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; Banking ♦ t Service j ♦ —I * £ Hanking sorvleo mentis wore tlian the mere ae ♦ copUiiro of mi iiccoiiut. J * Our primary object Ih to satisfy each Individual + T depositor, and, a« far as cousistuul with good bunk- 5 7, lug, to carry out his desire*. t • Tim servlro of tlio First National Dank l» based j 4> on fair and courteous treatment to every patron. 4 £ Judicious and intelligent Investment of Its funds 1 assures full protection. J j The First National Bank jj " TRINIDAD. COLORADO J For Sale or Rent New. two-ioom home- Colorado Ave., and Alta ilrcct. Will acll for $450 $lOO down, balance monthly payments Lota ia 50* 150. Dandy new five room house on San Juan near Colorado Ave. $2,- 150.00 $2OO down, balance monthly |>aynient». like rent -200 beautiful building lota, located in different parts of the city. Most of them can be sold on payment. Buy now. Build Inter. If you wnnt Fire. Life, Accident Insurance, or Surety Bonds- don’t fail to call at the giouul floor real eitate office. The Home Security-Investment Company Insurance. Loans- Real Estate. Bonds. S. t*. 11 AL1*. President. Ground floor. First National Bank Building. KI)WAI(l) n. WIGHT, President. l>. I*. JONHS. Vice-President. W. It CHAPMAN. Cashier. 11. K. HOI.I.OWAY, V-Pres. l\ It. itAPP. Assistant Cashier. *Pre Trinidad National Bank Capital s 100,000 .00 Surplus and Profits 460,tKM>.00 HIHKCTOItS: H. D. Wight 11. K. Holloway W. J. Murray Philip Schneider I*. I*. Jnnea W. It. Chapman \V«. will Ih* pleased to have your business mid offer every ac commodation ronslslrni with bnfo hanking. Intelsat paid on time j deposits. SWEET POTATOES 6 Pounds for 25c gfgrtr' Yellow Turnips 4 Nortn Lnk< yellow turnips, the Stf finest uud sweetest turnips Hint prows s lbs. for I lluhliurd Squash, eiieh . ■ 15c JPyJB I ’ttgj't Sweet Potatoes, «'• Hut .. . 25C fcJ j \ Cabbage. sl\ lbs fir as* I ■ fit j Can 11 (lower per po tin! .. . . to* IPi ] I MN jtl Calf Head T.ettuee, 1 hunches 50 Y\V I l( \l k* n f lett lee, 2 btl. 150 Radishes. per bum !i 50 Supplies We carry a full line of everything for the automobile. Presto light and tiro ('inks in stock. 11, oxebango » $2.00 H, exchange $2.75 The Trinidad Novelty Works Phone Trinidad 128. A. E. BRYNING Contractor arid Builder ESTIMATES GIVEN Phono Trinidad r»C.*J or Red 2181 APPLES Per Box 85c I These arc good, sound choice Men Davis apples and will keep. Full pack. Why buy junk when you can get apples like these. sx as WEDNESDAY GENUINE MAZDA TUNGSTEN LAMPS Superior In fluidity Not So Eaiily Broken Coiti No Mote. $5 Hot Point Iron. For $3.50 Thii Week- Trinidad Gas and Electric Supply Co. I’ll. Trill. 78. 212 15. Main. LADIES' GUILD Tim I -ail i(-:‘ Guild i,r llic ls|ilmoiml c hurch will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Fred Clark. r THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. PERSONALS" Fred Clark returned this morning from Itarein. N. X. Wycoff returned today from u trip lo Ha rein A. T. Mncy was a visitor in our city yesterday afternoon. •Mrs. Iloiuer C. Wilson Is here on n visit. Her home Ik In Waco, Tcxuh. Mr. and Mrs. N. Watt are In tills city on a visit. They reside in Hu ton. .1. A. Jarminillo returned lusi ev ening from a day’s business trip tu Aguilar. Mr. and Mik. Joe Norton ure here on a bmlucsH trip. They reside In St. Louis. Fay Floyd made the trip to Aguilar till.' morning. Me will return home Mils evening. G. Tlxlcr is in this oily on a short business trip. lie resides In ('lay ton. New Mexico. Mrs. K. C*. Morehouse of Spring field. Mo.. Is in tills city visiting with her son. C. G. Morehouse. F. 1.. Meyers, superintendent of this division of the Santa Fo. Is In this dty on a business trip. Mrs Itoy Stowe returned home last evening after visiting with Mrs. It. 15. Bentley for a number of days. S. Dean was In this city yesterday vm a short bus I ness trip. He returned to his Ik me at Delugua this morn ing. Flunk Kslep was In the city yes terday afternoon on a business trip lie resides at the •Cstep ranch east of the city. Herbert Nichols loft this after noon for Pueblo where lie will re- I main for a couple of days on a bttsl | ness v islt. j Mr A. K. Davis arrived in tills city last evening and will spend the next few davr visiting with Mrs. C. Tin mpton. 15. 11. Day. who has been In Den ver for tin* past few days on a busi ness trip, Ih expected to return home this evening. Hr. W. II Wood of Howeii re turned lo his home this afternoon after speiiding yesterday in this city oil a business tils. <\ 11. SuHGi of the lugram-Powder Clothing company left Mils morning for l.udlow and the various other cuii'|>s In the Interest of his film ( Mrs. K. A. Willis returned to her I home in Aplshlpa this afternoon aft ernoon after spending the pest few j da v s In this dty visiting w'tli friends and relatives. Kev. Frank Wood lire!null of the First Methodist church, who is visit ing in Moulder, is expected to return to tills «Itv either this evening or to morrow moii'lng. 11. 11. Sanderson of the firm of Dunford and Sanderson left this aft ernoon for Denver, where he will spend the next few dnys in the In terest of |i|m firm. Mr* Meyer .Maiiftbnch left today f».r Denver where she will spend the next few days v biting with friends and relatives. She expects to return the latter pait of the week. Secretary K. J McMahon of the Chamber of Commerce returned to tills i Ity last evening after spending a couple of days In Denver attend ing a nice ling of the Colorado Asso ciation of Commercial Executives. Governor John Slinfrotii and K. M Ammons, candidate for governor, de parted this morning for Denver, where they will finish up their cam paigning. Moth men spoke he* - ** last evening at the democratic tally at the West theatre. John Egan. the twelve-year-old soil of Constable Luke Kgnn. who was painfully injured Sunday afternoon by being thrown from a buggy when his horse became frightened, is re ported as doing nicely today. Al though the injuries are serious no had results are anticipated as an out growth of the accident. Mrs. J. K. Hose and daughter. Miss Laura, departed this morning for Colorado Springs where they will re main for some time visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Hose uud her daughter- nave been visiting in (his eitv with Mr. and Mrs. F K. •’ore for the past few weeks. They reside in Pennsylvania. CHARGED WITH FRAUD K. Wnrd.v, an Assyrian merchant at Ludlow, charged with obtaining goods from the Southern Colorado Mercantile company, under false pretenses, was given a hearing yes terday afternoon before Justice Stone nrd bound over to the January term of tile district court under SSOO bond. L is alleged that Wanly was In debt to the company about $2lO and further credit had been refused and that on representations that ho had the money :o pay the account re ceived the goods and thereafter made an assignment. FIRE CLOSES NEVADA MINES AND MILLS Tonopnh, New, Oct. 20. —A1l mines and in 11 Is in this district were dos ed down today by a $50,000 fire which burned • •*. n substnntlon of the N'evnda-Cullfornla Power com pany. shutting off all power The flrfc started from a short circuited trans former. Clironldc-XevvH, 50c per month Have you started that savings ac count with us yet • If not, you arc losing money every ilav 110 it now Commercial Savings Bank Heap Big Injuns Stage Their Dances Tills is not a diviilgciicc of tin* po* lilicnl corrupted of Las Animas comi ty nor ail annotation upon leff Farr, but simply imi event greatly enjoyed by "Smelts of the Smelling Com mittee” and I link, i lie cub. Last evening "Smelts” and Dink jail tiled back into the primitive, uot Hint of barren plains, rude men and Kepublleau tallies, but Instead the stcue was u darkly lit hall with six I'aos liidluus dam mg with great gro tesque slncetit*. The program consisted of five numbers nobly mingled with the "tom tom” orchestra. Altuough the crowd who paitlelpnted was about as large as the Taft electoral vote, the ulfair was good The first dance, entitled "The War Dance.” brought the chills to all present uud certain ly could liove been an Inspiration tor Don Catduilro In bis polHh-a! rampage. Dink whispered to “Smells** that lie wanted to go home hut to no avail as lie had Joined the motley tbroug and was tearing off few funev steps himself, i “Thu JuUiau Gallic Dance.” broke I fort It with u series of startling war {whoops and both expected lllg Chief flowlden Of the. local "Pollcawawn ' tribe, to rii i-i any moment. Dinks 'could uot ills* -tii any comparable dif ferenev In the two dances hut know ing his ustbelle sense was at tho corner cigar store |t was up to him to remain sib tit. "The buffalo Dance” was the next lerplsehorcMi effort. Owing t 0 the 'absence of'a buffalo and beef at twenty cents n pound it was sug gested that “Smelts" should go out and get a Hull Moose.'* Again the party was spoiled as every Moose In the city was out enmpaignlug. "The Sun Dance" and the "Ground Dance” concluded the evening's en tertainment. These two dances were a take-off mi the Mutiny Hug and tho Aiigorlau Crawl. The wlmlo program was harmo nious In spite of the racket and one argument that "Smelts" and Dink had. Dink called the Indian garbs plnafors and "Smelts" said they were; "OkifluhiN. whatever that Is. Thes«« Indians are just returning from tin- .Mountain and I'lain festiv al in Denver where they danced dur ing the carnival. They gave their names as Chief Pacheco (Lake Sturt Dear Yellow Willow. Standing Iltif feln, Gerotibno, White Morning and Arrow. Janies Kenlniore Cooper uud Al derman Souris please take notice. K OF P. MEETING Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 2 Knights of Pythias, will hold a so cial session Thursday night. (M. 21, 'l2. at their Castle Hall. Visiting brothers and their ladies cordially in vited. J. W. Copeland, of Dayton, Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before the bottle was all used the hoy's cold wan gone. Is that not hotter (linn to pay a five dol lar doctor's bill? For sale by nil dealers. EPWORTH LEAGUE SOCIAL Another i f the many Hallowe'en functions v. heduled for the week was given l>> the Kpworth League of the Methodist church last evening at the home of Mrs. Mary E. Boyd at her home on Baca street. Those who at tended were masked In thocostumcs of ghosts, witches and other charac ters of the Hallowe'en season. Those present were given a treat, when Miss Hazel Kitty gave two splendid read ings. Baltimore Seal shipped oysters.— Hey-Patterson Market. tf. Castle Hall Mas querade Ball Hallowe’en Oct. 31. Prizes will be Riven to best costumed lady and gen tleman. Everybody must come in costume and masked. Prizes on dis play. L. H. Hall’s window. Adv. 1 OCTOBER 30. 1912. THE MARINE BAND. When the Murine Corps was estab lished under an act of congress ap proved by President John Admits In UPS, tlm law provided for a drum and fire corps, sixteen drummers and sixteen lifers. Tills was tile origin ot Hint now celebrated musical Insti tution- the Culled States Murine baud. For u long time there was no regularly recognized leader. First ! one member and then another would act as fife major, but the desire for progress which has ever distinguish ed the American spirit became mani fest In this connect lon and. music ians were Imported from abroad l«» supplement Hie severely martini style of Instruments to which the baud bail been limited. Holy provld- | ed a group of musicians, who soon succeeded ill placing the band on something of nu artistic footing. Since that day its prestige has steadily Increased until it Is now! one of the largest and most splend idly equipped governmental organ!- | zatioiiH for musical performance that j the world has ever known. It is an object of especial American pride and solicitude, and H Is Intimately UNoeluled with tho great events, so cial and oficlal. in the national capi tal's life. Lieutenant William 11. Hnutclninun, the lender, is a musi cian of hiouil experience and ac curate attainments. At an early age he studied violin in Germany. Tht'ii he took up harmony ami be came mi fascinated with Gilh branch of musical study that lie acquainted himself practically with every Instru ment employed In band or orchestra When Lieutenant Sautoluinnn con ducts he knows precisely wlini ever* Instrument should lie doing, ami tin men know that Ik* knows. I’nder | | his leadership the aggregation of nten Is employed, it might lie said, ns a single Instrument. Supectnculur effects of a personal or t«li>Ml«*a 1 mi* lure are studiously avoided. Artistic effects of the highest and most bril liant quality are easily ami natur ally attained by this band. Fnele Sam's one foster child in the domain of ini re art. The bund will be beard at Die West theater on Thursday night, October 21st. TO UNION MEN Tin* Trinidad Trades Awmbly will meet Sunday. Not. :s. l!:.'IO o’rloek. In Lilmr I'nlon Null. to iIIsciiks the var ious amendment*. mit luted ami re form! IdIIn wlilrli are in ho voted on at the election Nov. Kerry union man !h Invited to attend. .1. W Wolf. Ser’y. I PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY Tlir great master. Rnbensteln, was tho subject of a well rendered pro gram given last evening by the Phil harmonic society in (heir dub rooms in Hie city hall. Tho occaiion was an Interesting one and was well attend ed by tho members and their friends. A prdiide. tho Biography of Rub- n stein, was the subject of n carefully and capable paper which was read by Miss Ruth Wight. Tho following musical numbers were given: Violin Solo. Ralph Welnbrorr. Plano Solo. Romances Prof Ford Vocal Solo. Thou Art Like liito a Flower—Mrs. J. 11. lint ties Cello Solo, Melody In F Bernard Welnbroer Vocal Duet, The Wanderers' Night Suug-—Mrs. Meyer Matt* but h and Mrs. Max llasrowcr. Plano Solo. Barcarolle In F minor —Mrs. William Pleated. HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL The young people of the Baptist church gave a Hallowe'en social nt the home of Mr. and .Mrs. K O. But ler on Pine street last evening. The nccudou was largely attended uud a good time was had by all those pros en.. All the festivities of the Hal lowe'en heiiFon were carried cut dur ing the evening and goblins and wltchces vvero thick about the spa cious residence. Beautiful Hair at Small Cost What a pity it is lo see so many people with thin, vvlsp\ hull', faded or streaked with gray, and realize that most of these people might have soft, glossy, abundant Itnlr of beau tiful color and lustre if they would but use the proper treatment. There Is no necessity for gray hair under sixty-five years of age, and there Is no excuse for anyone- young or old. having thin, straggling halt, either full of dandruff or heavy and rank smelling with excessive oil. You can bring back the natural color of your hair In a few days and forever rbl >ourself of any dandruff and loose hairs, and make your hair grow strong ami beautiful by using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. For generations common garden “age has been used for re-' storing and preserving the color of the hair, and Sulphur is recognized by Scalp Specialists as being excell ent for treatment of Italr and scalp 1 1 roubles. I If you at> troubled with dandruff or itching scalp, or If your hair is losing Its color or coming out, get a [fifty cent Dottlo of Wyeth's Sage and I Sulphur from your druggist, and no tice the improvement in the appear ance of your hair after a few (lavs' treatment. J. H. Hughs. City Drug Store, agent. JUST NAILS For Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday U ami larger, 8 Ih. 250 Smaller size, i» lit. 25* Special price by tile keg. Builders llurdwars of all Kinds Sntisfuction Guaranteed Crancer Hardware Company 117 Ea»t Main St. Pli. T. 86 BEST $5 HE EVER SPENT Bristol. Pa- Man Says So In This Letter Months of sutiering nml nuxlct) «vi*r his condition caused Mr. A. L. I Kennedy of Itiistol, Pa., to write this letter, lie says: "Grippe uud a had cough caused me much suffering and won* for live long months, but that i Is all over now for I have taken Vi no! aml ant perfectly well. I took five bottles and It was tile best flvo dol lars I ever spent." In health one cannot realize how depressed u person may become after trying ouo remedy after unother for such u condition as Mr. Kennedy was In, without benefit, or what relief it is to find help ami to- restored to health uud strength It is tile combined action of the medicltuil curative element of rods’ livers without the greasy oil. Indeed It* the blood-making and strength- I creating properties of tonic Iron, that I makes Vlnol so efficient In uvercom jmg chronic coughs, colds ami bron chitis at the haute time building up t lie weakened run-down system. We guarantee Vino! to give you perfect satisfaction. The tlnusiunu Drug Co- Trinidad. Colorado. P. S For rough, seal* skin, try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee It. LISTEN FOR WHISTLES The Chronicle-New* carrier bo*s have been supplied with new whistles and will blow when making delivery of | npera. Listen for the whistle Smart Tan Shoes Here's a swell style in tan I f'' — | shoes for youug men who /y/* want the llilng. L The leather Is of tail Hus- L \ sla ralf with blind eyelets yjy y Tills Shoe shows the new JOSP recoding toe with wide j shank nml low heel. H’s u 15.00 a pair The P. & W. Shoe Co. 11. I-. PAI.MQUBT j. c CAI.UWICI.L. *Pfe International State Bank Paid Capital $lOO,OOO This bank strives in every legitimate way to co operate in the business affairs of its de positors and solicits your patronage. A STRICTLY HOME RANK FINANCED BY HOME PEOPLE . DIRECTOR!. JOHN A1K1.1.0. Urealdant. JOHN J. HENDRICK, WM. O. HLESTED, Vice Pr-j-ldnnl. Ca,tiler. A. E. McOLASIiAN. ALBERT A WHITE. ; CHARLES NICCOLI. JESSE O. NOItTIICUTT. PAGE FIVE “How ilbl the bird know that'* Moderate prices tire all Mutt vye charge for our niercltaudlso the Hoivpc vve give you gra tis! You will “mias tomethiiiK" if you fn'l to see our Suits for | this Fall! And you'll simply be "ear ned away' with out Oveicoats! ’ They travel the proper K*it in style. I'nbiic, and tailoring. No “pranks" in the making— they’re pure wool—guaranteed Shape retaining—with pat- * terns and models decreed au- 1 thoratively by the Arbiters of Fash'on. Only a fair price "kinges” on every garment. Ingram-Powder Clothing Co. The Home of I lonckl Values Annual Hallowe'en Ball kr II L. A. S. at Madden'* Hall Oet. 31 C Clironli le-> «wk, 50r per mouth