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Volume XIX | A SNAP 1 « We have just received from Ed. V. Price & Co., Tailors 4 to the trade, about 2,000 Dollars worth of # t Tailor Made Suits 5 £ That they made up during the dull season to keep their men employed. They S were shipped to us at about J 50 Per Cent on the $\ J ? -one-half the price it would 5 5 cost you to get a suit made 5 to your measure. We can J 5 sell you a £ £ Tailor Made Suit 5 J at a great deal less price v J than what you can buy a J cheap ready-made suit for x J elsewhere —suits that are J £ Well Made, £ W with good trimmings, and £ £ that will fit you. We will J save you some money, and £ J besides dress you up in J £ Good Shape. £ r Come in and see the # best line of Clothing ever # .iii.hsaught-tQ 1,.a junta W Yours for business, # i The Price-Draper Clothing Co £ a The Leader* —■ X !; Health Says | | Repair the :i | 1 i: ■« i * See that the sanitary conditions are perfect and on the most ( K scientific basis. For this work J* you need a plumber on whom »£ you may rely—one who will do the work thoroughly and con * scientiously. Many particular people have chosen us to do their plumbing and entrust their <£ i * health to our work. ' if (' Our workmen are all experts, and «, we can do anything from mend- ( X 5 * ing a leak in your water pipe to ! supplying your home with bath- «| room and full sanitary appli- * * ances in all the latest designs ' j and most modern ideas.. ( [ B. &O. m | THE PIONEER HARDWARE MEN. LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. suiushid iviRY Wednesday and datunday LA JUNTA, OTERO COUNTY. COLORADO. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1898. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. Gone away. . The Dewey. Joys for Jewelry. Trade at the Palace drug store. Geo. C. Burnett, the Architect, Room 7, Woodruff Block. Melvin Bros', pay fancy prices for fancy fat stock. See them. For Sale—4so old ewes, well bred. Inquire of G. R. Buckey. If you want a fine dining table and chairs go to F. M. Stark & Co. B. B. Brown, the Pueblo bank er, was a La Junta visitor Mon day. W. B. Gobin, of Rocky Ford, was a county seat visitor Monday on legal business. Wanted —Fifteen ladies to peel tomatoes at the La Junta Canning and Creamery Company. Highest cash price paid for fat cattle, calves, poultry and produce at the Columbia Meat Market. County Clerk Winchell issued marriage licenses Monday to D. L. Stevens and Edith Russell, and Thomas P. Darr and Mary E. Carl. W. M. Koliock left on No. 17 Monday morning for Las Vegas N. M., and will go on the road for a publishing house of that city. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Haskins re turned Sunday morning from New York, and other eastern cities, where they have been visiting during the past six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ford return ed on No. 5 Monday mottling from Middleville, Ohio, where they Taveßeen* visit* n g "relat iv cs iVd friends during the past month. Old fashions in dress may he re vived, but no old fasliionnd medi cine can replace Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Miller & Andrews. John Vroman, of Fowler, sold 4,000 head of cattle to Henry Boice & Co., of Kansas, last week. About 2,500 head of the lot were loaded from the La Junta stock yards last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bentley and daughter, Miss Lettie, left on No. 5 Monday morning for Denver to witness the carnival festivities. Mrs. Bentley and daughter expect to remain in the city for a month or more. D. W Carpenter will close his photograph gallery the last of the present week, and expects to go on the road in that line of business until cold weather sets in. B. F. Gleasman, who purchased the pro perty, will remove the gallery to the rear and erect on its site a neat, brick cottage. G. C. Burnett, the architect, has been engaged this week in drawing un the plans for an ele gant residence which is 10 be erected in Mountain View addition in the near future by Mr. Eugene Rourke. We were permitted to inspect the front elevation of the plan, and speak advisedly wheu we say that it will excel in archi tectural beauty any residence in the Arkansas Valley. It will cost ■0 the neighborhood of (6,000. P. E. Lewis, our local speedy bicycle rider, returned from Al buguerque, N. M. Saturday, where he bad been attending the terri torial fair. Ed entered in each one of the bicycle events and suc ceeded in capturing eight first prizes and one second. This is a record of which he may well feel proud, at several of his competi tors were bicyclists of national reputation. A dispatch front Al buquerque to the ■Denver Repub lican of Monday says: “Ed Lewis is the finest rider that ever com-! peted in this city, and won first! place in no less than eight races during the week.” Fisher & Larsen carry the largest line of jewelry in the county For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher's, postoffice news stand. Eight per cent money for city or farm loans.—W. R. Gibson, Cen tral block. Go to F. M. Stark & Co. for bargains in furniture, stoves and j queensware. C. M. Fisher, the Santa Fe fuel contractor, was in town yesterday j on business. You can never complete a nice Sunday dinner without going to j Melvin Bros’, market. Call at Hawkins' Cash Store for 1 particulars if you want to rent a nice four-room cottage. Wanted —Fifteen ladies to peel tomatoes at the La Junta Canning and Creamery Company. Mrs. C. A. Beerbohm left on No. 5 Monday morning for Denver 1 10 attend the carnival fete and visit relatives for a few days. About seventy tickets were sold at the local station Monday and Tuesday for Denver, to parties desiring to attend the carnival fes- j tivities. For Sale—Shropshire rains; fifty yearlings, 100 lambs; also 150 old ewes. Apply to P. H. Swectman, twelve miles from La Animas on the road to Arlington. Do You Pay Rent? —l have two small suburban properties that I will sell on easy monthly payments and low interest rate. Call and see about them.—Frank Finney. The certificate of incorporation town of king Center, Otero county, was filed with the county clerk Monday. B H. Martin, M. A. Noble, G. W. Lawrence, J. H. Welborn and Alfred Swanson were selected as a hoard of directors to manage the affairs of the town for one year. T. M. Finney has sold his de partment store to Guy E. Smith, and expects to leave about the 15th of the present mouth for the Indian territory, where he will en gave in the mercantile business with his brother-in-law, Mr. John Florer. Mr. Finney and his es limable wife, during their short residence in this city, have made a host of friends, who will he sorry to see them leave, but whose good wishes will follow them to their new home. A. McCargo was arrested last Saturday on a charge of assault and battery preferred by James Burns. The case came up in the afternoon before judge Douthitt and a jury of twelve men. The jury included almost every leading business man in town and was a very distinguished looking body. They brought in a verdict of acquittal. McCargo was charged with having used undue force in ejecting one of Mr. Burns’ sons from Louis 1 Theits' meal market, thereby causing him to sprain his ankle. The jury evidently thought other wise. J. W. Ekelbrett, the popular barber of the Dewey tonsorial par lors, met an old time crony Sun day evening in the person of A. T. Alexander, of D Company, Ninth Cavalry. Mr. Alexander was in the thickest of the fray at Santiago ■de Cuba, and has a number of, souvenirs which he picked up on j jthe field of battle. Two o< .he J | relics he presented to Mr. Etc!-1 j brett—a watch and a pair of ear- j | rings which were taken from the j person of a Spanish major who fell on the battle field. The watch is badly delapidated, having been Struck on the rim by an' American bullet. Mr. Ekelbrett | I has the souvenirs on exhibition at I the Dewey. | Have you selected your si I new Fall Costume yet? j $ We are ready, jj jkk And you won’t be offered the haphazard choice y of a buyer who was not posted, but the very 3] jP handsomest things that our dress goods expert ?] could set k out—and he stands very close to SI the leaders among importers and manufac- \| § Hirers. Every house can’t get first choice. We do get it. It’s a point worth remember- y ing when you start out for that new dress. Jj I Does this weather make you think j tyou need “New Blankets?” y Now', a word about new blankets as we show y and sell them. Here pure wool means pure ?! wool, part cotton is part cotton with us, and ?l we even admit that we have some that are \| all cotton. But where’s the advantage, you say. Full widths and lengths, the prettiest y A conceits in borders, the best value in fabric. y a: From the lowest priced to the highest there’s ?! 2? a range of values that gives every one ample ?l choice and without the slightest danger of Sm <JS going wrong. y If it’s going to be a new Coat y or Cape it might as well be a /i\ real stylish one—from us. d §* * Most of the garments you find here can’t be ?! seen elsewhere in town, not that our friends ?l (competitors) wouldn't like to have them, SI but we manage to fix things so they can’t, y §and what does it give us? Exclusive, nobby y things, the very cream of the choicest styles y that New York shows this season, and it 3 isn’t necessary to pay a penny more than for ?! styles not so pretty or attractive. Will jou SI wjS come to us? SI I C. F. KENDALL J OUR | COMPETITION | [ GOODS. | A ThcSC Granite Ten Kettle 65c P No. 25 Granite Coffee Pots 30c f J 10 qt Granite Pails 40c 5 J 12 qt Granite Pails 50c j A are 14 qt Granite Pails 60c 5 P 2 qt Stew Pans 20c J J 0 cjt Stew Pans 30c J| | On|y 10 qt Galvanized Pails 15c j P 12 qt Galvanized Pails 20c < | 14 qt Galvanized Pails 25c < | Galvanized Iron Tubs from, ,50c to 70c < | Sample Galvanized Iron Boilers 60c • f Tin Pudding Pans 2c up < 5 Tin Dish Pans 15c up < | Prices. *** °* her S oo * l * of thi * cl<u are < l offered at equally low prices. , : The above prices are not “baits” in | » order to skin you on something else. \ * Neither are they “Sale Day” prices. You J [ can get as many as you want, or as often \ \ as you want them. Yours for business, \ i A. H. CAWTHRON. Numbei £5