Newspaper Page Text
A Bewitching Autumil Di,pUye ' Millinery With diitinctivc fnsliion point! that are most charming and ap peal to amart dreuera. Why not come in and try some of the new eat creation) on. then you can begin to realize how charming they are- And nnother interesting point it the fact that we are tell ing exclusive millinery at the right price. Conte and participate in not only the saving benefits but the style information which the display affords. Tailored hats, trimmed dress or street hats $5.00 $7.50. $lO.OO "‘-I $15.00 Some trimmed with ostrich feathers- others with original made fancies, still others with flower comb'nationt. Splendid variety of exclusive shapes. Jamieson’s ATHENA UNDERWEAR SUFFRAGETTE STARVES HERSELF; IS RELEASED Oxford, Hngland, Oct. 30. A suf fragettes hunger strike in the IJrlt irh Jails to bring about tin* release today of Helen Gragg*. sentenced to ttlue months' hard labor on October IS for attempting to set fire til tile residence of I*ewla Vernon Ilarrourt. The htalth of MJkk Graggs broke down. Here is Another A new modern 6 room bungalow on north side near to ear line, excellent neighbourhood. This house has hardwood floor* and very finest finishes, built in china closet, cupboard in the kitchen, sleeping porch, book cases built in. fire place, lot Mix ICO feet. This property cost owners near $3,900. Will sell at once for $71,400. Terms. THE DUNLAVY AGENCY COMPANY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ABSTRACTS LOANS MAINE’S UNITED STATES SENATORS | OPPOSED TO MOHIBITO _ I U. S. SENATOR JOHNSON U. S. SENATOR GARDNER "Maine would be (ar better off with "Prohibition has set the stale oi Maine tome sort of back LOCAL OPTION FIFTY YEARS H A State-Wide Prohibition law cannot There never was a time when the Pro- be enforced," hibitory law was enforced in our state.” Can the Voters of Colorado be Indifferent in the Face of Such Strong Evi dance of the FAILURES of a State-Wide Prohibition Policy as is Supplied H by these Leading Statesmen? H Perpetuate our present LOCAL OPTION LAW by your I Vote AGAINST State-Wide Prohibition I NOTI-TTm BUt«-Widi Prohibition Amendment will appear at the Head of the Initiated aad Referred Billa. COLORADO BUSINESS MEN'S HOME RULE LEAGUE. For State-Wide Prohibition 1 AGAINST SSI X | WEDNESDAY *' According in latest reports, Jot* rinker. who managed the Cubs in ihe absence of Prank Chance, has Imcii picked nut by Garry Hermann U<* lead the Cincinnati Reds next year. Sick hcadncnc is caused by a dis ordered stomach. Take Chamber lain's Tablet* anti correct that and .the headache will disappear. For (sale by all dealers. DAILY MARKETS THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 30.—Cattle receipts 12,000, Including 1,000 southerns. Market steady to 10c lower. Native s eors 6.50 6( 10.75; south ern steers 4.25 ft* 6; southern cows and heifers 3.25 4i 5; native cows and heifers 3.25 <U s ; t>tmken> and feeders I 4.50 *i 7.25; bulls 46( 5.25; calves 5 j 'it 8.75; western steers Mi 8.50; western cows 3.50 ii 0.50. HOGS —Itecolp s .4,000, Market i [ Hulk of sales 7:304j7.60; heavy 7.504(7.05; packers and butchers 7.40*1 7.00; light 7.306i7.50; pigs 5.50*< 0.25. HllKKP—Receipt* 10,000. Market steady. Muitous 3.504(4.00: lambs 06i 0.85; range wethers and yearlings I fit 5.50; range owes 2.50 '1l 4. Chicago Livestock. Cattle receipts 17.000. Market st;ulv to shade lower. Reeves 5.30 *i 11 . Texas steers 4.35 'll 5.05; western steels 5.504( 0.25; stoekers anti feeders 4.254(7.50; cow* and heifers 2.704(5.05; calves*i 10.50. HOGS- Receipts 22,000. Market slow to 10 6? 15c lower. Light 7*i 7.20: pigs I.SSOG.BS; Itulk of sales 7.456} 7.75. SHKEP—Receipts 32.000. Market steady. Native 3.40*1 4.50: western 3.504 i 4 50; yearlings 4.5u*i5.05: lambs, native s*i 7: western 5.2567 7. Denver Livestock. Denver. Colo., Oct. 30. Cattle re ceipts 3,900. Market steady. Reef steers 0.75*i7; cows and heifers 4 6i5.50; stoekers and feed ers s*i 6.50; calves 66l 8. HOGS -Receipt* 600. Market 20 lower. Top 7.85; bulk of sales 7.60 ft 7.85. SI IKEP—Receipt* 11.000. Market steady. Yearlings 4.506( 5: wether* 4*i 4.50; lambs 6*i6.5U; ewes 3*l 3.!»5. THE METAL MARKET St. Louis, Oct. 30. — Lead quiet. 1.90; spelter steady, 7.356/40. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago. Oct. 30. Accord between Austria and Russia concerning th< THE CHRONICLE-MEWS. TRINIDAD. COLORADO. llalkaiiK forced the wheat market to* l day to a lower level. Opening fig ures allowed Jft2 to 2 decline. De cember startod at 91 1 to a loan of 2 to 2, and fell to 9ljft ;*• The close was steady with Decemhei I ft 11«- not lower, at 91 'll 9li. October corn dropped 3j{ to 5ti& ou a few transaction*. Det ember opened i ft \ to S® t lower, at £>‘21 to 2. and sagged to 52ft 521. Thfe clone was easy at 51 {ft. 52 for December, n net loss of 2. I December oats ttari.d unchanged to £ off at 32(| 32J. and seemed din- i posed to keep within those limits. < — i WHEAT- —December 91ft 9U. ’ May PC’ft 952 : CORN’ —December *.| Jft .*.2. May 512. OATS—December 32ft 32{. 1 CHICAGO PROVISIONS Atclve Investment gave srcngtli to provisions. First sales ranged from 7J decllno to '22i increase. with Jauuary 18.25 to IS.50 for pork: 1 0.521 for lard and s.sTj to 9.90 for ' I I be PORK—January is.50. I.AHI) —January 10.02. Ill IIS—January 9 92 ST LOUIS WOOL MARKET St. lamia. Mo.. Oct. 30.—Wool -I'Midy. Teriltnrv and western me diums 21ft 25c. Fine mediums !Sft2»c. Flue 13ft 17c. HEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE j New York. Oct ::•* Kuropean ad vice* that Auatri a and Russia had leached an agreement concerning the Malkan situation caused a violent up* rush of prices a*t the opening here today. Canadian Pu« if!«• rose over 3 points with numerous one-point gains elsewhere, latter heavy selling cancelled virtually all the rise and sending some Issues, notably steel. Mneltiug and St Paul under yester day's lowest. Public Interest was more neglig ible than usual, a fart attributed to the approaching election. | llonds were easy. I Short covering checked the decline but the recovery was extremely mod erate and trading fell off on the ral ly. Lower prices wer touched in the noon hour, Reading losing three points and extreme weakness being shown by Steel. Amalgamated and other leaders. Thu decline was grad ual with signa < f .-upport. The market tj<*ed strong. Slew but steady improvement in i the final hour with most stocks rul | ( ing on a parity with or above yester j day’s closing. Shorts were the prin cipal buyers hut the belated support also encouraged some long buying. THE MONET MARKET New York. t)ct. 30.-~t , «|| money ."*2: Prime paper Silver t*2{; Mexican dollnts 482; Copper 15.80*1 17.12: Tin 5rt*i 50.50; Lead 5; Amal gamated S3',: 'higar 1231; Atchison 10M; Great Northern 1371; New York Central 1141; Northern Pa cific 123®: Reading 1C94; Southern Pacific 100J: I'nlon Pacific 1C9J: Steel 75: Steel preferred 114. THE COTTON MARKET New York. Oct. 30.—Cotton spot closed steady. Middling uplands 11.55. Middling Cult 11.80. No snles. When you have a had cold you want to best medicine ontalnable so as to cure It with at little delay an possible. Here is a druggist’s opin ion: ’’I have sold Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy for fifteen years.” says Kuos loillar of Saratoga, Did., "and consider it the best on the mar ket. For sale by all dealers. HOW ONE WOMAN WON Her Health and Strength Back A|aia by The Use at CarduL Tampa, Fla.—ln n letter from this City, Mrs. E. C. Corum writes: "I was all weakened and worn out with wo manly trouble*. My husband brought me some Cardul a* a tonic, and, from the first day. it seemed to help. I had almost lost my reason, but, thanka to Cardtii. I did not. Soon, I felt aud looked like a now woman. 1 think the remedy la wonderful. I recommend it to my friends, for 1 have received great benefit from it.” Cardul acts specifically on the weak ened womanly organ*, strengthening the muscles and nerves, and building them up to health. It helps to refresh the worn-out ner vous system aud rellevci the effects of overwork, both mental and physical. Fifty years' successful use fully prove tho merit of this purely vege table, tonic remedy for women. In every community, there live some Who have been benefited by Cardul. The beneficial effects of this time tested woman’s remedy, soon show themselves In many different ways. Try it. N. B.— YFrifc tor 1 «dles* Advisory D*f" Chitii* Two .Medicine Co.. < hat tensions. Tenn.. fw >(>cffts*l nstrnrtiont. *nd M Mse book. llom<' I c«ts*at tor W'omq," sem in plain wrsrprr oa *•»*- OCTOBER 30. 1912. VISITING SPEAKERS FOR MEMBERSHIP FEAST OF C. OF C. Raton. La Junta, Pueblo, Denver and other cities of Colorado will ho represented at the big membership banquet of the Chamber of Com merce ai the Columbian hotel to morrow night. This I* to h«» a boost - er feast and a number of lni|>ortuiit matters, including roada and hlgh wayn and the various constitutional amendments will he discussed by dif ferent loeril and visiting speakers The progi am announced bv the coni* in It tee is uh follows: Adilress —The Ten Million Dollar Koud Issue for Good Roads. The State Highway Coinnilssion Itill—S. \V. De Husk. Address—The Four Million Dollar Moffat Tunnel Rill—J. M. John. Address -The County Baubling Act—A. C. McChesnev. Address—Denver Trades and lai bor Ac*—J. 11. Rrown of Denver. Address —School and Social Center Hill—E. H. Day. Address —Stall* Immigration Hill. —A. J. Woodruff, president Denver ItuslnesK Men's Assn. Address—State Fair HIM—J. 11. Jenkins, secretary. Pueblo Commerce club. Address—New Mexico Highways— L. S. Wilson of Raton. A tt it in her of short talk* by oth**r visiting speakers will probably lie made and a general round table dis cussion on the subjects will follow*. |The purpose of this banquet Is to lilting to the attention of the pen lph> of this county the merits or ob jections to various constitutional amettdmeiis coming before the peo ple Oil Tuesday , 6ANG “COLONIZERS" SENUO FORBES (Continued from Page Oue.) there are four seasons why the reg istration of these men would be Il legal. One Is they ure ramped a half mile outside the precinct lines, see. nnd. they took up that residence there only eight days before the el vert ion. third. Grots has a ranch In another county .upon which hr Is required to reside, and, fourth, the men were sent there for no other purpose than to “colonise." The exposure of this cunningly conceived plan to bring shout ll legsl voting In precinct 21 hut shows the desperate straights In which the gang find* Itself, and further eniphu sixes tlie too appaient fact that this same gang will stop at nothing to advance their own ends, even to flirt ing with the penitentiary. With Ha rein, the perpetual senator and pro fessional paroler In their midst they ptohahly think they con go slnioet anything nnd get away with it. JEROME AND BURNS ROOSEVELTWATCHERS ON ELECTION DAY Oyster Hay, N. Y„ Oct. 30. —Colon- el Roosevelt announced today that ho hud retained William Travers Jerome und Detective William J. Hums to look out for frauds at the polling places in New York stale on election day. Burns came to Oyster Hay tad ay to take luncheon with Colonel Roosevelt and go over with him the plans for election day. “I told Hums," said Colonel Roose velt, “that I wanted the poll* watched and that I wanted any kind of fraud rtopped. If there should be any fraud on our side, I want to guilty persons to he piosecuted just as vig orously ns any others. •*l want the people to understand that whatever the outcome of the elec lion we arc going to prosecute right up to the limit any persons who arc guilty of frauds and put them behind the bars, if possible. “We are not going to have any, repetition of the spring primary In this case we have the law behind us. “Burns and Ills men will wutch for frauds tit the polls,” th»> Colonel con- 1 tlnucd. 'and the lawyers will be in I active consultation with them from j now on I asked that Mr. Jeromo be i engaged. I did not cure whom he j was supporting: I am not concerned . about that. My only concern is that I the man who docs wrong shall hr caught. I expect that frauds will he attempted but I want it understood that those who try It will do so at j great peril.” ms! Colonel Roosevelt left today for New York to speak In Madison Square Garden tonight. Here Is a woman wno speaks from personal knowledge and long exper ience, viz., Mrs. F. H. Hrogan, of Wilson, Pn.. who says. "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough i Remedy is far superior to any other. : For crotip there Is nothing that ex- < cels It.” For sale by all dealers. Chronicle-News, 50c per month. Needles to fit auy in jmbbbBRB9BBBM9BB9BIS tube, a tube i >o r t>» Ba 10c a tube. r The Cash Bargain Store 403 S Commercial Street. Ths only plucc in towu you con get what you want In second hand good* to furnish your house with. A shipment of brass aud japaned bird cages Just received. Prises from 73d* up. 135.00 Side Hoard, our price *18.75 I $25.00 Clilffloneer. Our Price $14.75 I Heating stoves from $3.50 up. Good Sewing Machines $3.00 *o‘- , h. WANT COLUMN Wanted-Male Help For U. S. army. Able bodied un married men between ages of IS and 35; cltlzeus of United fttntea, of good character and temperate habit* who cau speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 102 Weal Main St., Trinidad. Colo. tf. Wanted All who do not receive their Chronicle-News to phone this office , between 6:«0 and 7:00 the same 'Veiling. Second hand furniture. Carmlch ’ sel and Co., Phone Trinldud 530. tf A hustler for tea und coffee wu- I gon olid some Inside work. Must fur . nish No. 1 reference. If you are a quitter do not apply, tnilary aud com mission. Address in own handwrit* 1 |ng. stating where last employed. Ad- ( dress ”F” core C-N. tf Good girl to learn hair dressing I Inquire Fox lluir Dreeing I'm lor, i over Cry at u I theater. 3 LENSES TO DUPLICATE AT SOe MncolD 11. IMII. Jeweler. If For Rent. r Four rooms, tuoderu except fur ■ naos, also nicely furnished apart * menu, popular price*. 11. L. Anderson * Anderson block, phone Red 2331. tf , «———————————————— Furlnshed housekeeping rooms 40U University. Phone Red 1443. tf. 1 Four furnished rooms for light house keeping. Southeast corner f Western and San Juan streets Call * Red 74. tf n __________________________________ * A new ti-rooni strictly modern •'ottage. including gas range and * hcator. close In. C. 11. Puul. 212 K. ’ Main. St. 4 -1 Room for light houskeoping at Lu cerne. Phoue n.iea 383 or 418 lieocli. tf. i .. ■ Two nicely furnished front rooms, strictly modern house, for geutlem*u Phono Red 1832. 2 Dressmaking Experienced dreen maker wants {nil kinds of sewing. Satisfaction guaranteed Prices reasonable. 310 South Animas. Phone Red 2313. tf. Millinery ; At 25 per cent discount on Friday and Saturday at 405 South Animas. Thi* Include* our Imported patterna nnd trimmed hnta. mo Printing If you need printing of any kind come to the Chronicle-New*. High class work, reasonable prices, Papering Up-to-date designs of wall paper. Large selection. Very lowest prices. Joe Hurkland. 109 Fast First. Phone Hues 563. I guarantee. tf. Found That the quickest, accurate place to get glasses fitted, is at I/acoln H. Hall's, Optician. tf Furniture We buy aud sell second band fur niture. Call Trinldud 403. tf I gaawßweaw ■■■ ■ »»aui Situation Wanted In cigar Htaud, hotel clerk or de livery man. Address “II” cam C i- 1 i Free employment bureau, office of Associated Charities, 416 Commercial street. Phono Red 2962. Help rurnlshod and employment secured, tf Girl wants to do housework la small family. Call Red 3746. 5 Reliable woman wants work as chambermaid or general housework. Address "J” care C-N 3 Man wants work of any kind. Call J at 1405 Nevada Ave. 6 i Woman wants work by day or In i a restaurant. Phono Red 1326. Ref erences. 5 Washing by the day, 706 Rio Ally St. Phone Red 1461. 4 PAGE THREE For Sale Monarch 100 per cent pure paint $2.00 per gallou, Tony D. Clark, tf Uld papers for putting ou shelve# or uuder carpet. 5 cents u bundle at lbs Chronicle-New* office. tf Pueblo Mixed paint, n good chsap one. $1.35 a gallon. Tony D. Clark T? Heat driving horse in town, sur rey and new set of harness. Phond Red 3812. tf. Sell oif your sutplus stuff buy using C-N want ads. They only coat ft , cents a line. #f Good all around liorne cheap. In- I quire 908 state St. 3 Two teams, wugous and harness. J. C. Greet, Starkville. Colo. tf ( Adamant Floor palul, $1.40 par 'gallou, Tony D. Clark. tf Pur boa* und neck hirer* at 16c ou the dollar Excellent goods. J. M Kolb, room 7. Longnecker bldg. 2 Royal typewriter, fine condition very cheap. J. M. Kolb, room 7. Loug uecleer bldg. z sshn »ash will scours u six rsom modern house on a urventy-flv* foot let In un elegant locality. Daluoc* on easy payments like puylng rant. The O. 1.. Davis Lumber Co. pone Trinidad IK. " r M$ Ftor new and seoond hand Mr#lt ure call on Carmichael and Co., lift -132 Elm strest. Pboos Trlaftlaft tso. - tf Roof paints, all colors, •• cents a galtoD, Tony D. Clark. tf. Six six-foot show cases, on# four foot floor case and general m«rchso dlae. Phone Red 3593. J. (1. Alley. Hoprls. v |f # LENSES DUPLICATED Lincoln 11. Hall, Optician. tf. CbtnnJcl»-N*w*s want ads. f,r a *tn# ir * " uiiiiwiinnswin Lost Reward for return to streot rail way oflce of magneto, left at corner or State and Kauaas avenue. 5 Gold cross and chain. Finder re turn to Snodgrass, 425 North Com mercial. 4 Solid gold engraved ruff links. Return to Mrs. D. R. Levering, 616 West Hara, reward. 6 Child's grey fur collar on Commer cial street Sunday night. Return to Quilllteh Implement and Vehicle Co. 3 Pocket hook on 3 o'clock Coke dale car. Finder please leave at C *•_ ft Cleaning Cleaning, pressing and dyeing.— The Trinidad Cleaning and Dye Works. tf TaxiCib Taxi call for hire, any time, nlgtit or day. Phono Toltec Hotel or Triul dad 294. Ed Pople. If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most com-’ won ailment. To correct this you will find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to take, and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by ull dealers. Johnny Coulon, bantamweight champion, who was receutly out pointed by Kid Williams, th»* fast Baltimore boxer. Is after a return much with the little southern light er. Coulon I* so sure of the result this time that ho Is ready to wager $l6OO on the sido If the battle is 26 rounds Instead of 10. Larry Lujoie, the big Frenchman, and onc-timo king of American lea gue batsmen, say* that Joe Wood has never been equalled. Lenses Duplicated 50c. Compounds 75c. SEND BROKEN PIECE. 50 CKNTS AND 4 CENTS IN STAMP# —NEW LENS FIRST MAIL LINCOLN H. HALL, OpttcUm TRINIDAD, COLO.