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Volume XIX IA SNAP | f We have just received from • Ed. V. Price & Co., Tailors 4 i to the trade, about 2,000 Dollars worth of I Tailor Made Suits J That they made up during the dull season to keep 4 their men employed. They were shipped to us at about 50 Per Cent on the $i * —one-half the price it would 5 cost you to get a suit made £ to your measure. We can J sell you a £ Tailor Made Suit 5 I at a great deal less price £ than what you can buy a J cheap ready-made suit for T elsewhere—suits that are J Well Made, £ with good trimmings, and T that will fit you. We will J save you some money, and T besides dress you up in £ Good Shape. 2 Come in and see the £ best line of Clothing ever £ brought to La Junta. # Yours for business, £ JgppH— jfi'lw OiM|)M rinlhinc Co 5 The Leaders. .■ e «%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%• | Health Says ;j Repair the :j| | | I* 2HK '? j* See that the sanitary conditions are perfect and on the most L scientific basis. For this work »E you need a plumber on whom you may rely—one who will do I* the work thoroughly and con- 'j K scientiously. Many particular people have chosen us to do tg their plumbing and entrust their tg health to our work. (* Our workmen are all experts, and 1? we can do anything from mend- M S * ing a leak in your water pipe to 'ls y supplying your home with bath- «K room and full sanitary appli- w ances in all the latest designs 1) and most modern ideas.. u B. & O.—- 1 •lONEER HARDWARE MEN. 9 - - w LA JUNTA TRIBUNE. raiLMMIB IVIRY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. LA JUNTA, OTERO COUNTY. COLORADO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1898. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS. The Dewey. Home again. Joys for Jewelry. Trade at the Palace drug *tore. Fine Jewelry—Fisher & Larsen. Hawkins will do you good on ladies' shoes. Geo. C. Burnett, the Architect, Room 7, Woodruff Block. Melvin Bros’, pay fancy prices for fancy fat stock. See them. For Sale—4so old ewes, well bred. Inquire of G. R. Buckey. If you want a fine dining table and chairs go to F. M. Stark & Co. Mrs. E. N. Bonfils, of Denver, was a guest of the Harvey House last Sunday. Call at Hawkins' Cash Store for particulars if you want to rent a nice four-room cottage. Highest cash price paid ior fat cattle, calves, poultry and produce at the Columbia Meat Market. Miss Kate Smith, after a vaca tion of several weeks, has returned j to the position of saleslady at S. j R. Mendelson's. W. L. Crombie, representing Nelson Baker, manufacturing pharmacists of Detroit, Mich., was a Sunday visitor in La Junta. Mrs. W. P. Sheetz left on. No. 6' Monday night for Wellsville^Ohio, j where she will he the gtjiest of j relatives and friends for several weeks. Dr. E. A. Hall, who in La Junta for a short tinle last summer, has returned to Lamar, after several months' service in Uncle Sam's army. < George Barnard, who been acting in the capacity of clerk at the Harvey House during the vacation of Mr. Hershfield, return ed to Kansas City on No. 2 Mon day. Mrs. Ed. Finney and daughter, M iss Ora, of Arkansas City, Kan., who have been the guests of Dr. Frank Finney and wife for sever a days past, returned home on No. 6 last night. H. W. Lance, Ben Smith, J. P. S. Gobin, W. B. Gobin, Ike Adair and N. W. Terry, of Rocky Ford, were in town Monday morning at tending the county court upon the opening day of the regular term. Next Tuesday is the opening day for the registration of voters for the ensuing election. Remember that it is absolutely necessary for your name to be upon the regis tration books if you desire to vote November Bth. Mr. Frank Abbott, of Tiffin, Ohio, who has been making a tour of the west, stopped over in La Junta several days last week to visit his old-time friends, G. R. and C. R. Buckey. He left for home on No. 6 Sunday night. C. P. Miller brought to the Tribune office Monday a sample of the crop of peanuts which he has been giving a trial during the past season on his North La Junta tract. The nuts are not as yet fully matured, but the vine gives promise of a prolific crop. The possibilities of the Arkansas Valley for producing a variety of products are as yet unknown, but there seems to be no limit as yet. Twelve companies of the Fif teenth United States Infantry from Arizona passed through here Sun day evening about 6 o’clock. There were about i,ooo men, and they were on their way to Huntsville, Ala., the point of mobilization for the regiments that are to compose the army of occupation in Cuba. The Fifteenth infantry has one of the finest bands in the United States army, and for an hour it discoursed sweet music on the depot platform to the intense de light of the large crowd present. Such music was never before heard in La Junta. Jelly glasses and Mason fruit jars at Thompson’s. Go to Hawkins to buy heavy un derwear at low prices. Fisher & Larsen carry the largest line of jewelry in the county For fresh bread, pies or cakes go to Fisher's, postofficc news stand. A. C. Comer of Rocky Ford, was a county seat visitor Monday. Go to F. M. Stark & Co. for bargains in furniture, stoves and queensware. Dr. W. Wylie, of Phoenix, Ariz., was a guest of the Harvey House last Saturday. Come quick if you want to rent a good four-room house. — Haw kins’ Cash Store. J. Scott Robertson, of the Fred Harvey ranch near Holly, was in town last Saturday. You can never complete a nice Sunday dinner without going to Melvin Bros’, market. Why not own your own home and save rent? Look at the list offered by Buckey & Hart. Wanted. — About twenty five head of stock to pasture, one mile from town. —G. D. Phillips. Mrs. C. A. Beerbohm returned on No. 6 Sunday night from Denver, where she was the guest of relatives for a week previous. James Melvin left on No. 2 Sun day for Pittsburg, Pa., to attend the Knights Templar Conclave, which was assembled there this week. Do You Pay Rent? —I have two small suburban properties that I will sell on easy monthly payments and low interest rate. Call and see about them.—Frank Finney* J. S. McMurtrie, of Holly, representing the Great Plains Storage Company, was in town Monday morning to meet a party of prospective investors in that section of the state. A newly married man in this town, whose wife has gone home to see her folks, has been longing for that bourne from which no traveler returns for two days past. There’ll be no parting there. Leander Spicer, of Ballston Spa, N. Y., and William Spicer, of Webb City, la., were the guests of their brother, A. Spicer, of this city several days last week, it being their first meeting for a number of years. They returned to their respective homes last Saturday morning, going by way of Denver and Omaha and visiting the exposition. Cards announcing the marriage of W. A. Hart, of La Junta, and Miss Mary Jenkins, of El Paso, 111., Tuesday, October 4, 1898, were received in this city last week by Mr. Hart’s numerous friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hart will be at home in La Junta after November 15th, occupying the elegant new resi dence now in course of construc tion on Raton Avenue. The Tribune tenders congratulations. Last Saturday evening about dusk two ladies and a child in a covered spring wagon attempted to cross the Santa Fe railroad track at a crossing about one and one-half miles east of Rocky Ford. Engine 624, running light, ran into them, throwing both horses clear of the cattle guard and instantly killing them. The child was so badly injured that it lived but a few hours. Both women were unconscious all day Sunday, but are reported to have since re gained their senses and are in a fair way to recover. The women were strangers in that part of the country, and have been camping out near Rocky Ford for the past two weeks while their busbaods were working in Cheek’s brickyard. | Ever Notice § ! The I L The original and the copy; the old master and t the daub of the new beginner? Copy, copy, jj copy—but no more like the real than mackerel W R is like rockcod! Storekeeping is just that way, W too—you walk and act your wav, your sister A cannot be just like you. So it is with our way k —we buy and sell our way—we evidently buy t well, for we haven’t stopped growing yet; and P probably the greatest factor in building up this jff store has been sheeting and blankets, com- Hr (\ forters, linens—all that go to make up our do- W A mestic department. ufr IN We sell house linen that will wear. # IN That's the secret of our linen dept. W |\ Our linens wear! we have crisp linens, whose ra s prices have grown smaller as our purchases be- c came larger. We have linen from Ireland and Germany. Linens woven from good, clean, Hf & round threads that will wear into the next Hr \ generation—no artificial dressing—just linen, f \ pure linen, if you will pay fair linen prices; f i whatever you pay you get the best that can be a had for your money. y Bed furnishings for \ y a thousand homes. \ : Blankets, comforts, spreads, sheets, pillow- 3 \ ? cases; all good; for instance, all-wool blankets, Hf J both wool in warp and filling, firm in weave, Hr j yet soft and flexible; woven close, yet not so Hr y close as to harden in the wash; we’re proud of k our California blankets; fond of feeling their t selected wool. We know they’re “good goods” r —“bring-you-back-again” goods—and that’s tIT J the sort of trade we’re out for, struggling for— Hr s GETTING! W \ C. F. KENDALL I OUR COMPETITION GOODS. —. No. 8 Granite Tea Kettle 0. r >c # These „ # No. 25 Granite Coffee Pots 30c < [ 10 qt Granite Pails 40c <| 12 qt Granite Pails 50c <J are 14 qt Granite Pails 60c 2 qt Stew Pans 20c 1 1 6 qt Stew Pans 30c < J 10 qt Galvanized Pails 15c |j 12 qt Galvanized Pails 20c 14 qt Galvanized Pails 25c '! Galvanized Iron Tubs from, ,50c to 70c Sample Galvanized Iron Boilers 60c J Tin Pudding Pans 2c up jj Tin Dish Pans 15c up ][ Prices other goods of this class are < [ offered at equally-low prices. ' I The above prices are not “baits” in o order to skin you on something else. \t Neither are they “Sale Day” prices. You can get as many as you want, or as often \ > as you want them. Yours for business, !> A. H. CAWTHRON. | Number 57.