamieson’s and take a Jook at the fine display of new fur niture. The stock embraces every thing useful and ornamental for the household in the latest designs. Fireman William Heirgood was undergoing an examination, Thurs day, before Master Mechanic Forster and Traveling Engineer Ross for promotion to the right side of a cab. Indigestion is the direct cause of diseases that kill thousands of peo ple annually. Stop the trouble at the outset with a little Prickly Asm Bitters; it strengthens the stomach and aids digestion. Strayed —From the Foley place, 3 miles west of La Junta, one red cow and calf, branded VIU. I will pay a liberal reward for them delivered to me at La Junta. D. L. Thomas, La Junta, Colo. The excavating for W. S. Mat lock's new brick block is about completed, and the laying of the stone foundation will be in pro press the first of the week. Peter Kranz has the contract for erect ing the structure. Tickets for the occasion of the Trans-Mississippi National Expo sition at Omaha, June ist to No vember Ist, 1898, will be on sale l - from May 30th to October 15th. | Call at ticket office for rates, route : and trains.—W. O. Skinner, agent. A letter was recently received in I this city from Geo. P. Emerton, who is now located in Juneau, ; Alaska, saying that the latest ar rival there was John W. Manley, formerly of this city. John is on his way to the Klondike in search of a gold mine. Prof. F. L. Abbott, who has been teaching chemistry and physics at the Columbian High School for several years past, re signed his position this week to accept a similar one in the Trini dad schools at a more remunera tive salary. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott left Thursday morning for Trini dad. J. A. Burwell and family are rusticating at Fort Garland. He writes that there are plenty of fish and that he is having a fine time. The only thing that has marred the pleasure of the trip thus far is the disappearance of one of his mules. He says he is looking for her, and as soon as he finds her he will be home p. d. q. About one month ago my child which is fifteen months old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I gave it such remedies as are usually given in such cases, but as nothing gave relief, we sent for a physician and it was under his care for a week, At this time the child had been sick for about ten days and was having about twenty-five operations of the bow les every twelve hours, and we were convinced that unless it soon obtained relief it would not live. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommend ed, and I decided to try it. I soon noticed a change for the better, and by its continued use a complete cure was brought about and it is now perfectly healthy —C. Boggs, Stumptown, W. Va., For sale at the Palace drug store. Are You Troubled with Dyspepsia? If so, do not neglect until it is too late, this opportunity of ridding yourself of this trouble. Dr. Fen ner’s Dyspepsia Cure, as the name implies, is simply for Dyspepsia and indigestion. This is a prepar ation long and successfully used in private practice by one of Amer ica's best qualified physicians, who is an accepted authority on all medical questions. If not satisfied after using one bottle your money wilt be refunded by the Palace Drug Store. Miss Kate Creigh, of Clinton, la., is the guest of her old school mate, Mrs. A. L. Cash, arriving in La Junta last Thursday. Aldace F. Walker, chairman of the board of directors of the San ta Fe, passed through town Thurs day morning in special car No. 219. We are back again and ready for business, having renovated the gallery. We are prepared to take all styles of photos and finish them promptly. Carpenter, the photo grapher. Mrs. J. M. Purdy died Wednes day morning in the Commercial College building, after an illness of several weeks’ duration. The funeral took place Thursday morn ing from the place of residence, the funeral being conducted by the Rev. F. W. Hart. The Flower carnival programme at Colorado Springs this year in cludes a ball on August 29, a Car nival Circus on August 30, the magnificent Flower Parade fol lowed by street masking and a grand masked ball on August 31, and Indian day at Broadmoore on September 1. Special rates have been arranged on all railroads. Harry Reed, a young man in carcerated in the county jail charged with burglarizing Draper’s store, made a bold dash for liberty about 7:30 o’clock Thursday even ing. He has been allowed certain privileges as a trusty about the jail, and while carrying the supper dishes to the kitchen made a bolt out of the front door, with Jailor Ryder in close pursuit. Young Reed ran like a deer and distanced his pursuer, but he lacked staying qualities and several barbed wire fences which he attempted to scale hindered his progress. He collapsed at the railroad bridge west of town, and was caught by Frank Dwyer, who had joined in the pursuit. The prisoner was returned to jail minus several 'Trgrrg-innrgTnmi rsvrvTrrrrvTsv-sTrrinrinnrvvf tnmnrtnnnnnr g~ | PRICES £ That bring: the thriving * * buyers in £ £ 10c Straw Hats now 05c £ ; 25c Straw Hats now i.S C £ £ 50c Straw Hats now 25c £ £ 75c Straw Hats now 38 c £ £ $l.OO Straw Hats now 50c £ £ $1.50 Straw Hats now f. 75 c £ ° 35c Hoys’ Shirt Waists now £ £ 25c and 35c Boys’ Knee Pants now ir )C 5 £. £ \ Now is the time for mothers to buy S = School Suits. We are making a £ £ sweeping reduction of 33 1-3 per S a cent on all Boys’ Suits. « o ° o . ’. 1 ■ , ® £ $1.50 Suite now $l.OO • o $2.00 Suite now $1.35 £ £ $2.50 Suite now $1.90 « £ $3.00 Suite now $2.00 £ £ $3.50 Suits now $2.45 * £ $4.00 Suite now $2.80 £ 1“ $5.00 Suite now .$3.35 ■ —1 ■ - • All goods marked in plain figures, j The discount prices are given to £ > every one. Send your boy if you ■ £ can’t come. A child can buy as £ £ well as the most experienced. * BERGERMAN BROTHERS • RELIABLE CASH OUTFITTERS FOR MEN A BOVS £ ■ square inches of cuticle, which he lost by coming in contact with barbed wire fences. The Santa Fe ice house presents a busy scene these days. Over fifty men are employed night and day icing cars for the melon crop. The front of the Library build ing is being remodeled for the ac commodation of a new millinery store which will be opened about September 15th. Tom Howe, of the Cripple Creek Times, passed through town yesterday morning on his way home by team from Missouri. He was accompanied by his wife and family, who have greatly enjoyed the outing and have much im proved in health. Rev. \V. B. Costles, of Stock bridge, Ga., while attending to his pastoral duties at Ellenwood, that state, was attacked by cholera morbus. He says: “By chance I happened to get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think it was the means of saving my life. It relieved me at once.” For sale at the Palace drug store. Offics Hours. Rssldsncs. 9 to 12 a. in. Athey property. 2 to 6 p tn. near Cathollo 8 to 9 p. tn. church. E. W. RAGSDALE, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Obstetrics. OFFICE IN WOODRUFF BLK. HERE IS MONEY To be saved in the easiest manner possible. Buy your groceries of us and save io to 15 cents on every dollar you spend. Here are some of our prices on staple ar ticles : New Spuds, per cwt ti.2o Armour’s Best Hams, perlb-ioj^c All Package Coffee iic Three cans Lewis Lye 25c Copper Bottom Wash Boiler 90c Mason Fruit jars, 1 doz qts. 85c Two 1-lb Pkgs Soda 15c Two i-lb Pkgs Corn Starch- 15c Two 1 -lb Pkgs Gloss Starch. 15c Two ioc Sacks of Salt 15c Six Glass Tumblers and One Can Baking Powder 25c These prices are for spot cash and remain in effect until Tuesday, August 30, 1898. Carlton Tindall Mercantile Co,