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The chronicle=news. (Trinidad, Colo.) 1898-current, October 26, 1912, Image 8

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Specials Tonight
From 6 to 10 o’clock
Women’s $3.50 long 01 QQ
kid gloves
11.50 women’s silk Hose Qfi r
black and colots yOC,
12.00 Messaline Pet- OC
ticoats for Wt.CtO
Nemo <m2 Henderson Corsets
Denver. Oft l«4N'iil Progress
h* » a i*o •It ted ovi • ii*i b|
Clmlrinan Allison Hlorki*r of a t
giaiu from Joseph M Dixon, chair
man of flip national Progressive
comm It te<\ declaring that Intllca
t lon a nrp tin- Progroslve tlrki-t will
carry the country aw« *-k from Tues
Tlilh cnmo as n welcome support
to Chalrninn Stocker and »h« exeni
tlvc comm litre, which hua none out
letters to all caiidldatPH and all
county chairmen ib' luring that re
piirlH of proa peril vi* iiihlou of the
Uull Moohi- and the Itppiihllcan par
ties are without foundation In fact.
clnr«*d riialrman Stocker this morn*
i|ic. "There Is no nerd of fusion
Teal volet* all over tin* slate Indicate
the trend of public sentiment. Here
is one taken on a l(lo Grit mb* train
by a Democrat Sunday uigbt as the
ttaln was crossing Marshall pass.
Hen tors Itell and funnon were on the
train, and they can. If they will, cor
lotKirate the llgurcs.
•'The canvasser foutnl I!• pass'* n
jryra on the train were for Itebs. So
ciallKt: IS* for Taft. Republican: r.o
lor Wilson, Democrat and .VJ for
Roosevelt. Propressove. And I wish
to say that of all tin* straw voles
taken, this shows the smallest mar
gin for Roosevelt It was taken by
a Democrat."
Chairman DlxoiCh i* b*gntiu to
Chairman Stocker IoIIowm:
New York. Oct L’lol2 I hIVO
just returned from Oyster Hay,
where lies the greatest liviiiK Amer
ican sorely wounded. We believe he
will have sufficiently recovered to
deliver his great message to the
American people at Madison Square
garden October :tn.
"Telegraphic advices from nearly*
©very state received this morning
Allow tremendous movement every
where to the Proresslve party in all
big industrial centers It looks like
h veritable landslide one week from
Tuesday. Cleat electoral states like
Illinois and Pennsylvania are coin
ing by pluralities of more than 100,-
Debs and Taft Even.
"This morning's New York Her
ald. a Democratic newspaper, bitter
ly antagonistb to our leader and to
our cause, prints the Idggest t* st vote
poll yet taken In New York city and
allows Roosevelt in the lead, Wilson
second with Taft and Debs running
a hot race for fourth place.
"It is generally conceded by im
partial observers who have had op
portunity- to know that in states
20% Reduction
Come in Tonight
C&r—a Regal and Soiosis Shoes.
|lik<- Ncu York, Michigan, Minnesota
lowa. Kansas. New Rusty, Indiana.
Washington. Maine. Coiiectlvul and
t’nliforuia the cont<*st n* absolutely
bet Ween Roosevelt and Wilson, with
I nearly o\erv test vote favoring the
sueeess of our candidate.
"Throughout the southland reports
are coming of the dawn of a new
day (H orpin. North Carolina. Ten
nessee. l-’lorida and Kentucky will
each show a big vote for the Pro
gressive ticket.
"Tin- tlnal result Is now hanging
In the balance. Five additional votes
to ,i pn f’inet on November .' will as
sure triumphant election of Rons'--
veil and Johnson.
"If every individual soldier In our
great Progressive army or the com
monwealth will do Ills or her full
duty from now on until the |mi||s
dose mi November we will hand
our Progressive banners upon the
dame of the ciipitol at Warhiligtou.
March 1
|"Chnlrmnii National Progressive
! Committee."
(Copyright by <;. V. Ruck.)
Cnitiil States Minister at WasMug
ton from the Republic of P«iu:i'iin
Chronicle-New*. 50c per month.
Tell* Hew She Keeps Her
Heelth Happiness For
Those Who Take
Mer Advice.
Scottvillo, Mich. “ I want to tell you
how much good Lydia E. Pink ham's Veg-
BeUibleCom pound and
Sanative Wash have
done ine. I live on a
farm andhave worked
very hard. lam
forty-five years old,
and am the mother
of thirteen children.
Many people think
it strange that 1 am
not broken down
with hard work and |
the can* of my fam- ,
ily, but I tell them of my good friend, !
Lydia E. Pink hum’s Vegetable Com- j
jK.u itJ, and that then* will be no back- .
ache and bearing down pains for them if
they will take it as 1 have, lam scarcely
ever without it in the house.
"J will say also that 1 think there is
no letter medicine to Ir* found for young
girls. My eldest daughter has taken
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
|M>und for painful periods and irregular
ity, and it has helped her.
"I um always ready and willing to
apeak a good word for Lydia E. Pink- >
ham’s Vegetable Compound. 1 tell every
one 1 meet that I owe my health and
happiness to your wonderful medicine." ,
Mrs. J.G. Johnson, Scottville, Mich..
K.F.D. 3.
Lydia E. Pinkhnm’s Vegetable Com
pound. made from native roots snd herbs,
contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, ;
and today holds the record of being the
most successful remedy for woman’s ills -
Says the Agullur Record:
It Is time the people of I«uh Ani
mus councty came to know what
lengths Cast ini -V llareln, .ind this
gang, will go to obtain the votes of
the prostitutes ;ind those who lUfe
off their earnings.
The prostitutes of the comity are
under strict survellanee of the gang
and have to vote for llarela and Ills
followers except when they are in
Juil and can't and the fact that the
Senator Is willing to use Ills influ
ence to get them out of jail In time
for election Is evidenced by his ac
tion of two weeks ago.
On August 1!*, Clara Montoya. 1
Juana Montoya and Anlcetn Martin
ex were artcMtcd for lewd conduct, by j
Marshal Perotto and sentenced to |
six months in the county jail hy ,
Judge David West. They deserved !
the sentence, it being the second of
fense within a week, and were serv
ing it out when two weeks ago Sun
duy Senator Barela and several of
the other candidates for re-election
on the Republican ticket, among
them Judge Henry Hunter, appeared
before Judge West and pleaded that
the three women he released. Judge
West at first refused. They pushed
the matter and finally Judge West
consented to sign uu order releasing
the three women provided Senator
Barela and Hunter gave .their
jvvoid that the three would he given
i the Keelev cure and never allowed
[to return to Aguilar.
This condition the two honorable
gentlemen agreed to. and the order
for the release was made out.
Inside of three days Juana Mon
toya was seen in Aguilar. She was
Arrested again by Marshal Hoot!
she was taken before Judge West
anti again sentenced to the county
Jail. Marshal Peretto was notified
to take* her to Trinidad. He made
ready to go, but at the last minute
rndersheriff Louis Kreeger appeared
aud volunteered to take the womuti
in with him. This was agreed to by
the local authorities.
But Kreeger, understanding the
importance of the gang obtaining
votes of the lovers of the three wo
men, and In return for those votes
the gaiijf had promised to keep them
out of jail,.let the woman escape at
Lynn, and she Is still at liberty.
Judge Hunter, Senator Barela, and
Louis Kreeger were false to their du
ty as officers. Judge Hunter *d
Senator Barela broke their promise
made Judge West. And yet those
two men have the uudacity to ask the
suffrage of decent American and
Spanlsh-Amerlcan citizens.
If they break such a small promise,
anil one so easily kept, what will
they not do when it comes to keep
ing the larger ones they have openly
made during this campaign?
Itching piles provoke profunity
hut profanity won’t remove them.
Doan’s Ointment is recommended for
itching, bleeding or protruding piles.
Mb’ at any drug store.
C. F. & I. CO.
The v’olorudo Fuel und Iron com
pany lias conic out opeulv In favor ol
the constitutional amendment pro
viding for state wide prohibit lon
The action on the part of the com
pany Is the source of much surprise.
Tile October bulletin, the official
publication of the Fuel company, is
sued hy the Mociologlcul department
is devoted entirely to arguments
advancing the cuuse of prohibition.
This biiletln Is circulated artfoug
jail the employes of the company and
the miners In all districts where the
company owns und operates mines.
Several thousand or then*- bulletins
are in clrculntlun in Uts An lin us
i county, where the compuiiy In
quietly carrying on the movement
to uiaike the state dry.
Some of the argument* and state
ments appearing In the October bul
letin lire here reprudoecd. quoting
Ironi a statement made b\ Prof Irv
[ing Fisher of Yule rniverslty ut
[Washington, I). C\
I found the Gorinuti Kaiser wus
[encouraging the anti-alcohol move
ment In Germany, that he had spok
en against aleohol. had given it up
i absolutely In his household, had se
! lected the university to which to
• send his sons, on the basis largely
of the fact that that university had
less of the fashion of beer drinking
I than any other university in Ger
[ many.
I found also that statistics of Ger
many, taken from the recent scienti
fic movement against alcohol—l
I want to emphasise that word "scien
tific.” because It Is not the kind of
[an alcohol movement that wo arc
accustomed to think or In this coun
try—showed that there hud been a
[striking diminution in the use of nl
cuhollr beverages Including beer, in
Germany. Concomitant wth Hik there
has been a declne In the death rate.
The reason Sweden has shown a
greater improvement in mortality In
later ages In life, as well as earlier
ages in life, la that they ure fighting
alcoholic diseases as well as degener
ative diseases.
The insurauee nmiiiniihs have taken
up the fight against alcohol. The In
surance companies which are going
into public health questions aro
teaching their Isks in regard to alco
hol. When the Postal Life Insurance
I Co., a generation ago, first took up
the statistics of this country and
Died to compare the mortality be
tween those who were total abstain
ers and hose who were not. they
j found that those who were total nli
stnitiura had the highest mortality.
| Thin fact was greeted with glee hv
I the users of alcohol, hut ll turned
lout to be due to the fad that the
insurance or muuul benefit societies,
j which consisted of those who did
not consume alcohol, were a select
class, namely, they were the reform
ed drunkards, und they were people
I who were Just about to die anyway
and therefore their mortality wa»
• very great. It was due to alcohol, not
due to the lack of alcohol. Within
the last generation, when we have
Iliad a set o f|»eopb- coming ill who
were total abstainers early In life,
the opposite is true, so that now you
find for tin* Golden Sceptre, and
other societies consist lug of total ab
stainers. the death rate utnoug them
Is less than the average. I recently
saw the statistics of The New York
Life Insurance company. In refer
ence to these inn tiers, and they con
firm the facts I have recited.
Kxiieriments made on the effect
|or the continued daily adniiuisrru
tion of Hi to so grains of alcohol,
show a decrease after a few days In
Real Facts In Regard Ta F. R.
Huffman's Illness. ReHer Ob
tained By Curing His
Stomach Ailments.
Wayne, ville, N. C. —Mr. P. R. Huffman,
Of this city, aays: •• 1 suffered dreadfully
with what I thought was heart trouble,
and tried various medicines In vnln.
After other remedies had tailed, Thed
ford’a Black-Draught restored me t*
health. I would not (eel safe without
Black-Draught in the house. I consider
it worth its weight in gold.
It cured my indigestion, and by this
means I was restored to health. I can
not express my gratitude (Or its benefits.”
Good health depends on the condition
of your digestion. Poor digestion and
good health do not go together.
Thedlord'a Black-Draught will
thoroughly cleanse and net in order your
digestive system.
It has done this for othera, during the
past 70 years, and if today the most
popular vegetable liver remedy on th*
market. Try it.
Insist on Thedford’s. Price 25c,
Hip ability to memorize him) to ud(J
figures. Tlilh depression disappears
rapidly oil tin* leaving off of the al
The total lona In numpy to ' the
Htutc of New York cauaed through
alcoholic insanity Is $-*.100,000, and
in the United States 111*.000.000
every year.
Anything which diminishes the
consumption of alcohol has been
shown to diminish the aoelal evil.
Liquor Hollers have n mortality 02
per cent higher than the average
mortality of adult males, while ab
stainers have a mortality 44 per cent
lower than the averuge.
The death rate In Sweden Is now
the lowest of any country in the
world, due to the decline in the con*
sumption of alcohol.
Iloltke. himself an abstainer, said:
•‘Hear is a fur mure dungerous enemy
to flernmny than all the armies of
:tH out of th Insurance companion
siuled that they did not consider
even moderate drinkers good risks.
One of the most Interesting exam
ples of the willful misrepresentation
of fact concerning alcohol. Is the
case of it celebrated whisky mnnu
facturor who has repeatedly stated
in papers that whisky—or at uuy
rate his particular brand of whisky
prolongs human life. It so happeus
that I visited the city where this
manufacturer lives and found that
both he and his son made a i*olnt of
being total abstainers for the sake
of their health.
Whether or not ‘'Prohibition Kan
sas'* ran be held responsible for all
improvement In that state, It Is cer
tainly true that the state has made
great strides since prohibition was
As a consequence of having no
paupers, the puro furms of more
than 50 counties have been turned
into experiment stations under the
control of the stute agricultural col
lege. and are now called "Prosperity
In the 25 cities of Kansas, the per
centage of town owners Is greater
and the percentage of renters small
er than In the cities of any other
state in the union.
The wealth of the state has In
creased at the rnte of $12,000,000
per year for the last decode.
$5,500.00 value can be bought for
$1,500.00 cash. If taken Immediately.
The poor i»«rt>un often wouder.t
how the rb h person accumulates
property and money so rapidly. The
problem may be solved by saying
that the ib it person lire* fortnight
and the poor person list's hindsight.
The person who succeeds in accumu
lating property never misses an op
portunity to take advantage of such
a < hanec as is herein 'presented.
Within ‘the radius of ilirec-ijiiur- ,
ters of a mile of the corner of Main
and Commercial streets in the city ;
of Trinidad. I have 1? lots valued at
sH>o each; 27 lots valued ut smi.ou
nu-h: t lots valued at s?o.on each:
I lots valued at $60.0u each; 2 lots
valued at $50.00 each; 17 lots valued
at SIO.OO each: 16 lots valued ut
$20.00 oath; and one lot vulued at'
$20.00. making a total of N7 lots at a
total valuation of $5,500.00. Theso
valuations being less than that o(
other louts similarly situated and all
located in a rapidly growing pait of
the city.
T'te query often made as to why '
*»ine people are poor while othenti
;n well to do. This may he ac
counted for from the fact the; well
to do people use judgment and fora- !
sight while the improvident pv»p)a
us*, hindsight. Tile Astors. Marshall
Field, the Vanderbilts and otht»-
wealthy people living in cities use
fcrcslght In buying and holding teal
estate until the increase in v.tnte
makes them well to do. The peo-*
use their hindsights and h-moan the
chances they once had to buv real
estute that afterwards became valu
able. How many well to do neople
with whom you are acquainted have
used their foresight and accumulated
property ut bargain prices? This is
your chance to follow their example
and plaee your money where it Is
safer than a bank und.wficrc It w!’,l
grow at a greater rate of intcr'v.r.
than that offered by any financial
concern In the country. If this
proposition appeals to you write' to
me immediately either by card' or
letter addressed to W. M. Mah'n.
Hoorn 2, Opera House Block. Tiinl
dad, Colorado. Adv. t
Ireland's largest, rallruutl system
It us u mileage of 1,121.
KaillesH electric trolley curs are
meeting with public favor in Eng
The Dclawnre. Lackawanna and
Western railroad forbids use of liq
uor by employes whether off or on
The fastest train in (lermany is
the so called "D-Zug 20" between
Berlin and Hamburg, which main
tains un average speed of 55.177
miles per hour.
Between Potosl and Rio Mulato,
Bolivia, the new’ railroad reaches an
Rtlltude of nitont 16,000 feet at one
point. This is clnlnied to he the.
greatest Height ever attained by rail.'
OCTOBER 2G, 1012
Everyone of the following wonderful offering! are marked ■
lower price than anv previoua time daring thii month and there
is many more besides these quoted to mark the closing days.
All Wool Plaid Blankets $4.95
Pure wool, large 11-l sirze blanket**, blue and white, tuu and
white, pink and white and gray and white. Value. $7.50.
German Silver Mesh Bags 98c
Finely made mesh bags. 2 1-2 Inch round frame, short chain
huudle. Just the bag for small change.
Women's $1.50 Silk Hosiery 98c
Lisle tops, heel and toe. Black white, blue, pink, tun, grey uud
other shade. Extraordinary for ime I
Children's Knit Toques 25c
In plain red, blue and white, us well us fumy colors. All wool
Ladies' $4.00 and $4.50 Shoes at $3.69
Five styles, all new. in gunmclul calf and patent kids, button and
lace. Also Tan Russia calf. 2
Chamoisette Gloves 25c
for ladles, in uutural color. Size 6 to 8. 25c value.
Ladies' Bleached Cotton Vests and Pants
Medium weight, fleece lined and hand finished vest, with long
sleeves uud high neck. Pants ankle length. adjustable waist
band. Value, regular size 50c, out size. 65c, sale price—Regular
45* out size, 50? I
Neatly Tailored Waists at 98c
Fine colored riautiels. White Hoisrtte. and white linen, lit a
well made, clean cut slilrt. White, gray and striped with soft collars
to match. French cuffs.
Boys' Suits
Boys* sl.su and $5.00 Sturd> Kicker stilts, with 2 pairs of trousers.
Double breasted, all, *uul suits in handsome new gray and tan
mixtures— 93.45 I
Hoys’ beat $6.50. $7 and $/.5U suits with 2 pairs of trousers —
• Rise serges, fancy mixtures. In double hroasted and Norfolk
styles, re Info read scums In trousers and lined throughout. The hgad
aofeest '»u|ta ever offered si such a price.
flovs* 75c union sulttf Mr 45? ' •• •’-•>>>• . . I
Greenville. S. C.. On. SB.—llcv.
Thurstou L\ Vaughn, charged with
criminally Hssaultiug three little
girls, today was found guilty. The
Jury made no rcconimeuda lions. Tit if
means that Vaughn will ho sentenced
to death.
The assault was made last May at
the .-nuth Carolina Odd Fellows’
Home, where Vaughn was superin
tendent. Today Vaughn confessed
that lie mistreated two others in nd
|diticii to those mentioned in the in
Vaughn's confession hrouught his
trial to a sensational close. There
hud been no intimation that the
former clergy titan would confess.
"I have acted devilishly. I have
acted shamefully." begun Vaughn.
"The devil tempted me and I have
fallen." he exclaimed In his plea to
the Jury, while Judge, jurors and
spectators wept.
A safe and practical investment
A suit of
Collegian Clothes
We are sure you will like the
patterns and the At
We will sell you oar $18.50,
$20.00 and $22.50 suits at
Spokane. Wash.. Oct. 26.—Gover
nor Thomas R. Marshall arrived here
early today on his speaking tour of
the northwest uud spent the morn
ing in consultation with Democrati<:
lenders of Idaho anil Washington.
He will s|x>uk in Coeur D* Alenc,
Idaho, this afternoon, returning here
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
vrllh LOCAL APPLICATION’S, a. fli*v
cannot reach the seal of the disease. Ca
tarrh In a blood or constitutional dlaeas*.
and tn order to cure I you must take In
ternal remedies. ll*ill's Catarrh Cure Is
taken Internally, mid ucis directly open
ttie blood and nucous surfaces. l{aU*a
Catarrh Cure In not u quack medicine. It
wna prencrllK d by ore of the best phy
sicians In this country for years aad is
a regular pr -script I on. It Is cempottd ot
the best tonics I nowti. combined with tin
beat blood puriflt-rs. noting directly 4MI the
mucous Hurfiif-cs. Tin* perfect combina
tion of the two Ingredients Is what r rr >-
do* s-e such wonderful results In curing
catarrh. Send for te.-.ftmontals, free.
F. .1 CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, O.
gold by Druggists, price 78c.
Take Hall's Family rills for ooatlpatloa

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