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Most desirable weaves in Suit and Coat Materials UNUSUAL SAVINGS —Every woman who plana to add to her wardrobe a auit or coat or both for Fall and Wanter wear. One that may alao ho depended upon to laat her for wear during next apring will be intereeted —Heavy illiiKimul Xlkellue two-tuno (mi effect. An Wide wnle dla.fnunl In rlrli nut amt llavauu excellent fnlirle for coat*, for women, tulHaen and lirowna and Dutch blue—Bvory threud |iure wor childrcn. Incliea wide g::.00 value for Monday «ed. Width r.ti luchea. Deaullful flulali. One of the only 12.45 correct fabrics for coats. suit* unit skirts. 92.35 value. Montliiy only *1.85 Iltiavy English routing 111 Kray. A very baud tome fabric. 56 Inches wide. Splendid for ncrvici*. Heavy uud mot Hum weight aniart suitings in deep 93.0 ft value, Monday only 92.45 r,rh ,l,,rk browns grey Mini purple. Pabrlra that will give complete satisfaction ami you will —Stylish .Mannish Suiting*. 56 Inch wide, oxcep- recognize the fact when you see them. Suitable for tlonully pretty uud new pnttorus. 9-.?'* value* women’s mines ami childrens coals. Milts and Monday only *3.35 1 Irts. 56-Inch. 92 values, Momlay only *1.65 | Limited Membership] Have You Joined Oar “Standard” Sitstraight Sewing Machine Club ? If not, you’d better hurry—we can’t promise to repeat this offer —Bettor join at once and be anre of getting one of theae latest (r 9 model sewing machines for $39.90 this amount covers everything. FULLY GUARANTEED FOR A LIFETIME. “Standard” Rotary Central Need- JD_ le is the machine you get by join- 12.00 CASH mg this club. We were able to IHSp'T make a special arrangement with Then f 1.00 ft Week the nmaaffeetnrer to get this very MHjll Q beat “STANDARD" Rotary Head imffSSflll Jjrf . 990 011 on a special combination of Cen rnC” vuuiull tral Needle Woodwork and thu. ~ W V * we make yon this very special clnb ”” price the machine is thoroughly Guaranteed for a Lifetime. This vety unusual price will quiekly fill this club because we are giving you .this .brand .new Standard Rotary Central Needle Sitstraight Jan. Ist- Model right up to-date in every detail with Automatic Lifting Device. Rell Bearing Stand—Machine makes both Lock and Chain Stitch—Latest and moat unproved fall set of attachments and all other acccoor ies. Club member* receive the co-operallvo advantages that are obtain able only thru till* elub plan which permits ua to buy a large quail* f*. . ft A A A Illy at one time and deal close with tlic manufacturer—You act _ . Jk 4U will ua your own agent and nave till* cxpcnac—your time, annoyance. rllW ||| V U etc. Now dou’t be decclvod by auy other aocalled Itotary or SIT- * STRAIGHT Sewing Machine. The Standard llotery advertlaement* havu been copied hut the machine Itself cannot bo duplicated. It* the original ami uio*t t»uccc*aful Lock mid Chain Stitch Itotary Shuttle Sewing Machine in the world. 12.00 Down This Remarkable Offer f 2.00 Down HOC a week made to Club members only 11.00 > week M Combination Book Case and Desk 519.50 SOUD QUARTERED SAWED OAK GOLDEN FINISH Three Piece Dining\\Room Set 51 Piece China Set Monday Special 540.50 Monday Special $10.75 ~ • -Neat, dainty pattern. Pink flower, and gold ami Huffed. China Closet and Extcnfiiou Table. Cold- green and gold decoration. English Porcelain. Two cn Oak Finish. See same in window. patterns to choose from Jamie^onS JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CAR-LOAD OF HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE. * ■ ‘ DRIVE TURKS TR THE LAST DITCH (Continued from page two.) -This bloody battle, lasting 36 hours, will go down as one of the most brilliant Teats of urms In Otto man history-” Washington, Nov. 9.—The ar moured cruisers Tennessee and Mon tana will put to sea Monday from the Philadelphia navy yard for their mission to protect Americans In Turkey, it is said at the navy ile paitmciit today. All details of the expedition are in the hands of Ad miral Knight who will command the vessels. British Ambassador Bryce called upon President Taft at the White house today ami it Is presumed the Balkan situation was discussed. It is probable If Amorlean life becomes imperiled at Constantinople or else where in Turkey before the arrival of the American vesels asylum would la- afforded American citizens on lion id British vessels which are to SATURDAY , be part of the International fleet no*r heading towards Constantin ople. The American Red Cross is not planning to send any relier supplies to the seat of the war to the Ameri can vessels, but is sending all funds forwarded to It by Americans for use In any country designated. The Russian umbassador and Ma dame Rakhmetcff have sent 91,000 to the Greek Red Cross and a simitar amount to the Bulgarian fled Cross. Dispatches from Constantinople to the Red Cross today says there are many wounded in thut city and that the organization is sorely In need of funds. The United State* revenue cutter Uuagla, now’ at port Said enroute from Baltimore to Alaska liatt been ordered to proceed immediately to the Beirut and Smyrna to protect American citizens uud their prop erty. Vienna, Noy. 9.—Tho Neue Fci Prcßse says It has learned the entry of the Bulgarian army Into Constan* tlnople is considered doubtful ns Uiissin is protest lug n gainst siieli action. NEW MEXICO TO TAKE UP RAILROAD BONDS Albuquerque, N. M., Nov. 9.—Fol lowing n three days’ session of the state loan commission in Santa Fe. a settlement was reached today be tween the commission and Bird S. Color of Coler and Company, New York, who by tho state will on De cember issuo 91.12u.ft00 of state bonds to take up the railroad bond indebtedness of Grant and Santa Fe counties, an indebtedness which has stood for thirty years. Congress val dldate the bonds ten years ago after they had been declared invalid by the U. S. supreme court. A grant of 1,00ft,000 acres of land was made In the act admitting New Mexico to the union to provide for the payment of the debt. Color and Company were the principal holders of the bonds. ROOSEVELT WINS IN CALIFORNIA Sun Franelsc, Nov. 9. —Roosoveil’s plurality iu California hovered around the 900 mark at noon today with the precincts totals in sonic In stances uncertain. THE CHRONICLE-NEWS. TRINIDAD, COLORADO. THE CHURCHES Chriitian Science. (’lll'istiuu Science services held at Elks' hull Sunday morning ut 11 o’- clock. Subject, “Adam aiul Fallen Mali.” Sunday M-nool at 9: 15 a. in. E|>iico|ial Trinity church, corner Colorado and Nevada avenues. Itev. .1. O. Fer ris, rector. Twenty-third Sunday aft er Trinity. llol> Com 111 union 7:.'sft a. 111.; Sunday School 9:4.'* a. m.; morn ing prayer aiul sermon II n. 111.; eve ning prayer and sermon 7:3ft. p. in. Fngliih-Gennaii Lutheran Church. < Pirn* Street. I (Setman preaihing servlcus this Sunday at II a m English Sunday school at 9:45 Luther League of young people 2.3 ft p. in Confirma tion class meets every Saturday, 9-11 11. in. ut 447 Park street A welcome to all vlsltorb K Walter Schmitt. Pastor. City Miuion Ills Kl 111 St.» Pleaching at II a. in.; praise ser vice :t p. ni.: preaching 7:3ft p. in. Evangelist Ja.“ S Thomas and Gos pel Singer J. It. Mack close their part in these meeting today. Come wor ship with us. all welcome. You do lint have to wear broadcloth or silk. Come Just ns you are.— C. Anderson, pastor. Chriitian Church. 140 ft I! Main St 1 Sunday school at 9:l.'* a. in . and Voting People’s meeting at 6:31) p. m There is a meeting of tile official board called at l p. 111. The minister will preach both morning and even ing. Subjects of sermons, morning. ’’The Model Church;” evening. “The Election.** We cordially invite the public to worship with us. Ran dolph Cook, Pa-tor. Buptitt Church. .The pastor will oeewupy the pulpit at It a. ni. and 7:3ft p m The com mtiniou service will follow the morn ing sermon. At night the text will be ‘ .Make Your Calling and Election Sure.** The Sunday school is In a prospciou* condition. Come with us at 9.1a a. m. The R. V. P. I*, de votional meeting begins ut 6:3ft p. 111. Midweek pray* r meeting on Wednes day night at 7:3*1. Couic E. O. Ituticr. Pastor. Salrution Array. Hall and quatters 416 North Com mercial street. Ensign uud Mrs. G W. Case, officers In charge. Sunday services: Holiness meeting 11 u. in. Sunday school 2:30 p. m Salvation inerting H ]> ni. Public meeting in the hall every night iu the week ex cept Monday Com*- and worship the l,ord with U' Everybody Is Invited. We have a nice, ‘comfortable, well heated ball on the ground floor and will have n good, lively meeting Wel come. Fin-t M* E. (South). Corner Arizona and Colorado ave nues Robrt l\ Wald raven, pastor. The services .>t this church tomorrow ire as follow.-: Sunday kcliimil and Bible Study l<> A. M. Teachers* de votional M*rv es 9:4a Preaching II a. m. mid 7 30 |». m. Epworth League 6:3ft p. 81. Subject “Why Je sus Taught hv Parable*.” Subject of the morning sermon, “The Majesty of Law;’* evening. “The Gospel of Sacri fice." Your fellowship with us In the worship of Cml will be highly ap preciated, ami a cordial welcome will be accorded you. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tim pastor. (lev. II. E. Chandler will oct'Upx his pulpit as usual at I I a. in. and T 30 p. ni. tomorrow. "HigiiH of the Times and Tim Man hood Itcqiiinil lly them.** Evening tlmnie: "Some People You Have Met—The Ingrateful Man.'* The mu sic for the day will consist of Three Tnnhauvcr organ numbers in the morning and three Kinder numbers in the evening, by Miss Harlan. The organ begins ten minutes before the evenitig worship and will he a Fan tasia on •‘Duke Street. ** Every lover of good tnui-> should he on hand at 7:20 sharp. Pint Methodist Episcopal Church (Frank Wood Hrctnall, Pastort Sunday school at 9:45 n. m.; J. A. Dopp. superintendent. Kpwnrth lea gut at G:3») P- m., Miss Mildred riionias. president; Prayer meeting Wednesdai owning at 7:30. at which the Sunda> S< liool lesson will be dis* cussed; morning preaching service at 11, sermon by the pastor; solo, "The Plains of Peace,” (Barnard) Miss Gertrude Moses; the .Bpworth league devotional meeting will he conducted In Mrs. Hrctnall: it. is u Home Mission and Church Extension topic: evening sermon by the pastor service commencing at 7:30; anthem | "God Is A Spirit.** (Bennett); the! Women's Foreign Missionary society | will meet on Tuesday afternoon at . the usual hour with Mrs. Minor. I 100!) Arizona avenue. Fanners, mechanics, railroaders, laborers, rol> on Dr. Thomas' ICIoc trle Oil. Fine for cute, burns, bruises. Should bo kept in every home. 25c and 50c. Kicking wouldn’t be so bad if peo ple who had the most occasion for it did the most of It. NOVEMBER 0. 1912. Deafness Cannot Be Cured ip local applications, an they inn not rrarh (tin diseased portion of (he ear. There Is only one way to cur*! d-afnoa*. and that Is by constitutional n-mciUi-H. IteaflMM Is caused by an Inflano d cotxll (Ion of the mucous lining or the Kuata- Chlaa Tube. When thin tube Ih InAune-d you nave a rumbling sound or Imperfect heart ns. and when It Is entirely dosed. Deafness Is the result, and unless the In flammation ran be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal • ondltton. hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten nre caused by t'atnrrh. which Is nothing but nn Inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We elllsive One lines rd l»nll ire foranr roe of Deafaea* <casw<4 h?catarrh*that ranimUsmndbf nail's Catarrh Cure, Send for clwnlars, fr*e r.j fit kn kv. a co. TuUeo, oam. Bold hy Drasst; *s.?V. Take UaUh raauir Mila for winilw A NEWSPAPER'S GREATSET COST I Doll Hell* 111 Ijohllo’h Weekly. Il Ik tile cost of lll** pewit service and pot the cost of (lie plant that makes the sturting of a newspaper difficult. Three filths of the tor.t of operating a modern dally ur.* what might he called overheat! charges. I mean by that, news servlet*, editor* ■! writers, pictures, euhlegru.iH «•.<! the various bureaus. The uieeliuiil al bltle represents only two fifths of tin* remainder. 1 t|t» not know a single progressive paper that Is not con sinntly Increasing Its news outlay far faster than it piles up Its met haui'-al expenditures. Tho wise editor knows that It is the news that sells III* pa per an*l not the press that prints it. In my wide range of newspaper i.r •liiuliitniifc. I tlt» not know a:iy *n« I i a list owners nor do I know -inv mic eessful newspapers that urj mu owned by themselves. 11 Is not possiol** ter a newspaper U» lie tutcwfiil run in a pilvate Interest The newspaper is a public concern, ai I wi.m l» • eases to serve the publie ,t rouses to lie n successful newspaper. A recently Invented safe *'»at will float In ease of shipwreck is tt vie* I cylinder, divided Into two -ompail menis. one airtight, the ofior to hold \ aluahles. The name—Doan's Inspires confi dence— Doan's Kidney I*ll Is for kid ney ills. Doan's Ointment for skin Itching. Doan's Kegulets for a mild laxative. Sold at all drug stores. A Electric | | Cooking Fete | ► 5* : | Monday | Tuesday f Wednesday Jamieson’s j - f : | : l Everybody Welcome \ Refreshments X : I STREET CAR NOTICE CHANGES IN CAR SCHEDULES ON BACA STREET ROUTE BeKimunc November the 9th* 1912. and continuing an* til fuitber notice, enrz will leave Main and Commercial strefti at 10:30 and 90 minutei after every hoar between 6:30 n. m. and 12:30 midnight. Car will go weft on Commercial to Arizona* north on Arizona to Boca, west on Baca to San Juan, zouth on San Joan to Pine, thence down Fine to Commercial and Main itreeti. I Minutes After Every lluur. At Main and Commercial 10 .'lO &0 At I Inca and Arizona !* r * «•'* •*(» Al Itaca and Sail Juan -0 in I*o At San Juan und Pine 23 4- 02 At Main und Commercial 30 f»o 10 CUT THIS OUT AND SAVE IT. REMEMBER YOUR CAR. THE TRINIDAD ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION, RAILWAY AND GAS COMPANY PAGE THREE