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PAGE SIX Cough Hard? Go To Your Doctor Stop co Jul.ins: Co uniting rasps and tears. Slop it. C')UBl|inaP rc parcs the lliroat and lungs for more trouble. Stop H: • I nothing 10 bad for a cough as equalling. Stop i.. Ayer s Cherry I’ector.i! i n medicine for coughs and ciilds. a regular doctor .;jr>cd icioe. I cil! Ask your do. l-if I' ■ i-. mil good .icmcc, ~. CROWD TURKS INTO THE LAST DITCH (r’ontluu* (l from pnone.) |,,<•.*! .in ofll* ;i| t- i omit of i • di / Mi:- i.tin ;iml If ■ f*»r "ii \Vedu*» <2.1 | 1)1- '|'l| Ilil rlt lr»l|* IldVllllCl'lt OH in i■ i i* 1 lion fir* mlh from j Kumntiotii Heavy lighting !*•»•«•••! I Ition ghoul t'li- nflernocn Tin* Set-I vlnit •« flimlljr stayed the TurkDli **n i luughl. Hu- butll" win resumed Thuifilay I mornlpg. Ill' l S'l'itmiii Mils tint* ' ik Inn ill** offensive anil ;-t nking ill* I TitlkUli 1 1 <»«»!• ■. who llU'l "itiMti ii 'I llt ••(ii ti*l v*'S Af i ran artillery duel I a general advance wan ordered by lb. Servian commander at o'clock. 'I b" ground over which ill" Servian | troop* bail in advance wa* open and III" Infantry men were • \mf*"il In al I weeping Ni". Finally. a' III" |**i!nt , nf tin. bayonet limy iliov" nut tin | Oilnmnii troop*. Sofia. Oil. - •:. A mirllon nf Mu town nf Ailrliiimpli* ban b< « n <1 oil lti« by lb<> ilulgiirlaii artillery, tie-| cording In prlvsil" despatch"* re u lvnl Item. 'l lii* Itulgarlnn troops bav" tak"i» ib<* unliving forth nf Mann*. Ilnvarn* ami Hu filar, lying •<» lb" nnrlli nn«l mu l Inast of tIiI v* city, ami also have •apiii ml a railroad station In tin i xlromo mil; kill-, nf ill" town ICIkIi I bnmlr"d prisoners have fa Ibn Into «liolr hand*. Tin* f r.n tirlaanfm who arrived b"f•• vodeiduv from Miihinpliii•l , m*l»:i mi. raptured lit homo of Mo* *ntxi!ler towns t.ik"ii by tli" llulgurlmi*. The < Mill" absence nT Turkish officer** nnioog tbn prisoner* ruptured at Kirk Klll'ih l*« iinioli common tod on tm lb*' first. r"|mrtn wiro lliat lb" wtml" gnrrl**oe bail lircn t itmi Tb" Itnlgaii.m tnmv Is r"|M»il«d In 1." advaiiHii : nloiig the whnlu front and a despnleh In tin* government iirrm, Mir. wiyn tin* Turku an* r**- it allnw In panl" while th" clvl’inn pnpnlallon In In,; toward f'oustan il nnp In. n." tiling" lit Koi-bav' w:»< rapt tired by tin* Ihtlgnrinu* yesterdny nf i. i h.-viT" fighting at tin- po'nt of the bayonet. | U&E COKE for FUEL • I mi PFR TfiN AVE coal bills next winter. Now is the time UUU I I Lll lUll to place your orders for gas coke; it’s the cheapen and best commercial fuel on the DELIVERED local market tiniif nan 11 Don’t wait for prices to go up this fall. It will burn NUW lINIY in any furnace or stove and hundreds saved money by using coke last winter 404 oam p Coke is clean, cheap and hot. Carry a deep bed Iff J / W of coke with very little draft and it will outburn Jm J coal and give off more heat wmammmommamm Fill your bins now while it is cheap. We will de- | liver it and weigh out over the city scales or your delivery man can haul it and we will pay the city scales weighing cost Yard cost per ton Telephone Trinidad 349 and leave your order You order . 1 its delivery ep no THE TRINIDAD ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION I * I RAILWAY AND GAS COMPANY 1. 11 • iii" Turkt ni«* r"ported in hi'" nhan iloih i| 1 imir I rough »!«l til • «kuh lii ord"r i" i«ui*"Hirut" further «*» Mi* Hotilh. II U hidl"v d they him >•: • trenched tliemselv* • In th" hills 1 >M. -» mil of Mi* town will* W wijiiM (•v" I '••in 11 drih' nd vii nti* owl US i-i th*. nature nf th" ground. Tb.- Servian * " r*itpMir"d f'Mv t... r -iii gw 1: and monnttdn gnn* whi'ii they inuk th" *•’>• *-f Kim:.*. ova from the Turl it it thei i* ik thlitmi 1 -id guni and nine nmrt it r **»| Oe I 1 pu . . iron ahold rf Itskuh 1- ' pril led 'll ti li b gram whhh rim hed e* | v;i 1*• 1 <■ xpoti“ lien* today, to hnv" 1.,"M fik u by th" allied Servian and ItilllfU! lan aimb" On 2« The Turkish ~m f, m irirding m a ii"W* naem-v ileaiintih {nun ffithiriuMnopl" whbh ••' ’*•" ,nf filial aniioniiiemiiit ' • i -u* d ;this -••* nlna l IIIN are given n» to «1"* I*”"* °* I place. it. . Ilf. M. t "I. Van ■ ■ fighting took place yi terda In lb" in I mill went of Mlrlanoplo. siivH (i api*< ln| denpati h from Ndrlan opl" Tli" lohm'M aufferid by the! Turkluli and lliilgnrlan troopt v.-i-r*-! brnivy. No nmterlnl rhnng" in the poiltlona of Mu* two nrnili'* muirred a m a r.'-n 11 of th" fighting. LA FOLLETTE SORE; WONT VOTE AT ALL Knil Claire. Wla., o*-t. S. iiatui l,a I’olb'tt" in mi nddreAH lift" au«l at f’lilppi'Wik Kalla last night i*nld h" would uol vol" for nny prealdentlnl • amlldat". 11,. referred to peroounl Inlervl. w with ItiMiouvelL and Tart and raid both t it ml asked hum for lod • ami Htigge* t loiih. lb- aid \Voodrnw WII miii I* u progr«'H*lV** anti had been u progi.'sHlv«» Rrtrcriktr In N'"\v but Mint bln liamli would be tied up by the |>emorrat* If lie lu'enme pN ■*! j deni, 8 SATURDAY TAFT BETRAYED BY HIS OWN PARTY IN CALIFORNIA ; Lo. Augeleg. Calif , del. 2*'. Tiik- I11*; r'ogiilzanee *»f what Ih n.iitl t*i be ip., avowed put pin* of Taft nupport* it* to ''deliver” the Taft vote In Cal-: Morula to Wllpoil. the UemocratL' • tdeiitlal noiiHm »•■ l{o*c*"veli hup poriera loaned u formal at at omen t , lumi' Kiday declaring that Taft hud ‘ h* "ft deliberately betrayed and aacrl 11»:***| In Culifnrnlu nnd that th* I* liargea of rnud and elilrunery eharg. - .1 against ih«- I'rogretwlviH alter the' 1 alt .-I"* torn wen.' "llmlnuted from the hnlllot l»v Mi*- Htipn im- court w*-re j an liiHiili t*» th*' Itepiiblifan votnra **f ( Mu* atat*'. Th*; Mtittemcut i> tdgm d li.v Ihinlel A. Kyau. ehulnnan of Mi'* lt**publlcnn 'atate conimltte**, Meyer Lyaner. na l until I l*rogr*HsiV" exeyiitlve commit- 1 t""!iinn: ch"»*t*r II Kowell. IMogrowa iv" coininllto'iiinn for (’allforniu und i John K. Stetson, president of the |((Mi.->"velt l*rogre-siye b-agile in Cal ifornia Ii -"t* forth in detail the record of eventa eulmliiatlng in the ! ellnilniition of Tuft eleetora from the Crillfornlu ballot, ami edarfu whlb* ; i liarb-H D Mill"?*. Taft'M piaongcr ] asked lh" Taft h-adern to clreulnt" a iiomiiiatliig petition for tli** Taft J * |**«'tont, th* v r*-fu»*M| to «lo so. The i. • «»u i-higned for the "florin of the Tall le"<l"i A to Imlili'*' Taft Ib-ptlhll Vans io vote f*»r Wilson i» ill* deal#** m .trengtheu Wllhiii lii th** liop*'.of defeating itiK»seV*'lt. Wilson Will Not Wait For returns But go to Bed Pi mi h ton, N J., Oct 20 Gov ' ■ i u**r \V***'diow Wilson won Id ratluM | go to h" at •• o'clock ••l« , elIon nighl I 1 to ink" a long sl""|i und find out tie next morning whether or not lie N • I*** led pi«'Sldent than, to It up ami watch for Mu* ii'lurna. The govi-rnot watcli"d a wurkmnii Install a teb - gnrpli Instrument in It Ih home her*' • today by courtesy *»f a telegraph contpnny. The iiom I !»•••• w«nulhre*l ! If lll*' null*** would liol prove *IIh t met lug. ••|C«'iilly.” In* told correspondent*. I'.l ratb"r go 10 bed at !» o'clock than to alt up and follow the early returns which are usually fragmen tary nml fatiguing.” ,i t lironlcl* -Newc. ape pn ni *iiM». THE CHHOHICI.E NEWS. TBINIDAD. COLORADO. TO MEASURE BECKER FOR ROGUE’S GALLERY New Yerlt. fJ<t. ( It.irb'it Hc"k --:■ iitomntbally di< ;»«•*! from the poll'** roll;. by hi- conviction for murder no b<ng"i a lletitenam hi lha! dijiartmelit. will pay one '!sll ; .«» pc I lee h«'adi|ui»rt*r ■> b«*forc h«• go*"* (to hing Slug ]>rlvutt to aw. t the a«- I tloti of the court of appeal', ih will i li*- taken from tlt• Torn! - to Mi" btl resm of Idem Ifl< at l< n t<* photo- Tiaphed aii«l nieasurt*! u Mi*' regues' j gallery. The legal work n** 1 - ary to gel ' Pecker's ease befnr< til" *ourt of ap ! p‘-als will begin immediately efter I Mi** Hent* ll»e Ih proimoie <*d by .llistlce jljoff on Wednesday m-xt. Notice of appeal will !»*• filed forthwith and j Mils will operate a- a stay of execu j ' tlon. | Tills case Is not likely to lie set i 'or argil men t for • ■ ••• • I months nnd decision of tli" up ;>- .*I I* not expect 'd! for a year or m although the a-tloii will be OXpedlaT*-*! by Mr 'Whitman In every poM-lble way. lit the event of a revet sal of th*' verdict. Meeker would h«* remanded i to th" Tomlm again without hall i" i nv.ait a new- trial !!••* ait ••• tli** trial ijil't ended wes In • special term of • «nirt order* d by Movernur D!x nil •of th** records on appeal will go i«» th*- Mavernor nml ill tli** costs of np p*-al v. 11l he paid l*> *li" ''tat**. This folhiws lie **t '.n th<- Mollueaux ca-. n which .Im-tlc* Goff was r**ven»e«l by the «'Otirt *»f ap peals after a delav of two years Mollueaux was a* *i*i111*•«! on lih sec ond trial. Mthough ft*-, k* • will b*' «'iit. it*«"i oil Wedncailliy. O* t**b*'r ISO. be will , not go to Hlug Sin - : until about No I \ "inher !*. ten *la> be ng generally I :• 1 low ril for cun lit at il'll wlfli c*Mlll *«>• | Kb'Ven points 'in whb h tli• appeal I will In* based itr* "'iMlned today In . ! t tatenient prepnr**d l»v it**i k*-» ’*- chief More than 1.000 excep tion* were taken during tin* trial t«i rulings made by .lu.-tlce fluft WOMEN POLICE OFFICERS MEET IN PORTLAND Pot Hand. ()r*v. nd. 2f..- Rond ltom** , a dance Im'i “Joy rltles” ntt*l other bin's with '■ young wo men In • Itl* s u**r> 1 1 1• • ii*Mcd nl h'ttuMi today by the won •• tt jutllcn officer* j *if Pacific *. a. t • M" ■ gathi'ind h"i. : lit the fii-d edn*entlon of the kind ••\or hebl In U-** t'nltcd Stall's. ritronhle-N* wa. '.tic per month. A Nkln of— uty ia m JCf Foftwt. DU. T. Felix Oourtud'a Oriental Oraam or Mafloal SeautiMa |f tJ OUm'-vM Txb, Vl»p*«» (**“’ JJttkU l. M 'p I* 8 ! u j s£>\ i' ■■*'•*.'■ *'•'* •> Si ** /fVy !••• •'•<■*•'. * _ IM I 'f«*arMHil'a Crew**’ t« *h» ».*»n.C.‘ ■ ’ *. 'A* •ku. | !•(.*.-«i uc " V r m!« /» I •Irnju'*’* <>'•«!• l*r*l«r« m the full*4 SU«» .**«>•.■« •*<! Kunja CBM. I.wnixs. Pn». 37 Oral Jtw IM la It-!. GOVT. TAKES HAND IN JOHNSON CASE j rhl *Ht;o. f:-1. 26. The* rt part ’ mont of Justhe at Washlnston has 1.. . - in-- deeplv Interi -ted In the in M'HllKatlon lr re Into the ’Mark’ j John* on-Lurll» Cameron'*, ln\<d\- j Imr p violiitloii* of th<* Mann | ti< I. urrerdinß to tlie local federal il | thorltlert who nay the. have received message from \ttorney Got i*i I WP kendinm onloi'ms them to aid:* nn exhaustive Invent I lon. To thir j mil Beit I Meyer*. :* local vpeila* nrrmt. today departed f ir St. .lo«»ph Mlrh!Ran. to interview pers m- he -11.. —! i. h ive Informal'-i:i i ir«:v» the cafe. Tills 1.-: the fits' lime thiC *!•* fill 11 • - clews are said to lit V led Investigators Inti* another state. FIFTH ANNUAL LOS ANGELES PHEONIX ROAD RACE l.cs Anßides. Calif.. Oet. 26 Twelve lining nutomohil*** will lenvr here nliortly after mldnitfht tonight tn the annual IjOx Angolen-Pljoeiilx I Iliad rare. eousldcicd one of the most even I a I the I'nrlfir <’«inst I Automobile circles. It will he tie filth annual rare and this >enr will In* run through the Imperial Will, v mid Vnnin to jPhoenlx. Two trophies ami cash | prizes or Hove to flS.lhni will go l« the winner. TO ENTERTAIN SENIORS M - K it..u. on i'd I’rof .1 It Morgan will eiiteitaln the r.-nlo | ci:i-i» th- Tilnld id Hlkli S lav* t mile lit :*t I fnlliiv. >n party, a the Itmtlsoil Itente oil Prospect Street Ptuhpklns', " •• - and •*»* : "’ 1 '' *> I 1.Ti1 .1 . -'IVi T the l.i-ftixjon *wl'l Ve :• ..» n decorating. yellow and Idark predominating. Camas will he | laved litlil a witch will t«ll tie fortunes. A' the Hose of tlmf eVi r. In I.'ll. HI. Will lie eta* I. OCTOBER 26, 1912. REDUCE COST OF PUBLIC PRINTING VOTE FOR SEVENTH PROPOSI TION ON ELECTION BALLOT. • Editorial Assoaation changes the ma n ner#ofjfadvertjsj fproposed const i tutionalFamendments^jnitiat- referred laws from four weeks’Fin 'one newspaperman* each to one time political Ifaith, in each county. Jtfreduces\the? num ber of 'publications one-half ,in weekly' and reduces tKe number 'of publications twenty eightj^timesyinjdaily/papers. It'will appearJinYpositionf seven on'the bal lot unde'r’"the^ , following designa i.. * tion: Flor^Colorado State Editorial • • 'Association Act reducing the|fcost|of publishing Con- m# stitutional Amendments. In- W itiated w and Referred Laws, Jk and .for publishing Argu . ments for. and*against the same. Against Colorado State Edi torial. Association ' Act re ducing* theXcosttofFpubl ish ingpConstitutional Amend ments,' Initiated /and Re ferred Laws.' and lishing and againstlthefsame.' PLA.CiE YiOiUiß X AS NOTED ABOVE.ANO SAVE YOURSELF TAXES • • 300 MILE YACHT RACE i t s ry .;" d J ,ar . k - The v, "^ ,,ls a, “ ,f tho IS foot class. It Is expected that from 1I♦••• •*'» Seat:l«*. Wti., Oie. -i'<.- \ three five ntlyn will l»o retpilred to make hundred mile yacht race for the I the course. North Pacific honors was lickuu in- • . day when the Yaelit Clwemlolyn fl One way to relieve hahittml con. ray tain 1.10.vd .lohnnon and the Or- stlpatlon Is to take reßiilarly a mild totin. Captain (Iraßah. left the wharf j laxative. Doan’s IteßuletH are renint of tin* Seattle Yacht rhib for a sail mended for this purpose. l!f»c a hox around Tntoosh Island off Cape Flat- at all druß stores. 1 LOCAL RAILWAY TIME TABLES i* ' ■ l ATCHISON, TOPEKA * SANTA FE BY. t OOINO WEST. ‘ Arrives Departs ♦ No. a— 1:20 A. M 1:26 A. M. L r*«#. i —11:10 A. M* A. M. } P No. 1— S: 1 n A. M X::ff. A. M. <• e No. «» 2:16 l». M 2:211 l\ M. | CIOINQ FAST Arrives Departs X No. 4—4:12 A. M 4:14 A. M. ;; No. X—7:oo A. M 7:26 A. M '! No. 10—7:26 I*. M 7:60 |\ M. " • No. 2—1:40 A. M 1:60 A. M. / THE COLORADO & SOUTHERN RY. TIMK TAIILM I! 1 • Southbound No. X 7:20 A. M. J| ! ’ NortliiHUind No. 1 7:45 A. M. X:00 A. M. <• ' Nortlihouml No. 7 1:30 |\ lil. 11 ! Southbound No. 2 8:00 I*. M N:iu I*. M. •• DENVER & RIO GRANDE R. R. !! No. 1116 Arrives 11:46 A M / ■| No. 114 Departs 12:20 P. M !! COLORADO & WYOMING It. R. CO. IlnpiirU Anrivo, ! ! 7:::i> A. M ll:3f. A M f i I*. M r.: Ar. I*. M X l INTERtIRBAN TIME TABLE. t X COKWhAI.B LINK. t I t’arnjnve corner Main and Commercial^—First car at 7 o’clock a. m . T r and ears every two hours thereafter. + J Stll*H IS AND ST Alt K V11.1.K *\NF. J O t’nrs leave Main and Commercial Flint .r at 6 o’clock a. m.. amt X IX cars every two hours l hereafter. Last cm at II pm. ' J