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PAGE TWO Blankets Coltou lllunkets, per pair ;»oc ' » 91.50 I Mixed wool and cotton, tan, white or gray, largo size, i»er pair 12.00 l «> 93.50 All wool. tan. white, grey and plaids per pair $-1.00 *o $lO.OO IJaby blankets, each «>•*>(* to 91.30 THE BEE HIVE 433 Commercial Street Trinidad, Colorado ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ***** I Good Old *:* | Schneider Beer | fr The favorite drink of the community V t> for more than thirty years Y r Century Bottled Beer | & Light A i Muenchener Bottled Beer X I Dark A Y DEFIES COMPETITION T £ PH. SCHNEIDER BREWING CO. f I Phone Trinidnd 54 Trinidad. Colo. 5 TRINIDAD TURKISH BATH HOUSE Open for Ladies and Gentlemen Sulphur Baths a Specialty Sure cure for Sciatic and Chronic Rheumatism Indorsed by many prominent citizens Come and Give Us n Trial Expert German Masseur THb C»——ptlvcs Hew ■e Got Well i Tutmrrqtoala la Halil to I** rurnide lij •tajply llrlni; in the opru nlr nn.l inkliiK ■ B snun<U«<r of fi.alt ..ex* mol milk. I ml»ut>tf<tir. •oiur* |>rr»otM ure ir*-.i Id Ihl. tray; t.ut iti< a|>|>io|>rint>' rrntnljr for <'on«iiui|>tn>ii i. t>-kman'll Alf*'tatK«*. I*o all yon f*»««lMv run in arid In >ir.'iisih and lin rrmr .srlxhl; rat ulioleanttir. inmr- Isblng fond, and 1.r.-atlir llio «-|nfiur*t and plirml air limn, to Ihr a.ualtih- llilllKi Ilf tjjfhl llTlllß. ndd t llr Innir .Hid ln*li«'llr|al •fferta of Krkmair* Allri.itHr Urail wlmt It did In thlw i-nar 4*Ci K. Mb Xtrrrt. WllinliiKlnii. 1 ‘‘l.entlPtnen: In Juntiary. I!«k 1 was taken with henmrrhiiKe* nf llm liiiik* My physlrtan. «>oe «>f the !rndlnu |iriirltllmirra. talil that it «n< hint; tmuldr. 1 look run* and milk In quant it if». loit I got very weak The dnetura aal<l I wnnlil nnl k-'lu lu wrlght aa ImiK in I atuynl In llie ulurr; hut I kept nr» working nnd prnyed rnrli day thal I might got well. I Indleve my prayrra were anawrred. for Mr. C. A. I.lp rlncolt. my eiunlnyer • l.lnplnrott a • '«*.. ■apartment Store. :»r. to ;tll Market el reel. Wilmington. prl.l. had learned nf a rein •dy * a Mail K< kman » Altiiat Ivr tliat hud dene treat good. ami upon his reeoinnieii dallon I began taklnx It at nitre. Till* rraa almul June. limn. I emitlntled falll»- ullv. nalng no ether remedy, and finally noticed the clearing nf the luiiita. I (Irmly believe Kekniau'a Alterative auveil my life. | Kent my a|>Of|c later In lilt* Stair Hoard of llentth In Tic examined for tnlwr * ttluala l>io lUi. and mute were found. My mother died from Cumniuipllun tv lien I waa about two year. old. "I make this alnfeuient ao that other, may learn of the wonderful merit* of Krkman'a Alterative. I restanl tny recov ery a. lieliiß mlraeitloti. " ■ Sworn Affidavit) .lAS SQI'IRKS. I . kman'. Alterative l» effective in limn cbltla. Aathnia. Hay Fever: Tltrnnt nnd f.utig Tmuldea. and In tiplMilldlns: I l»e aratem. I toe* not eoutnln ihilkoii.. nplnte. or hnhit-fnt mlng drug*. .\«k for booklet telling nf n.-nvaries, ami write to Fekmnn l.alioratoi v. I'lilladelpbln l*a.. for ttmre erl dance. For aale by all lendliiK dniggUlN E'Qr talc by Opera House Drug Co., and W. S. Oreeu, Co. FERRY BOATS REACH STRANDED STEAMER Quebec, Nov 8. —Ferry boats sue* reeded thin afternoon in reaching the stranded steamer lloyal George in the St. Lawrence river and taking orf the five hundred steerage pass engers who will be sent to Montreal by special trains. Monarch 100% Pure Paint COMPARE OUR GUARANTEE WITH OTHERS, FUSE WHITE LEAD, PURE OXIDE OP ZOIC. PURE LINSEED OIL. NO ADUL TERATION’ NO SUBSTITUTION. WE INVITE A CAREFUL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS AND SELL IT FOR NO MORE THAN THE OTHER KIND. $2OO PER GALLON AND HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF COLORS TO SELECT FROM. LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT. TONY D. CLARK COR. COLO A ARIZONA AVE. PHONE TRINIDAD 402. .» FRIDAY YOUNG STENOGRAPHER WHO CAUGHT SCHRANK Klybert H. Martin former foot bail player nnd six-footer who leaped on the would-be assassin of Roosevelt after the first shot was fired, and dis armed him before he could do fur ther damage. His prompt action probably saved the colonel's life. Better not take things too easy— unless they belong to you. You may bo able to catch on, but do you know how to let go? A porous plaster will stick to a man who won t stick to his word. WILSON STILL LEADS IN COLO. (Continued from pugs one.) by L’.oou plurality lit conceded by tin* Democratic hint** chairman. Roose velt s plurality in ttio state In alniut a,000. Yuiiklun, S. U., Nov. S.—At Demo autli 1 male headquarter* here it is conceded Frank llyrue. Republican, ha* been elected governor. i Pierre. S. D., Nov. 8.—Ou tile lat-! est return* Byrne. Republican, tor j gnvornor has a lead of 4,093 over j Johnson, Democrat. , KANSAS Topeka. Kan., Nov. 8.—It will 1 take the official count to decide the govei uorship of Kansas. Caper, Re publlcan. and Hodges, Democrat, are neck and ueck on complete and un official leturns from all the 105 counlleK of the state. A revised tabulation announced by the Kansas City Star at one o'clock this afternoon gave Capper the lead over I lodges by 461 CALIFORNIA z&w Francisco, Calif.. Nov. S.-~ Corrected figures from Santa Clara county showed tliat in I vote:* had brcii credited to Wilson in lust night’s total by mistake. With this lesult Included. Itooscvelt at out* o'- clock appeared to have a lead of 3f*9 votes In the state. San Francisco. Nov. S. Wilson took the lead aguln with a plurality |tn California of seventy-five over Itoosevelt. with the filing of com •plete returns front l*os Angeles coini n'. The three precincts missing 'this ntotnlug showed a Wilson gain of 2 in Instead of the expected I loose- J veil gain. San Francisco. Nov. s. - With 31'» precincts missing and Roosevelt lead-! 1 tug Wilson on the face of the returns i hy 130, California was still in thej doubtful rolumn today. IOWA. lies Moines. In.. Nov. N.— Latest returns at noon today together with corrected totals seent to Indicate positively that K. K Dunne, D*nm iratle candidate for governor had de feated his Kepuhlcati opi»onent. Georg* W. Clarke by a plurality ex < ceding 40.000. WASHINGTON Spokane. Washington. Nov. s-ln a telephone message firm Olyctda. at 1:30 o’clock today Governor Marlon K. liny conceded the election of Kr nest Lister. Democrat, its governor r.i Washington by 2.000. Govivnur llav's message asked : j it nrrangi meuts for a house In Spakanc be made for him as lie a trend v Is pre paring to leave the sta»c capital IDAHO Boise, Ida.. Nov. 8.—Idaho. Is agin In the doubtful list on its presi dential vote as between Taft and Wil- , son. The possibility of a divided electoral vote Is recognized since the < vote for electors on the same ticket varies. NEW JERSEY TOTAL VOTE LOWER THAN USUAL j Newark. N. J., Nov. s. —Thu total |i vote cast for president lust Tuesday J. in New Jersey, with a few districts! still missing, will fail, it is estimated, i at least 58.000 below the vote of four yeurs ago. Taking into account that the normal increase in voting popu lation since 15»0S Is figured at 25,- 000 the political managers estimate 1 that the total this year was S3.000 less thau might have been expected, in view of the unusual Interest in the 1 recent national contest. Based on present estimates the to tal Wilson vote in New Jersey wuh 16S.000. fourteen thousand less than ' the vote cast for Bryan In 1908. The combined Taft and Roosevelt vote ' was 221,000 in round numbers, less j than the Taft vote of four years ago. \ ROBBERS GET $40,000 Brlngham. Ala., Nov. 8. — lx»ot of $10,000 is said to have fallen to ' bandits who robbed a southbound express train on the txmisville ami Nashville railroad and Blount Springs early today. They entered , the mall car, awed the clerks hy a flourish of revolvers, took possession of several registered mail pouches, then signalled for the engineer to 1 stop the train and escaped In the country a few miles north of Birin- . inghum. Poses urc on the trail. VICTIM OF FOOTPADS DIES OF INJURIES , San Francisco, Nov. 8. —Colonel j, Isaac Trutnbo. who made a fortune L In I’lah and lost it In San Francisco! died here today of Injuries received 1 last Saturday night, when he was j beaten by footpads. For many years Colonel T rum bo I was one of the best known connois- » seurs of painting In the west. He ? had a notable collection and executed 1 many commissions Tor wealthy pa- » % rotis. i THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. Here are Some Soldiers Who Forced Turkey to Sue for Peace SALONIKI HAS FALLEN (Continued from Page Ouc.) cun cilixru* in Turkey Iii case of gencrul anarchy cr the existence of conditions of disorder beyond con 1 trol of «hc mil itisrv com in an deni on both sides. The formal ••vpl iiintlon of the lsfuc of their orders r> us follows: “In view of nimyrt: of pust dis turbances la Turkey the President has ordered ,Jv.o battleships to pro ceed to with a view to relieving any apprehension that might lie'*felt by American mls t binaries and educators, who are there Iii great uumbi-is. especially at Beirut and Smyrna. The American amhasrndor at Constantinople is un der Instructions to confer with Ills European colleagues, wlicso govern ments arc more immediately inter ested and understood t«» be prepared to take what measures might l»c J necessary if any change in conditions of turbulence affecting tin safety «'f foreigners ihould arise.” Berlin. Nov. 8.—Germany, Aus tria-Hungary and Italy will not In tervene In the Balkan situation so tong as their special Interests are not affected and unless they are; requested to do so hy the belliger ent nations. This determination was reported following n series of con j Terences held here between the Mnr iquis San GiuBniio. Italian foreign |minister, the imperial chancellor I and the German foreign secretary at which the Austrian ambassador was also present. St. Petersburg. Nov. s.- The Russian government has decided to retain all the time expired soldiers br the Russian army In active service with th<> regiments until next spring. I’his places the Russian army prac tically on u war footing. CULL0M DEFEATED Chicago, Nov. 8.—Sufficient Dem ocratic strength In the Illinois legis lature to enable that party to elect two senators to succeed Cullum and luiriincr appeared us a possibility to dnv with the increase of Democratic votes from southern counties. The Democrats will lack six of a :majority in the next llinois genera assembly, according to returns to day. On joint ballot the Democrats, who number 97. would lie out voted by a possible combination of the 78 Republicans and 2(1 Progressives who may Join to support L. Y. Sher" man, Republican primary choice for l T 8. senator. COLONFL ROOSEVELT RESUMES EDITORIAL WORK New York. Nov. 8.—Colonel Rooso veil motored to New York from Oy ster Bay today and visited Ills edi torial office for the first time since he was shot, lie said that he had ,adoptcd a policy of silence and had no further comment to make on the election. He was feeling fine, he said, and had almost forgotten there vvas a bullet in his chest. ALLEGED MURDERER | Steele, N. D.. Nov. 8.—George Baker, in the Kidder county Jail here charged with the murder of his wife and father-in-law. Thus. Glass, was taken from his cell today and lynch ed hy a mob. it Is the first lynching In North Dakota within a decade. TAFT CABINET HOLDS MERRY MEETING i Washington. Nov. S.—The r cm ult 'of the election ni>i»aiently ruuwd no downhearted ness In President Taft's cabinet for tliclr flnit meeting today since August. Cheerful laughter of Die official family penetrated into the While liouhc rorridom. The president and all the mem bent ex cept Secretaries Knox an«| Meyer were present. It Is understood no members will resign before March 4. Several members let It Iks known months ago that they expected to re tire March 4 even If Mr Taft were re-elected and several were known to be nnxlotiK to get bark into pri vate life before that date. The fend ing of loyalty to the president, how ever. oh expected to keep every cabi net officer at the head of his depart ment until the administration itself goes out of power. MARQUARD ARRESTED BY IRATE HUSBAND Atlantic City, X. .?., Nov. S. —On an affidavit sworn to by .fbsepli Kune of New York and two detectives, po lice magistrate .lagmctty of this city today issued a warrant for the appre seusion of "Rube” Mnrqunrd. tiie New York National league pitcher. Kane charged he and two detectives found Marquurd aud Mr. Kane's wife In a hotel here early today. While Kune was talking with the proprie tor of the hotel he said, Marquurd and Mrs. Kane left the place through a rear exit, with the aid of a man working Tor the hotel. Mrs. Kane is an actress, her stage name being Blos som ZoU\v. The pair have been ap pearing in a vaudeville sketch which exploited Marqtiard's prowess as a pitcher. AEROPLANE DEPOTS I«os Angeles, Calif., Nov. B.—The establishment of chain of aeroplane depots along the Pacific coast as an auxiliary to the artillery corps is the purpose of the war department, ac cording to Lieutenant August Nor ton of the const artillery corps. EXCHANGE WIRELESS NOTES ACROSS CONTINENT San Diego. Calif.. Nov. B.—Mess ages were exchanged lust night by the navy wireless station on Point Lomu aud the big new navy station at Arlington. Va.. approximately 8,500 miles across country. The sig nals unusually distinct, say the local operators. INSANE: ENDS LIFE Ault. Colo., Nov. N.—Al Hennes sey, aged 4b. living near Atilt, com mitted suicide tliis morning by shoot ing himself with a 88 caliber revol three children. Mrs. Hennessey says vcr. Hennessey leaves a widow and her husband's mind had become un balanced because of financial trou bles. You should always remember that it is about a thousand times easier to call a man a liar than to prove It. NOVEMBER 8. 1912. Carpet Cleesiag Works s W# CleanM Carpet*, Fee th en tad Mattreaaea. aad Do Vphelstcriar and Be pairing- Carpet Work a Specialty— Phone Baca 415. 511 C. 3d THE HALL-McMAHON Undertaking Company —USDEITAKEBS— -137 E. Main St—Phone Trim- MS. GRAND HOTEL I DOLL TIMES T Are you experiencing them? Let ua abow you bow wo keep busy, and bow wo In creased one buainesa 1-5 per cent In sight months. Wa have plenty to do; ao have our ell euta. Why? PUTATURO BIOS. Adfertuin* Export*, Center Maim aad laata Fa. t Eht Pierce Lumber and Manufacturing Co. 4 Everyth! a. ia Bail die. Malarial Mill tad lob Work a Specialty j Eighty Acre i| | Tract || Fine 80 acre tract border- j|> x> lug city limits and one of the <|! cv largest auaps we have bad since Ji » we have been In tbe buainesa. <j| « If you are looking for an In » vestment. It would pay you to << Investigate this. See us at once ! Hubbartt | 1 cncy Company g ROOM a. COIX). BLDG. >’ » Pbone Trln. 299. j|! Arcade Saloon Corinado Bar Robert Branagh, Prop. F. W. CLARK Attorney >at-Law Suite 3, Colorado Building WHY WOMEN SUFFER. Many Trinidad Women ere Learn inf the Canee. Women often suffer, not knowing the came. Uaekaehe, headache, dizziness. ner vousness. Irregular urinary passages, weak ness, languor— Kach a torture of Itself. Together hint at weakened kid neys. Strike at the root—get to the cause. Quickly help the kidneys If they ueed It. No other remedy more highly en dorsed than Doan’s Kidney Pills. Here's convincing testimony from this locality. Mrs. K. Hartnett. 1401 l£vans Avc., | Pueblo, Colo., aays: "twist fall 1 suf fered terribly from lame and ach 'ing back and I was unable to stoop lor lift. I finally used Doau's Kidney 'Pills and they cured .me.” The above Is not an isolated case. Mrs. Hartnett Is only one of many In this vicinity who have gratefully en dorsed Doan's. If your hack aches— If jour kidneys bother you, don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pill* the same that Mrs. Hartnerr had. 50c all stores. Foster-Milburu Co.. Props. Buffalo, X. Y. OKLAHOMAN IS HELD BY CALIFORNIA AUTHORITIES Los Angeles. Calif., Nov. 8.- Rol liver Atkin, who said he was prin cipal Of the public sellouts at Moore. Oklahoma, and a form* r m >tnber of the Oklahoma legislature, was nrrest ed here today oil request of the Okla homa authorities, as a l ivin', from Justice. The sheriff at Norma l. Oklahoma, telegraphed that he was en route to Los Angeles. lie said Atkin was wanted for having obtained money under false pretenses nt Norman. At kin sn : d his an«st was t result <-f political enmity. | AMUSEMENTS | T!f CRYSTAL Wlieie Everybody Goes m VAUDEVILLE M « TODAY BOHME. RUBEN AND CO. Piereuting the Joyful tiptoe “In The Homing." SMITH AND WABNOCK In u Coiuedy Creation "How Time Doe* Fly." (All Comedy Thin Time.) 2 Excellent Picture* Rowland Plumbing and Heating Company —Phone Baca 228 150 WEST FIRST ST. Estimates Cheerfully Fornithed. WILLIAMS rnasfir aad Staraia Company J3I Chextnu* Mrrci Baca 87 Wed IV>\ FURNITUHIS HEW AND SECOND-HAND Bot(ht and Sold A. M. CLEAVIHOXB T.topbon. Itnr* 1 S 4 No *Ol WBHT MAIN STREET Assuming One’s Risk IN TIIE MATTER OF Fire or Accident, is a dangerous policy, let ua fully insuru you In :t strong old-line pulley. Bennett & Wilson AGENTS Suit 1 McCormick llldg. Phone Trinidad 103. Contrartur for the new C-N building W. J. MILLER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Phone Trinidad 408. Telephone Trnldad 418 UNDERTAKERS TRINIDAD UNDERTAKING CO -821 Weft MAIN ST. U. 11. SIPB :: Funeral Director AUCTION OF FURNITURE. CARPETS. lIRA I’KRIKtt e.ery Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday. THE J. B. WARD FURNITURE AUCTION COMPANY. 311 W. Main Bt-. Trinidad. Coin STOVES and FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI —-TUBE BOUOHT AND SOLD POLIAK 6 RATNCR Phone Trinided 418—418 N. Com'l. J. G. GATES Scientific Optician All work done satisfactory Trinidad 89 Red 1832 itOUM B—OPERA HOUSE BleOcf JEFFRYEd m & MWHIS COMPANY Dealer, in Bloom. Foibei and Morley lump Coale. For ram mer n*e try level and Morley Nut ConL Phone Trinidad 223. ♦Mm»»eee«»m»n->rw»ie Palace Dale and Bar \ DEO. CLERICI, Prop. I 118 Welt Main Street. , | Chronicle-News want ads, sff a ~tne INSURANCE *• ’ft V*. M'(| M'. Hf S ! COVPANIF.S DUNIAVY AGENCY CO. ■ 0: iHi Y bL Ul K (’i, inr Irin. b 4 1 (