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♦ ? ; Banking ■ I ♦ Service ?• ♦ —„ |! £ I HunkitiK service menus mure limn the mere sc- , ♦ I replauce of an account. ?j I Our primary object In lo satisfy wuii Imlividunl £i •' I depositor, nml, an fur as consistent with good bank- T I in'u, to carry out bln desire*. ♦ Tb« service of the First National Mnnk Is based j 4 ou fair nod courteous treatment lo every patron. ♦ JT Judicious and Intelligent Investment of Its funds 1 ?* assures full protection. J 5 The First National Bank t £ TRINIDAD. COLORADO | ' 'i For S&le or Rent New. two-room houw Coloiodo Avc.. and Alta itreet. Will jell for $450 $lOO down, balance monthly payment!. Lot! i« 50x 150. Dnudy new five room house on Sun Inan near Colorado Ave. $2,- 150 00 $2OO down, bnlaucc monthly payment!, like rent -200 beautiful building loti, located in different parts of the city. Most of them can be sold on payment. Buy now. Build later. If you want Fire. Life. Accident Insurance, or Surety Bonds- don't fail to call ut Ibe giouud floor real estate office. The Home Security-Investment Company lnttnancc. Lomu- Real Estate. Bonds. S. t*. MALI- President. Ground floor. First National Bank Building. EDWARD n. WIGHT. President. I» P. JONHS. Vice-President. \V. It. CHAPMAN, Cashier. 11. K. HOI.LOW AY. V-Pres. C. It. It A Pl*. Assistant Cashier. *The Trinidad National Bank Capital * nxr.coo.oo Surplus and Profits fto.uoo.ou DIIIHCTOKS: F. D. Wight 11. K Holloway W. J. Murray Philip Schneider D. P Jour* W. ft. Chapman We will lie pleased to have your business and offer every ac roinnuMlntluu consistent with safe Imuking. luteicSt paid on lime deposits. YELLOW TURNIPS North Lake yellow turnips, the W ritO'ht mul Hweetest turnips lliu* ULf p.mxvf s lbs. for ssrie* Jk SquHfb, . . ir»r jp ) Sweet Potiitoes. i! tits .. . Km H \ Cabbage, six lbs fir m /lI 1 Cniillflower per po :nd l()p |7wTj K lw Calf fiend Lettuce, ? biincbes ]sf yIV Hot Mouse leaf let f ire, 2 litl. f J* C Phone 527 Trinidad North 546 Com’l St. Supplies We carry a full line of everythin!; lor the automobile. Presto light mid tiro tanks in stock. I‘>. cxeliango .. . . *3.00 K, exchange .. . . *2.75 The Trinidad Novelty Works Phono Trinidad 128. A. E. BRYNING Contractor and Builder KSTIMATHS tiIVKN Phone Trinidad ftfi.’l or Red 2181 | SPECIAL FLOUR SALE Until Next Wednesday Night Call us for particulars Three Three Stores Stores MONDAY GENUINE MAZDA TUNGSTEN LAMPS Sttpeiior In Quality Not So Easily Broken Costs No More. $5 Hot Point Irons For $3.50 This Week- Trinid&d Gas and Electric Supply Co. I'll. Trln. 7S. 21 - E. Main. FRATERNAL UNION - I 'riic* Fraternal Futon of America will hold their regular meeting to night 111 Castle Hall at right o’clock. tut. CHKONICLE HZWB. TBJNIDAD, COLORADO. PERSONALS I E. II Day iiuh gone to Denver ou I 111 lIUHiueHH trip. j .1. T. Strong left today for Wulhcu- I Du ik eu ii brief business trip. I G. It Itrowu of Clayton wan a j I visitor in our city last week. C. K. Hawley, of Springer, New Mexico, is a vlritoi* In this city. Her inn ii Itieriihauui left this af ternoon for Denver on a business trip. .Mike Mays, fonnerly of thin city. Is Itcie ou a liiisine.-s uml pleasure trip. Mr. ami Mih. G. A. Hopkins of Glen wood. lowa, are In tills city ou a visit. O A White liuh returned to A|%ul lur after spending a day in this city Oil bUhIIICHH. t Miss Corrlne Kerchner or Itaton. was in the city Saturday, visiting with friends. Mih. Carmichael of Minneapolis, l*« In the city visiting with her sister. Mrs .1. 11. Spufford. Hon. W. A. Merrill, deputy district attorneys of Prowers comity, is in the} «Ity ou legal bmlnesn. .1. W. Dow ilea lias returned to liis liime in Itaton. after spending a couple of days In this city. r. T. Slump returned to Ms home iu I .lid low alter spending Sunday In tills city visitlng with friends. Itay ItaM-mver, soil of Phillip Itus rovver, has leturned home Irom a vveek*« visit iu Colorado Springs W E. Cone* of the Mason Candy company uiade the trip to the camps today In the interest of his firm Weber Shnuicl spent the past few days iu this city visiting with Ills hiolhi-r. Arthur Shami l, of this city Charley Mini roe returned to Has tings this morning after spending I Saturday and Sunday with his pur euts. K. l .McMahon, secretary of the Cliuniher of Commerce, left this nf (cruooii for Deliver on a business I trip. Mis T. Pa rise who Inis been visit ing with her mother. Mrs. .1. 11. Sack el I. has returned to her home in Ta basco. t* peffer of Primcro, has return ed to Him eauip after spending Sat tirdiiy iu this city ou a short busi ness trip. II l.e Fevre, tile tailor, left today j for Denver where lie will remain for some time v IsltiiiK with friends ami relatives. C 1,. Iletidurshot of Wnlscnburg was in this city Saturday ou a brief business trip He returned home yesterday morning. Charles Oxley has returned to Ita loii after spending the past few dnvs in this eltv on u business and plea sure trl p tom billed. Fred Owen, who liar been iu thlt «lty for sonic time visiting with rela tives, expect* to leave the latter part of the week for Silver City. Mr. mid Mrs. Frank ('rites of Wnl '•enhutg. have returned to their I home after spending tile past few • days In this city visiting with friends. Mrs. W. .1 Murray expects to lea e M*ou to** an extended trip through ihr various parts of ('ulifornia. She will go in tin* hopes of regaining lien It h Mr and Mrs. It. F. Springer and two sous. Albert and I'rank, have returned from a visit in Detroit, Michigan. They were away for six months. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Drowning mid daughter. Miss Mamie, except to leave iu the near future for Califor nia where they will make (heir fu jturo home. I Mrs. .1 11. Ilarrimiiii, accompanied by her dimghtei Marie, returned i from Pueblo this morning after .-.lending tin* past week ic that city* vi.-iting with friends and relatives. Mis. N Hodges left Saturday even ing on hi. extensive trip through Kansas. While away she will spend the most of her visit with relatives iu Kansas City and Ottawa, Kansas. 11. M. Roberts, F. E. Springer and Mr. and Mrs. (italics Thomas made up ii party of autnists which passed through here Saturday evening en roll te to l«os Angeles. They reside iu Indianapolis. Miss Tot Mitchell of the Chron icle-News. left Saturday evening for Amarillo. Texas, vvliero she will spend the next two weeks visltlnx with Miss darn Davis, who formerly resided iu this city. John Marshall and family have re turned from Montezuma county, where they have made their home Tor tin* past three years. Mr. Marshall owns property iu this city and has concluded Hint Trinidad heats them nil. Miss Jcnuettc Owen. Miss Mar guerite Robinson and Mlhh Elizabeth Colley have returned from Seguudo. where they went to attend a party given by Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cole ami Mr. mid Mrs. Joe Owen, of that emnp. j Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Metzgar who | have been visiting In Pittsburg, Pn.. are in tills city visiting with Mrs. A IM. Dick. They will remain in tills city for a few days after which they will return to their home in Los An-] geles, Calif. Weber Slintnel spent the past few flays iu this city visiting with Ills' |brother, Arthur t-'haniel. and while I here he was a guest of Tony Clark. Mr. Shninel is nitroute to ills old home ; in Newton. Kan., where lie will visit J with relatives lie has not seen for la number of years. Mr. Slintnel is at | Ipieseut a resident of Alaska. Have you started that savings ac count with us yet ? I( nut. you ;iro losing money uvury day I >i> it now Commercial Savings Bank H.S.STUDENTS DAILY TO SUPPORT OF FAIR Things .*••• rapidly rounding iu lo shape ft> promises lo lie the best High Siinsd fair ever staged liy the local school Tills was rail* day at the selmol this morning and cutliuniasti<- fair speeches were heard from Prliirtral Clifford, Bii|it .Morgan. Miss Draiisou mul Mr. Minton The plans for the fair were discussed nml tin- voting contest ex plained. Following up tin* popular Idea of th« merchants issuing lead ing Stains. vote will he given with eiicli flve-ci ut purchase ut either tile minstrel or the booths. This vo*i may la* cast for any of the class s ami the cl:. receiving the uin-t votes will receive a pennant. Tie* rivalry Is k<<u in the voting contest end every s' idem Is working for 1 * ( v.’ii particular class The booths wll hi* conducted by various cln* •>. the Senior class will have a Spanish novelty nml enuly I noth: the luiilor the pennant booth the SophoiiK” «-h tin* Gypsy ImhXli at < •l.e Freshmen » general novelty mul nick-a-naek booth. These boot is *vDl all le in Hu* pMVilllon at tin pi.ik. I The clowning feature of the who! • :air will le- tin* niiustni show. M.- Min ton ha* the minstrel In rharg* ami has been coaching the student** whoa re taking port iu tills evety night. A more renowned group of black faced cntiM*dlmis could not In* found outside of Lew Docksfadcrs’ world famous minstrels Iu tills group the high school presents George Harlan mu* Claude Chandler us the did iu* n end ilie creators of fun. while Gvv.- ndv* Logan ami Edna Sanders w,*l do tlieii part tu help these gcute mr*i out Miss Miiv Wilson who is well qualified for the pari she Fik »«. •v«1« act as interlocutor. Around these f|\.* stars are assembled the • hmt’Hcs who are practicing nightly oil the many sung lilts. T\e fair this year will he held rf Fi*n*."il Dark ami it is certain Hia* tin* ptibll' w'ill lu* well inform *d of the .’••ct before the week Is ove" vs Hie Civ st aI. Maze, Dhotopla v end Isis theaters have iMOinised tu run slid-* lor the entire week. Baltimore Seal shipped oytten.— Hey-Fatlrraon Market. tf. Rid I films developed I tic. Packs. 2T»e. Greens* T»rug St*»re. Ift See tli*- Huy State seliottiselie in troilmcd .t Madden's Tuesday, Oct 2». 2 GOOD GOVERNMENT MEETING TONIGHT There will he a meeting of the Good Government club thin evening at 7::;n ...lock at. the home »f .Mis. O. T. Clark All who are inicr*v -1 are invited to attend. The vvei Ill’s series rules will most likcl* lie amended before next year iis a remit of suggestions made by Manager MeGrnvv of the Giants to Garry Herrmann, chairman of tin* national < <onmission, and lien John son. president of the American League. H B. BROWN BETTER The condition of County Treasurer 11. It Drown who has been ill at his heme on Colorado avenue continues to show improvement ami tin* re ports sent out Idav ami since Satur day have been tuos encouraging to his friends. Tin* attending physician believes that the crisis is past ."ini that In* i- on the road o speedy i**- covery. Castle Hall Mas querade Ball I Hallowe'en Eve. Prizes will be j given to best costumed lady and gen itl'nian. Everybody must come in I costume and masked. Prizes on dis play.—H. H. Windsor. (Adv.i i OCTOBER 38. 1913 SUNFLOWER CLUB Tim Sunflower eluli gave tlielr heroii(l monthly dance Saturday eve nliiK n' lloolmr. Tile affair wan largely attended ami It proved to lie one of the most enjoyable oeeuHloiiH of the duuclug tie aho n. The club [ tvllleli han been orguillxed for lliej winter has a membership made up of pronilneiit people ol the Huiillow rr Valley and a few member:* of thin e|t>. Alter a delightful evening in' tripping the light fantUHtlc. dnliity refreHliineiith were nerved. Mra. O. ! T. Clark, .lr, baa been elected prehl drill tif the club while John llalli 1 laiiToii Ik nee ret ii ry and William i Carrutliers in fliHir manager. MISS RICHTER HOSTESS Mlhh Kina Klehter wan the liohlpkh to the iiicuiherH of a newly organized Hewing club. Saturday afternoon, at her home upon Pine Hired. After an afternoon spent in a hoc la I way, Alli'h Itlchtcr assisted li> her mol her. Mrs riias. Itlchtcr, nerved an infor mal luiicheon. Those whe are mem hcoi of this club and who participat ed in the ocean loh were: Mlssea Nell Abrains, Marjorie Northcutt. lads King, Corrlne Hercules, Ituth Clark. Hess Arehor, Jeanette Owen, Kate llransoii and Isabel Cordova. HYPATIA CLUB The ll* pat la cluh met at the homi < of Mrs A. C. 1 1< mli iekhon 'Saturday j a Iter iiooii After a shot t t nisi ness session an hiNtructlve program was I given by the nieuihoni of the eluli. A 1 hlography of Jean Stratton Porter | watt capably handled hy Mra. Angrs| SlmpHon. Mlkk Josephine Coukright gave the biography of Henry David Tlioreau and Mlnk Itair gave a re- 1 view upon "The Harvester." After the readings. Miss Anna Pel era en tertained the members with n few mutdenl numbers. Dainty rAfresh uieiits roiirltided the afternoon. PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY The Pbilharmoiile society will bold their regular meeting In tlielr dub room In the City Hall upon Tuesday evening at X o'cloek. PYTHIAN SISTERS Tin* Pythian SisteiH will meet I’ll day afternoon at 2:Jn for pra«lhc. at Ca-lle Hall Full atlelidatiee l» deslied.—Ulaucho Tliutnhurg. M. K i >-• *i tunai CHRISTIAN CHURCH LADIES Tile Ladles* Aid society of the Christian church will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2: UU o'clock. The ladies are urge,] to lie present as there Is bind iichm of Importance m, tie trans acted. "THE ROSARY.” That drama "The Kosury."’ whieh embodies all that Is pure in thought and sweet in Heniiment. by one of the leading playwrights of the day. phased » good klzed audieuee at tile West theater last night The drama is a sermon in itself, touching upon tlie smial problem Inasmuch as It |K>||||M out the menace of Jealousy I a nil Htrongly emphasizes the sphere lor the ehitrch. Replete with din- Ilmalh climaxes, mingling the comedy and pat ho:, into a perfect Mending of liumnti Inlet eat. the hliow last j night gripped the hearts of all. j The play has to do with the kind |ly ministrations of a Cathoile priest. Kutlirr Kelly, in the home of a mil lionaire Wall street broker, who has established an earthly Eden in a (Otintiy place. Hut like Kden of old there is a serpent—u htiinun viper, who wrecks the lives of two by kind ling. that burning fire of Jealousy. Some refreshing comedy is intro duced. toil featuring tin l plnv is t lie strong dialogue, the uplifting In fluence of the church that clings like the fragrance of roue leaves to tin* rosary. The lust scene, the chapel of tie- rosary, brings the two wreck* Jed lives together and brings the de jspoiler to Ills knees shaking with !solis at llie feet of Hie priest. DEATH OF CHILD (Jcorge Znmorrn. three years old. |soil of Mr. and Mrs. .1 J. Zniuorrn ot jli2«*i West Third street, died today of sea lei fever. The funeral will lie pri vate. M'MAHON TO DENVER I K. J. McMahon, secretar yof the t'liaiubi r of Commerce left this aft ei iiooii for Denver, where tomorrow In will attend the special meeting of the Colorado Association of Com mercial Executives In Hint city. At tills session tlie matter of reducing Ho fire insurance rules will eonio up. The governor will he present with the underwriters oi the state and from the east. Mr. McMahon ex perts Hint tliis conference will result in a reduction of the insurance rates. LOCAL COAL MAN TAKES EUROPEAN TRIP (!. W. Ilaigli. the well-known lo cal mining man l**rt Saturday nigh* for New York, where tills week he will board the steamship Celtic for Liverpool. England Mr. Ilaigli will visit for the next month or two ii: England. Scotland and Wales. JAILED ON FORGERY CHARGE Lean Carr, charged with forgery, was arrested and lodged In the illy Jail on Saturday. Carr is a ranch hand and was arested on complaint of M. J. Merger for passing an al leged worthless check for $ll.OO. Previously Carr had received pay ment on a good cheek made out hy K. i£. Cross, a ram h man at Tyrone! Every time we sell one of these SIS,OO - 920 - 922.50 Suits or t4|gjß| Overcoat £Tj|r Wr feel a satisfaction that's not I ill \ incaiucd bv any profit wc make. Wc V n know that wc'vc made another good If \ H solid fiicnd. It's a pleasure to have ■ Ball \V business glow in thnt way. \1 •NO CLOTIIINH ins LIKE Ot US Three-Button Straight Front Sack, So. 7H.S INGRAM-POWDER CLOTHING CO. , SENIORS ENTERTAINED AT BRANSON HOME Miss Kate HniiiMMi .uul Supcrin- J tendenf J H Morgan enteitallied lliej | meiulierv uf Ihe senior Hums of the) 111 lull school Saturday evening at the I 'itraiisou home iiihiii I’inspect street. | I lie exelililg was spent In telling toi l lines and various gaim-s silggen itive of Halloween Were played The !house was grotesquely decorated In I Hallowe'en figures and tile class colors of orange and bla< k After an I enjoyable evening, a dainty repast xvhh served bv Miss Minusoii, assisted ■ end her mother. Mrs A L. Htnuson ' land Miss Ituth Clark. Those who] •made up the list of Invited Wore j .Misses Hope CloysteiiL Hazel llrmle |\ May Wilson. Anna Mason. Mabel ' Williams. Marguerite Itoblnsoii. Lot ile Leedham. Irma Clercl. Itosebud • iHtnlo) Perl Conger, Lillian llnycs, I JZcl la Irwin. Kay Hbilllps. (irace , 'Campbell. Minnie Hutler. Elizabeth ilhuter. Edna Itynn. tiladys Logan. 'Mary Zutrk. Marie Dennison, and the i Messrs. Jay Itlehardson. (Hi* i*ln inry. Spurgeon Herring. John Temp- j lliir Oraon. Gone. Elmer Teinplln. 1 Kenneth Wood, Eugene Dopp- Allen | Wycoff. George Harlan. Howard Curtis and Hnlph Dickey j See the Hay State schottiiwhe In troduced at Madden’s Tuesday. Oct 2!». - POOL SHO^gr Shoe will prove tlielr «\- -- - P. & W. Shoe ry Company ‘The International State Bank Paid Capital $lOO,OOO This hank strives in every leuiliinalc way tn co operate in tlie business aflairs of its de positors and solicits your patronage. A STKIC'I I-Y lIOMK BANK FINANCED BY IIOMIi l’liOPLli DIRECTOR! JOHN AIEU.O. I‘rnMrnt. \ JOHN J. lIKNDIIICK. "'*> ° I'UiSTKI). Vic. I'ri-.ldont Ci«lil-r *. PI. MvUI.ASIiAN. AI.'IKItT A. WIIITH. CIIAHI.K9 NICCOI.I. JKS'SK (! NOHTIICU IT. PAGE FIVE JUST NAILS For Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday i, and larger, -S lb 25<* .Smaller size, li lb. ar.c Special price by tlie keg JtillbhiM llaidwaisof ail Kllldit Sat Isfact loii Cua tan teed Crancer Hardware Company 117 East Maiu St Ph T. 86 „ Annual Hallowe'en Ball bv H L. A. S. at Mndden'x Hull Oct. »l <$