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PAGE TWO Winter Underwear We have the warm hind and our price* are right. Indies’ J'antH and Vest*. “»‘l up. Indies' I'nlon Suit*. oOf and up. Men*' Shirt* and Drawer*. 500 > lid up. Mens’ Union Suit*, 81.00 and up. Children** l’antH and Vest* 2«><? and U P* Children*’ Union Suit*, 50* i nd up. THE BEE HIVE: 413 Commercial Street Trinidad, Colorado I Good Old *:* Schneider Seer | The favorite drink of the community *s* for more than thirty years 'j£ Century Bottled Beer X Light Muenchener Bottled Beer X Dark « DEFIES COMPETITION % l PH. SCHNEIDER BREWING CO. I it Phone Trinidad 54 Trinidad. Colo. «£» A V TRINIDAD TURKISH SATH HOUSE Open for Ladies and Gentlemen Sulphur Baths a Specialty Sure cure for Sciatic and Chronic Rheumatism Indorsed by many prominent citizens Come and Give Us a Trial Expert German Masseur V * FAMOUS OLD FRIGATE TO BE SOLD FOR JUNK Wm ilngi • 7 the proteat * which hate a: •• n In certain quarters, the X ' y Pepart- W C •. | • ■ I frfgaM Waba has been stationed at the B -ton \1 b n 1575. The Wabash was laun< hetl .t the Philadelphia Narj v I O 1855. She 1* wood. 2C2 feet 7 Inches long and 51 feet with a mean draft of 23 feet and a displacement of 4.C50 tons. Her cruises from 1555 to 1859 were a* flagship of the homo and Mediterranean squadron* While flagship of Commodore liiram Paul ding sh“ brought front Asplnwall to Kew York in • tiif filibus ter* of Gen. Walker’s army. She sailed on May 2ft. Pfil. from New York to join the AtlanUc brock adlng fleet She captured two vessels and took part In the capture of the llatteras Inlet batteries In Augut. 1851. she was the flag ship «>f R< tr Admiral Du Pont at the battle of Port Royal, a C., Not 1881, t part in the expedition against Ker nel Unn* Feb £B, 1862,1 In ; lagship of th.. South Atlantic block ading squadron until 1 >*•;.{ tin*'. Hear Admirals Du P>nt and Dahl ,;ren. Under the command of Capt. M<l - Smith she tc 1; active par? in the bombardment and rapture • ' Y»rt Uirlitc in the •*iu;-< <-f 1 C 1 From t«> 18 71 she was laid up under repair at Boston, and for tv.-i years she was the flagship of R4ar Admiral James Alden, commanding the Mediterranean squndron. In 1875 tho Wabash was put out Monarch 100% Pure Paint COMPARE OUR GUARANTEE WITH OTHERS. PURE WHITE LEAD, PURE OXIDE OF ZINC. PURE LINSEED Oil. NO ADUL TERATION- NO SUBSTITUTION. WE INVITE A CAREFUL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS AND SELL IT I FOR NO MORE THAN THE OTHER KIND. $2 00 PER GALLON AND HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF COLORS TO SELECT FROM. I LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT. TONY D. CLARK 1 COR. COLO A ARIZONA AVE. PHONE TRINIDAD 402. " THURSDAY (of commission at the Boston yard, v here s’jc ha., shared the honor* w ith tho old Constitution a* a relic j jof long and valiant service. DYNAMITE PLANTING TESTIMONY IS HEARD Salem. Mas* . Nov. 7.—Dynamite "planting” in during the • • . i ill - . • titnony today in the trial of Joseph Ettor charged with the murder of Anna Lopiz/a. I’rbano Di Prato, a shoemaker ar rcsted when dynumite was found in hi* shop, testified there was a belief among the strikes that dynamite had been planted in Lawrence at the in stigation of the mill owners to pre duklce the cause of the strikers. No testimony was admitted relat ing to the Indictment of mill officials including Win. it. Wood, president of the American Woolen company, charged with conspiring to “plant**l dynamite. | Mr. Wood ha* hern summoned for j next Monday as a witness. “WIRE TAPPERS" HELD New Y'>rk. Nov. 7.—On complaint; of Dr J. W. Powell and Uurby Cleve land Sldbury, a lawyer, both of WII-! nilngton, N. C.. the New York police | today arrested two inen on a chargei of having defrauded the southerners! out of 525,000 through a ’"wire tap-I ping swindle." BIG BATTLE ON Ixmdon, Nov. 7. It Is believed that a last big battle is in progress ’.i-tween the defenders and the In \nd.-rs at • ie Tchatalja forta before tho capital. When you make your mark In the world see that It is a mark of es teem. Prominent Citizens of Fued District in Kentucky Indicted on Murder Charge , . . K- Nov - proi»liiv-nt'ritl«on : it .oumv. lons known ov tho.ontor or Kon . . . will ..on, b.. Pit..... on trial hot. . ■ hnrsr of ..n.M.Uiny «o ™“r;lcr > urIKM Ca 11.,. “ 1 !!!7 t”ir l !L‘ *:!:■■ n Bmlth. Botton'roTr. t. ft t»ilc>:. ” ’ “"'cnetrOK Jobntmn. BllirJohnaon, D», inuton. John Clair. Dook Smith and Hilly l>. .mn , Kin. :.l Mint,-, ,„.l l.t no •' - 11 ' ~ BULGARIANS ARE AT GATES OF It" ’Utlnued from page on*.) 'ina a •tubborn resistance. Military . rltlra who know the country well, :tter the warning not to expect the . «riy fall of Adrlanople promised bz !th»* optimistic Bulgarian . , Th. . rltle* point out that th. Isa , taikr* have not yet reached the prln ' • Ipal line of fort* around thnt city. I . : Si 1T..1 !. |i i, | repeatedly and successfully assumed I th«* offensive and preparations, have ' t-ecr made to keep the line rpsn by ! which they ran duplicate Tara -1 kosrh. the oth-r Turkish fortrc<* on Lake Scutari, with provisions and ammunition. . •. it lon ( occupaU . t irkl ton iof* t* Inli ahd of Sat . n» t'i Mid I the Adriatic Sea has Von te.ertid Prej»a rations ar,- >• tn*. n.r«l* % lor , the protection of t m?n rej poj-uLi- j I tlon of Constantlnopl v At the i - i quest of foreign in»ba*>adorr. «n --•. ■ menu ha thi n Fan Stefano and at so if (the rout that occurre-1 xf•.«-r he pjc vlous- battle* should I*.. repeated ‘be mob of f* ellng soMl-fs can 1 • checked. Should matters *,'-’onie still mere j threatening the ilec»* if th pow. •- may land a force in th • Banian- llc in which case there will he six thou sand men available for landing with {risible reinforcements from the | i • i float In th B! k S The powers hive made no further ! move towards mediation. They first j have to agree whether they shill of ficially apprise th.* Balkan path ns « f j Turkey's request and as al! of th‘*ni ; are anxious to avoid taking ai.y ra - tion that may hav * ih« appearance of I a breach of neutrality, they ire j I treading warily. 1 The Balkan allies as is well known . 'insist on Turkey dealing direct with | them and it is thought in diplomat i ic circles that they would like to >.■ J their onec formidable fc,o whic h only ! a few weeks ago sneered at theJ- ul jtimatum to come to them on Its knees. A rather *er!ou» view is taken here of ih‘- Servians’ detlared intention of invading Albania and thence to wa and of Austria'* warn ing. There is a tendency to bring diplomatic influence to bear ln # this connection. The ..mcrlcan high t«'.iool for gi-li at Scutari, on the Asia Minor side of the Bosphorus, has sent its scholais jof Bulgarian nationality on board lone of the cruisers now at Constan i tinople. owing to fears for their saf | • ty. according to a news agency des patch from the Turkish capital. I Paris. Nov. 7. Tin* Balkan allies I will ask for the partition of Kuropean | Turkey, leaving tho fate of Constan tinople to the decision of the Euro ! pean powers, according to Premier Pachttch. of Servia. in an Interview today with the correspondent of the Temi «. in Belgrade. Tho Servian statesman continued “Servia wants the ports of St.; Giovanni Dl Mcdun, Alessio and Dur azzo on the Adriatic Sea. which Ser via possessed in the Middle A;es, and by which she is territorially related to the rest of Europe." THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD. COLORADO. gonrla, M. Pach h said, haa no! ii. . i-ivcd any prop il ft >:n Xn-trla. imlng that A no t«r* , da -Ti. . • I I quit Will .lug t*» favor economic and rummer ■ lil oxpanrlon for X.istrla. The premier cor tiled by saying that the Balkan al . - desired Turkey to treat directly v- th them concern ing peace and not threugh the pow- Icr*. ofla. Bulgaria No% 7 in th. five days fighting .along the line he tween l.ule Burg.t- rd llunnrhisar. the Bulgarian*. It w.i.» officially an nounced today. : 15.000 men killed or wounded. The Turkish cas ualties caceed It I* offlclaly announced that the porte of Hodost,. on the Fea of a“ar ni" a. .and the city of Viva, southeast of Adrlanople. were occupied by the Bulgarian trr.o; - on November sth. ; Boston. Mas- Nov. 7 The prob ability of an early cessation of Bal kan hostilities wa* indicated In a 'cablegram received by tin \merlcnn |p-ird of Commissioner* fur Foreign Missions today from W. \\\ Post, the Board's treasurer at Constantinople. The cablegram follows: "Early cessation of hoatlllltles probable. Safety assured. Who is elected ?** The board officials Interpret the lm«-.<«*age a* indicating that none of the rnisslonarie* in the Turkish et*.» plre have been injured. TURKS LEAVE SALONIKI | London. Nov. 7.—The Turkish garrison has b*-en withdrawn from Saloniki after destroying a number of bridges forming tho approaches to the city, according to a in wg • agency dispaeh from Athens. TURKS DEFEATED Cologne, tier.. Nov. 7.—The Turks ! reported to hnv«« been decisively beaten by the Bulgarians and driv en from their positions at the Tchat alja tort.- in front of Constantinople n« cording to a dispatch from Sofia. The fighting very severe and lasted two days. A woman'* Idea of saving 1* to buy on < red it. ft U e-i inr ft r a young lawyer to u t praetbf than paying coses. No man can > *rvo two master*, and few women «.m master two servants. One sign of a worthless man: when he i- always looking for anoth er job. Instead cf taking rare of the I 1 one he ha.=. "Until l am able to get rid of the smoking furlishness. I might as well i not try other reforms." —Parson Twine. I Nearly every man says: "I don't know what a leisure moment is." And every man who say* it. tolls a j whopper, sin"- wo nil have more leis ure than we realise, or will admit, j Hope* are ''ring even If few of 'them are realized. j Questions d ided on their actual • merits are few and far between. . In all probability the head of many a family would like to have the power to veto a few bills. Tlie best way to get a wide circula tion of anything you want people to Ikncw is to » .1 it to some dear fripnd na a secret. IT’s to bn wondered what the orig inators of the old maxima and pro verbs would viy if they could see some of the modern revisions of their «lever work. Women ought to make good Judges, they’re such expert* at getting in Hie last word. Adam at lcn>-t could lay claim (•• being a *e|f-madc man. The toad to success 1* «in bell idled with niighy few signposts. Every cloud has a silver lining, if •on don’t bet lev •* it a»k a ntnall hoy who U too *U k to go to *rhool. Ennui I* merely being tired of do ing nothing, nnd at the satm* time being too tired to do anytnlng else. If you are looking for an encore all you have to do 1* to b-ud money. Women of fuhblon acquire embon point. Other women Just get fat. Many a man ha* got a kink In lti* artn ftom throwing bouquet* at hint 'd f Some men like well*, are driven to drink. Some men smile in tin* face of ad versity but they don’t mean It. Some tuen are m> lazy that the *• I ar«* unable to catch a slow fever. \ woman doesn’t h%ve to rhangr her mind in order to change the subject. Time Is. said to he money, but ns :« tule the more time a man ha* the more money he requires. The less some people know about .i matter the surer they are that they know all there Is to know about It. So many thing* are possible tnr. not probable. If n man Is prosperous, his clothes should show It. Somehow we always think of a man ir*llllncr a* a perfect lady. A secret ceases to he a ferret when It becomes n partnership affair. When a hoy can’t eat a little tnor-\ • is time to dash for the doctor. It Is so easy to subscribe to a worthy cause, and so hard to pay up. Ever occur to you that you aren’t •.* polite to the merchants, ns the traveling men are? One trouble with the hutr ».t race is ti at so many mind* don’t g:r\v up the the bodies do. To be disappointed In love Is not half a had ns to he disappointed In marriage. There’s one kind of current liter ature the women keep abreast cf— the dry goods stores’ adv*.: tiseme .**. When a man gets the worst of it, he usually deserves It. Most folks seem to goon ;he theory slirat promises are made to be brok en. Just because nobod*-* loves a fat man, It doesn’t follow that everybody loves the thin man. People attribute their ' ices to heredity, but claim their virtue* are their own handiwork. He is also an unusual man who gets out of n rut. The wedding March is often fol lowed by April showers. It Isn’t always hard work thnt send* a man to the rest cure. The spoke nuisance—the fellow who always borrows tobacco. The greatest accomulUhTrent any man ran have Is on nbllUy to mind his own l)usines3. Hoax—“ The shoemaker Is one man who sticks to the l **-’. ’ ® Jo«'*:c— 'Yes. he’s awl righ* We haven’t much use for men who try to impress us that they don’t have to work. Every time an egotistical bachelor shows up in society lie imagines nearly all the pretty young matrons regret their'haste. OCTOBER 7. 1012. MERRILL’S Carpet Cleaning Work* K We Cleinic Carpets, Feath en and Mattresses, and Do Upholstering and Repairing. Carpet Work a Specialty— Phene Baca 41S. St) E. 3d THE HALL-McMAHON Undertaking Company —UNDERTAKERS— -137 E. Main St.—Phone Trin- 895. ——v™ ' -e ' GRAND HOTEL"! DULL TIBIES? Aro you « xp«*rl‘ nclrijr them? I I*«.- 1 ith show you bow we I keep busy, mill how wo In- j creased one business 125 per] rent hi eight month*. We hare i plenty to do; so have our c*ll eut*. Why? PUTATURO BROS. Advertising Experts. Corner Main and Santa Fe. < lhe Pierce Lumber and Manufacturing Co. £ Everything in Building Material Mill and Job Work a Specialty Eighty Acre | | Tract I Fine SO nrre tract border* » > lug city limits ami oho of tin* « v lurgest snap* we have had since $ > we have* been In tin* buslnc**. <\ | If you are looking for an In- 55 » vsuitment. It would pay you t«» jj << Investigate till*. See tin at once >5 ! Hubbartt 1 | A * ency Company » C< ROOM 3. COLO. HLDG. 'J » Phone Trln. 29t. it* Arcade Saloon and Corinado Bar Robert Branagh. Prop. ; F. W. CLARK Attorney-at-Law Suite 3, Colorado lluildinj; J. Robert Rubin is to Prosecute Rosenthul Slayers Some people are like some hooks— the best thing about them is the binding. Every woman expects to have gray hair, hut stoutness Is the last Indig nity of malicious fate. A noMr mnn is lie who alms at noble ends—not he who glories in an ancestry mouldering In the dust. A noble man Is noble though ho oomo to want, and a base man is base though he walks on pearls. Some people nrosatlsfiod to pave the way with good intentions. Self-conceit is the derrick that raises a man in his own estimation. il AMUSEMENTS | TUI CRYSTAL Where Everybody Goes £r"VAUOEVILLE £? TODAY BOHME. RUBEN AND CO. | Presenting the Joyful Spree I "In The Morning." B SMITH AND WABNOCK H lu u remedy Creation R ' How Time Docs Fly.” N ( All foun d.\ 'l'hls Time. > p 2 Excrllenl Picture] £ Rowland Plumbing and Heating Company Phone Burn 238 120 WfcST FIRST ST. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. WILLIAMS - Transfer and Storags Company J3I Chestnut Strcei B*e» 87 Red ?*<»'•< KU KNIT U lif lv NEW ANB SECOND-HAND Bought uni Solii A. M. CLEAVING ER Telephone Ilmca 12* So *«*l WKHT MAIN KTRRhn Assuming One's Risk IS THE .MATTER OF Fire or Accident, It a dnngcroui policy, let iim fully iii Mite you lu strong o!d-!hie policy. Bennett 6/ Wilson AGENTS Suit 1 McCormick Bldg. Phone Trinidad I*l3. Contractor for the m w C-N bulldlug W. J. MILLER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER I'boac Trinidad 408. Telephone Trnldad 418 ». UNDERTAKERS TRINIDAD UNDERTAKING CO -321 West MAIN ST. 11. B. SII'C :: Funeral Director AUCTION OF FURNITURK, CARPETS. DRA PERIES every Tueeday, Thursday. Saturday. THE J. R. WARD FURNITURE AUCTION COMPANY, 311 W Main St-, Trinidnd. Coin STOVES and FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI ——TCRE BOUGHT AND SOLD POLIAK O RATNER Phone Trinidad 410—418 N. Corn'' J. G. GATES Scientific Optician All work done satisfactory Trinidnd B'J Red 1532 ROOM B—OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. JirfRYCS COIL & MINING COMPANY Dealers in Bloom. Forbes and Morley lump Coals. For sum mer use try Jewel and Morley Nut Coal. Phone Trinidad 225. -f-V-S* e ■ • | Palace Cafe and Bar | | OEO. CLERICI. Prop. £ •* 119 Weit Main Street. W fy Chronlole-Newß want ads. r»c n Tine INSURANCE IN IHi WORLD S BEST COMPANIES * DUNIAVY AGENCY CO. POITREY BLOCK Phone Trin. 541.