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Volume XIX IA SNAP I We have just received from « Z Ed. V. Price & Co.. Tailors 4 to the trade, about 2,000 Dollars worth of # I Tailor Made Suits Z That they made up during Z the dull season to keep Z their men employed. They Z were shipped to us at about 50 Per Cent on the $i j -one-half the price it would 5 cost you*to get a suit made Z to your measure. We can Z sell you a a * Tailor Made Suit J at a great deal less price Z than what you can buy a Z t cheap ready-made suit for Z ' elsewhere—suits that are Z Well Made, 5 with good trimmings, and Z that will fit you. We will Z save you some money, and Z besides dress you up in Z Good Shape. Z. Come in and see the best line of Clothing ever # brought to La Junta. r Yours for business, Z The Price-Draper Clothing Co Z The Leaders.— 'f-jf* -V-Y -v £ | Health Says | j: Repair the ;j | See that the sanitary conditions are perfect and on the most < scientific basis. For this work 2* you need a plumber on whom 'j y* you may rely—one who will do ?* the work thoroughly and con jj* scientiously. Many particular i] people have chosen us to do <£ A, their plumbing and entrust their * j 5* health to our work. *jj j| ’ Our workmen are all experts, and we can do anything from mend- ,6 l , ing a leak in your water pipe to ft, supplying your home with bath -3> room and full sanitary appli j* ances in all the latest designs and rhost modern ideas.. j : b. & :j THE PIONEER HARDWARE MEN. <Wi' nV; 1 f&r* LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. rUILItMIP EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. LI JUNTA, OTERO COUNTY, COLORADO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1898. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. Good-bye. The Dewey. Joys for Jewelry. Trade at the Palace drug store. I have a four-room house for rent. —E. J. Lewis. Geo. C. Burnett, the Architect, Room 7, Woodruff Block. Melvin Bros’, pay fancy prices for fancy fat stock. See them. For Sai.e—4so old ewes, weil bred. Inquire of G. R. Buckey. If you want a fine dining table and chairs go to F. M. Stark St Co. The county commissioners meet ! in regular monthly session next i Monday. [ A. C. Kennedy returned yester day morning from a business trip ! to Pueblo. C. J. Sample, of Rocky Ford, was a county seat visitor Thursday on business. Mrs. W. C. Burke, of Las Animas, visited friends in this city last Thursday. Wanted —Fifteen ladies to peel tomatoes at the La Junta Canning and Creamery Company. Dr. E. G. Ragsdale has been in Albuquerque during the past Reek attending the territorial fair. Mrs. Bidwell, of Seattle, Wash., arrived in this city last Tuesday night and is the guest of her son, J. R. Bidwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ford, who have been the guests of friends in Middleville, Ohio, during the past month, expect to arrive Ijbme next Tuesday morning. m The registration books are being prepared by County Clerk Winchell for shipment to the various pre cincts in the county. The first day of registration will he October 18th. Mrs. W. T. Prime of Baltimore, Md., who has been spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Coltman, left for her home on Monday night. She was delighted with La Junta and its excellent people. Mrs. Clarence Mudgett moved this week to La Junta, and her husband and family will make their home there. Mr. and Mrs. Mudg ett will be greatly missed by the church people.—Dodge City Re publican. Under Sheriff Charles Steward returned yesterday morning from Lamar and the state line, where he had been for three days previ ous engaged in a fruitless search lor one Simon Bates, of Ordway, who skipped from that town with his family, owing numerous bills. A Swede named Larsen attempt ed to commit suicide at Lakin Wednesday by throwing himself in front of the engine of train No. 82. His right leg was broken and badly crushed and his body thrown clear off the right-of-way. He was picked up, more dead than alive, having received internal injuries and many bruises about the head and body, and brought to the local hospital. He will have plenty of time to repent of his rash deed, as he will probably be laid up for several months. Grant Bridgman and family re turned yesterday morning from Red Belt, Ga., where they have been visiting relatives and friends during the past two months. Mr. Bridgman and family, on their way home, were quarantined near Memphis, Tenn., for nearly two weeks on account of the yellow fever scare. The city of Memphis is maintaining a strict quarantine, and no one is allowed to enter that city without a thorough medi cal examination. The family passed the examination and with others were locked up in a car and taken through the city, arriving home yesterday morning. Fisher & Larsen carry the largest line of jewelry in the county F'or fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher’s, postoffice news stand. See Geo. C. Burnett, the Archi tect, for modern plans at living prices. Eight per cent money for city or farm loans.—W. R. Gibson, Cen tral block. Go to F. M. Stark Sc Co. for bargains in furniture, stoves and q ueensware. C. L. Seeley moved into his new residence in Mountain View addi- j tion Thursday. Highest cash price paid for spring chickens and fresh ranch eggs at the Bon-Ton. W. R. Gibson went to Las; Animas on No. 8 yesterday morn ing on legal business. Call at Hawkins' Cash Store for particulars if you want to rent a nice four-room cottage. Wanted —Fifteen ladies to peel tomatoes at the La junta Canning and Creamery Company. G. B. Kempster, of Denver, special agent of the Orient Insur ance Company, was in town Thurs day on business. The first meeting of the Fort nightly Club lor»the coming sea-: son will be held this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. A. A. Frost. : The Y. W. C- T. U. will meet! in the Christian church, Saturday ■ October Ist at 3p. m. An inter-; esting literary program has bten prepared... Everybody welcome. • R. C. Inge gave his eighth semi annual opening at the big double store last night. There was a large crowd in attendance’and every lady carried away an elegant souvenir of the occasion. County Clerk Winchell issued marriage licenses this week to; Albert O. Peck and Miss Phoebe K. j Osinun, both of Rocky I'ord, and Robert E. Boyd and Fannie M. Merrill, both of La Junta. Miss Anna Rose, of Hilo, Hawaii, passed through this city last Tuesday on No. 2. Miss Rose was on her way to Topeka, Kan., where she is to be the queen of the Topeka carnival, which takes place the first week in October. She arrived in Topeka Wednesday afternoon and was given an ovation. Married —At the Methodist parsonage, on Wednesday evening. Sept. 28, 1898, Robt. E. Boyd and Miss Fannie Merrill, Rev. H. B. Collins officiating. Mr. Boyd has just completed and finished a new brick residence in North La Junta, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd start in married life in comfortable circum stances, with bright prospects. Mr. B. is a thrifty young man of good business ability, and his bride is an accomplished and amiable lady. The Tribune joins their many friends in congratulation and best wishes for their continued hap piness and prosperity. A blind man has been in town this week selling shoe laces and lead pencils. He was the victim of a powder explosion, and the terrible evidence of the fact pos itively made one shiver. Both eyes and nose were gone and his upper lip mutilated, and yet the man talked cheerfully of his travels over the country, and said he was going back to Texas to spend the winter. He claimed that the Texas people were the largest hearted, most generous and culti vated people on top of the earth. Life must be very dear and sweet to this unfortunate, who still con tinues cheerful and hopeful under such trying circumstances. It is an object lesson to those of us who think we are burdened with trials and troubles, and ought to make ua feel devoutly thankful that it is as well with us as it is. I Have you selected your | | new Fall Costume yet? J | We are ready, | igw And you won’t be offered the haphazard choice I*** of a buyer who was not posted, but the very handsomest things that our dress goods expert could seek out—and he stands very close to w the leaders among importers and manufac- W turers. Every house can’t get first choice. We do get it. It's a point worth remember ing when you start out for that new dress. W Does this weather make you think you need “New Blankets?” M> Now, a word about new blankets as we show and sell them. Here pure wool means pure wool, part cotton is part cotton with us, and Vf we even admit that we have some that are W all cotton. But where’s the advantage, you W Isay. Full widths and lengths, the prettiest Mp conceits in borders, the best value in fabric. From the lowest priced to the highest there’s a range of values that gives every one ample choice and without the slightest danger of W going wrong. ||jj If it’s going to be a new Coat Sl t lor Cape it might as well be a $ real stylish one—from us. 4/ Most of the garments you find here can’t be seen elsewhere in town, not that our friends jgf (competitors) wouldn’t like to have them, W but we manage to fix things so they can’t, m and what does it give us? Exclusive, nobby Ml things, the very cream of the choicest styles that New York shows this season, and it f isn’t necessary to pay a penny more than for Tjf styles not bo pretty or attractive. Will you ilf come to us? w I C. F. KENDALL. J OUR | COMPETITION GOODS. I \ 4 No. 8 Granite Tea Kettle 65c # These „ .... < 1 1 No. 25 Granite Coffee Pots 30c |j <J 10 qt Granite Pails 40c |J <J 12 qt Granite Pails 50c jj (» are 14 qt Granite Pails 60c ([ 2qt Stew Puns 20c J 0 6qt Stew Pans 30c J J € . 10 qt Galvanized Pails 15c € # only <J 12 qt Galvanized Pails 20c jj <[ 14 qt Galvanized Pails 25c j! <[ Galvanized Iron Tubs from, ,50c to 70c || S Sample Galvanized Iron Boilers 60c J I I Tin Pudding Pans 2c up j| Tin Dish Pans 15c up j[ p . All other goods of this class are J | offered at equally low prices. < I The above prices are not “baits” in order to skin you on something else. !» Neither are they “Sale Day” prices. You !! can get as many as you want, or as often \ i as you want them. Yours for business, 1 > A. H. CAWTHRON. Number 54.