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i: l Banking ■ | Service f Hanking service means more thnn tho mere ac- 5 ceptance of an account. 2 • » Our primary object ia to satisfy each Individual f depositor, and. as far as consistent with good bank* 2 tog, to carry out his desires. * ] The service of the First National Itank la baaed ▼ « - on fair and courteoua treatment to every patron. ♦ Judicious and Intelligent Investment of Ita fuude 2 • > assures full protection. J The First National Bank \ TRINIDAD. COLORADO ) ' umimtio.i For S&le or Rent Hew, two-rooo houw Colorado Art., end Alta etreet. Will jell for $450. $lOO down, bnlnnce monthly payment.. Lota if 50» 150. Sandy new five room home on Snn Juan near Colorado Ave. $2,- 160.00 $2OO down, bnlnnce monthly payment., like rent -200 beantiful building loti, located in different pnrtt of the city. Moat of them can he eold on payment. Bny now. Build later. If yon want Fire, Life. Accident Ininrance, or Surety Bondi- don t fail to call at the ground floor real eitate office. The Home Security-Investment Company Ininrance. Loam- Beni Eitate. Bondi. 8. C. MALI. Prmldent. Ground floor. Fint national Bnnlc Building. EDWARD D. WIGHT, President. I). P. JONHS, Vice-President. W. K. CHAPMAN. Cashier. 11. K. HOLLOWAY. V-Pren. C. It RAPP. Assistant Cashier. ‘The Trinidad National Bank Capital s 100,000.00 Surplus and Profits f 60.000.00 DIRECTORS: K. d. Wight M. K. Holloway W. J. Murray Philip Schnoldar i>. P. Jonea -W. R. Chapman We will be pleased to have your business and offer every ac commodation consistent with safe banking. paid on time deposits. SWEET POTATOES 6 Pounds lor 25c Yellow Turnips I North yellow turnips, the JJFy finest and sweetest turnips that grows—B His. for 250 I Hubbard Squash, each 150 I Sweet Potatoes, «• lbs .. . 25* lUa I l Cabbage, six Ills* for 25* I I \ Cauliflower per pound . ••W IPi I I K\) Calf Head Lettuce, 2 bunches 5* VA V\ | ly Mot House leaf lettuce, 2 bti. 5* V\\ I jßhL> Radishes, per Ininrh . . 5* / 'JN I Supplies We carry a full line of everything for the automobile. Presto light and tiro tanks in stock. 1), exchange 53.00 K, exchange $2.75 The Trinidad Novelty Works Phone Trinidad 128. A. E. BRYNING Contractor arid Builder ESTIMATES GIVEN Phono Trlnldn.l r.«: 5 or 2181 APPLES p "Bsc These are good, sound choice lien Davis apples and will keep. Full pack. Why buy junk when you can get apples like these. Three ! hree Stores Store * THTTBBDAT GENUINE MAZDA TUNGSTEN LAMPS Bapcrior In Quality Not So Emily Broken Coiti No More. $5 Hot Point Ironi For $3.50 Thi. Week- Trinidad Gas and Electric Supply Co. I’h. Trln. is. 212 E. Main. PRICILLA CLUB The Prlcllln club will meet Frl rlny afternoon »t the home of Mr.. C. E. Illttclc. THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TWHIDAD. COLORADO. PERSONALS Roy HazeUlne is In this city for a few days' business trip. .1. Sullivan of Lafuyette, Colo., Is in this city on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jurhetti have returned from a few days* visit In llowen. Mr. ami Mrs. W. 11. Wright and children of Denver art* in this city visiting. FI Ire nee nainbridge spent yester day In this city on a visit. She re »ldes in Tollerhurg. Mrs. C. K. Case of Dawson Is In the city ou a shopping trip. She It. registered at the Corinado Miss Nellie Stark of Little Rock, Arkansas In In the city visiting with her aunt. Mrs. K. J. Hubbard. A. J. Heilman arrived this morn ing from Clayton after being nway for a few days on a business trip. S. A. Moiling of Weston spent yes terday In this city. He returned to his home in Weston this morning. W J. Murray, superintendent of ilie (’Victor-American Fuel Co.. Is in this city in the Interest of the com pany. Nona Welch of Durango Is an out of town visitor who Is in our city on a business and pleasure visit com bined. Miss Jennie Montoya left this aft ernoon for Herwind. where she will spend a few days visiting with friends. E. 11. Day returned from Denver Inst evening after spending the post few days In the capltui city on a business trip. Ilcnjamiii A. Johnson of Denver, ariiveil in this city this morning and will spend the next few days on a business visit. L. 11. Ilufford, manager of the Colo rado Supply store at Sopria was In the city yesterday afternoon in the interest of his firm. B. X. Sheffield, formerly of the firm of Wentherby and Sheffield, lias accepted a position In the road master's office of the Santa Fe. Mrs. Helen Alexandria departed for her home In Tabasco this after noon after spending a couple of days in this city visiting with friends. Mrs. J. C. I sicken back return«*d to her home In this city lest even ing nfter spending sometime In Den ver. visiting with friends and rela tives. A. L. Wheeler. Rlrhard From me and John Kimball left this afternoon for Aguilar where they will play for a dunce given |ii that camp this eve ning. Mrs. Ray Krone and Arthur Krone arrived this morning fiorn their home in New Orb ant. La. They will spend a few months in 1 1$is city vis iting with relatives Miss Fern Collins departed last nv cnln; for her home in Muskogee. Okla. Mbit Collins has been spend ing the summer in this rltl visiting with Mrs. (5. A. O'lirieii. Rev. Father Loncgran returned last evening from Denver where hi nt tended the dedication of the new cathedral and a meeting of the digni taries in tho capital city. H. J. Mattlson arrived in this city Inst evening and will spend a few •lays here on a business trip. Mr. Mnttison Is connected with the C. F. & 1., and resides in Pueldo. Franklin P. Wood, general manag er of the Tiinidad Electrical Trans mission Railway Sc Css Co., returned to this city last night after spending a few days in Denver on business. Rev. Frank Wood Ilretnall. pastor of the First Methodist church, re turned homo last evening after spending the past few days in Boul der visiting and on a business trip. Mrs. F. M. Pitts and habv re turned to this city last evening after spending some time in that city on a pleasure trip. Their home Is in Chi cago. but nt the present time they are here visiting. Mrs. It. E. Stoddard and small daughter and Mrs. E. K. Stoddard departed this afternoon for Pueblo, where they will remain for some time visiting and upon a business trip. Mrs. K. K. Stoddard is the traveling representative for the Cal ifornia Perfumery Co. Mrs. S. 11. Schuyler and Mrs. J. L. Schuyler have departed for Denver, where they will remain for sometime visiting with relatives. From there they will go to Fort Collins where they will visit with Mrs. Hoyt Schuy ler's parents who reside in that city. Mrs. Hoyt Schuyler who has been visiting in Fort Collins will return home with her relatives. DEATH AT FREDERICK Pablo Garcia, age sixty-two, died yesterday nfternoon at his home at Frederick. The cause of the death was senility. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:.T0 o'clock nt the late home of the de ceased. TRINIDAD DRUGGIST DESERVES PRAISE. The Mauaman Drug Co. deserve* praise from Trinidad people for In troducing here the simple buckthorn bark and glycerine mixture, known as Adle-t-kn. This simple German remedy first became famous by cur ing appendicitis and it has now been discovered that A SINGLE DOSE te lievcs sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation INSTANT LY. Have you started that savings ac count with us yet ? If not. you arc losing money every day Do it now Commercial Savings Bank DANCE AT THE WEST One of the enjoyable dances of the season will be the dance given by the Justice Circle ;,3d at West Thea tre dancing hnll up|>on election night, November .Y The ladles of the lodge are wot king liurd to make It u distinctive occasion of the year and no pains nr** being spared to make It a bilge success. The iisii will lie beautifully decorated and the finest music in the city will play for the event. Attractive programs have been printed. The dance will he a ;ood place to be when the election returns are being received. JOLLY DOZEN CLUB Tile Joly Dozen dub spent yester day afternoon with Mrs. K. I*. Ilran dow. The occasion was a very de lightful one. S«ulug took up the greater part of the afternoon. Re freshments were xorved by the hos tess nt the conclusion of tile after noon. Those who were guests of the dub were: Mrs. Charles Goers, Mrs. C. A. Hutto and Mrs. M. T. Good man. HEBREW LADIES' BALL One of the sevotal notable events f Hallowe'en Is the bull to be given by the Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society at the Madden dancing academy to night. This dance is for the benefit of charity, the funds realized going to the society. Eleborate prepara tions have been made and the Jewish people of the city expect to make It the biggest Kiir* *-rji of the season. TOURIST CLUB Lives of two noted women formed rhn afternoon discussion for the members of the Tourist Club which met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. C. Halley. The two wo men. Ida Lewis and Maude Balling- ] ton Booth, women who have proven to be the foremost thinkers of their day, were discussed by Mrs. Frank Wood Bretnnll and Mr*. W R. LeWls. Two solos, which were rendered by Mrs. 11. E. Gregory, received hearty applause. After the business of the club had been transacted a dainty re past was served by Mrs. Bailey. BOYS ENJOY PARTY Ghostly in detail was the party given last evening by Bctrani Robin son to a number of his boy friends, at his home on Dark street. Hal lowe'en games 11 ecu pled the evening for the guests, after which a deli cious luncheon was served by the host's mother. Mrs. K W. Robinson. The house was decorated In Hallow e’en colors and figures. Those who attended the enjoyable affair were: Frank llnlnberg. Arthur Fitzgerald. Adolph Richter. Joe Zulck. Harry Rice. Bert Lnughiin. Willie Fisher. Howard Spencer and George Mullare. TO UNION MEN The Trinidad Tradea Assembly will moot Sunday, Nov. H, 2:11ft o'clock, in Labor Union llall. to discusa tho var ious amendments, initiatod and re ferred bills which are to bo votod on at tho election Nov. Every union man la Invited to attend.-—,1. W Wolf, Scc’y. • Baltimore Seal (hipped oyiten — Hey-Fkttenon Market. tf. CALLED EAST MY MOTHER'S ILLNESS Mrs. F. C. Lawler and daughter Dorothy, will leave tonight on Santa Fe No. Ift for Shoplcr, Wls., called there by the sudden serious ilness of her mother, Mrs. Theodore Wlerek. News of tin* illness of her mother was received* by Mrs. Lawler this morning by telegram. LIVELY RUNAWAY. An exciting runaway occurred shortly after the noon hour today when n team which was standing on East Main street became frightened and started on a mad tear. The horses which were hitched to a heavy farm wagon dashed down to the in tersection of Main and Commercial streets, where they turned and went on a gallop to Elm street. Here one lot the horses fell and the team was caught. No serious damage was re 'ported. Tho name of the owner or jthe team could not be learned. OCTOBER 31. 1912. ELABORATE HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT ESPEY HOME "The goblins will get >'o*> If ?‘ M * don’t watch out.'' Weird uk well as original wan the Hallowe'en party given luat eyoqmg. at the home of Dr. ami Mr*. John j Kupey at their home on Hast Main j Htreet. The occaaiou was one >f too • moht Drill In ut a I veil ko fur during' this week of all saints festivities. I The house wan decorated In the g»o* lesquc enihleina of witches, jack o' lunteruH. while hatH were strit'igj from the ceiling. The colon* of 1 black and orange were used thraugn out the different rooms and lenJed j to tile suggestlvenes* nr wltchcr.l t. ] The affair wuk planned to the men guesth aa a stag given by Dr. K*:my. They arrived early aud were ushered to the study and library rooms by Master Price Dunlavy. who was made up as a darkey page. Mrs. William llalley acted as a guide for the Gen tlemen and showed them to the up per hull where they were received l*y Miss Gertrude Kspey and Miss Du el to Dunlavy. After the arrival of the men gucri* they were suddenly startled by n most mysterious serenade made upon tin puns and various other household utensils. Out of the dnrk came ninny many witches and goblins. They *-11- ently formed Into a promenade and danced the fantastic dunces of wUch es and the r**st of the Halloween characters. After the proniotiudc Misses Dot and Evelyn Sanders. Sees Archer uml Nell Abrams gave a weird trepsiehoreati effort. At the conclu sion of the dance Mrs. J. 11. Abrams gave a well rendered bullud: "There wus An Old Woman All Skin mid Hone.” The men were then led to the "Chamber of Horrors.” where liny Itad to await their fate. Mrs. Hen Klghmy directed the men to choose their fortune from a tombs.ette. When they did this they were sur prised to plunge their bands Into ice water which wns concealed in the "stone.” The remainder of the evening was then spent In dancing, after wni»’h the guests were served with an dab , orate luncheon. The dining room was decorated In ' yellow and black while a large nuneh of chynjan them urns formed the cen ter piece in the dining room. Mis. Fred Clark served cited from a D . ti ny kettle. Those assisting Mrs. Ea py were Mrsdntnc* William Ibt'N V. » Fred Clark. W. K. Dnwler, K. D. i llurkhard. W. H. Morgan. Price Oun i lavy and John Drury. HALLOWE'EN BALL Miutquorudp Bull at Caatle Hull. Hallowe'en, October III. Everybody Invited. Good time for all. Mnsfta must be raised at door. Everybody moat nioiilv. Prizes. 1 PIERIAN CLUB Mrs. E. J. Hubbard entertained the members of the Pierian club yester day afternoon at her home on Stat« street. The house was decorated In the unique emblems of Hallowe’en. An Interesting progiani was given by the various members. Mr:; E. D. Wight reud a well prepaped paper entitled "The Vocational Training In the Public Hchapls.” The article was cleverly written and the sub ject matter was full of good ideas. Mrs. C. K. Black read a paper on "The Moving Picture Show As an Kdueationul Factor.” The paper was worthy of commendation and the subject was well chosen. The two papers were given in a convincing manner. After the program various topics of business were discussed l»y tli** members. An entertaining feat ure of the afternoon was the telling of fortunes. The fortune teller was Miss Nettie Smart, who cleverly told the guests of their past and present to the amusement of all. A delightful |r.neh<‘on was served at the eon elusion of the afternoon by Mrs. Hubbard, assisted by Miss Smart. PARTY AT ZUCK HOME Misses Hazel and Heulah Ztirk, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Zuck, were the small hostesses last evening to a number of their small friends nt their home on Third street. The little guests enjoyed a very de lightful evening In pjlaying Hallow e'en games. The house was decorat ed le characters of witch lore. A very eujoyablc* couise of refreshments were served by Mrs. Zuck. Those who participated in the occasion wore. Birdie Bowlden. Helen Steven son. Alice Burkett, Mabel Daugher ty. Elsie Mulnix. Waverly llnle, Beulah Smith. Bonnie Carol, Ada Smith. Mary Caskey, Thelma Dyt tie and Alma Stntllcr: Messrs. Albert oJhnson. Edgar Hiighton. Clyde Lumsdun, Glenn Sheppard, Ralph Hunter, Harold Mulnix. Phillip To foyn and Hurry Zttck, Reese Hender son and Deo Tofoya. /T J NEW INSERTED TIPS MAKE Arrow WING COLLARS STRONG WHERE OTHERS ARE. WEAK. 2 fnr IS rent. Robes and Blankets Lap Robes 93.50 «> 91 1.00 Wool Ste«mer Ruga. 91.50 '•> 910.00 Square Hone Blanket! 0O«* 93.50 ••‘“•b Shaped Horae Blanket! and Storm Coven 91.25 <o 92.00 Satiifact'on Guaranteed. Cnncer Hirdvire Company 117 Eaat Main St. Ph. T. 86 To Discuss I. & R. Amendments at Feast A discussion of the different amendments that will come before the people of Colorado at the general election on Tuesday will be heard at the membership banquet of the Chamber of Commerce ut the Conilu hiuti hotel this evening. Represen tatives of commercial organizations of Denver, Pueblo, l.a Junta and Ra ton will hi* In attendance and a num ber of fifteen-minute talks will be made. H. \V. Delhi! k will talk on the amendment providing for a ten million dollar bond Issue for good roads and th** state highway commis sion bill: A. C. McChesney will dls cuitrt tin* county enabling art; .1. M John will talk on the Moffat tunnel bill: E. If. Day on the School and Social Center fill: A. J. Woodruff of Denver on the State Immigration measure; D. 11. Wilson of Raton will deliver an address on New Mexico highways, and .1 H. Jenkins of the Pueblo Commerce Club on the State Fair bill. LISTEN FOR WHISTLES ► The Chronicle-News carrier ► hoys have been supplied with ► new whistles and will blow ► when making delivery of papers. • Dlsteu for the whistle. Our Juliets The Women without a pair *7^ of Juliets or Sllppera Is miss- Ing n great den] of Foot Com- ’ fort. For Wintry days there’s tVL. nothing so comfortuble house wear. Soft Kid or Kelt. Ribbon and Fur trimmings. Soft linings. W'F Good House Soles. rM tJM 91 91.25 a 91.50 "i> i» The P. & W. Shoe Co. 11. P. PALMQUST c CALDWELL. The International State Bank Paid Capital $lOO,OOO This bank strives in every legitimate way to co operate in the business affairs of its de positors and solicits your patronage. A STRICTLY HOME BANK FINANCED BY HOME PEOPLE DIRECTORS. JOHN AJBLLO, Pruldent. JOHN J. HENDRICK, Wll. O. PLEBTKD, Vice Prealdeol. Oihlar. A. E. McOLASHAN. ALBERT A. WHITE. CHARLES NICCOLI. JESSE O. NORTHCUTT. PAGE FIVE "How did the bird know that” Mcrciiuiitlislug nieuua mot a than the mere selling—lt rauit mean satisfaction tor th*» mon ey s|»eut. That's what It aw*M to us—the sains to you. "We cut tome pumpkin!” when it come! to young men'* cloth'ng. 9uiti and Overcoat! in "pump k'n pie order"—fit' ityle, fab ric. pattern. With nny new "prank*" “Dune Faahion may have play ed." The young men are throng ing their department—taking advantage of the lnnie I took to make their lelection from the handiome mixture!, gray*, browna and bluiih tint*—in the rough fabric* *o popular juat now. $l5 to $2O. Overcoat*— Very lively— Snappy— Up-to-the-minute model* that young men want. 919 to $3O. Ingrain-Powder Clothing Co. WHERE QUALITY COUNTB" Annual Hallowe’en Ball by H. L. A. S. at Madden'! Hall Oct. 31 8 Chronlrh-vrws, 50c rer month.