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GO The Daily Cribume g Oow “nd Florenss, Fremont “ Gounty , Golos) &,‘:vuydu exeept Bundays - agd-iogel i 0 s Xlo , Colors: i ‘mm 0 : h -Alhun:" toz of the seeond o —————————————rereesee e iwl.!-IIOAIIIIIOIIAIL.v - Six months imvh nmi . ] One year 4.0 e e MISCEBLLANROUS RATES. :rohu«.-n of respest ana eomdolense §I.OO each, lOM{urluknr {ine for eash limsover oue ne " of Shanky, §os sash. m, ldun‘hu rates made knows on applisation. ‘ e ee et A. P, WiLLIANs, Editor and Manager. 1 i R e ' TALRPHONRE NO. 10 | WHY NOT TRY SUGAR BEET CULTURE HERE For several years the Amorican Beet Sugar company of Rocky Ford, bas tried to interast the growers of Florence in the zaising of sugar beets. This scems to be an especially favor able year to give the subject some consideration as wa are looking for other crops besides apples. The Rocky Ford factory will buy sugar beets of the Florence growers and’ pay exaotly the same price de livered at the cars in Florence as is, paid to the grower who lives in thei city limits of Rocky Ford. | This seems emineuntly fair and puts the individusl grower at home on as good a basis as if we had a sugar beet factory at our town. The company wants o make oon traots with grcwers here for a de finite number of acreage. Last year this company stated that Its oon tracts could be secured for 150 aores an agrioulturist would be sent here at the expenso of the company to assist the farmers {in getting the best results possible. So with all these oppertunities just as good as 1 we had a sugar faotory in this section it seems that n good many people might become int erested in the crop. It has been proven that Fremont county soil is ocapable of growing a8 many beets to the acre and a quality of beet with as large per cent of sogar as any section of the state. But our people have all run to high prioced crops, and have depended al most entirely on their apple orops. 1t would have been better for the community if a third of the land had been put to beete and other aunual orops. The beet orop is a good thing for the grower and for the town. The grower can by careful ounlti vation realize from $75 to SSO per acre for his beeta. The beet orop is a good thing for the community for everv dollar paid for the beet crop lis spent within the ocommunity. There i{s no expense exoept the labor and so every dollar paid out by the grower goes direotly to support the residents here. A beet orop is not a difficult crop to) raise. Ita suocess, however, de pends upon the care and oultivation of the grower. Shortage of water is the greatest drswhack in most sugar beet sections. That would not trouble our growers in the least and we should get the maximum crops here, The American Beet Sugar 00. pub lishes a oircular giving the names, amount raised to the acre and amount of ocash received by each per acre for his orop and is now advertising in The Daily Tribune for Florence acreage Here arc a few of the Rocky Ford growers, showing amount real ized per more by each: R. N. Harrla - - #2190 J. R. Franoes - - 19! 0. J. Baxter . - 165 W. L. McOlimans - - 1656 J. W. Belew . - 147 8. W. Hood - - - 148 G. W. Fenason - . 18! And many others running above SIOO por acre, The company olaims thare oanuot be no overproduction as it will con tract to buy all beets raised. Of course some land about here s too valuable to put out in this crop but we havea lot of land that would do well and give good retuine In beets 1t is & quick orop. Plant it in the spriog and reap it In the fall, There is no danger from drouth here, | People {ntorestod ahould write the | Amerioan Beet Bogar 00,, at Rooky | Ford for iuformation. : 1 mauy poo‘ ple are interested a man will be sent op to interview our people about the matter. HIGH SCHOOL CADETS AND THEIR UNIFORMS 1o talkimg with Msjor Oriddle, commandant of the High school'cad ets, our reporter learns that there seems tc be a misapprehension on the part of a few of the parents rogard pg uniforms. Wliile a beautiful cad ot grey uniform was adopted as a dress uniform, it was not at all in tended ‘tu confine the membership to those who buy uniforms. On the con trary, all the pupils who are williug to work, learn the diill and. obay the regulations, are gladly welcomed, whether they have uniforms or not. Of course the sooner all are equipped the better, but many of che parents do not care to buy uniforms until fall, and in such cases they should not de prive the boys of the privilege of the drill, as they will be given the ssme oare and attention as¢ those who have uniforms. For a service uniform, which can gradually ke acquired by the boys withont extra expense, the officers think a pair of khaki trousers with kbaki colored shirt, and inexpensive hat or cap of uniform design, is ad mirably adapted. Many if not most of the younger ‘boys wear overalls to play in and 1u stead of using blue overalls, they can ‘ for about the same money, buy the | uniform above mentioned, from the local stores, and they oan be worn to school and on the atreet, for or dinary wear, leaving the grey for dress and the grey suits can be pro vided, when new suits are needed for the boys, even if one at a time. 1n this way without any special expense, the boys will all be lin uniform and & little later will have both a dress and service uniform. We are greatly pleased to learn that a cadet corps has been organized here, as it works to the benefit of the pupils physically and mentally and we hope in time to see an orgauiza tion equal to those in other cities. FOURTEENTH ANNIVERSARY. The Dally Tribune is fourteen years old today, in other words it was the first day of March fourteen yoears ago that the first edition was struck off the presses, and in all that time the paper has been issued with out interraption. We will let the reading public be the judge as to whether the paper has. fulfilled its mission as & newspapor and family periodical. Such small oities as Florence, usually, do not have daily papers as long as this city has had; they usually start up, run a few months and then die aborning. But through many adveristies, The Tribune is sti!l alive and {a atill a hoalthy paper. 1t has al ways fought for the bost interesta of the city and its people, never at any time forsaking the news features. Of ocourse there are times when news is not very plentifal, but that is due to conditions, and since any newspaper is a record of the transactions of the city, and the only complete one that can be secured, it is not the fault of the paper when the naws isnot printed. Indications are av this time that The Daily Tribune will continue its careor of usefulnes in Florence for years to come. A PLEASANT PHYSIC. When you want a ploasant physic give Ohamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets & trial. They are mild and gentle in their action and always produce a ploasant cathar tio effect. Call at Daniels drug store for a free samplo, mwf H. Houston yestorday colebrated his birthday, bhaving reached the three score and ten mllestone. To celebrate the oocasion liis family and the Houston connections, numbering about twenty-five in Florence,nssemb led at the Houston liome at the corner West of First and Frazler yes- ‘ terday aftornoon and spent several hours in merry making. There were alsn a number of out of town guests present, among them were Mrs, Oar wan and two daughters of Toexas, and Mrs, Ohurohill, of Denvor, editoress of the Queon tes. Mr Houaton was the recipient of .many ussful pros ents, l OUR PRESCRIPYION DEPARTMENT + ""Is'our pride. We have the confidence o of the physioians and the public. ¢ This lis increasing ounr trade every Wiy month. Whby? Because it {s the ? important part of our business and ‘at all times receives our most oare fol attention. G | We fill so many presoriptions that our stock 1s alweys fresli and pure, besides beiug comprehensive and com plete. We muke the drng business our special vooation, having done so .the . past 19 yeara with success. Our charges are always right and based on value of ingredients and time and skill required in compound . ing. They are never ‘‘guessed at,’'' All are treated alike. The physfoians trusé wa, you may safely do so, 1t you will tave your preseriptions left at our store, they will be care fully compounded, and delivered at your home promptly by W. J. DANIELS - PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST | GEORGE WASHINGTON George Washington was very methodical and careful in all his doings. He had a book in which he kept an ac curate account of all money received and paid out. The First National Bank performs this service for you in the use of a check book and deposit hook. Come in and let us explain it. FLORENCE, COLORADO No account too small or large for our close attention D e Lump Coal . . $4.00 \ | | i Nut Coal .. . $2.75 ; »a Phone RDN! AA_#*—*‘N Of}lce Phone | % BROWN & SON | CORNER PIKES PEAK & FRONT —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— We have i the . . i All sizes, all shapes and all prices. Come in and look | at them. The prices will surpriss you. !l - ] RICKETTS & CLAUSEN THE UP-TO-DATE 127 W. MAIN sT. ‘ SECOND HAND MEN PHONE RED 294. rmmq We are introducing the : l s Wolif Hams and Bacon 3 f Customers declare them to be superior to all other 1 brands. Free from salt—require no par boiling 1 | —Splendid breakfast meat. : | Phone Florence 94. i w - ‘ i weidorrics 1 HIE CENTRAL MARKET mmo@@mv@@@@msmmwmo.! The vaudeville show, given in the Houston opera house Saturday night by Mr. Milton of Oaunon Oity, was well attended, the house be fog filled at both performances. While it has not been definitely ar ranged, It is thought he will be in Florenoce at least twice a woek in the fature. He and Mr. Houston will ar range this today. FOR DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Nearly 01l diseases of the skin sno w 8 oczomn, totter,salt rheum and bar bers' itoh, are characrized by an in tonso ftching and smarting, whioch ofton mnakes lifo & burden and dis turbs sleep and rest. Quiok relief may be had by applying Obhamber lain’s Salve. It allays the ftohing and smarting almost instantly. Many cases have been cured by its use. Forsale by Daniels Drag Store. mwf (T & 0 FLTL et - The March session of the Fremont county ocourt began in Oanon Oity today. There are poyoral ocases tol be tried, 000000000000000000000000090 The Tivoli Bar Wines, Liquors and Cigars::: 233 N. Union Ave. J. R, MILLER PUEBLO, COL. Proprietor. 0 0000000000000000000000000 Miss Darby played, by invitation, at the penitentinry service yestorday morning. The contracts for the Beuver Pen rose railroad and the big oconcreto lateral work ou Beaver Park, are to be let this afternoon or tomnrrow‘ morning. Six or seven contrnotors who have bids filed are on the ground ‘nnd the work will be earefully gone iovor and will be deoided within the next few hours. Then several hun ‘dred more men will be employed here ‘ln the next few woeks, You have not yet paid your taxes, they can be paid thru the Florence State Bank. We’get your tax receipt withont any Xexpense to you. If we can be of any service to you in the banking line be sure to call on us. We pay four per cent on time deposits. 2 -~ 7 g @? reficfi,.c? d/&.@% ‘ AN LI COLO e— e———————— pEay fi??‘? s RIS 25 ??’" D v SRR RIRRNA O kMR |RR B R SRI IE TR P e LRt R e U | ':}’g i'v B 3 Lo ER Ed p 1 B | iagn {fflfiwfi B/ | K B t | T A eM w 5 i oL ', [ | e :i'.: g AR PN NG ) 3 : ' VTR &\ . E ¥5 ot S A ‘ R N el S B H b - oB T B "N A \ RAEEISE SRR R ! X W YR A z R IR A Y S - R T m‘wzfli‘h . e e Tp L e B " oo Ts S S St s HRST < T ’—él-J.)“ AT L e R g e is now open to guests under an entirely new management., It has been thoroughly renovated in every department. The comfort and pleasure of each guest will be our special care. The cuisine is per fect. THE FREMONT is modern in-every respect. ONLY FIRST CLASS HOTEL IN FLORENCE. W, H. KELSO, W. T. COLVILLE, FProprietors. et eet S R THE ODav TODA NEWS OF F you want to know the news of Florence and of Fremont County while 1T 1S NEWS you must have Tue Dainy TrisuNe. To earn the largest pos sible income, to have the greatest comfort and pleas ure and to wisely guide your children you must be entirely acquainted with the affairs that are going on around you and while they are happening. . . . . . . SPEOIAL ROUND TRIP HOME SEEKERS’' RATES TO NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS. On the first and third Tuesdays of ench month, during the entire year, the Colorado and Southern ilway will sell round trip Homeseekers' tickets to a great many poiuts in New Mexico and Texas at orne fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Final limit twenty-five deys, allowing liberal stop-over privileges. For detailed information, rates, eto , call on the Oolorado and Southern agent, or ad dress T. E, Fisher, general passenger agent, Denver, 0010, 20-t1 ONE WAY OOLONIST RATES | To Arizova, Texas, Mexico, Oali-. fornia, Idaho, Montana and the Northwost. Oommencing March Ist and contin uing daily antil April 80ch , the 001. orado and Southern will sell one-way colonist tickets to many points in the nbove territory ac¢ greatly redunoced rates. For rates and other particn- Inrs, oall on the agent or address T, E. Fisher, genoral passenger agont, Denver, 0010, 20-tl, , Atchison, Toppcu & Santa Fe Raliway. No, P—'r«o{n nlcblg find all 1154 taoast arrivedally.. ......... Ilidam g | onat, d?-nr! da a,...............‘ sBlpm ‘ No. 831—T Canon City, daily except | Bnndny AOnARE N T 400 pm No. 632 —From Canon Oliy, dally, ex. cept Bunday, arrive.......... . 12:88 pm No. gm—fn Rockvale...... ."7 jaus pm No, 838—From R00kva1y........ "™ 140 p m Diroct conncetion is now made at Pueblo for Ohioago and all points sas’, and st La Junta ————————e Denver & Rio Grande Railway. 0. G. HITCHCOCK, Agent ARRIVE DRPART No.l—Paeific coans iimited trom Denver and oastern 00nnecti0n5............... 20pm 249 pm No, 3—Atlantic const [(mit. od, from California and western r01nt1........‘.. 12Tpm 127 pm No. 3—Pacifie coast express from Denver............. 1112 a m Ril2am No. é—Atlantl eoast ex. press from California and N'-.-u{"n potnt:.‘.‘;..; T 800 pm s:opm 0. B—Trans-co . limited from Denver uJ 18 e oas eonueetions. . ... 273 N?. l—gnmunor Vali DNy oy 1-‘lud.“lro- g1.1.l orula oo iy and western aennne Al N?.“D--lenr’:nd Canon sk e 0:65‘.- ! ‘ PO eanee: coencnonns - N%cl- : fi S e n I'Op n lob : vor Flyer. ... 11008 mll No. 15—Coloradd Exproes i No"ml ver. ..p.'.' 2Mam 284 am o z 0 Oolorado. e pointla eress sesisneneee. LM @ LI @m