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Che Daily Cribum o Datly published by ihe Tribous Printing and oy, at _Florenss, Fremont County, , @very day szeapt Bundays ond logal aye. | s the. matls st Mot o fcr mails as mat or o7 s sacond ataes. DAILY BY CARRIER OR MAIL/ Une Week ' ’ . Fifteen conta One lu* 3 Forty conta Bix mouths }Biridily in A‘vnno% 240 One year 4,80 e e e et gt MISCELLANEOUS RATES. Mh utions of respect ama condolsnee §I.OO sach, lflbllturluk por line for sash line over oue nelh, Cardns of hanks, 50c asch. Dispiay advertising ratss made kmows oD -pvlhn{on. e ey A, P. WiLLlans, Editor and Manager, e i e TRALERPHONE NO. 10 MAKING GUNFIRE SILENT. It was amaziug to se6 Mr. Maxim fire time and again into the sand in the targat and to listen in vain for the oxpeotad detonaton of the rifle— doubly ec after one’s ears had been assailod by the unsilenced ‘explosion of the Winchester eays Harper's Weaekly. The sonnd prodoped —the combination of that made by the liammer striking the target aud the bullet's pnssage and impact into the sand—in no mauner resembles rifle fire. That is all the sonnd that was to be heard, even when the inventor dissharged a Spriogfield, the new United States army rifie, which ie believed to be the best and the most powerful in the world The Spring field bullet has an initial veloclity of about 2700 feet a recond, and, when fired under normal conditions, produces an impact upon the ear that is distressivg to a civilian, But with the silencer attached to tho muzzle the Sprivgefild is abont as noigy as a knife thrust into a potato That the silencer actually catches and subdues the gases produced by the explosion, so that the faiut sound that remains is in nowise due to the explosion of gases which {8 the caunse of the denotation that ocours when a gun is discharged was iugenoously shown by the inventor. He held a card in front of the muzzle of a rifle barrel which had the silencer attach ed. 1t passed through as cleanly and gracefully as though it had been fired from a distance. Then, with the gilancar removed, Mr. Maxim fired again, The card and the contriv ance which held it were blown to fragments by the force of the gases. This is the maunner in which thol new invention works As soon nu} the gases produced by the explo sion of the powder enter the silencer from the barrel of the gun they en counter the spiral chambers in the in terior of the tube and are set whirl ing at great speed. The _tendency of whirling bodles is centrifugal—that is to say,they fly out from the center, a8 hias been discoverad by all who have hidden in the Maxim ‘‘flying mnchines'’ at amusement parks, which are operated upon this prin ciple. luasmuch as the only means of oxit from the silencer is near the center of the end portion, the gases are unable to effect their escape until they have slowed down sufficiently to have overcome their ocentrifugal teudency. When they emerge, therefore they are proceeding at a speed so much rednoed that the shosk to the atmosphere and the waves of sound which fmpinge upon the ear are #o reduced as to become almost inaudible. THIRTY VEINS OF COAL PENETRATED BY DRILL The diamond drill used in the work of exploring the Oasemoent es tate, southwest of Florence, has passed through thirty veins of conl, mensurivg in thickness from a fow fnches to several feet. It can not be learned tolay to what depth the drill bored into the ground, but it cortainly wans deeper than any other prospocting that has been fn this part of the country, The Onsoment ostuto oconsists of 960 acres and s owned by the helrs of the original owners. It is sald that the Oanon City Ooul company, which secured Ilm:lunw about one yoar ago, has agrood to pay some thing like SIOO,OOO for the land when it finally passes into tholr ownporship. While some of the veins ontered nre large enovgh to work, the majority of them are small and unworkable, At this writing the company, of which B. F. Rockafellow of Oanon Oity is president, is getting ready to open a mine and it is thought that within the next few months, or by next fall at least, coal will be gent to market from the new prop erty. LIBRARY COMMITTEE FAVOR A REST ROOM A committee of ladies representing the Public Library board has been at work the past faw days, d(ngrlbntlug to all ths business honses of town oards of invitation to the pablio to avail themsolves of tho privileges of the Librarv. A special invitation is given to strangers in town and out of town shoppers to make use of the Library as a reading and rest room during their hours of waiting in town, and to young people to come to the Lib rary to spend their evenings. When the work is complated these oards of invitation will be not only in all the business houses of Klor ence, but in the camps and noigh bor ng towns as well Auny plan that tends to extend the usefallness of the Library is cordinlly supported by the citizens of Florence, a8 evidenced by the enthusiastic patronage which the Kirmess received. Merchants es pecially are commenging favorably upon the efforts made by the Library board to supply the need of a rest room in town. 1t is to be regretted that the Lib rary is not more centrally located, and is not open continuously through out the day and evening. } Such conditions will be remedied ‘nn goon as the people generally rea lize the desirability of a different order of things, and are willing and able to supply the means necessary to that end. . ANNUAL MEETING OF IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE One week from yesterday, Friday March sth, at 8 p. m. will be held tho regular annuval meotiog of tho Oivie Improvement League. This meeting is for the election of oflicers for the ensuing year, for hearing re ports of officers and committees on the work of the year now closing,and for the outlining of plans of work for the coming year. The entire membership of the Lea gue is entitled to be present and have o voice in the councils of the meet ing and it is hoped that a great many will avail themselves of the privil ege. This will be the time when those who have suggestion s for work to bs undertaken by the League should be present and give the Board of Directors the benfiet of thoir ideas. The place tor the meeting will be announoced later. WILL HOLD STREET MEETING TONIGHT The interest in the union ravival meetings continues to grow. Last evenipg the Presbyterian church was aimost filled with people, abont 500 being present. Many are thinking seriously about beginning the life of Obhristinn service, The wmuslo con tinues to fncrease In power and effoctivenesd, An orchestra has se cured and is greatly aiding in the production of soul-stirrlng music, There will be no meeting at the ohurch this evening, but there will be n street meoting conduoted at tho coruer of Maln street and Pike's Paak avenue st 7:80, To morrow,atternoon at 8 o'clock there will be n men's and boys' meoting in the Presbytorian church, At 0:80 p. m, there will ben union youug puopla’s meeting o the Baptist church, At 7:80 p, m, there will bs o unlon evangelistio mervies in the Methodist ohurch, In the forenoon the various ;ohnmhou will hold thelr fudividual sorvicos, but In tho afternoon and ‘ovenlng tho mombors of the churches uniting in this meeting are requested to attend the mootings smnnounced ‘nbova. Everyone cordially iuvitea to nttend thewo servioes, | ——————— | Seo the Tribune when you are in noed of job printing, | AMONG THE CHURCHES SUNDAY SERVICES CHRISTIAN SCOIENCE, * Bervice at 10:45; evening at 7:45. Subject ‘‘Christ.”’ Wednesday even ing at 7:45, ‘ ST. ALBAN'S Morning prayer, Litauy and ser mon at 11 o'clock. Ivening -prayer and sermon at 7:80. Vested oloir will sing at both services. i l Sunday school will meet at 7:00 o'clock, 1 Confirmation olass at 2:80, choir rehearsal at 8 o'clock. PRESEYTERIAN Regular service at the Presbyter iau church at 11 a, w., sermon by the pastor, Rev. R. E Ohandler. At this gervice an opportunity will be given for those who wish to join the churh. At Bp. m. there will bse a meeting for men and boys No ser vice in the evening on account of the onion meeting in the Methodist church | METHODIST. 10 a. m., Sonday school, ‘‘The Gospel in Samaria.’’ 11 a. m., ger mon, ‘‘Spiritual Lessons From Dan iel."” 8:30 p. m. union young peo ple’s gervice at tha Eaptist church, Mr, Arichur Wake will lead the serv ice. 7.830 p. m. union ovungollstiui service at tho Methodist church, j UHRISTIAN. | Sunday school promptly at 10 a. m,, preaching at 11. Saobjsct, ‘‘Per sonal Work.'® The regular evening sarvice will be dispensed with and the church will unite in the union services which have bsen announoced ~—Goorge Pierce, cement tester for the Colorade Electrie Power com pany, returned last evening from Colorado Springs, accompanied by a friend who just arrived from Phila delphia, and who will remain lere. VYari 1 Nuturally you want the best— only those sorts that will yield the jreatest return on your orchard investment, Are you planting Stark Treces? You should, because *‘Stark Trees Bear Fruit''—the kind of fruit that brings the highest prices on all markets. For 83 years Stark Trees have been the standard -y which nursery stock is measured. Stark ~arieties are always the best and most up to-date varicties. Every tree is grown on seientific principies by the largest nursery ‘n the world (capital $1,000,000) and cvery tree has our reputation behind it. Western Varieties I'his year we are especially strong on the varieties popular with western orchardists mch as apple (chiefly the unexcelled 1- year), Peach, Pear, Cherry, Apricot, Plum, Small Fruits, ete., and we want your or der whether for one Stark Tree or one million. Write for our Stark Fruit Book. Stark Delicious Apple is a wondrous success, and solely on its genuine merit is the most talked of apple today. This is what one of the greatest commision houses in the country says of it:— ‘Last year we secured one corload of Del “ious from Washington and placed them a2 small lots in Chicago and large Eastern ities ot 40 per cent more in price than oth rvarietics we handled at that time. Who or had them last year, have repeatedly ‘tod for them this year before cur supply ived. This year we are selling Deliciou 150 per cent more than Jonathan, Grimes jolden, Rome Beauty, Alexander, cte. hey are just what particular people want i a fine table apple, being neither too swee, 10f too sour, a fine lopker and have good seeping qualities. We unhesitatingly say we onsider it the best all round apple, espec tly for table use, and in our catimation Jelicious should head the list of all apples. '’ 1. Woods Co., Commission Merchants hicago, IL, By G. W. Wilmeroth, . H. Atkinson, Fvangelist-Orchardist helan County, Washington., surites: 100 7 year old Deliclous trees in the Blackman or pard, Kittitas Co,, Washington, are bowed to the ound with thele fruit und this year, when price v low, turned g revenue te the owner of $2000,0t Idht years wlO this lund could have been purchases ¢ utrifle, Today $3000.00 per scre would not b ~Stark trees make land fabuloas in value.' We have 1,250,000 Delicious trees his year—hardly enough to supply the demand. How many do yeu vant? Better order early., {ave you tasted this royal fruit’ [ noty we will send a box of 3 specimens on ¢ Ipt of 25 cents 10 pay partial express charge No eharge s made for the fruit), The 25 cents w Wrefond 19 you on the first order of trees ser v Bead for the Luit today and ask for our Nev Jeliclous Dooklet, 1t s free. |s S n stark Bro’s Nurserics : Orchards Company Loutsiana Missouri U, S. A g g (A r - EVTER THAN SPANKING. sanking dcca not ecure children of l‘)ed -1 ting. There is a constitationsl canss r this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box ¥, South Bend, Ind., will send free to any mother her tuocessful hgme treatment, with full instructious. Send no money, but write her today if your children trouble you .4 this way. Don’t blame the ch’ld, the shances are it can’t help it. This treatmont 80 cures adnlts snd aged people troubioad 2 h antas Qificultica ¥y daz 6r pizht ‘m ‘HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE'! . e it et —_—————— = —_— CRYSTAL CIRCUIT AUDEVI LLF V_.__...._i.‘ oo el I T:2O Two svows §:3O 1.....———..—...--.——--—_l AND “The Duateh Burglar and The Old Maid.” . (fomedian, Singers and Dancera. ‘ | —_—— ) ILLUSTRATED SONGS T o ot o The Show That Made Canon City Sit Up and Take Notice! 10c -20 c ANY SEAT Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rallway. NG, 825 ~From Pueblo and all poluts osat, arrive -hll{. ceiiineese Mliddmm NO, 828 For Puoblo and il poluis onst, dopart du1(...... 581 pm No. 831 ,1),, Canon City, dally axcept Banday, depart. . .......ooioeoen... 4:00p m N 0.632 —From Canon OCity, daily, ex cept Bunday, arrive........... .. 128 pm No, 835 ~To R0ckva1e................. 12:45pm No, 83— From R0ckva15.............. 140 pm Dirast conneetion is now made at Pueblo tor Obleago and all points east, «nd at La Juo‘a Oenver & Rio Grande Railway ARRIVE DEPAKR] No.l—~Pacific coast timited from Denver and eastern connections. ... ........ 2:4opm 240 p w No, 2—Atlantio coast limit. od, from California and wostern p0inte.......... 12ipm 12Tpm No. l—~!'u¥l(lc ooAst BXprets from Denver............. 12:12 &4 m 12:12a m No. é~Atlantic eoast ox preee from California and wosternpotnta.. ... .... 5 00pm s:opm No. 5 -Transcontine n t a | limited trow Denver and enstorn sonnections...... 127 pm 127 pm No.o-Tra:s-contine n t a | limited, trom California snd westernpoints...... T 8 am TSB5a m No, 9-Denver and Canon Uity Plyer seesrenees 080 pw 635 pm No, 10-Canou City snd Deuver Flyer ............ 111008 m 1110a m No, Ib-Colorado Kxpress from Denver. ... ...... 28am 28em No, 18-Colorsdo express } from all western pointes (n ‘ Oolorado. . 1580 m LBSam ———————————————————————————— SPECIAL ROUND TRIP HOME SEEKERS' RATES TO NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS. i Ouw the first and third Tuesdays of rench month, doring the entire yoar, the Colorndo nud Southern rallway will sell round trip Homeseekers' tickets to a grent many poluts in New Mexieo aud Texns nt one fare plos §#2.00 for the round trip. Fiopal limit twenty-five deys, allowing liberal stop-over privileges, For detailed informacion, rates, oto, onll on the Colorado and Soathorn agent, or ad dress T, K. Fishor, general passonger agent, Donver, Colo 20t ONE WAY OOLONIST RATES To Arizonn, Texas, Mexico, Oali fornia, Idaho, Mountunn and the Northwost Commencing March Ist and contin uing daily ootil April 80¢h , the Col orado and Southern will sell one-way colonist tickets to mary poiuts in the above territory ac¢ greatly reduced ratos. For rates and other particu. Inra, call on the agent or addross T, E. Fishor, goneral passenger agent, Deuver, 0010. 20-tl, ———-———d—_—_—____—_¢_—=_._— You have not yet paidyour,taxes, they can be paid thru the ‘ Florence State’ Bank. We get your tax receipt without. any r i 5 ‘ [expens_e to you. If we can be of any service to you in the banking line}be’sure to call’on us. We pay four per cent on timeé deposits. ; %@065 zzte. o%zzfi 7 . AR e NRO E eT e RR, g e s ey St e e e b R S e b fon B VR P sel o T B blo R A TR RO L Re R j. 3 Rl e T R "4“”’“":‘,3 o A L¥B ol e e R f R - ‘?’.’d o R R WL Lf o L ’é\,‘%» B p ) N :fgi el e Lst ’ v d Ail ilB 8 T e PR AL i Hop T e b s,’“f‘v‘“ RIS C B |it ".l"i‘;, S§,AT R £ R P ixans S A RT3 L R * . VA \\‘{‘3%‘?} U TN S RTINS e , L HPE hv:{% \i% = b .f TR } " ,’_ ‘.“'2\!'l ;“’ h | ;'xi, fé Y ’;.l'J;,f' 1 i 4 | e e e A o PEEE L e L e e R 4 v,.‘!;>~...‘,_‘,w:,__"‘ %t ¥ i s W g 1%{,4.&9‘; (RN e L Ly i R it SR R is now open to guests under an entirely new management. It has been thoroughly renovated in every department. The comfort and pleasare of each guest will be our special care, The cuisine is per fect. THE FREMONT is modern in every respect. ONLY FIRST CLASS HOTEL IN FLORENCE. ‘ W, H. KELSO, W. T. COLVILLE Proprietors. et ey~ et THE l Av ToDA O D NEWS OF D F you want to know the news of Florénce and of I Fremont County while 1T 15 NEWS you must have Tae Dary TrisuNe. To earn the largest pos sible income, to have the greatest comfort and pleas ure and to wisely guide your children you must be entirely acquainted with the affairs that are going on around you and while they are happening. . . . . . . e— . 1 Colonist Rates to . ’ California and the Northwest FROM ON SALE MAR. 1 TO Dexven TO APR. 30, 1909 San Franoisco Cororano Sprinos Los AxarLes Puxsro _— Ban Dirco Canox Crry San Jose I:I\ll'-ll.ll SANTA Banrnara Grexwoon SeriNas SACRAMENTO Drvra $ Fresxo Giraxp Juscriox Porrrann Guxyisox TacoMA MoxTrokr SearrLe A daily line of Pullman tourist cars will leave Denver via the Denver and Rio Grande runoing through to San Francisco and Los Angeles without change For information regarding "I'vain Service, l’uvllunn Resorvations, ete,, ote,, call THE RIIO GRANDE AGENT 8. K. HOOPER, General Passongor und Ticket Agent, Dexver, CoLoxang