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| The Ammunition # 0 2 Used last week to enable you to secure the ]> $ largest values for the least cash i> | Was Discharged # With good results, as we were compelled ,i $ to carry from our floor almost our entire <> # company of Refrigerators and Gasoline (> $ Stoves. We were forced back to our desk ij 5 to wire orders for reinforcements. <[ I With Telling Effect $ # # * In good goods and low prices we are also 5 * in the van of battle for the sale of all goods d < usually kept in an up-to-date Hardware. ? j Tin and Plumbing Store. < i l \ Remember the Main \ J Rule of our business is fair dealing and a J J reasonable profit. We are‘ Schley ’ about J ? nothing. 5 5 YOURS FOR GOOD GOODS ..' ' J i H. CfIWTHRON. \ * # | LAST CHANCE F(H I SUMMER BARGAINS! ] The Golden Rule will quote J prices that will positively sell 5 on sight the balance of all. . . J S FANS, " WASH GOODS, ■ LADIES’ VESTS, ■ $ UNDER MUSLINS, S I LADIES’ OXFORDS, g ] SUMMER CORSETS, g « BLACK SILK MITTS, g I BLACK & WHITE PARASOLS, g g »« g I And a whole lot of other things i 9 too numerous to mention. J 9 You are sure to find some- | ■ thing here to please your | 9 pocketbook. Come and see. ■ I S. R. MENDELSON 8 I m INAUGURATOR OF LOW PRICES » | Crowds Fill Commercial College Hall. REV. S. M. MARTIN, Of San Francisco, Cal., entertains ami instructs La Junta people in royal style. It is a question as to wheiln r the people of La Junta have ever in the history of the city had the pleasure of listening to a man of such rare ability as a speaker as is the Rev. Mr. Martin, who has been and is to conduct revival meetings in the Commercial College Hall. Words of congratulation are coming from every source to the management of the Christian church that they have brought to our city a man of his greatness. Mr. Martin has held meetings in all the large cities from Boston to San Francisco with unprecedented success, which has given him an experience and a fund of knowledge to draw i from, such as few men posess. He is also endowed with a magnetic voice, clear and soft, which enables everyone to hear him; yet does not grate on a single nerve. He is a humorist, and does not give you that sleepy and tired feeling so ofter experienced by the average church-goer. While his anecdotes are .fitted with fun and he causes roars of laughter yet he does not tell them for the sake of being funny. ’ Each one has a point, and he drives his thought home even if he must do it at the sacrifice of dignity. He is to continue the meetings indefinitely, and will no doubt arouse La Junta as it never has been before. Those who miss hearing some of the subjects announced for this week will no doubt miss one of great opp mi lilies of the meeting. The subject of this evening will be. “My Brother's Keeper.” ROCKY FORD IN FLAMES. A Solid Block of Building* Destroyed by the Fiery Clement. A fire which for a lime threalend I to destroy the entire north side business portion of Rocky Ford broke out about i o’clock last Saturday afternoon. One entire block was consumed by the flames and it was only by the superhuman endeavors of the citizens of the town that the business blocks ad joining were saved. At least $35,- 1 000 worth of property was des troved or damaged by removal, the loss ot which is covered by about St 0,000 insurance. The fire broke out in the rear of W. E. Fenton’s drug store, in a small room which is used for stor ing paints, oils and other combus tible materials, and in a very short space of time the flames had gain ed such headway that it was im possible to check them. The water supply was insufficient and was soon exhausted for effective purposes. The citizens conse quently devoted their attention to saving the stocks of goods of the various stores, and most of the property was removed to a place of safety. The adjoining business , blocks were covered with tarpau lins which were kept saturated with water and these with the pio tection afforded by the trees on either side of the street kept the flames confined to the one block, i The origin of the fire is a mystery. A telegram was received in this city about 2 o’clock asking for the assistance of the local fire depart ment, and in a very few minutes a hese cart was loaded on a flat car and accompanied by al»out 100 citizens the run was made by a switch engine to our m ighboring city in just seventeen minutes. The local fireman arrived too late for effective work, as the fire had run its course and the flames were about subdued The losses and insurance are as follows: Maxwell Bros.’ building, valued at 5 1,000; insurance, S3OO. Price & Lance occupied the building with a stock valued at Si 2,000, most of which was removed more or less damaged. They were in sured for 56,000. W. E. Fenton, drug store; build ing valued at 53,000; insurance, 52,000; stock worth 55,000; no in surance; «2 ,000 worth of stock saved. E. VV. Kearby, drug store; build ing, $4,000; insurance, $1,000: stock valued at $6,000; no insur ance; stock mostly saved. G. T. Gerbing & Son, butchers; building, $3,500, insurance, $»,- 000; .fixtures and tools valued at $1,000; insurance, S3OO. W. D. Robb’s building valued at $Soo; no insurance; bccupied by White & Hetherington as a restaurant; stock and fixtures valued at $400; no insurance. Death of Mrs. Dies. Mrs. G. H. Dice died at her j home on Cimarron avenue last Saturday morning, after an illness ol about three weeks from typhoid fever. She was a native of Cana da, and about 46 years of age. Mrs. Dice had been a resident of La Junta about three years and was beloved and highly esteemed jby a large circle of friends. She was a member of the Rathbone Sisters, Degree of Honor, Wood man’s Circle and United Moderns. Four of her five children survive her, all being residents of this cue— Frank, Chris, Agnes and Eddie. They have the sincere sympathy of this community in their great bereavement. The remains were taken to New ton, Kaa., for interment in the family plot, leaving thia city .on No 6 Saturday night accompanied bv the family and relatives. UUI«--GHU»pi«. Chas. A. Little, a popular young man of this city, and Miss Estella Gillespie, of Walsenburg, were married last Thursday morning in the latter city. Mr. and Mrs. ; Little arrived in La Junta on No. j 6 Saturday night and will make their home on Haton avenue. The Tribune tenders congratulations, and wishes them a pleasant voy age o’er the matrimonial sea. The following account of the wedding ceremony is taken from the Wal senburg World: A very pleasing and impressive marriage ceremony took place in the handsome Walsenburg Hotel parlor to-day by which Miss Estella Gillespie, of Walsenburg, and Mr. Chas. A. Little, of La Junta, be came man and wife. The happy bridal party was es corted by Mayor J. IJ.1 J . Kearns and wife and Jos. Patterson and wife. Rev. C. E. Butler of the Metho dist church of this place perform ing the ceremony. The bride is one of Walsenhurg’s most pleasing and accomplished young ladies. Having spent the major part of her life here she has surrounded herself with many warm and dear friends who regret her departure but rejoice in her good fortune and wish her a happy home and life. The groom is a handsome and industrious young man, being ern-j ployed as a machinist in the Santa Pe railroad shops at La Junta. The bridal couple left on the Gulf for Colorado Springs, where they will spend a few weeks and j then be at home at La Junta, j where Mr. Little has a handsome' home prepared for his bride. The friends of Mrs. .Little join heartily in congratulation and wishing her a long, happy and prosperous married life. fioo Reward SIOO. The readers ol this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at , least one dreaded disease that j science has been able to cure in j all its stages,and that is Catarrh. j Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only ; positive cure known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a: constitutional disease, requires a i constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken int mail), acting directly upon the blood and , mucous surfaces of the system, ‘ thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strenghth by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors pnmnmr nrmrrrrgwrrrgTOTyYrrY BTmnry gmnmnr I The Mother i JO 0 [Watches Her Child j | And We j i Watch The Mother. ! ; s j□□ □ ; • ; » Why delay in dressing your children for t > school when we offer such opportun- i l ities in prices of Boys’and Children’s i | Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps and « ; everything for the little fellows. S w 9 :□□ □ i j We must rid ourselves j | of the Bergerman stock j | to make room for fall goods j |□a □ j [ And you will be the winner. Call and \ ■ see for yourselves. : :□□ □ I | CLOTHIER I I LA JUNTA AND COLORADO SPRINGS. • Cmimmuuuijuum«uinimimi»,««|| t ,„ t » have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of tes timonials. Address F. J. Cheney i& Co., Toledo, O. Sold by drug ] gists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Fall Millinery Styles. The hats this year are moderate in size and are with few exceptions made hats. Nearly everything is velvet, mirror velvets in the new shades, fancy velvets that will make the fall hats unusually rich i and handsome. The novelty blue | will lead, white, black, red, brown and oak leaf green will be much worn. If you want to know about the styles, call and see Miss Wilson after her return from the east Our millinery stock is growing every day. Guv E. Smith, Finney Block. The Republican county conven tion meets in this city next Satur day. R. S. Beall and W. B. Gobin, legal luminaries of Rocky Ford, were county seat visitors yesterday. C. L. Seeley reports the sale yesterday of five-acre tracts in the McCreery Gardens to C. D. Parks, Fred Burtis ann William Heir good. HERE IS MONEY To be saved in the easiest manner possible. Buy your groceries of us and save 10 to 15 cents on every dollar you spend. Here are some of our prices on staple ar ticles : Oatmeal, 8 lbs 25c Rising Sun Lye, 2 cans 15c Lewis Lye, 3 cans 25c Two 1 lb packeges soda 15c I Two 1-1 f> pkgs corn starch .. 13c • Two 10c sacks of salt.. 13c Armour’s hams and bacons.. Granulated sugar, 15 1b5.... Si.oo , All package coffee lie Oklahoma spuds, per cwt $1.20 If you like good coffee we have I the following high grade brands to ■select from : White House, McC. !B. Mocha and Java, Knicker bocker, Silver Dollar, Morning Delight, Cyclone. We keep the following brands of Flour : Gem of Otero, Pueblo Patent, Gilt Edge Kansas flour, , United States Kansas flour. We will not be undersold. Come around and get our prices before buying. Carlton Tindall Mercantile Co.