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! 1 | Banking ; I Service | X I llunkiiiK service moans more tliau the more ac- 7 X I ccptance uf an account. X ▲ I Our primary object Uto satisfy each Individual 4 x I depositor, and. us far us consistent with cood bank* X I lug. to carry out Ills desires •t ♦ The aervtco of the First National Bank la baaed J 4 mi fair and courteous treatment to every patron. 4 J Judicious and intelligent investment of its funds 1 X assures full protection. T LThe First National Bank \ TRINIDAD. COLORADO £ F s For S&le or Rent New, two-room houtr Colorado Avc., Olid Alt. street. Will sell for $460. $lOO down, balance monthly payment!. Lots is 60s 150. •••.. Study new five room honoe on Ban Juan near Colorado Ave. $2,- 180.00 $2OO down, balance monthly paymento, like rent -200 beautiful bnildittft lots, located in different pntta of the city. Moat of them can be told on payment. Buy now. Build Inter. If yon want Fire. Life. Accident Inonrancc. or Surety Bonds- don t fail to call at the ptuunil floor real estate office. The Home Security-Investment Company Insurance. Loans- Rent Estate. Bonds. 8. C. I!ALU President. Ground floor. First National Bank Buildinff. EDWARD D. WIGHT, President. D. P. JONES, Vice-President. W. R. CHAPMAN, Cashier. fl. K. lIOU-OWAY. V-Pree. C. R. RAPP. Assistant Cashier. The Trinidad National Bank Capital *100,000.00 Surplus and Profits *60,000.00 DIRECTORS: B. I>. Wight 11. K. Holloway W. J. Murray Philip Schneldor B. P. Jnoea W. R. Chnpm*n We will be pleased to have your bustsesa and offer every ac commodation consistent with snfs banking- Intel --st pnld on tlmn deposits. SPECIAL «r* Concord j jR Grapes ff 45c i S' hi The Seaton is neatly over. We \yv Y\ %1/ have a fne car on track and wh'le \' V f they Inst we will make this spec- IV ial price. Call us i p. Phone PRJfnri 527 Trinidad liWiVlVTiuFmdlil North 546 Com’l St. GENUINE MAZDA SUDDIieS TUNGSTEN LAMPS W. carry a o everything f tor the autoiuobllr. Presto light and Costs Wo More. tlro , ank „ , lock . $6 Hot Point Irono For $3.60 it. cxchauiio 5,i.00 Thio Week- tc, exchange $2.75 e32Sk sSS,"&. TheTrinlilnd Unit) Worts l-h. Trill. 7X. 212 E. Main. l ' hon « Trinidad 128. LOST. NOTICE A „ rcait Pln matlu of „ *oolil All persona nnvitiß rented suits piece. The owner prized very highly from the Trinidad Costume Co. are and will liberally reward finder If retiuesfcd to return them at once. - returned to this office. tf. Three Three Stores OJ LL, | Stores PLATFORM IS QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE TUZBDAY na oHxoinoLS-ssws, trinidad, Colorado. PERSONALS J. J. Hendricks left this mornliiK for Aguilar. W. Steen of Pomo Is iu the Hty on a business trip. 11. Iv. Holloway of Denver Is la this city to vote. S. S. Hooley of llutou Is iu the city on a brief business trip. .1. A. Ccbb of Atluutu, (2a.. is In the city on a business trip. .Miss Myrtle Duluuy has accepted u |H>s|tioii with the A. 11. Butler .Shoe Co S. F. 1.. Snyder, the shoe mail of Denver, is iu this city in the Interest of Ills firm Gc«.rgc Sullivan of Italon is ill '.llls city spending a couple of days tin u business trip. Gene Gaines, who spent Sunday In Pueblo, returned to his home in Mils city yesterday. M. .1. Kirs of Folhoni is iu this city oil a business trip. lie is registered at the llnzeldliif. Perry Wilson of Ited River is In this city on a'short visit, lie expert* to return home In the morning. Tommy has returned from Stonewall where lie has b*»i-i? * lend ing some time on an outing trip. it M Griswold of Aguilar is in Hie city today on a business trip. He expects to return home this evening. Rose Kalin, the little duugiitci of Mr and Mrs. Max Kahn, Is fonfi.ied to her home with u serious attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. Fred Springer departed this afternoon for Deliver, where she will ] visit with her relatives and friends for an Indefinite time. Me. T. K Porter, wife of the well known merchant of Folsom, who was operated oil at the local hospital. Is reported as dotug nicely today. (*. I«. Ileiidershot of Wolo-i.burg was ail out of towu guest in Tilnl-j • I'd yesterday afternoon He re- 1 turned to his home this morulas Mr. and Mrs. George Cullt/. who have been visiting with frlond.i and I relatives in tills city, returned to j their home In Fort Worth lr- t ev ening. Jo«* Hawley Is iu the city vis'tliig| with friends and relative*. Mr. , Hawley wn* a former resident of this I < Itv but Is uow living In Pueblo. Mr. and Mr*. 11. W. Reaunie left , thin afternoon for Aguilar where they I win spend the day visiting with li lends. They s-xpert to return In the I morning. D. W. Southerland of the C. F. Sc I. Co. returned to thla city laat even ing after spending sometime in the various camps lit flic intcro*t of III* rompanv. If. If. Sanderson of the firm of Da u ford and Sanderson returned home last evening after. apeuding the past few days In Denver on a Intsl itear trip. Mr. and Mrs. T. If. banders and three sons returned to their home iu Monson. this afternoon nfter spend ing the pnst few days In till* city on a pleasure and hiisineoM trip. Charles Mtturoe, who holds a po sition Ip Hastings, is spending the day iu this city visiting with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Munroe. He experts to return home In (life morning T. W. Goodwin has returned from n vacation In the various puli of Texas. Mr. Goodwin |s the cashier of the freight department of the ."olo rndo and Southern. Fred Bayles. manager of the Car bon Coal and Coke company, of Coke dale. lias returned from an extensive eastern trip. While away lie visited New York City and various other large custom cities. Mr. and Mrs Fred llutkhard ex pect to leave soon for San Diego, California, where they will probably make their future home. The many friends of the Ilurkluirds will be sorry to leurn of their departure. Mr. and Mrs. l-larl Carmichael are Ip tiie city visiting witli friend- t.pd relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Curm!chu?l were formerly residents of thin city. Mrs. Carmichael was Miss Frankie Caldwell before her marrlas". ATTEMPT TO DYNAMITE * CHURCH REVEALED Ratine. Wls.. Nov. 6.—A police man early today discovered a three pound package of dynamite under on coiner of the Holland reformed church now in course of construc tion. Tiie fuse had been lighted, the etui being charred but evidently the spark extinguished before reaching the caps. No reason tor the attempted dyna miting can be ascribed. REBELS DESTROY MEXICAN RAILWAY El Faso, Texas. Nov. s.—Rebels today again destroyed the Mexico Northwestern railway at various points below Juarez and dynamited two large trestles over a canon west of tiie city of Chihiinhiiii. Reconstruc tion of the road by the American company had been nearly completed on promise by federal military offi cials that tiie II :' would be protect ed. A provision train was binned by rebel spies in Juarez before the noses of the federal garrison. The supplies were destined for federal garrisons along the Mexican Central railway. 1 Have you started that savings ac count with us yet • If nut, yuu arc losing money every day Do it now Commercial Savings Bank W. B. C. OFFICERS COMING A uurnber »»f the state officers of the Women - Relief Corps will visit the local chapter Saturday evening. This was the contents of a letter re ceived here In-t evening by Mrs. F. C Miller, president of tin* local or ganization. Those win* will visit will be Mrs. I*arkln. department president, und Mrs. Am- ', department inspector. These two officers reside in Deliver. AN APPRECIATION The students and fuculty of the high school take this means of ex pressing tl»* li silicon- uppmeintion to the Trinidad public for their lib el nl patronage at the recent high school fair. They are especially grateful to the Trinidad Klbtrh- Transmission. Hall | way and Gas to., for furnishing light Sand heat free of charge; to the Cen tral Park Co . for the free use of the Itheater and other buildings; to the jTrlnldad Gas and Electric supply for I the use of electrical npllances; to Hi* Iciironlclc-Nrw* mid the Trinidad Ad vertiser for publicity; to the Maze. Crystal. Isis and Photoplay theaters •for publlcltx. to the owners of the ;automobiles which were In the pa* tade; to Miss Isabel Cordova for as- Islstance In the Spanish booth, to the j following merchants for donution* |to booths: Hughes Bros. Lumber Co.. Southern Colorado Lumber Co., Fa mous Dept. Store. Ingrain-Powder I Co.. Colorado Supply Co.. The White House Merc. Co.. The Snodgrass Food ICO., and all tho other merchants who I were kind enough to make donations jof any kind \o their booth*. Mum Show! Of course you are go ing. Given by the ladlen* of the Kpls* (Opal church at Madden's llsll. t ItlllloUH? Feel heavy after dinner? Illttcr taste? Complexion sallow? I.lver perhaps needs waking up. (loan's Itegulcta for bilious attacks. 25c a! all stores. TOURIST CLUB. The Tourist club will meet with Mrs. Bloom on East Main street to morrow afternoon at 2:JO. LISTEN FOR WHISTLES The Chronicle-New-* carrier l>oya have 1m cu supplied with new whistles and will blow when making delivery of papers. Listen for the whittle. VOTE AT 2:00 P. M.; MUCH SCRATCHING At two o'clock this afternoon 2,1.53 votes lind boon cast In tin- eight pre hu ts of Trinidad, out of a total reg istration of 5,153. Each precinct had polled about half of its vote. The number of votes cast at two o'clock was as shown below. First ward ton Registration *33 W. Half 2nd IX6 Registration 543 K. flnif 2nd 170 Registration 3ST N. Half 3d 320 Registration 696 S. Half 3d 311 Registration 666 W. Half 1 1 la 261 Registration CIO E. Half Itli IX9 Registration 192 Fifth ward 331 Registration S 3? From each precinct of the city It Hus reported that the women were voting heavily for the prohibition measure 1 , indicating that the vote In fhe city for the state-wide measure would be large. The prediction was freely voiced on the streets today that the stole would go dry and that this county would show but a small ma jority against prohibition. In every precinct there is much scratching— more than two thirds of the vote. Farmers, mechanics, rnllrosdars. laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas' Elec tric Oil. Fine for cuts, burns, bruises. Should he kept In every home. 25c and 50c. Kid William*, the. Baltimore ban tam. who outpointed Johnny Coition, is In great demand by iKixing clubs over the country. Several offers have been received by the little scrapper and since bis last fight with Coition he has already closed for two fights Next. Friday Williams will go on with i Johnny Hughes, the English ban tam. and on November 6 lie will meet Billy Fitzsimmons at New York. I *» NOVEMBER 8, 1912. We can fit your body or anybody*s body with SUPERIOR UNION SUITS Ingram-Powder Clothing Company SOFHOMOttS CELEBRATE A Joyous celebration was the out* tome of the sophomore* In being vie* lot lotik in winning tbe pennant of fered to the class which took In the most money at the High School fair which wan held last week The af fair wan held ut the home of Ml** K: tlier Marly, daughter of Mr and Mro. J. J Marty, of llaca street. The entire sophmorc dare wax prepent and they spent the evening In hing ing eta** eonjr- and playing \arlout* game*. Mlxr Ktli«-l llamerelough of the miuii clow happened to he the lucky'one In winning the six-pouud cake offered liy the Kmer'a bakery. Thin was cut and with other refresh ments nerved by Minx Esther, assist ed by her mother. Mr'. I .1 Marty, a very delicious repast tun nerved. It war. a late hour when the happy throug broke up. BIRTHDAY PARTY A birthday party was given last evening by Mrs. 0. A Will In honor of her husband's birthday. The oc casion which wan a perfectly ap polned affair, wbk given In the Mal vernia flats. During the meal a six piece orchestra delighted the diners with music. The dining room was I rofusely decorated In yellow and white, with chrysanthemums form ing the able center piece. Those who enjoyed the affair were. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Butler. Mr| and Mrs. W. K Tyrncr. Dr. and Mrs. L. T. Itlchle and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Will. Robes and Blankets Lap Robes 92.50 914.00 Wool Steamer Ruga. 91.50 1° 910.00 Square Hone Blanketa 90£ 93.50 f»'li Shaped Hone Blanketa and Storm Corel! 91.25 to 92.00 oauli Satisfaction Guaranteed. Grancer Htrdware Company 117 East Main St. Fh. T. 86 AULTMAH SLIDES FREE TONIGHT lainteru i Miles allowing '.'Wi 1 of Trinidad and vicinity and places of Interest In thin section hu\r been loaned by O. K. Ault nun and will be exhibited tonl.;ht between election bullrtlnn by the stereoptlcan ut the Trinidad cigar store. These lautern slides are the views that the Trinidad camera club have been exhibiting at Our Boys’ Shoes Aft I; STUB REPEATERS vice of our I toys'' Shoes has built up a large Hoys' Shoe Cm* //• trade lor us. 91.2a ArA ik * *2.00 «p N 93.25 » Don't buy uncertain shoes fur the lloy Tor ®«P.6W. Shoe Co. THE STORE OF BETTER SHOES" ——pppaw* MatatHiitHttaaiaaaaamaa***********"*********"®^ The International State Bank Paid Capital $lOO,OOO This bunk strives in every legitimate way to co operate in the business affairs of its de positors and solicits your patronage. A STRICTLY HOME BANK FINANCED BY HOME PEOPLE DIRECTORS. JOHN AIELLO. President. JOHN J. HENDRICK. WM. O. RLEBTKD. Vice President Cashier. A. B. McGLASiiAN. ALBERT A. WHITE. CHARLES NICCOLI. JESSB O. NORTHCUTT i i PAGE FIVE •nhniH and pbotograpbie exhibit*. In nil parts of the country. Some of the scenic wonders of tills part of the sta.e. the scenic highway. Stone wall and other places will be shown to the crowd that gathers tonight o •re the bulletins on he election which the C-N will receive over its leased wire. Chronicle-News. at»e per month.