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PAGE EIGHT Ct»rTT;M Hjr: L M*t Here’s your- ticket <hk) platform: CANDIDATE FOR ALL GOOD CLOTHES WEARER’S PEOPLE’S PARTY Hamerslough’s The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes P L ATFORM oUr about what they get for their clthes-money. nuote rr'ce# that are low taough. and on qualitiea that are High enongn. to make for real economy. We point with pride to the Hart Sch-ffner & Mat* clothes that cap _ , .. _ , .. . . ... -i-.),,. he bought of Hamel.lough,. ,h. best clothe, made- „„ VJSStfS tt i„ £ smai > test°lo, ~ We pledge our candidate famish ~« the he., clothe. ~u ever and we .call upon young men* especii’.ly those who are to cast their first oc ' # 4 „ , . . #to e*m ..a clothes vote this fall, to support our candidate, thereby siving them - Hait Schatfner 4 Marx suits and overeats at $lB. $2O. s*s. #3O aaa selves from dissatufact'on and unnecessary expense. $35. ROUSING MEETING HELD AT AGUILAR The largest crowd that «*\i . 1» «* !;• • ! a hall at- Aguilar gaihorbd.f night to hear the Democrat l« a»*l . Progressive candidate* sjienk tin* fili al w« lln tbp cami of the county Th**i- \*. i.iu< li thuslarm and the candidates In their , turn weii* given ovations indltaiiv.- or the sentiment* of the peoplri* *»t the ApUhnpa valley Their deelara tiotis were cheered t*< the echo and after the meeting hundreds gathered around the platform to shake hands with the candidates and podge them thlr support. Tin* audience remained for the dance that followed the speak ing. A splendid address in Spanish was delivered by Juan 11. ltomero. who referred to the manner in whhlt the / tTHjS WEEK! 20% Reduction Men’s Overcoats THE FAMOUS ■ R e « al ami Sorosis Shoes. couniy coilimisxloiici s had ignored Aguilar and that pari «>f tin* county. llm idenlßlly he pai*l Ills !•• reel* to Lh< * • min -li n<«■ null) foi* Itliifi n**glec Tlie**e »tat'incut- were listened to by #J. Ramon Aguilar. | w|*e w: !r the audience, and after Rente*o had *ht down, A rullar 'mounted tin* platform and attempt* <! Id. ••jtert i'.no thing" with ltomero. i(*tl.«r candidat* - on tin* plafnrm In terfered and Aguilar was led away I get Jc tint ill', like r peanut vender on a frosij* morning. Fied ( lark. A. W. M« lleiulrle and ,i Hendrick udi brought tile atldi'iue to its feet ill a prolonged outl' ii-! of applause Tie y dla u •<!:*< ;•> 11 ind frankly, retJng forth tin* cumin ing force tiiat conditions that surrounded tlie voters who will ballot ((.morrow. It heroine apparent to Jit* Candida tea on the platform that the Aguilar dis trict Is solid for rite people'* alliance. Some of the candidates will dost) MONDAY the campaign tonight by addressing the voters at I loch to* Fred Clark and Juan ltomero will rpeak .it tlt«- West thcutie at the la-i grand tallj cf the campaign TAFT MEN RUSH TO WILSON BANDWAGON Oyster Day. N. V.. Nov t In a statement issued today, Theodor*- Itoosevclt charged Itepuldlcan !••'»«I --eis were udvlsing their followers t > \fito for Woodrow Wilson If th«*> did |not feel that they could stipjtort |Taft. The great concern of the ’’bosses," the colonel said, was to de teat the Progressive party. "Several gentlemen have told yie that certain of the bosses who are Mr. Humes' henchmen—Mr. Abe C.ruber, for instance —have recently been publicly advising their hearers to vote the Democratic ticket If they did not feel like voting the Repub lican ticket." says tho statement. "This is Interesting as fresh proof fo how close and intimate the alli ance If between the. machines. If they can only heat tho Progressives. "Mr. Gruber's attitude merely Il lustrates what had already been shown by the. conduct, of Messrs, l’cnrose, Barnes and Crane, and the other Republican bosses In New Jer sey. Illinois and Indiana, precisely as In Kansne. California and Oregon, that they had not the slightest ex pectation of winning this election! and thnt t.holr one purpose is direct ly or Indirectly to aid the Democrats In order that the Progressives be de feated." HALLOWE'EN PARTY I Miss Blanche Tilly, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tilley, or I Stnrkvllle. enteitalned nice of her girl friends Hallowe'en night. The 1 home was attractively decorated for j the occasion. All the favorite games J were played and Tennle MacClu/key. j Katie Reinochl and Kva Simpson re ! reived the prizes. Hrs. Tilley was as sisted in serving by Mis. Floyd at the lurchefiti. Those inesciit were Kva Simpson, Mary Pollard. Katie ltein 'ochl. Kthel MrClusky. Tennle McClus |kr. I iz'/ie Mi f’l’vky. Olga Snlcker isrn, Anna McOonigal, Josephine Or jrodourkl and Mrs. Floyd. THE CHRONICLE HEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. SOMETHING NEW IN ELECTION, RETURNS | K1 ction returns in typewritten • lorm. tlusiied h> a storcoptlcnn at •the cigar upon a canvas place*! on the Hank building across tin* ,street will be the manner in which j the t'hronlcle-News will tomonow I 'light give the people of Trinidad I I the up-to-the-minute bulctlns of the I ('lection In the nation. slate and j lcounty. Tho C-N leased wire will he !in operation from 11 u. in. tomorrow I morning until o p. m. the follow ing day. thus providing an all night Clecfion service. | Tills will he tho first time that typewritten bulletins have been used in Trinidad. After experiment ing for morn than six months. Charles Eprteln has perfected a gel atine paper upon which the bulletins will he typewritten as fast, as they are received over the C-N leased wire. These gelatins paper slides placed In the stereoptlcan machine throw the print clearly and legibly upon a curtain. During the night at intervals be tween bulletins lantern alldo views or Trinidad and vicinity and south ern Colorado will be shown. These views have been secured for the oc casion from the O. K. Aultman photo graphic studio Thus the people of the city in addition to getting the returns will see a first class show and lx* Interested every minute. Tho eastern returns will begin coming in at six o'clock. In ninny places of the east where voting ma chines arc used, it is much easier to get the results and being that *there i about two hours difference. In lime, some bulletins' will reach Trinidad j early. I Go lo tlie cigar store at Main and Commercial street and see the elec ition returns ami tile big show Unit 1 1 he C-N will provide. Tills service Is .tree, tint Into the crow*' and ebtor t( r your candidates. j Chronicle-News, n 0 c per month. GRISHAM ‘GALLS OFF’ BARELA GUNMAN, WAS COSTING VOTES A striking example ol the type of (lepiit «■ sheriff that Sheriff Grisham has appointed lor gang service oti 'election day la Pole Salazar who ran amuck in n saloon at Agnilur last , iltuiada;' night and had to lie <ll** ■ i nwd by Marahall Perctto. Salazar I declared Ik "'as a friend of Marcia ■nd could do what he pleased and If i no Rot into trouble the senator would |him out. Ah a result of this af 'ftilr Rood citizens of Aguilar voiced a protest to the sheriff which was so !strong that Grisham was compelled to cancel thn commission of this new deputy. Republican workers at. Aguilar waited on Grisham and told him jKdnt blank that his • gunmen” were getting the entire ticket In bad end losing votes for the party. Is your husbsnd cross? Au irrit able. fault finding disposition is ort en (Mac to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion Is nearly al ways good Matured. A great many have been permanently cured of stomach trouble by taking Chambcr latn's Tablets. Fur sale by all dealers. ■ * 111 9 Til H 1 JB ■ IIIIIIIIAV [WEAK WPMEITj get new life and vigor by taking Scott'* EmuUion after every meal. It revitalizes the watery blood and furnishes Nature with new nourishment to make rmd, mctkft, healthy Mood •ndfundt ihm nmrvm emnfrt. Scott'* EmuUion strengthens the bones and clothes them with healthy flesh. Scott'* EmuUion assimi lates so quickly it conserves euergy ami compels health. Scott St liuwue. llluomlielii, N. J. . 18-74 ■NOVEMBER 4, 1912. New line qf 910.00 Serge Dresses Your Choice Tomorrow Election Day 86.98 J. GOLDSMITH & SONS Nemo oB Henderson Corsets — BROOKLYN DODGER MAU LAND EITHER CHANCE OR BRESHNAHAN Now York. Nov. 4.—With Frank Chance and Itogcr Hrcshnahan on the managerial murket as now seems probable, there appears to he a most lovely chanc«* for those owners of the National league clubs who have not fixed themselves with astute and mod valuable leaders of teams, to take advantage of the grrta oppor tunity presented, by fortifying them selves with th« best managerial tal ent In the business. Greater New York baseball fans are more interested right now on what derision president Kbtieta. of the Ilrooklyn club wilt make in hie • holer for tnunagrr of the Bu per ban thin what other clubs will do. The Giants are of course well fixed wltn MrQraw aa leader and he will prob ably be a fixture as such Just so long as he himself Ih agreeable. Hut president Kbbctn and the Hrvolkyu club are not so well hceTed for manngerlal timber and the po.**l blllty of both Chance am! Rrrsr.nb* hull severing their connectlona with the Cubs and Cardinals tespectively bas afford«‘d an opening for Ebbets that he cauuot uffurd to pan* up without an attempt to secure one of the two discards. I have it on good authority, too. that the owner of the club aero-** the; bridge, after whom tlir Superba's new home is named, lias already en tered Into negotiations with both Chance and Hrcsbnahan If he secures either, he can an nounce a new holiday, because all i | Ilrooklyn will applaud Yes. nil the Iran, over there In that burg will g«> I j further, they will get up on th«lr Jplle* and yell paeotiK of Joy i The engagement of Chance or I Hrcnhnatiun would put new life Into baseball In Ilrooklyn. and he a most j fitting clltnax to the grand opening |of Ebbets' field that is sure to takej j place next spring. And If llogerj I llreshnahan is secured as manager of, , the Superbas. I make the suggesU**n now. that the 17th of March. Bt. ; Patrick's day. be announced as the date of the opening ceremonies. I President Ebbets. with the added Isittrartion of his new ball park, (tan I well nfford to pay the money tint he would have to spend to secure cither llreshnahan or Chance. Without wishing to detract from tlie ability of the managers or the Ilrooklyn • lull has had since Ned Hanlon, still the fact remains that the Superbas have not been a success under the managers the team has had since, and many of the annual fall Men’s Suits Nothin* will compare in quality and pr'oe of our $7.50 apeo iala. Every >uit ii thoroughly new *n ityle, and there are many pattern! to (elect from. They ere worth almost twioe as much. We are cloaia* them out AT 97.50 SEE OVS SHOW WINDOW H MOSES & SON urts have been due, or charged, any how, against the later managers. There Is no doubt that the Brook lyn dub has hud as strong a pitching staff and certain individual players that have been the bright particular stars of the National league. Hut. lack of positions has held the team down outrageously lorn- compar'd with the splendid nucleus the club had at the start of many seasons. Tlie natural conclusion to arrive at therefore. Is that a manager with th« fighting qualities, ability and win ning records that both Bresbnahan and Chanco have would surely make the Superbas as they stand today a first division club and probably con tendere for the championship. But where will the Cubs and Car dinal* land when they l#re their lead ership of their managers? It has been the suectas of hla Cubs with Chance that has carried Mur phy along. I cannot »ee that tbs Cubit at all If a t ew manager Is put .In charge of them Surely they will 'Aut have that always loyal homo aup [port they have enjoyed under man ager Chance. I And the Cardinals without Dresh- I unban ? Why. they will be In about the name i»ositlon as the Glnnts | would be without McGraw. But what will be Chicago's and ;S» I.oul*'* los* may be Brooklyn’s ■ sain TO THE VOTERS ♦ “DEMOCRATIC* ♦ ♦ ” PROGRESSIVE" ♦ ♦ 'ROOSEVELT” ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Either of these three words writ ten in tne blank space at the top of your ballot will cast a vote for th*» district and county fusion ticket. If the word “BULL MOOSE" I* written [you will lose your district aud coun ity vote. Don't permit yourself to bo made the victim of a contemptible gang |trl«k by which they hope to weaken [the fusion county ticket at the ex pense of their own national, state and district tickets. REAL ESTATE DUNLAVY AGENCY CO. POITHLY BL U( *\ PHONE THINiJAU E j4 I