Newspaper Page Text
The Cash Bargain Store 403 H. Commercial Street. Tilt* only place in town you can get what you want In second liainl good* to furuiHli your house with. A shipment of liras* and Ja pa lift] bird cages juat received. Prices from up. s3s.uu side Board, our price 81H.75 $25.00 Chlffloueer. Our Prlco Heat lUK stoves from 92.50 up. Coed Sewing Machine* *5.00 uch. WANT COLUMN Wonted-Mole Help For L\ S. army. Aide bodied un man led men hot ween ago* of IS uud nr*; citizens of United State*, of good character und temperate habits who ta'i speak, read und write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 102 West Mali* St.. Tiluldad. Colo. tf. Wanted All who do not reope il , «ir Cliroiilele Niwt to *»•••*••- e between C:00 and 7:00 the zaiue evening. Second hand furniture, Uurmich n« I nml t*o.. Phono Trinidad 530. tf A hUMtler for tea au.l coffee wa gon and some Inside work. Mu*t fur ul*h No. I reference. If you are a quitter do not apply, salary and cotu mlxMlon. Address In own handwrit ing. stating where last employed. Ad dress "F** care C-N. tf Party lo weave rag rugs. «all lied 1553. Mrs. I:. Mayfield, 4fil Park street. II flood Kill to learn hair dressing. Inquire Fox Hair Dressing Parlor, over Crystal theater. I! LENSES TO DUPLICATE AT 50c Lincoln 11. Hall. Jeweler. tf For Rent. Four rooms, modern except fur nace, also nicely furnished apart incuts, popular prices. 11. I*. Anderson Audersou block, phone lied 23111. tf Fitrinshcd housekeeping rooms lUU ruivcrsily. Phone lied 1442. If. A new 0-room strictly modern cottage, including gas range and heater, close In. C. 11. Paul, 212 E. Multi. St. 4 . Five room modern house, close In. Photic Trinidad 3IS. tf Room for light houskeoplng nt Lu cerne. Phone Baca 383 or 4 IS Beech. If. Two nicely furnished front rooms* strictly modern house, for gentlemen Phone lied 1532. 2 Dressmaking Experienced dress maker wants all kinds of sewing. Satisfaction guaranteed Prices reasonable. 210 South Animas. Phono Red 2212. tf. Millinery At 2fi per cent discount on Friday and Saturday at 405 South Animas. This Includes our Imported patterns and trim tiled hats. mo Printing If you need printing or any kind conic lo the Chronicle-News. High class work, reasonable prices. Found That the quickest, accurate place to get glasses fitted, is at i/dcoln 11. Hall's. Optician. d Furniture NVe buy and sell second hand fur niture. Call Triuidad 403. tf Cleaning dunning, pressliiE and dvnlliK. — | Tho Trinidad Cleaning and Dye | Works. ri j Taxi Cab Taxi enh for hire, any time, night or day. Phone Toltcc Hotel or Trini dad 294. Ed Poplo. Here is Another A new modern C room bungalow on north side near to car line, excellent neighbourhood. This house has hardwood floors and very finest finishes, built In china closet, cupboard In the kitchen, sleeping porch, lunik eases built in, fire place. lot »*ox ] ( ;n feet. Tills property cost owners near $3,900. Will sell at once for $.1,400. Terms. THE DUNLAVY AGENCY COMPANY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ARSTRACTS LOANS THURSDAY I Situation Wanted In cigar stand, hotel clerk or de livery man. Address •*11” euro C- N. 4 Free employment bureau, office of tnhodntcd Charities. 4 Id Commercial uroci. Phono lied 29*52. Help furnished and employment secured. II Voting man wauls offlee work of any kind. Inquire “I" care C-N. 1 Expelicneed meat cutter wants posit lon. “G", cure C-N. 2 Man wants work of any kind. Cull at 1405 Nevada Avc. 5 Woman wants work by day or In a restaurant. Phouc lied 1320. Ref erences. f> Washing by the day. Tori |(|o Ally St. Phone Red 1451. 4 For Sole Monarch 100 per rent pure paint $2.00 per gallon, Tony I). Clark, tf Old papers for putting on shelve* or under carpet. 6 vents a bundle at the Chronicle-News office. tl Pueblo Mixed pain;, a good cheap one. $1.35 a gallon. Tony It. Clark tf Best driving horse In town, sur rey ami new set of haiuess. J'houc fled 3812. tf. S«'U on your *»ui|dun stuff buy using C-N want ads. They only cost l cents a line. el Two teams, wagons and bar no:* I. C. Erect, Slnrkilile, Colo. tf Adamant Floor palul, $1.40 per gallon, Tony D. Clark. tf Fur lions and neck hleces at 15c nu the dollar. Excellent goods. J. M. Kolb, room 7. l-ongnccker lildg. 2 Royal tvpowrltor, line condition very cheap. J. M. Kolb, room 7, Long ncckor bldg. 2 s.*»no cash will secure a six room modern house on a seventy-five foot lot in an elegant locality. Balance on easy payments like paying rent, ihe o. L. Davis (.timber Co. Tclc pono Trinidad 18. 4 For new and second hand furnit ure rail ou Carmichael and Co.. 130- 132 Elm street. I'honc Triuidad 530. tf Roof paints, all colors, 99 conta a rillou, Tony I). Clark, tf. Six six-foot show cases, one four I *ul floor ease nml general mcrrliati i lse. Phone Red 3593. .1. G. Allen, Soprls. tf. LENSES DUPLICATED 50c. I.liicolii 11. Hull, Optician. tf. Lost Hold cross ami chain. Finder re turn to Snodgrass, 425 North Com mercial. 4 Child's grey fur collar on Commer cial street Sunday night. Return to Quillllch Implement and Vehicle Co. Pocket hook on 3 o'clock Coke dalo car. Finder phase leave at C x. 6 | Boston Bull pup. Return to 515 Nevada. Reward. 1 I A breastpin made from $5 gold piece. I.lberul reward for return to C-N office. 5 Fountain pen on Main street. Re turn to 215 Animas St. Reward. 3 DAILY MARKETS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Now York. Oct. 31. Portlier i‘u* assuring advices from a broad where settlement.* were proceeding In order, helped In a great measure today towntds r< overy from recent sharp dec lines. Tile rally f 11 progress at yesterday's close was continued though with some moileration and cautlou Heading. Meal and I’lilon Pnclfh made up the bulk of light business at advance* approximating a point 01 bettci and Canadian Puclflc also reg istered a siibstaiirial advance. There were no outstanding; features, how ever, except the professional nature i f fiu trading and the firmness ol inonev, this last fact resulting from iie'ither drain on local resources. Honda were steady. Six per cent money und fairly good llairluian earnings fur September were the offsetting features of the noon hour which was marked by dull* ness. In the late afternoon when money rose to 7 *, per cent the market fell into a state of absolutely apathy with a material shading of prices. The market closed firm. The mar ket came to almost a complete stand still in the last hour when money advanced to s per cent, but without further effect oil prices. THE MONET MARKET New York. Oct. 31. —Call money ; Prime paper C; Silver Dl'I: Moxi can dollars 4X«: Copper 10 9001 17.05 I November); Tin fio. iftf* i.*iU..*i0; |..;.d 5; Anielgatnatcd K32 | Sugar 122: Atchison I OS |: (treat I Net them 133: New York Central 1315: Northern Pacific 131: Iteadln; I Toil: Southern Pacific I09J: I’nloi Pacific IT!*, - : Steel 754; Steel pro ferred 113J. THE METAL MARKET .*•1 I .on Is. Oct. 31 l.ead weak 4.80 4* I S'.: spelter unsettled. 7.25 <i 7 33. THE COTTON MARKET New York. Oct. 31. -Cotton spot ! closed steady. | Middling uplands 11 7«». Middling (InIf 11.!•.'». j Sales |,lot) bales. CHICAGO BOARS OF TRADE 1 Chicago, Oct. 31. Pear that tin 'Argentine crop has had too much. ! i it I it caused the wheat market today to harden. The opening innged Iron |a shade down to up. PeccniUe; ( started at PI to ill 1 , (ft Sc, the sum* change from last night as the mar iket taken altogether, rose to MS The elor»« was steady at !*1\ foi j December, a gain of Jc net. December corn opened a sixteenth t i 'ft Sc liigln r. at 324f 321 nm sagged to 31. Tlie «lore was steady with Decern- I her at 324. n net advance of \Gi ',c. December tats started unehangei ta a shade off at 324* 32£, and react ed to 32A. XVII HAT— December kl 1 May 96 4- COHN— December 32i May 31 J. OATS—December 32. .May 33J. CHICAGO PROVISIONS Chicago. Oct. 31.—Provisions ad vanced with hogs. Trade was on n large scale. Pirst transactions var ied from fir decline to 74c gain, with January is. 13 to 18.4 74 for pork: 10.65 to 10.674 for lard and 9.95 fit 10 for rib:*. POUK—In nun ry 18.624. LA HD—January 10.074. It IDS—January 10. ST LOUIS WOOL MARKET St l,ouIk, Mo.. Oct. 31.— Wool steady. Territory and western me diums 21 Oi 23c. Pine inidiums 18(£920c. Pine 13 <i 17c. THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Chicago Livestock. Chicago. Oct. 31.—Cattle receipts 3,300. Market slow, steady. Peeves 3 30 til 1 1 : Texas steers 4.35 One Bine mare. 9 years old. weight about 1200. stiff in shouldars. Branded 7 open A liar on left hip. Also her colt coming 2 years old same color as mare. $25 reward for return of each head. Notify Geo. Konugas, R.F.D. No. I, Trinidad. Colo. 4 Papering Up-to-date designs of wall paper. Large selection. Very lowest prices. Joe Burkland, 109 East First. Phone Baca 563. I guarantee. tf. Lenses Duplicated SOc. Compounds 75c. SCND BROKEN PIECE. SO CENTB AND 4 CENTS IN STAMPS-NEW LENS FIRST MAIL LINCOLN I. HALL, OpttcUa TRINIDAD. COLO. THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. 0)3.63; western steers 5.50 0* 9 25; stockers and feeders 1.23 4* 7.30; cows und heifers 2.7 I *i 7.25; calves 6.30 01 HOGS —Receipts 18,000. Market strong. 3c up. Light 7 lUfil 7.S3 tnlxeil 7.3301 7.on; heavy 7.I0&I 7.S3; rough «.IU 01 7.33; pigs 1.25 i 6 on Hulk of sales 7.3001 SIIKKP —Reeel pis Market steady. Native 3.1001 l.6o: western 3.3001 I 60; yearlings l.3o01 3.7u; lambs, native 3 fp 7.13; western 3.230(7.13. Kantu Citv livestock. Kansas City. Mo.. Oct. 31 Cuttle receipts 4.300. In* lulling 300 south* I •ms. Market steady Native steers 6.3001 10.73; south* ern steers 4.23016: southern rows ind heifers 3.4001 5.23- native cows and heifers 3.40fi 7.stockers and feeders 4.3001 7.23: bulls 401 3.23; •alves 3 0(9.30; western steers fi0t 8.30; wjDstcrb cows 3.5n«i 6.50. 110(18—Receipts 7.0U0. Market strong to 3r higher Hulk of sales 7 lo'uT.TO: heavy 7.6o0i 7.75; packets and butchers 7.3001 7.73; light 7.35«* 7.65: pigs 7.3001 6.30. SHKKI* — Receipts 3.000 Market tUc higher Muttons 3.30 01 1.85; lambs 6 01 7 23: range wethers and yearlings 1 01 6; range ewes 2 ■'•»»<s» 1.23. Denver Livestock. Denver, Colo., Oil. 31 -Cattle re ceipts 500. MaYk*-t steady. Hoof steers fi.730i6.75; cows and lelfers 10*5.50: stockers nndf cod ers 5 0* 6.60; calves 75 4t s. HOGS—Receipts 3oo. Market a hade higher. Top 7.85; bulk of tales 7 so ♦* 7.85. SIIKKP—Receipts ll.ouo Mark et steady. Yearlings 1.504* 5: wetli •»rs 40* 4.50; Iambs 60*6.50; ewes 1.304* 4. Fusionists Uphold Popular Senatorial Election Plan All of tli* Demis .-atlc and Progrcs :|ve legislative candidates of tills •utility have algm-d Pledge No. I", ti which the promise Is made. If deeted, to carry out the will of tli" linjorlty of the people of Colorado by ‘anting tl.eir vote r-»r senator for the wo miidldadte* rct-lvlng the high •*t minther of vo:< • at Tuesday's •lection None of the ■ (••publican candidates have signed this pledge. GOV'T CLERK ON TRIAL SCORES STRONG POINT Seattle, Wn . On. 31. In the trial •f Edwin F. M»*yer, formerly prin cipal clerk of tie* storekeeper of the Puget Sound navy yard, and who Is barged with conspiracy to defraud the government in the purchase of naval supplies the cross examination f Paymaster Gccrge Brown. I'. S. N . the present storekeeper, was coin Iml d today. He testified Hint no con tract for supplies could he awarded vitbout the signature ef the com ma admit of the yatd. This was •onsidcrcd a strong point for the de fense. QUIET AT VERA CRUZ Sait Diego. Calif., CKt. 31.—Gov ernment wireless operator* nt the *'oliit lamia station here overheard last night messages from Captain Hughes of the cruiser Des Moines at Vera Cruz. Mexico, and also from •tation* at Guantanoiua, Cuba, Pana ma. Pensacola. Fla., und from a Rim 'd an station at Pctropavlosk, Siber ia. Two message* also were inter cepted from a -tearner hound from Havana to New York. Captain Hughes* message was di rected to the big station nt Arling ton. and stated that conditions were •iulet at Vera Crux. BRESHNEHAN GETS NOTICT St. Louis. Oct 31.—Roger Ure*li uclinii. It was announced today, re ceived last Tuesday Ills notice of un conditional release ns manager from the St. Louis National league base ball club. Unless all of the seven National league club* put in claim for his service* by November 7. Hresliticlinn will he a free agent. THIRTY-TWO STATES FAVOR INCOME TAX Washington, 0«-t. 31.-Thirty-two state* nave notified Secretary Knox of their ratification of the proposed income tax amendment to the feder al constitution and four have noti fied the state depurment of heir re jection. To become effective thirty six states—three fourths of those in the union must ratify. SOLDIER KILLS MEXICAN WOMAN Nogales, Ari/. Oct. 31. Filing through a window when he say an other soldier in her home, an un known private of Troop I). Foutr F. S. cavalry, killed Franciscia Grijalva, a Mexican woman, hist night, and then shot, and perhaps fatally wounded, two Ynqui section men who rushed to the home when thov heard the shot fired. The trooper then escaped uernar the border into .Mexico. TURKS ROUTED; PEACE IS NEAR (Continued from nag* one.» j Tin* Creeks. too, appear to spreading out their lints. They have occupied Urovenn on the west urn toad leading to MoiiuhHi*. (Jiuvo fours me expressed lu re gard to the Christian populations of CoiiHtuntlnoplo. Saloniki and other Turkish ports, where the news of lurklsli defentM is being eireulnted in spite of censorship and official denluls. (■real llrltaln already has ordered a warshiji to proceed to Saloniki r or (lie protection of llritish lives nnd property there, and (lie action of the powers In the matter is under con sideration. Sir Kdward CSrey, the Itrilisli for eign minister, stated today in the house of eouiinous that when the military situation in tin* Italkau pe ninsula permitted, the poweis would take steps to insure enduring pence between the belligerents. Ilieka. Montenegro, Oil. 111. News of the rapture of the Turkish city of Ipek, about fifteen miles from the Montenegrin frontier. bv tile MoutenrKrin army coniniauded by Ceneral Vukotlteh was received here today. Sofia. Oct. 31. The llulgurhiii aimy has completely routed the tuaiii Turkish army under Xn/iin I’aslm. The Turk* fled In disorder., leaving uiutiy kiile<l and wounded on the field. The battle, wliirh is regarded ns j Hie most Important engagement Miner l tile beginning of the war, lasted :t j entile days. It extended along the I line from l.ule llurgns eastwurd to Sara I. The Turkish Iron! was over ! 3 mlJca long. The Ottoman trootis retreated to Tehorlu. about 21 miles to the south i of the position* from which they were driven by the Ihitguriun*. The tow n of Tehorlu. where the j Turks are expected to make another J stand, orriipies an liii|Hiitnnt posl-. lion on the main road and on tin railway between Constantinople and Adrlaople, at the isdni where the! road from the port of Itodoslo Joins. 1 I'll less the Tniks hold tills place they will be unable to bring any | more troops from Asia Minor byway of Itodosto. London. Ort 31 The eastern | w ing of the Turkish army at Visa ] was able to iiiaintain its ground at - first against the lliilgarinu .troops! but could gain no successes, say* a iSofia dispatch. lu consequence of tin* occupation 1 of l.ule IturgaH by the Itulgarlaus. the eastern wing of the Turks was withdrawn to Soria and Istrandia so tlint the battle front, which yester day extended from l.ule Iturgas to Visa now lies across Tc liorlu. Soria and Istrandia l.ouduii. Oct. .'ll.—Tin* Itulgarinn army completely defeated a Turkish force estimated at 200.000 men at l.ule liurgas after three days of ter rific fighting, according to a news agency dispatch from Sofia. The liul gnrlan cavalry is pursuing the re treating Turks. The battle will probably give oc casion for thi> Intervention of the Kuro|N'ati powers, lu dispatches front Vienna ft is ascertained Mint the for* oign ministers of the European gov ernments have readied a teuative agreement in this matter, and in any event the entries of the Itulgarinn troops in Constantinople will not be tolerated by the powers. Even Rus sia is disinclined to permit such an occurrence. It is also understood in diplomat ic quarters in the Austrian capital thin tlie Italkau untioiis already have made known in an unofficial manner that they arc prepared to accept Intervention by the powers at any moment now. 'I lie Russian aviator Popff. in structor of aviation in the Russian army, was the first air navigator to lose his life In tills war. Ho, with several others, left Russia a few days I ago to offer Ills services to llulgaria. I While flying his machine over Adi humph*. lie was brought down by Turkish shrapnel shells. I Constantinople. Oct. 31.- It is ru- | mured here that the liulgarinu troops nre being bombarded by a Turkish I squadron on the Hlack Sea roast and | that under cover of the firing a body or Turkish troops has been landed. For any itehiut-ss of the skin, for skin rashes, chap, pimples, et try Doan's Ointment. fiOc at all drug stores. Mole leads among the new furs in fact, gray furs generally are In I demand. > $lOO Reward, $lOO The renders of this paper will b® pleased to P-arn that then* Is at b-ani on«» dreaded disease that science bus been able to cure In nil Its stages, und that is Catarrh. I tail’s Catarrh Chi c 1* the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternum*. acting directly upon tin* blood nnd mucous surfaces of tin* system there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease. nnd giving the patient strength by building up the constitution nnd assisting nature In doing Its •work. The proprietors have so much faith In Us curative Dow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to t-tiro. Send for list of testimonials. . Address r. .1. i’HKNKY A CO , Toledo. Ohio. Hold hr all Druggists. V*. Tokf HaU'o Fanil? Fills for constipation. OCTOBER 31. 1012. Alcohol for Boys? Co To Your Doctor Ask your doctor how often lie prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, “ Very, very rarely.” Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will probably answer. "Very, very frequently.” Then ask him about Ayer’s non alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the yomnj. Former Trinidad Folks Hold Big Reunion on Coast A number of former Trinidad res idents otic evening Inst week gather ed at the home of Miss Fannie Dodd. 1237 flrumerey place. Los Angeles. Cal., and were entertained at a most delightful puriy which wus featured by li unique guessing contest 111 which tlie names of well known lo cal rctddciitH were suggested iu rid dles to bo solved by the guests Thun present at the party were Mrs. Marry McCombs. Mrs. K. .1. Host and daugh ter. Mrs. Heart. Mrs. I.a urn Fleming. Mrs. A. 1,. Day, Mrs. Frank Sum mers, Mrs. .loliii It. Hunt, Mrs. Al bert t\ Flack, Mrs. Lizzie Doss, Mrs. K. V. Mark. Mrs. Florence St lies. Mrs. Summers won tint prize. a Trinidad peiinuut und Mrs. Fleming tin* consolation prize. The questions lu the guessing con test und their answers: 1. In a den of I lolls. A maker of men's garments. Dan Taylor 2. Two D'h or a small Idl’d. D D. Finch. 3. A Ib-hrew pulrian It and the hair on a man's face. Jacob Heard. I A h«> who wore u coal of inn ny colors and one who parks.—Joe j Hacker. ■ f». The |;i|«* king of Ktiglatid ami j where the sun sets.— Ed West. • 0. The present king of F.iigland and u mvlll bird.—(Seo. Swullow. j 7. A bird like a swullow and tile opposite of Iduck Martin White { s. The maker of a dictionary und the color of the earth Well llrown !•. Ills given inline John und his I surname the comnioii herbage of the field. —Dr. John Hras*. i lo A Jewish law giver and a | piece of limber set lu the ground. | Ezra Hunt. I 11. Who was tin* first mayor of j Trinidad? Dr. Owen, j 12 When was lie elected? 1 Sso. Better than any Magazine ever published 36 Timely Articles by 36 Timely Authors Oil the Presidential l-iglit o( 1912 will soon lie publish ed in TIIK CHKONICU-: NIiWS Look at the List: RICHARD HARDING DAVIS OEOROE ADE HAMLIN GARLAND OOUVF.RNEUR MORRIS JOHN T MCUTCHEON JANE ADDAMS WALLACE IRWIN FREDERICK PALMER EDNA FERBER INEZ HAYNES GILLMORE RICHARD WASHBURN CHILD JESSE LYNCH WILLIAMS DR WOODS HUTCHINSON C. P. CONNOLLY J. B. CONNOLLY FRANKLN P ADAMS EMERSON HOUGH HERBERT CROLY WILL IRWIN WALTER WEYL PETER C. MacFARLANE LOUIS EVAN SHIPMAN I. F. MARCOSSON WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE JUDSON C. WELLIVER FRANK A. MUNSEY SAMUEL MERWIN HENRY KITCHELL WEBSTER GEORGE FITCH BERT LESTON TAYLOR ROY NORTON E S. VAN ZILE RUFUS GILLMORE BURGESS JOHNSON HARRY STILLWELL EDWARDS HARVEY O'HIGGINS HENRY BEACH NEEDHAM l / A regular Magazine contribution for every day in the week Be on the Look-Out Watch the for Your Favorite Author O and for What He Has to Say $ PAGE SEVEN BIGAMY CHARGED Oakland, cuicr. Oti :: 1 John Holmes, a member of a tln al idea I company, wan urrerted hero hint night <ni a telegraphic warrant sworn to by Ills wife In Jersey City. N. J . who charges him with bigamy. I Inline*, whose plage name I* John llnrrlcourt, admitted he hud two wive*, hilt lie Mild lie had murrled tin* second one, tin- present com plainant. believing the first one wn * dead. Ho said lie wan ready lo go to Ni w Jersey and fat o the charge. David Zauollul CHALLENGE FROM THE HAUSMAN DRUG CO. Offer* to Refund Money l f Dr. Ifow aid’s Snnific Will Not Cure Any Case "f Constipation or Dyspep rin. The lliiiihimiii Druj Co. are seek ing the wond cast* of dyspepsia or coiiutlp I'lnii in llielr vicinity to test Dr llcward’i* new specific for tin* cure of those diseases. So confident are they Hint tills re markable medicine will effect a last ing cure lu a short lime that they of fer to refund the money should It not hi* successful. 11l order i«> secure the quickest |tt -lldc Itil rod lift 101 l lilt*)' will sell a regular fifty cent package of this medicine at half price. 25 cent*. This specific of Dr Howard** will cure sick headache, dlzzv feelings. • oiutip:itlon, dyspepsia and all forms of malaria and liver trouble It doe« not simply give relief for a lliue; It makes permanent and complele cures. ft will regulate the bowel*. tOlfe up tin* whole Intestinal tract, gl\** you an appetite, make food taste good and digest well mid Increase vigor, Joy and happiness will lull** the plnee of that "don't care whether I live or die" feeling. Chionlele-Ww« want *ils ~.e te.»