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YOl’N't! MAN! If you'll bank s:•.'» a mouth for six years. *l»lx amount, Imnkod rogulqrly, will amount t*» TWO THOUBAND ONB 11 IN Dll HI) AND SIXTY Idg dollars. Then you can grasp a golden opportunitv tlisti will make you rich. Squander ami you suffer. Let OUIt Hunk be YOUR Hank. The First National Bank I'lider Control of l ulled State* Government. TRINIDAD. COI/mADO. For Sale or Rent New, two-ioom home Colorado Ave., and Alta street. Will iell for $490. $lOO down, balance monthly payment*. Lot* i* 90s 190. Dandy new five room house on San luan near Colorado Ave. $2,- 190.00 $2OO down, balance monthly payments, like rent -200 beautiful building lots, located in different parts of the city. Host of them can be sold on payment. Buy now. Build later. If you want Fire, life. Accident Insurance, or Suiety Bondi* don't fail to call at the ground floor real estate office. The Home Security-Investment Company Insurance. Loans* Real Estate. Bonds. S. C*. MALI*. President. Ground floor. First National Bank Building. ———————J EDWARD 0. WIGHT. President. I> P. .lONICS. Vlce-Prcsldeut. W. It CHAPMAN, Costlier, 11. K. IIOI.I.OWAV, V-Pre*. C. It. RAPP. Cnstilcr. *Pfe Trinidad National Bank Capital sio«*,coo.oo Surplus and Profits $60,000.00 DIRECTORS: » B. D. Wight 11. K. Holloway W. J. M«m» I'liilip Schneider I>. I*. .Jnnca W. It. Chapman We will be pleased to have your liut-ln«-**i* and offer every ac rommndntlnu consistent with saTe liauking. Intel cat pnld ou lima deposits. SPECIAL •or Concord j Grapes R 45c I' ftl r] The icaion is ncsrly over. We 1\ lj 1 / have a f'ne car on track and whde \i a I I] C they last we will make this spoc- J \ l', •w 1 ■»,. ial piice. Call us up. mr 1 * | Phone 527 I Trinidad North 546 imillfJJilnsUllftPfll Com’l St. FUNERAL OF A. H. KINNEY Tue funeral of Abraham If. Kin ney, » pioneer resident of Hie coun ty. who died Tuesdny night at Stnrk v’llle, will lake plat o at two o'clock this afternoon from the chapel of the It. cj. Sipe Undertaking company. The Rev. R. 12. Chandler or the Prcshytor inn church will officiate nml the In terment will he In the cemetery curt of town. The pall hearers will he ne leeled from among the Intimate friends of the deceased at Stnrkvlllc. SATURDAY CALLED TO PUEBLO BY DEATH OF MOTHER R. W. Robinson of he Robinson- Wright Printing: company, was called to Puenlo this morning by a liio.'sngo which announced tlie death of his mother In Pueblo last evening. Mrs. Robinson was the wife of Dr. 12. R. Robinson, one of the best known phy sicians of Pueblo. She is survived by eight children. The many friend* «»r Mr. Robinson will he sorry to hear of his trouble. THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. PERSONALS S. W UcHusk of lloehue U iii town j today on u brief business trip. (V T. Mitchell of Alamosa Is 111 the i city looking over business mutters. tle'iige Atkinson returned yester- 1 tiny from a several days' business trip in tile south. 11. T. Wallucu of Colorado Spring* is in (tie dly for a few days' visit end pleasure trip. H. S. Hunker, a real estute dealer of Pueblo, 1.4 in this city for a few days' buslncr* trip. 11. 1.. Dean, the tea ami coffee inun. Is in tile city oil a business tlip. lie lives at Hicrinaii. Nebraska. Mrs. W. C. Ellen wood is confined to Sun Raphael's hospital with a an lout attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. .1. W. Shuuse of Stonewall. j Colo . was called to Kansas City by | the dcutli of her brother-in-law. Kbb Hill. .Mrs. E. 11. Lu Plant J.'O.ti!• 1 this | afternoon for. Pueblo v.sieve she will , visit with friends *410) *ves for some time. K. 11. Taylor, reprdseiitiiig the Goodrich Tire Co . is In this city look ing over business matters fur Ills company Mrs. Charles Prichard returned to her holm* in Itcrwliid today aft** spending a day :u this city 011 a shopping trip. Mrs. .1 Kemper arrived In this I city last evening ami will spend tlief next month vlsitin.; with Mr. uml .Mrs. \\ . A. Sharp M. Citzgerald of Klown. New Moc* , Ixo. .u rived In tills city yesterday aft- ■ ernoon am! will spend sometime here i uttemliiig to hiisiiiesit. Mr and Mrs. .1. C. Kln libitum, who! have been visiting In Denver for the J, past week, leturneil to their home lu < this city Inst evening. '« .1 S. Tboiiipson. division supcrln- « •temleiit of the C. F. and I. has re- !. jun ited from Corpus Christ!. Texas. I where lie bus been 011 a liuslness trip, j Harney Tarabiuo. who bus been 'biting In the various parts of Cull-!: ferula for the past t-ix weeks. Is ex- 1 peeled to return this evening on the!, Santa F*c. \V. M. Watson ami daugbt.* *. Mb,«J: l.'ilu. reiurmd to their 11.1 a« m tills j city tli!* afternoon after spending ti'e' past summer upon their run -ti 11 Hie i Sail Luis valley. I2d Hut lei of the firm of Da 11 ford and Sanderson. left this morning for l.ndlnw where lie will spend the day In the interest of Ills firm, lie will return this evening. Miss Gludys Smart of A«kansas 11 , in tin city visit In z .Mr. uml Mrs. 11. ! It -Irown. Miss Smart Is quits* well! kiu wii In tills c|t.' in society circles as she was here lu.-t summer. K. 11. Weltxcl, general snperiii teiident of Hu* C. F. A- I. Company, icturncd to headquarters In I*ueblo after spending a few days in this city In the Intcrcu of his coiqpany. I Mis. A. I~ Wheeler left this after neon for Pueblo, who; - .* .lie w'Ji visit jxxitli friends. From th«re she will go to Denver for a few days. She i.x- M eits to be gone aboil* a wo.'k. 11. 11. Sanderson of the firm of : Hanford and Sanderson. who has . hi-eii spending the past few ilnys in Deliver Is expected to return to Ills home lu this city Monday evening. Miss Jeanette Hay departed this I morning for her home in Pueblo, j where she will visit with her par ! i nis. Miss Hay expects to return to tills city the fill 1 part of next week. Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Robinson left today Tor Pueblo where they were railed by the death of her father, Abraham 11. Kinney, who suddenly died lii Starkvlllo Thursday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Norton, who have been spending the past week I in this city, have returned to their home In St. lam Is. They will return here in the near future as Mr. Nor ton expet ts to go Into business In tills City. !2dgnr C. Mulberry, who has been spending the past two weeks lu St Louis vlritinc with friends tnd rela tives. Is expected to teturn *»» this city tills evening or in the mnruPig. Mr. Mulberry Is the yard rick for the Santa Fe. Misses Myrtle and Bertha Hoff man are expected to arrive in this city tills afternoon or in the morn ini:. \\hlle here they will visit with Misses and Dot Sunders. The Hoffmann will make the trip to this city in their automobile. Hernle Marcus, a relatfv of H. j Mosen. experts to leave this ( veiling for Denver, where he will locale per manently. Mr. Marcus ha 4 b-cn spending the past year In thh: eltv and while here held a nod ton with the If. Moses A Son store. Mrs. Charles Campbell U •:» the city visiting with her »».-•* ti'.s. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Moran. Mrs. Camp le, li. before her marrlare. was Miss Kittle Moran, formerly of this r«ty. She now resides at their rr.mli aj few miles north of Colon do S.u' I Mrs. Leo Frnneh leaves this even ing on the Santa Fe for Mcndvilte, ! Pennsylvania, where she will join \ her husband, w'o lias been visiting in Italy, Aum train and other differ ent European eountrles. Mr. and Mrs. Franeh will then visit with Mrs. Ernneb's sister, Mr.*, H. Kress. They will lu* rnvay from tills eltv for sev-' oral weeks. Have you started that savings ac count with us yet *) • it not, you arc losing money every day Do it now Commercial Savings Bank 1 J J. Hendrick went to Aguilar to day where lie will attend a Progres sive meeting. Jean Trouper returned to his home in tloweu this afternoon after being a visitor in tilts city for the past few days. Mrs. L. 12. Carter nml small daugh ter teturn* •! to their liuim* in How ell after spending some time here on a li sopping uml pleasure visit. ' Het tli«* election returns ami en joy yourself dancing ut the same Itliuo at the J list lee Circle dance elec |tlon night. Novemher ft, West thea ter. -I LISTEN FOR WHISTLES Toe « iironicle-X'ews carrier boys have t»<*eii supplied with new whistles ami will blow when making delivery of papers. Listen for the whistle. ANIMAS CLUB MEETING. A meeting to n-orgaulxi* the Anl jliins dub will lie lield at the Trini dad club rooms next Tuesday night Jat eight o'clock and all members are urged to be present. J. 11. Drury. ;Secretary. 2 L. A TO O. R. C. ELECTION i The annuel election of the officers lof Division I •'*’». I-.idles’ Auxlllarv to the O. It. C was held yesterday after noon In tlieir lodge rooms in tin* Klks block. After tile business of the im*i*tlng liml been transacted a so cial hour was s|M*nt by the tiii‘ml>era. I The following officers were elected jto fill office for the ensuing year: j president Mrs. Mary Croxler: vice 'president Mrs. Mary l-owe; sec re ft ary-ti cn surer. Mrs. Wahnlta King; j settlor. Mrs. Helen Lmyly; junior, Mrs. Esther Kqiidiiek: guard. Flor 'gliiu Hardin: correspondent. Mrs. * Max im* Stone: insurance secretary, j Mrs. Dorn Murray. Tlie delegate to Itlie tlt 1 1tv.fourt li annual convention which will be held in Ib-trolt. .Michi gan in May. was also chosen. Mrs. Cora Yore was elected to this honor and Mrs Walinlta King was licctcd as alternate. The Mum show at Madden's hull this year will surpass all others. Come and ace. —Adv. 1 The. glove sale Monday at Jntuio son's. TO UNION MEN The Trinidad Trades Assembly will meet Sunday. Nov. 2, 2:30 o'clock, in Labor I n 11 Hall, to discuss the var ious nim*i dmctils, initiated and re ferred bllK whlcli are to bo voted on at tlie ole* lion Nov. ft. Every union man is invited to attend.—J. W Wolf, Sec y. 1 Oppott i:iitv to buy quality furs at Jamiesons. Baltimore Seal shipped oysters.— Hey-Patterson Market. tf. TAG DAY The Salvation Army over the en tire I'nit* ■! States has planned a spec ial tag tla to be bail 011 election tiny. The obje • of this enterprise Is in consideration of the death of the late general .111 ■ I founder of Hit* Salvation Army, a world-wide feeling of sym pathy has been voiced by all classes of people The question lias there fore conn What ran we do for a memorial to such a great man? In answer to such a question the world-wlil* Salvation Army has de cided to uild some large training schools fo officers entering this field of labor where there will lie ade quate facilities for giving the very best 111 st 1 tion in tills work for liu* inanity. There is to be one erected in New York for the eastern work, costing three hundred thousand dol lars and tine It) Chicago for the west at an expense of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Every one In nuked to lu lp in some way. On elec* tion dav there will b»» a number of Salvationist* with little boxes and tags, on which a picture of tlie gen eral and 1 lie words "General Mouth Memorial Fund" You place your ten cents in tlie little box and tnkc a I tag which will protect you from the next collector; for when they see vour tag they know that you have been called ti|»on and have made your contribution. Kveryltody should buy a tag ami thus send ten rents to help [such a worthy cause. ' NOVEMBER 2. 1812 FREE ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. Mr. Cook will dollvor a free Ulus cruled lecture In Urn Christian church on Sunday night. A new machine will be iiiuml, uiul ulioilt one hundred vIeWH will he shown. The lecture will he iutoicHtiiiK and iiiHtructlve. There will he no charge for the lee- ' lure, hut the uxunl Sunday night or- . ferllig will he taken at the close. MEETING CALLED OF THE CHARITY ASSOCUTION There will hi l a meet lug of the Associated Charltien of the city Suu «lay uf ter noon at :t:::«» o’clock in the Presbyterian church. Ii lx uu im portant meeting; reportx will he made, and offlcerx elected. The pub lic are urged to attend. -Kuudolph Cook. Pres. A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS One year ago the Smiley xtudlox were estuhllnhed in Trinidad. Mr. Smiley coming here from Chicago where he wax recognized ax one of the furcinoKi artistH of the middle wext, and wax identified with and held officex in tile most Imporlant I photoKjraphle associations of the I'nlted Slatex. Twenty-five years' xtudy and coiixtaut application fitted him for these things. Producing the hlghc.-t uuulily ph t uroK and earnest attention to pu trails’ interests. this studio lias how the largext business in the « 11 y and is one of the finest equipped In <(11* went. Mtiiley Studios are showing extra fine pilot os. especially suitable for Chrlstmaa gifts the styles are most eloquent. at*d desirable, and the very latest. I Adv I . I H. S STUDENTS TAKE TOWN BY STORM Tue Trinidad high school students took the town by xtortn shortly be fore noon today wnen eight large au tomobiles filled with students par tided up and down the muln streets tooting auto her ns and ghlug their yells The parade wax given to ad vertise the high school fair which lx being held at Central Park tliix af ternoon and tonight The parnde came to the C-X office and rtartled the whole force by their serenade. They uie a rent bunch of boosters atul their best efforts have been put Into the fair at the park, to make It the best that has ever been given. MRS. MARTINEZ DIES Mix. Fidelia Martin*/., a widow. tMciityfoui years old. xu -climbed '.>l« morning to a revere attack of pnci moniu at her home in Jam>cn. De ceased was well known in the coun ty and lx survived by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Mart I ilex. Inter ment will be In the V 1.411 cemetery. On election day good liomc-ctMiked 'dinner and supper will he served at tin* Learned Itook store room on W Main. Dinner 35c; supper L'.*m 2 BOILER BLOWS UP: TWO WILL DIE Norfolk. X’a . Nov. 2.—M. P. Hor an ami 11. XV. Cramer, two firemen on the battleship Vermont, were so badly scalded when ftp- head of a holler blew out last night that they ilb'il today oi> the hospital ship Sol ace. Four others were injured but not seriously. A board of Investigation lias been ordered. Tin* others hurt were It ,X|. XX’ag lier, .1. XV. Newberry. M XX*. fJreen and C. K Hoteling. SCOTCH PREFER THEIR RYE TO THE LADIES XX’nxliington. Nov. 'J -Scotch farm ers. husbands and lovers, members or St. Andrews’ Society of the District of Columbia, arc practically In hid ing today as a result of their decis ion Inst night to abolish women from their official banquet because their presence would necessitate the ab sence of Scotch whiskey at the func tion. , Indignant Scotch women are threatening reprisals. The vote for whiskey us against women was virtu ally unanimous and wax taken af ter a heated discussion at the annu al election of the organization. TO THE VOTERS. "DEMOCRATIC" ■ I'ROCiKKSSIVK • "IIOOSEVEI.T" Fit her of these three words writ ten in the blank space at the top of your ballot will cast a vote for the •listrict and county fusion ticket. If the word “BULL MOOSE" »» written von will lose your district and coun ty vote. Don't permit yourself »o be made the victim of a contemptible gang trick by which they hope to weaken the fusion county ticket at the ex pense of their own national, stale and district tickets. PACK I IVF I dill FT AN CHICHESTER S PILLS (•••««. Mild with ail* Ribbon, y/ 1C 3 mlViein iih hill*,U «a r s6Vo BV DRI Oliisfb tvifltrWXLKt "You’re JfJ Looking /nTO applies nl.-.i to your clolhex mid the Nmltxw 9 wn> you wear them No man can look “fine” in an 111-fit ting, impruporly J A|hß, H Our aim lx to make a perfectly //ifritß V I finished custom-made xuit that will l T ? l form a aultnble frame to your per- l. I Honallty giving a trim, altogether J/jy \ V I appearance which dlxtlugiilshcH - the Jtlv ill vl man of k«mhl taste. Have your clothes \II VI cut and draped by one who knows XX’ill you collie in loduv and sc** 9 the style plates and our exclusive .... of ..II wool K.... |( |. 8? Thrrr.nulfnn Novelty Sack . No. 779 SUnling l-virrr Pocket i Ingrain-Powder Clothing Company ’ XVIIFICK Ql AI.ITV FOI’NTK ’ I Robes and Blankets Lap Robes *2.50 l» Ml 1.00 Wool Steamer Rue*. *1.50 l«* *lO.OO Square Hone Blaaketa UO<* "• *3.50 each Shaped Horae Blanket! and Storm Covela *1.25 to *2.00 «wb Satisfaifun Guaranteed. Crancer Hardware Company 117 Enat Main St. Fh. T. 86 Chronicle-News, .»uc per month. Paying the Shoe Bill The a vet age lauiily man tmys shoes for about five people and with shoe prices as they are and the way aoin*- slims wear out. be certainly finds the alio* question no small ruiixtdcratlou’ Then there’s no prospect nl things getting an better :*»» long us lie buys the average run of slims*! HERE S RELIEF Our splendid shoes look so much better and Inst so much long er that they reduce the sho** lulls luntcitally. Me iih* Slims $2.75 to $O.OO 1 J* ; " r Womens shoes $2 $5 •* I'filr uovs sii.m-s $1.25 ««• $:;.r>o»i»“* r tails’ shoes $1.2.5 t«* $;; « i»»ir Please remember that tho dlfferonee lies in the shoes and not In the prices. QFAUTY saves the uiuncy. Plie s Indicate iiotliing In the way of values. The P. & W. Shoe Co. THE STORE OF BETTER SHOES *The International State Bank Paid Capital $lOO,OOO / This bank strives in every legitimate way to co operate in the business affairs of its de positors ami solicits your patronage. A STRICTLY HOME BANK EINANCED BY HOME PEOPLE DIRECTORS JOHN AIELLO. rrMldont JOHN J. HENDRICK. WM 0 I'LESTBD. Vic. President. CniUiler, A. FI. MrUI.AHHAN. ALBERT A WHITE. CHARLES NICCOLI. JESSE 0. NORTHCUTT PAGE FIVE GENUINE MAZDA TUNGSTEN LAMPS Supetior In Quality Not So Easily Broken Costs No Mote. $5 Hot Point Irons For $3.50 This Week- Trinidad Gas and Electric Supply Co. I'li. Trln. 7S. 212 B. Main. Supplies XVe carry a full line of everything for the automobile. Presto light and tire tunkx in slock. 11. exchange .... $13.00 F. exchange *2.75 The Trinidad Novelty Works Phone Trinidad HIS. LOST A llicaxl Pin mad** or .i s'• Cold pi«*ce. The owner piixed very highly and will liberally reward finder if returned to ibis office. tf.