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Limited Membership Have You Joined Our “Standard” Sitstraight Sewing Machine Club? If not, you'd better harry—we can't promise to repeat this offer > Better join at once and be sure of getting one of these latest model sewing machines for $39 90. this amount covers everything. FULLY OUARANTEDD FOR A LIFETIME. ‘ Standard** Rotary Central Needle " \ '• the machine you get by join- J 2.00 OASH ing this dub- We were able to m<l^e * ,pec *** alTfin K ement Then SI.OO a Week f|»ggSf the manufacturer to get this very £l|| best “STANDARD* Rotary Head I UjßHty on a special combination of Cen- LJHJSBBt’ tral Needle Woodwork and thus ~ ~ we make you this very special Club price—the machine is thoroughly Guaranteed for a Lifetime—-th'a very unusual price will quickly fill this club because we are giving you Til's brand new Standard Rotary Central Neddie Sit straight Jan. Ist Model right up-to-date in every detail with Automatic Lifting Device—Ball Bear'ng Stand—Machine makes both Lock and Chain Stitch—Latest and most improved full set of attachments and all other acoessories. Club hu'iiilmts receive the co-operative advantages are obtain- able only thru this Hub plan which permits us to buy a large qunn- p. , A A M A tlty at one time and deal close with the manufacturer - You net _ . wJ wall ns your own agent and save tills expense—your time, annoyance. 1 V w etc. Now don't l»e deceived by any other uncalled Itoturv or SIT- STIC A l(S HT Sewing Machine. The Standard Itotnry ndvertlsementM linvo been copied but the machine Itself cannot be duplicated. It>- the original and most successful and Chain Stitch Itotary Shuttle Sewing Machine in the world $2.00 Down This Remarkable Offer is $2.00 Down si.oo a week made to Club members only ti.oo a week 11 1 M I ■ ■ ■ Guaranteed Air It k g ■ ■ ■ ■ SSB V ■ ■ ■ ■ heater and holda the HV B ■ H ■ I (ire. Special price Fine Iron Bed SOLID OAK ROCKER awsr «2 45 *o™ ESJ Monday only. jJ PC33 - r, _ For this »* ■ Lfi Jl Sanitary Couch p;,',r gj Monday Mr Jr *3.60 only, at Jamieson’s I Service Courtesy Reliability FAN FODDER "MU" Cnrrtgnn. veteran catcher fot? the Uoaton Red Sox. the new world's baseball champions, was giv en. an automobile by bis fellow townsmen of Lewiston. Me. as the cllnmx to a welcome home. A parade met Carrlgan and Captain Heine Wagner at the railroad station, and escorted the players to the city hall. I where tho mayor and other promi SATURDAY nont citizens presented the automo bile to Carrlgan. Frank Chance subscribed linn to the testimonial list being circulated by admirers of Mordecnl Grown, the veteran three-tingereu twirler, who is leaving the Cubs to take a berth with the Louisville club. Sidney Hess started the movement in favor of |“Brownie" and has asked all loyal admirers of tho Cub idol to rally to THE CHROHICIE-HEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. his assistance. The idea |s to present the minor with a fitting testimonial before he goes into winter quarters. IJig Ed NValsh lived up to his repu tation no an "iron man" in the post season series against the Cubs. He figured in six or the nine games, winning two. losing one, getting a tic in another and finishing two oth ers. DAILY MARKETS THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Chicago Livestock. Chicago, Nov. 2. Cuttle receipts 300. Market steady. Ileeves 5.30 4t 11. Texas steers -1.33 fi 3.63; western steers 3.30(if 9.23; sux kers and feeders 4 23ft 7.30; cows and heifers 2.70*i 7.23; calves 6..«0 'll 10.30. 4 HtXih—Receipts 7.00 n. Markif steady. 3c Up. Light 7.330 k; mixed 7.434* 8.03: heavy 7.234*8; rough 7 234i*.30: pigs 3.23(('7.40 liulk of sales 7.704* K. SHEEP —Receipts 2.000. Market steady. Native 3.4041 1.33; western 3.334 i 4.00; yearlings 4.304 i 3.C3; lumbs. native 34l 7.20; western 3.23 W 7. Ktuuao City Livntock. Kamil* rny. Mo.. Nov —Cultli receipts 1.000, including 300 south ns. Market steady. Native steers 0.3041 10.73; south ern steers 4.25 4*6.13: southern cows uu«i heifers 3.23 '<\ ...2 >; native eows and heifers 3.23 4t s. stockers and feeders 4.504*7.23. bulls 44*3.23; calves 34* 0.30; western steers .»4i 5.30: western cows :t.50*i6.30. HOBS —Receipts 1.30 U Market 3e higher. Hulk of sales 7.354* 7.80. Heavy 7.754* 7.83. puckers and hutehers 7.#04t 7.x3. lulu 7.4*»4* 7.70; pigs 64r *1.30. SHEEP —Receipts 1 ,000. Market steady. Muttons 3.3*14i I S 3; lambs 64* 7.10; range wethers and yearlings 4 ft» *'.; range ewes 2 3tl4i 1.23. Dob***' Live S to ck. Denver. Colo Nov. 2. Cuttle re ceipts 2,000. Market steady Reef steers 3.. '<» 7. . ows and heif ers 4 4*3.63; stockers and feeders -1.73*1 6.75; calve s 64| S. llOGS—Receipts 3000. Market strong. Top 7.83; bulks of wiles ** 7.8... SHEEP —Receipts 1,000. Murket steady. Yearling* 1.30«v5; wotners 4 47 4.60; lambs J*io.6o; ewes 3.5041 4. THE MONEY MARKET New York. Nov. 2.—Prime mer cantile paper • per cent; sterling ex change strong with actual buxines* in bunkers' hill at 4.HIJ for sixty •lays and 4.83 k for demand. Com mercial blits 4*31. Bar silver 62J. Mexican do||ar|i 48". THIRD DEGREE FOR MURDER SUSPECT Chicago. Nov. 2. Efforts by the police to "ring n confesidnu of the guilty knowledge of the murder of Sophiu Singer were beginning to tell, they said, today on Charles Conway, amined of the rriine In a statement made by his wife yesterday. Under the silent treatment*'. In which no one is allowed to speak to the prisoner or answer his questions, save the police captain, Conway grew nervous and Irritable as the day wore on. Every hour the police captain, who yesterday announced a confes sion of the crime from Conway's wife, Lilliutt Heal lice Conway, walked by the man's cell and uskeV "How are you. Charlie? Did you want to see me?" “No. I don’t “ finally answered Conway. Previously lie had said he would talk to the captain whenever the lat ter sent for hint. Baltimore Seal Shipped Oysters.— Hey-Patterson Market. .1. Carland Stahl declares Hugh Bed lent will outshine the renowned Jo.* Wood in time. “Ucdicnt is a marvel," says the Sox leader. "I think, and I speak advisedly, that he will develop Into tile greatest pitcher the world ever produced." 4t 1 A1 Kaufman, the Sun Francisco heavyweight. has announced his per manent retirement front the ring. Since his recent defeat at the hands of Luther McCarty, Kaufman has de cided that his career us a boxer Is about over, and w ill engage in the re tail meat hp.-in-se in San Francisco. Baseball magnates of the Pacific Coast league arc up In arms against the declaration of the minor leaguers that a ho is* ry limit of 92,000 per sea son is good enough for any one play er. .lack White, the Chicago feather weight, and Joe Coster, of New York.) fought 12 fast rounds to a draw at Akron, O. White hud the best of the! infighting, while at long range Cos-j ter excelled. Ilulnie Zimmerman, of the Cubs, j lending hitter of the National league i last season, has been rewarded by J President Murphy. He was presented witli a diamond horseshoe pin and & check for heading the league batting list. Harness l and Accessories ► Our line of harness and supplies were never any better. Not | a nicer, cleaner or more complete stock to select from in the ► state ul Prices on all kinds of harness are going to be ad * vanced. For the next ten days we will sell at old prices. £ Leather of all kinde has advanced so you had better buy now t Lap Robes, Auto Shawls S And all kiadt of Hon* Blanket Goodt direct from factory to contamer \ Quilitch Implement & Vehicle Co. | | 510 N. Commercial St, 1 Niyillfi to fit any w 0 Sewing machine. 4 In n tube, lOe n tube. I Win to foi • ih-rn li«-ri ioc a mb**. The Cash Bargain Store 403 H. ConuMrdal Btrcct. The only place In town you con get what you want In second hand good* to furnish your house with. A shipment of brass and Japaucd bird cage* Just received. Prices from 75<* "l». s3.Yon Side Hoard, our prlco $18.75 12.’..n0 rhlffioneer. Our Price $14.75 Heating stoves from $2.50 "P- Good Sewing Machines sc.ow each. WANT COLUMN Wonted-Male Help For U. 3. army. Able bodied un married men between ages of 18 ind uf»; citizens of United States, of rfood characur and tom per ate habits who can speak, road and wrlto the English language. For Informutlou apply to Recruiting Officer. 102 , West Main St.. Trinidad. Colo. tf. Wanted • All who do not receive their t 'hmnlcle-NVws to phone tills office oetween 6:UU and 7:00 the same i evening. » * Second band furniture. Curmlch • del and Co.. Phone Trinidad 520. tf • Purty to weave rag rugs, call Red 1G.13. Mrs. It. Mayfield, 461 Park • street. 2 • Young man wants nice room and hoard In private home. Call Rod ■l j Our IHiistrated catalogue explains l I how we teach harbor trade In a few 'weeks, mailed tree. Moler llarber col- I liege, Denver, Colo. 2 Dressmaking or any kind of sew ing. Reasonable. 1002 Nevada. Red 1624. 2 For Rent. Four rooms, modern except fur nace, also nicely furnished apart ments, popular prices. 11. L. Anderson Anderson block, phoue Red 2321. tf Furinsbcd housekeeping rooms, j too University. Phone Red 1442. tf. Five room modern house, close In. Phone Trinidad 2IS. tf Four room modern house on Pierce ; Ave. No. 806. Phono Red 1821. 2 Nice large unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, dose in. f»l9 Fast Main St. Phono Red 1593. 2j One newly furnished modern room to man and wife or two gen tlemen with hoard .|f»o per month. Inquire 4Uf» Animas. tf. Room for light houskeeplug at Lu cerne. Phone Baca 383 or 418 Beech. tf. ! Two nicely furnished sleeping rooms. Close in. Reasonable. Furnace heat. 120 West Third St. 2 , I Three furnished rooms for light I housekeeping. 1004 Arizona Ave. tf I Five room furnished house. In cluding piano, $22 per month. In- I quire Commercial hotel. 2 Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, modern house, hot water heat. Phono Red 1072. tf NOVEMBER 2, 1912. Situation Wanted Young man desires employment of ' any kind; good office worker; best * local references. Address "I/* care •lon. :: B _________ 1 j Free employment bureau, office of l Associated Charities, 416 Commercial . street. Phone Red 2962. Help furnished and employment secured, tf Young man wants office work of . any kind. Inquire "I" care C-N. 4 [ Kxpcrionced meat cutter wants ? position. "Cl", care C-N. 2 Man wants work of any kind. Call at 140a Nevada Ave. it f Washing by the day, 706 Rio Ally j St. Phone Red 1451, 4 For Sale Monarch 100 per cent pure paint 1 $2.00 per gallon, Tony D. Clark, tf Old papers for putting on shelves or Tinder carpet. 5 cents a .bundle « at tbe Chronicle-News office. tf Pueblo Mixed puint, a good cheap ' one. $1.35 a gallon. Tony D. Clark tf Sell oif your suiplus stuff buy using . C-N want ads. They only coat 5 ' cents a line. ef . Morse, buggy and harness. $4.1. C. (). Newman. 2 Helgaln bares, inquire 1624 Ne vada Ave. 2 Adamant Floor palut, $1.40 per gallon, Tony D. Clark. tf slou cash will secure a six room modern house on a seventy-five foot lot in an elegant locality. Balance on easy payments like paying rent. I’h© O. L. l>avis Lumber Co. Tele pone Trinidad IS. 4 For new and second hand furnit ure call on Carmichael and Co., 130- 132 Elm street. Phone Trinidad i 530. tf Roof paints, all colors, 99 cents a gallon, Tony D. Clark. tf. Six six-foot show cases, one four foot floor case and general merchan dise. Phone Hed 3593. J. U. Allen, Soprls. •* tr., Found Coaster wagon. Apply corner Kan sas ami Arizona. 2 ABSTRACTS THE TRINIDAD ABSTRACT CO. ROOMS 9 AND 10. POITREY BLOCK PHONE TRINIDAD fS4I PAGE THREE | Lost A breastpin made from $.l gold piece. Liberal reward for return to C-N office. f» Fountain pen on Main street. Re turn to 215 Animas St. Reward. 2 I let Wee II Islh *ll •■II t ••» and MlUd, small gold locket. Finder please re turn to this office and receive re wind. 1 On Commercial street a puir of nos** glasses. Mrs. Gates' name on case. Finder please leave same at this office. S One Blue mare. !t years old, weight about 1200, ctlff in shoulder*. Branded 7 open A bur on left high Also her colt coming 2 yearn old same color as mare. $2.1 reward for return of each head. Notify G«a. Kouugas, R.F.I). No. 1, Trinidad. Colo. * Millinery .ion hats on display. 1-3 off at th Model Millinery Stoic. t£. ' Taxi C»b . ■: Taxi cab for hire, any time, algbt or day. Phono Toiler Hotel or Trini dad 294. Bd Pople. Papering - Up-to-date designs of wall papgtv Large selection. Very lowest price*, Jo 4» Hurkland, 109 (Cast First. Pkoa* ltaca 563. I guarantee. tf. Furniture We buy and sell second hand fur niture. Cali Trinidad 403. tf Cleaning Cleaning, pressing and dyeing. — The Trinidad Cleaning and Dy© Worka. , " tf CORSETS/ Agents for Kabo corsets. Fit and wear guaranteed. Model Millinery, tf Printing Urn If you need printing or any kind come to the Chronicle-News. High* I class work, rensonahl© price*. TO THE VOTERS ♦ “DEMOCRATIC" ♦ ♦ "PKOOKESHtVE" ♦ ♦ “ROOSEVELT" ♦ Either of these three words writ-, ten in the blank space at the top of . your ballot will cast u vote for the district and county fusion ticket. If the word ••BULL MOOSE" written you will lose your district and coun ty vote. Don’t permit yourself to he mude tlu* victim of a contemptible gang,, trick by which they hope to weaken the fusion county ticket at the ex-' pense of their own national, state and district tickets. Lenses Duplicated . 50c. Compounds 70c. • END BROKEN PICCC. OO CENTO AND 4 CCNTO IN STAMP*-NEW LENS riNST MAIL LINCOLN I. HALL. OpOdai TRINIDAD, COLO.