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PAGE FOUR TheChronlcleNewH PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Entered a» Second-Class Matter at the Pottoffice of Triindad, Colorado JESSEE - O."NORTHCUTT 7. Pmident FRANK C. LAWLER Meager A- R. BROWN ... Editor F E. winsor City Editor Subscription Rates On© mouth by mall ® *®® One Month by currtor & ® Etx Months a 3 *°® Ono Year (in ndvnncc) 60® Weekly Chronlcle-N«ws. year 1.00 ■ • \i tlio . iii. 1- Itepiihiii an - bin now I’logn-sKlvex really abandon- In;, t }|«. puny in the grimmest *©n*e of the word? ilur<ll> Though w© t k«. a nrw name mil though progressive Democratk are Joining us. wo at lint lenvin.; behind the corrupt portion of KepiihliranlNni ami not it* ii.nliilon* No t.< - .in* r«-all> 'ill. tin principle* ahoiuloiied. no IdeaU ilea tiuyi'd h i nil' Mk« moving a little way Into a new home. A house \.ry like tin* old oin* is already occupied. Kvon the hearthstone of th© 41 |,1 imioe has been lifted atoll plated hefoie tin* fireplace in the new one. The portrait* of Lincoln and (irant and all th«. other plrturos on the wall* bn',, he. n brought along and nre hanging In their place*. The Progressive parf> lia> hut moved over to the adjoining farm where the water I* still ore Mo:» than that, thos© who have not eomc art* Imt a i.innant «»f the tuinllj. and thentselv,.* aro seemingly ready for depnrtuiV If you are *i.l| on the old pla< e had you not hotter he one of the fir-t of i lose to enmo on i whet.- me t of tile family nre, where you will feel more at home and where there will soon he a greater degree of prosperity, honest I v •ttnlneil" Over lu re you will ho with Charley and Hill and the ~ r who. if a little !• s *• nt|m*ntnl than you. have «• least shown the • •v.irag. ,• their eon v let tons Or - to-abnndon the farm slmillc where . bt you v' ii still haro with you youi frlonds and .*'-o --'4 late . It! poll!It ». in the city dub; ill the country store or at the polls: you w ,ii B |||| have •!». old s' :• ndld legends of the party from the time of l.'ip. in down- f«»i tiny are the heritage of that party - better element a.d in mil descend to it Vote with Charley and Mil? The i'r.gres't v* party ha- tapped reservoir* of moral energy hither to nmixed In Ame It ©an polite . Not nn-rel ha* it* promise of equal suf ' i ip won tor it the n .know I edged abiding plan* of most of the store* of : i*i ritual I deale whir It the taee pass* * on front generation to generation. ’ \t ho’, i ll tie world* that ordinarily find politic* repugnant have l»©en touched In th* Infci tloii of exalted purpose tett. lt* r*. social workers. a:t|v. rut (tor- And that other perpetual fountain of high enthusiasm. youth thrlp. with It T«* all win* ba\*. fought for better things in polities. it i- in. 11-*ug reality of two generation* of dreams, a loinptntoly orgun ix* d party fre<' front bossi - or mnehlne* and pledged to their overthrow in rve r> eomniunlty That any fnrseelng person should wish so splendid an ' « g*»n to vttd in falluro is unthinkable. At the polls box! Tuesday there • -in b. n » consideration *o Important a* that this new party shnll achieve -.L.iqgih-- ess a- will perntan* utlj Insure it- life and domlnnnce -t’ol n-r i WiHtkiy. li\ writing the word ••Progressive'* on your bnlloi tomorrow, you will bo regi-t. rlttc a vote for the Roosevelt elector*, for Edward I*. Costlgnn for governor •mU th* -rate Progressive ticket and for the fusion tieket In Auiin.o county and the third Judicial district Remember ttn?l do not w rite the words ’’Hull Moose.” If you do you will ins* vour district -nml county vote. I voting .upon th*- different bill! and amendments remember thru the Trln'd:!d Chamber of Cnmmeteo urg* a every voter to vote against the D«*n ver T 1.. and laihor \*s-mbly lull which appear* fourth on the ballot: Uie i.l|| *r. .iting a I’ubll* I'lillllcs court, which appear* thirteenth on the hallo:: the amendment providing lor n bond Issue of ten million dollars t.. he u:**d In the *o»*tm> tlon **f mnds and highways, which Is next to the I.*- 1 , a the hnllot. and th** referred net t*> construe! a .Moffat tunnel. Th* l Chamber of Comm r*« has shown that these five measure* nre in t!i#ir i'll" lons danterott* and would bo detrimental to the best Interest* k of till* - .lion of the stale. Tlx- votets in.- urged also to vote against th** amendment providing » ftfi the ' Wider us** anil control of the schools.” which appears » on the hnllot Thl*. tt has been pointed out. would he injurious'to this \ city. Go early to the polling place and vote for good government and to restoio government to the people. Vote for l{oo-.'\. It. who Is the frlend of the great mas* of the Ameri can people. Vote torn*! the • tie of th*' bosses and the machine In l.a* Animas county and the third district. Remember the word* of the notable men of Colorado who spoke re cently. ' Every citizen should ho Interested In handing down to hi* children the right kind of government. Number Thirty-Two Tito las proposition on the election ballot to he voted upon 1* the w Moffat tunnel bill, in short, it provide* that the state shall Issue four Three Stores, All Independent > A TRIUMPH IH roOD PRODUCTS. Hriio CAR LOAD IcJ(L- has arr ‘ ve< ® l\ \~ And being unloaded TODAY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT SALE i NO REAL DESERTION TUESDAY TO THE VOTERS MONDAY million dollar* in bonds, the money to lie rul*eii off the sal© of the**; build* shall !>*• lifted in roust ruciiug a tunnel through Jain*** peuk for th© us© of the Moffat rood. The itieOHure I* intended to asriit iu digging thl* tunnel in order that th>* road may h© completed to Salt l.ake. it provides for the creation of m com mission to have i barge of the selling of the bonds consisting of gover nor, the uttorney general, and the state treasurer, uud two other men to he appointed by the*** three, one of whom shall be a skilled and compe tent civil and ruining engineer with experience iu railway construction. This official ahall receive ♦.'>.ooo n year and the secretary t<» the commis sion shall receive 12,300 a year. The bonds to he issued to bear 4 per cent int«*re*t pu.vnld* -omi*untin ally. The toad tmist agree to estahlbth through service between Denver anil Salt Lake, and between Denver and Dotsero by the time th>* aunnel I* completed. VOTE AGAINST IT. RKSOLI'TIONH ADOPTED I»Y Till* TRINIDAD fIIA.MI I It OF COM MEIMK OPPOSING EIVK HILLS AND AMENDMENTS TO HE VOTED ON Tt’ESDAY THESE HILLS ARE MAD MEASI’RES AND SHOI’LD HE DEFEATED EVERY VOTER OE THE t’OL'NTY SIIOI’LI* EO-•CIEEII ATE WITH THE COMMERCIAL CU’H IN VOTING AGAINST THESE A.MEN DM ENTS. He It resol\e«l by the Hoard of Di i.-ctors ol the Chamber of Commerce that the following hills and consti tutional amendment* to lie voted un ion at the next ensuing election. If passed will lie detrimental to th© I best Interest* of the state uud the ; people at large, and wo request the member* of the Chamber of Commer ce. as well a* all citizens of our clt) | and county to do nil In their power Ito defeat th* passage of lll** tunnel to wn ■ Elratr The Denver Trades nod Labor Assembly Act to establish pub lic service commission and >o pro vide for the regulation of public ser vice corporation. Said amendment be ing fourth In order on thi* ballot ] Second: Direct legislation leagues amendment t*» Article •'* of Iho Con stitution of the State of Colorado. J creating a public utilities court. Said I amendment being thirteenth in or SUPREME COURT RULES TO REDUCE COST OF LITIGATION Washington. Nov 4. Revolution ary change* and procedure in equity cases influencing the courts through-1 lout the Culled State*, are effected | iu revised rules promulgated todny Iby the supreme court of the Hnlted States The object l* to reduce the cost of litigation and to eliminate | delay*. Among new titles Is ono which wnulil prohibit isNitc of preliminary Injunction* without notice to the op posite party ami also rest ru t lug U siic* of roniporniA restraining order*. The new rules wore announced by Chief J list Ire White from thi! bench. One of the tasks undertaken by him when he was appointed chief Justice was to reform procedure In th© court*, lie fliMt revised the rule* ol tho supreme court Itself. Eor seventeen month* the c hief j just I* *• and Justice* Lurson and Van Devaliter Gave been working on the equity rules as a sub-committee of the court. Chief JuMtlre White, explaining the rule* from the bench grouped th* tefoi ms under four or five head*. One was in regnrd to the exercise of pow er by th*' federal comt* In equitable matters. Another wn* described us being defined primarily to remove nil un necessary steps in modes of pleading and to tiring the parties quickly to the Issue. Another wa* described a* being a restriction In the ittodea of taking testimony, particularly In patent and copyright cases. Another reform wn* said by the Chief justice to be Illustrated by the statement that the new rule's ns a general thing provide for trial by the court Instead of a reference to the. suit to a referee to take testi mony and rejKirt back to the court. • The new anti-injunction rule In corporates into practice several de mands of labor lenders which they sought to have recognized by the on octmeiit of the so-called Clayton anti-injunction hill. A great two reel feature at the JlMiotoplay tonight. 1 PRESBYTERIAN LADIES The Missionary society of the Presbyterian church will moot to morrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. H. E. Gregory, on Animus street. Don’t waste your money buying strengthening plasters. Chamber lain'* Liniment I* cheaper and bet ter. Dampen a piece of flannel with It and bind it over the affected parts and it will relieve tho pain and sore ness. Eor sale by all dealer*. TO THE VOTERS ♦ "DEMOCRATIC” ♦ ♦ ’PROGRESSIVE” ♦ '♦ "ROOSEVELT" ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Either of these three words writ ten in the blank space at the top of your ballot will cast a vote for the district and county fusion ticket. If tho word “BULL MOOSE" written you will lose your district and coun ty vote. Don’t permit youraelf to he made tlie victim of a contemptible gang trick by which they hope to weaken the fusion county ticket nt the ex pense of their own national, state-and district tickets. ntl GHRONICLZ-NEWS. TRINIDAD, COLORADO. RESOLUTIONS dcr on tho ballot. Third: Direct legislation amend ment to Sec. 7 of Art -U «»f tho con- Mtltutiou. providing fir lb* wider us** and control of th' hool* by the i people. Said atnciidu • tit hclug tlf tcentli in order on the huilnt. | Eottrtli: An amendment to See. :: |of Art. II of the constitution. Utl |thorlzltig bonded Indebtedness of ten million dollnrn for the * -rent inn of a lutul for lh<* construction and Im provement of public highway*. Said am* ndmeut being thirty-first In or der on the ballot. Elfth: An net to promote and in rrensc the general prosperity of the state by eoiiMtructlng a tunnel un der uud through the base of Janie* Peak, a spur of the llntkv mountain*, to he used for puhlh nd seml-ptlh lie purpose* Said ant* ailment being thirly-oecond in order on the ballot. 2t PITCHER WOOD TELLS HOW TO FOOL BATTERS When you ask m*< how to pitch • hatnp!ou»hlp hnselmll l do not Ilk** to tinsw* r. because I am afraid bn»c bnll fan* may nay that I don’t know now. said Joe Wood of I lie Hoston It* .1 S«»x. when h** wax asked how lie "did It." I suppose It t* a knack of pitching tit© ball and t.iithfiil, classy .xupiHirt on the part of the icnm 'that have given me « record of more Ihuaehnli game* wot: th.iu any other pitcher ill tin* league : I can not even tvll why the hall I pitch is liettcr than that pitched by loihcr twilier*. If It Is utile** R|* in the *|M*ed of the ball. Thev say I have *p©«*d. I do piti It it with a snap. I have watched other pitcher who rely mainly on a font ball and I have not noticed much of a snap of the wrist. I have a theory that l have more of that snap than the other*. 1 do no: know that my fast halt is • lie one on which I mainly rwlv I seldom use a curve tirtll and rarely lserve up a slow one. If I have more speed than sonteo f the others. It I* bemuse I give the hall more energy th© way I pitch than It gets from some of the other delivery, and if I have something on tho bull it I* be cmiso of a knack that lhavc had nil) It v Ilf** I do not try «o give the ball | t;nv freak twist*, mid 1 do not know v by my ball should have more speed i.t any freak that other pitchers do | not have. ; The ball I pitch does take a Jump ihefoie it reaches the batter. That •nme» from the speed I think, al though It tuny come from aom** twist at 1 give the hall, unconsciously, i.e.orc It leave* my hand. That Jump . nil to fool them often. I hold the bait ns most other pitch ers do grabbed Mrtnly between the first two fingers, above, and the thumb below. I hold It that way when I give them a fast one. when 'I Blip them u curve or when I serve tip u slow one. I always throw it with ,th*' same overhand motion. I bring my arm over nt full length, with the hand more or less upright, and throw with nil the energy I have. As tin* arm come* over nearly as farr as it will go. the wrist does the rest. It probably simps quick, thereby giv ing the hull the extra speed they say I have. Whatever happens the wrist conies down and the hall leaves mv fingers quickly. It goes fast, hut with no curve, and takes a Jump before It rcnchea the plate. I have been told that it appears that I twist It and threw with the lingers below mid the thumb above. That Is not true. It does not seem to mo that I have anything that the others have not. unless it Is the knack, us you might say, which gives It the extra speed. The only serret thnt I know any thing about is thnt of control. Con trol makes or unmake* every pitcher. I know many a pitcher who has more speed than I have. and. of course, there nre plenty of thent Who have curves, the width of whlMi they can ■ contra. Hut they are unable to make the ball break and pass the hatter where they want it to pas* him, und where It must pass him to he suc cessful. They Inck control. Some times they hn\> It, but sometimes will not do. They must bo able to do It every time, or nearly so. Ab to the slow hall that come* bark to the proposition of control. These pitch ers who have the stuff lack control, mid they nre not successful. With control the pitcher can de liver the bnll within n few Inches of where, he wants it to go—a few Inch es. I mean, not anywhere within thnt target over tin* plate and between GAR OF APPLES . . , What the Bi« Just received store Carr!el 9«/> Per & dll. Box Dry Goods, Oroeeriet, Koti, Home-made Bakery Good*, Ready-to-wear for Ladiea as _» . 1 I 1 and Children, Clothin*. /»S long StS tuCy l&St Gent>’ Fnrmihinp, Shoes, Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, ~ " ■ = Olati and Tinware, Crock- eryware, etc., eto. *rhe Emporium D. R v HINDMAN Manager. Tel- Trin. 44-45 216-818 West Main. 1- lint hatter'* shoulder* ami his knees. If that control iM acquired, if tin* l>ltc|icr liiih H|toed. curves. good Judg ment und a good memory of what the npixising hutsnnu can't hit, the pitcher Ih likely to he successful A pitcher to he *ucce*sful must have an efficient tenm In him! him. It lie linn the good* ami the fielder* know where the op|*i*itlon Ik likely to lilt and play the pimp of base hall as the Red Sov know how to play it. he Ik likely to lie a successful pitcher. If 1 have Iwen a a untiHtially success ful. you nlwaya want to remember that the Itoatnn Real Sox are a won derful collection of banc hall play* ••ia, who know how to play on the tlinnioml and can hit 'em out at hut and run base* to l»oot. Yon nsk if Home hatter* are hard er to pitch to than other*. That Ik true, a* a mutter of course. Ty Cobb.' for Instance, in the hardest man I have to pitch to. it |* not alone hi* ntyle that bother* a pitcher; It In Ills sure eye. That sure cy#» make* the good hatsman and when you atop to think of It good pitching l* only the knack of throwing the hall nctirnte|> so it will pun* tin* batsman in the v.ay that queer* that mils* eye. That'* why I believe In the fast hall. SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION Yield to V‘nol Tne medical profession does not hellovo that consumption 1* Inherit ed, but a jierson may Inherit a weak ness or tendency to that disease. A prominent citizen of Kviinsvllh*. Ind., writes; ' I was 111 for five mouths with a pulmonary trouble and had the best 4>f doctors: I hatl hemorrhage* and wo* In a very hud way. Through the advice of a friend I tried Vlnol. and I feel that It sav ed niv life. It In all you recommend jtt to be. I bellevo It Ik the greatest medicine on earth. ! hnvo advised other* to try Vlnol, nnd they have had the name results.** < Nome fur nished on request.) Vlnol soothe* nnd heal* the In flamed nurlaceH and allay* the cough, Vlnol create* an appetite, strengthen* the dige*tive organ* ami »-• vc* the patient strength to throw off Incipient pulmonary di*eaHe*. Try a bottle of Vlnol with the un derstanding that your money will lie returned If |t doe* not help you. The Hutinmnn Drug Co.. Trinidad I*. S. For any skin trouble try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. Don't min* the Photoplay'* bill to night.— DM |t|*on. I VOTE AGAINST THOSE WHO BUY OFFICE. ELECTION DAY DINNER Turkov dinner and lunch supper at iho Old Leonard Hook stand, hv the Ladles of the Christian church. 1 WHERE TO VOTE The poll* open at seven o'clock tomorrow morning and close at seven o'clock tomorrow evening. The location of poll ing places will he the same a* for the registration. The list of polling places In the city of Trinidad is as follows; Precinct. .IP—First. Ward: 436 \V. Main street, Ko-Kot cigar factory. Precinct -to—West half Sec ond: West First street. Hazel* dlno Hotel. Precinct ll—Knst. half Sec ond: Chamber of Commerce. Precinct 42—North half Third: Prospect and Colorado avenue, residence Precinct 43-*-South half Third—4ol Nevada avenue, Muucione store. Precinct 44— -West Half Fourth: 827 Arizona avenue. Precinct 45 —Fast half Fourth: 1103 1-2 Linden Avo. Precinct 46—Fifth Ward: llasement Christian church. There will be flowers, caml.v, fnneywork and cake on sal«. at the Mum show.—Adv. 1 NOVEMBER 4. 1012 Watch Butler’s Show Windows EXTRA SPECIALS A. H. BUTLER SHOE CO. '•’ormerly Degßelman s DATE IS CHANGED It was stated in the church an nouncements that Colonel and .Mr*.» would lie here on Tuesday even-, lug, November sth. This should have I been Wednesday evening- November I lit li. There will he a special service on that evening. Enrollment of some new *4>ldler* in the local corps and I REDUCE COST OF PUBLIC PRINTING VOTE FOR SEVENTH PROPOSI TION ON ELECTION BALLOT. • • Editorial Association changes' the manner* ofjfa’d v e’rt is i n'g * a 11; pr o posed constitutionalifamendments, initiat edsand referred laws from four weeks'llin one' newspapersin*each county to one time inigtwognews papersjofjfo'pposi te,*pol itica! i faith*) i n each county. Jttreducesljithe*num ber of publications one-half in weekly and reduces the number of publications twenty ei g h t\ti mesji rrt da i I yjpa p e rs. Itfwill appearJinTpositionfsevenlonthebal (lott under designa tion : State Editorial • • Association Act reducing thejlcostdof publishing Con- \M stitutional Amendments, In- Jf Itiated_and Referred Laws, aL and for publishing Argu- #% ments for. and"against the same. Against Colorado State Edi torial. Association Act re ducing the* cost < off publish ing** Const it utional Amend ments, Initiated Jand Re ferred Laws, and forfcpub lishing Argument s'** for and againstithe. same. PLA,C;E yiOUR X AS NOTED ABOVE,AND SAVE YOURSELF TAXES • I also dedication of sonic babies. Col onel and Mr*. I*ee arc old officers of special Interest, nnd the service will i lie helpful and instructive. Don't fail I to hear Colonel and Mrs. Lee Wed , uosdny evening. I A great two reel feature at the Photoplay tonight. I