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QUIT THAT! YOUILNEH) j A great president of llie United State* once wrote: “Extrava ganco rota character; train youth away from It. On the other hand the of aavlng money, while it stiffen* tho will, alao hrightena the energies If you would lie sure that you are lieglnniiiK light, be gin to save." i We handle comerclal checking account a of Individuala, firms, and companies. Let OUIt Hank be YOUK Hank. The First National Bank * -- For Sale or Rent New, two-room house* Colorado Ave.. ond Alt. street. Will sell for $450. $lOO down, balance monthly payments. Lots is 80x ISO. Dudjr new five room hoase on San lunn near Colorado Ave. $B,- 160.00 $BOO down, balance monthly payments, like rent -800 bonntifnl buildiny lots, located in different parts of the city. Moot of them eon be sold on payment. Bay now. Build Inter. If yon wont Fire. Life. Accident Insurance, or Surety Bonds* don't fail to coll at the cronnd floor real estate office. The Home Security-Investment Company Iniurmace. loan- Real Estate. Boidi. 8. C. HALL Preaidant. Ground floor, Pint Rational Bank Building. ED W A III) D. WIGHT. President. I). P. JONHS. Vice-President. W. R. CHAPMAN, Cashier. H. K. HOLLOWAY. V-Pree. C. R. RAPP, Assistant Cashier. The Trinidad National Bank Capital *100,000.00 Surplus and Profits *60,000.00 DIIIBCTORS: B. I>. Wight >l* K. Holloway W. J. Murray Philip Hchnclder I>. P. Jonea W. R. Chapman We will be pleased to have your business and offer every ac commodation consistent with safe banking. Intel paid on tlma deposits. Supplies We carry a full lino of everything for the automobile. Presto light and tire tanka In atock. 11, exchange 83.00 E, exchange $2.75 The Trinidad Novelty Works Pbons Trinidad 128. GRAPE FRUIT *sr 10c j 1 THESE ARE THE LARGE FLORI- i&J IJY) DA'S. EXTRA HEAVY AND FULL |it j W\) OF JUICE. THEY ARE DELIC- V) SATURDAY GENUINE MAZDA TUNGSTEN LAMPS Superior In Quality Not So Eaaily Broken Costs No More. $9 Hot Point Irons For $3.50 This Week- Trinidad Gas and Electric Supply Co. Ph. Trie. 78. 212 E. Main. THX CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. PERSONALS W. A. King returned home thin morning from u business trip to Pol* koui. Moitln While of l.ufayeite, Colora* do, is ill this elty u|miu u business and pleasure trip. Morris White of Lafayette, Colors do. Is in this city upon u business und pleunure trip. .1. C\ lilies of Clayton, New Mexico, is spending several days In this city 011 a business trip. Charles Mitchell of this city Is In Mt. flemens, Michigan, visiting with irlcnds and relatives. Mr. and Mm. C. It Hasey and wife of Forbes Junction are In thin city visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. ami Mrs ('. H. Hasey and wife of Forbes Junction are In thin city visiting with friends and relatives During the severe illness of her mother Mrs. Wade. Mrs. M. E. Mad den will have Mrs. W. S. Munroe as a house guest. W. C. Italsh of Itaton spent yester day in this city upon a brief business trip. lie returned to his home In that city last evening. T. A. Kfhonihurg departed for his home In Denver this morning after spending the past few dava in this city and in itatou upon a business trip. Mrs. M. E. Madden lias returned from a short trip to Pueblo where she accompanied her mother, Mrs. Wade, who was taken to the St. Mary's hos pital. Mrs. W. T. Harkins ami daughter left (Ills afternoon for Dawson where they will Join Mr. Harkins. They will make tlielr future home lu that camp. Dan Kelly, of the (iross-Kelly Wool company, left yesterday after noon for lots Vegan where hr will visit with his parents for the next few days. (ails King, one of the county teach ers. arrived In this city last evening and will spend the* week end here visiting with her father. She teach cs at Tollerburg. Waldo Conklc. who lias been spend ing the past few months In Chicago, returned to his home lu this city yes terday morning. He Is the son n» Mr and Mrs. John Conkle Mrs. John Fotheringlll. who has been spending some time in this city visiting with her mother. Mrs. .1. Moore, expects to leave this evening for her home In Kansas City. Mrs. (’. E. Morehouse, who bus been in the elty for some time past visit ing with her son. C Morehouse, of this city, left yesterday afternoon for her home In Kansas City. Miss Krmellnda Alieyta left this afternoon on the Santa Fe for l«as Vegas, where she will remain for sometime visiting with friends and relatives. She expects to In* away for a rouple of weeks. Mis. J. W. Bartlett is expected to urrivc tills evening from (iudsden. Ain., where she has been spending the pHrt four months xisitlug with rela tives and friends. Mrs. Bartlett Is the wife of J. W. Bartlett, the local tailor. Mrs. D. T. Richards and son Wayne who have been spending sometime in Trinidad visiting with Mrs. Mor ris Riehards of this elty, left this morning ror San Bernardino. Califor nia. where they will join Mr. Rich ards. They formerly resided In l*a Junta. Mrs. Larkin, department president, and Mrs. Ames, department Inspector cf the Woman's Relief Corps, arrived in this elty this morning from their homes In Denver. They will spend the next couple of days In this city vistllng with the members of the lo cal corps. Mrs. J. O. Northcutt. will leave to morrow for Boulder, where she will he present at the reception given In that city by the Colorado Federation of Women's Clubs which Is meeting in that elty this week. She will go from there to Fort Collins, where she will ntlend a similar occasion in that city. $28,000,000 IN POSTAL SAYINGS BANKS Washington. Nov. 9.—Postmaster (Jeneral Hitchcock announced today that approximately S2K,<MiO.OOO had been deposited to date In postal sav ings depositories by 290,000 Individ uals. averaging SHG per depositor. The system Is now operated in 12,- 772 post offices,( and 7,357 banks have qualified to receive postal sav ings bank funds. CHANCE RELEASED Chicago, Nov. 9.—Frank Chance, former manager of the Chicago Na tional baseball team, was released to The Cincinnati team of the same leage today on wpiver for $1,500, It was anonnneed 'fhere. This ends Chance's connection with the Chi cago team and puts an end, It Is be lieved. to the conjecture that Joe Tinker, Chicago shortstop, would manage Carry Hermann’s Ohioans. John O'Dowd, the sensational fielding shortstop, who was tried out by Hie Highlanders last summer be fore the advent of McMillan, was re leased to the Brockton club of the New England league last week. O'Dowd was originally purchased front Brockton. Have you started that savings ac count with us yet ? If not, you are losing money every clay Do it now Commercial Savings Bank Royal Arcanum Holds a Rousing Meeting Two hundred members of Trinidad Council No. 1»«K, Royal Arcanum, were In attendance last night at a rousing member-hip meeting which «$s followed by a most enjoyable feast and smoker The local entiuci! was honored by a visit of the grand regent, M. A. Hoot and officers of the Denver council, nnd three new candi dates were put through by the visit ing officers who demonstrated to the delight and Instruction of the uietu- I Kirs tho lodge degree work. The vis iting Arranumlu ■> besides Crand Re gent Root were (*. L. loturent. past regent: W. T. Shay, past regent; C. K. White, orator: A II (Satehlll, vice regent, and W. A. Withrow, orator, nil of Denver. L. R. Horn, regcut of Trinidad council, delivered the address of Wel come and a splendid talk on the order In general was giten by Regent Root. A most entertaining address was that of C. L. Laurent A number of talks were given during the informal ban quet. Frank Stone entertaineu w*th vocal solos and the members and guests spent an hour or two In a so cial manner. The music was furn ished by an orchestra of seven piec es. The supper wan prepared hv Mrs. A. B. Boynton nnd Mrs Nets Ileus ton. Chicago Theatre to Stage Cookie's Play Waldo Cookie, son of Captain John Conklc. of this city. Is realiz ing success in the theatrical world with his maiden effort in musical comedy composition. "The Honey moon Suite." This clever musical pro duction was put on at the West thea tre a few mouths ago by local society and scored a hit. After the produc tion here Mr Conklc took his work to Chicago where he offered It to pro ducers. On*- of the best known pro ducers took it up aqd the work of the Trinidad compoeer Is to open at the lax Salic theatre In Chicago next apring. This puta Waldo Conkie on the high road to aueccas In hit artis tic. field. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN November 9th. 1912 This la to certify that I have re ceived full settlement from W. P. Dunlavy lor tlm Ocoan Accident com pany for my claim aglnat said com pany for Indemnities due me In con nection with my huaband'a accident and death. The claim wan paid promptly and fully. Including the premiums which my husband paid for Insurance plus 4 per cent rom pound inter*'**. and I am well pleas ed With the settlement. Voura truly. Mary 11. Broadwcll. CORNELL WINS RACE Philadelphia. Nov. 9.—Cornell to day won the annual dual cross country run Horn Pennsylvania by the score of 22 to 42. The raeo waa 5 1-4 miles through Falrmant Park, and John Paul Jones, the individual winner, covered the distance In 27 minutes. 23 seconds, establishing s new record for the course. The form er time was 27:49, made by Ucrna of Cornell. ALLIGATOR HUNTING From Fur News. It Is a little more than 10 years since allgutoi skins were exported from Colombia: for five years one concern had a monopoly or the busi ness In alligator skins from catching the animals to selling and export ing the skins .md as labor is cheap the exclusive government ' privilege paid well. Now any one can catch the beasts, but this privilege Is not what it would have been live or six years ago. ns thero are fewer alli gators to catch and the number is decreasing each year, as there is a price obtainable for each skin caught Hunting is conducted In the dry petiods, December to March and July i and August .t which times the marshes and Hat lands, usually cov ered with water, are drulned and the alligators are < apt ured with coni par" nlive case and in great uutnhors, AID SOCIETY MEETS AT JEFFRIES HOME Tin* lnm»e of Mr*. Kll Jeff rye* »• Kill Grant avenue wan tin* meeting place of nearly two hundred membera of the Aid Society or Iho Metliodlat church, yesterday afternoon and last evening. Tile occasion waa a sewing ••bee", and the milking of the filial preparation* for the baiaar which the ladle* will hold on November .'IU. Dur ing the afternoon while the ladle* were buay In muklng pretty article* which will make the beet kind of Chrlatmaa gift*, an entertaining pro gram wan given. Mr*. W. G. Pleated rendered two piano solo* which wore well given. Mina Blanch© Scndden followed with two vocal selection* which weie greatly appreciated. Mr*. J. A. Dopp delighted those present with a humoioii* reading, entitled: •‘Johnny In a Dime Museum." Mr*. Jeffreys pleased the ladle* with ‘•When the Heart i* l.glhted." a read ing ably given. The last number which was given wa* a solo sang by Mr*. M. B. Moses. A delicious 5 o'- clock supper wa* served after the af ternoon program. Those who assist ed Mr*. Jeffryes wore Mr*. Alfred Brynlng, Mr*. Frank Jlloom. Mr*. C. 11. Little. Mrs. A. C. Gross. Mrs. George Jeffreys. Mr*. Mary Stephens, and Mr*. Albert Jeffrey* At six o'clock the men were the honored guest*. They wer* served luncheon and were entertained Ihe rest of the evening by a program Those who participated In the pro gram were Mr*. M. 11. Moses. who gave a piano solo; Mis* Blanche Scad den and Ml*s Gertrude Mose*. vocal Moloa; reading* by Ml** Pearl Conger and Mrs. D. Klglimy and nd drcN-tes by Rev. Frank Wood Bret ti all and W. 11. Howell. EXPRESSIVE AND TRUE. Kveryoue with the coming liolll day iM-a*on i* concerned with choice of aultablc gift*, the object being the present most appreciated. There I* no gift that carries with it the Hweet charm of personality or !* so highly prised a* a fine photo graph. The Smiley Studio I* showing the fluent photos ever made In Trinidad. These new styles are especially ele gant and desirable. Mr. Smiley take* n iieraonal interest In every picture that leaves Ills tuillo. an artist of highest ability having long exper ience in finest city studios. A prise winner In every exhibition. Mr. Smi ley's ability la such that the finest work produced la made with hla own hands. Large experience haa proven the uaelesneaa of trusting such par ticular work to thole who work for hire. You are Invited to cull: it Will he a pleasure to see these beau tiful pictures. ■ DEATH OF CHILD ! Beatrice Htamato. the two year old daughter of Antonio Staucato of ::01 West Third street died thin morning of scarlet fever. Funeral, which was private took place this afternoon. JUSTICE CIRCLE Regular meeting of the Justice Cir cle No. 536 Monday evening at Castle Hall. Full attendance desired. HELD FOR FORGERY J. N. Smithce. alia* J N. Towler, charged with forgery, was bound over to the district court under 1350 bond today by .lustlce of the Peace Bowers. Smlthee waa arrested the early part of th» week after cashing a cheek for ♦«. drawn on the First National Bank, and to which was signed the name of John A Gysin. of the Trinidad Ad-Sign company. FOR SALE. One Chalmers 30 automobile, first class condition, new tires. See Ben net and Dale garage. ‘Jin Kim St. 1 Robes and Blankets Lap Robes *2.50 *14.00 Wool Steamer Ruga. *4.50 t» *lO.OO Square Hone Blaaketa 90C '» *3.50 each Shaped Hone Blanket* and Storm Covert *1.25 >« *2.00 *ach Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crancer Hardware Company 117 East Main St. Ph. T. 86 NOVEMBER 9, 1912. Good Clothes ,f^ are Always a WfmKk Comfort and to Kt't hloiir In thi> world. !\\ ’'j If you want to look the part And you ran get them at a Three-Bottom right price. |l5. 918. |2U. DouMe Brtatted Sack. No. 740 IngrMn-Powder Clothing COlllpMiy "WHBRE QUALITY COUNTS" ENTERTAINED FOR QUEST In honor of Mrs. John Kothcrlnglll of Kantian City, who Is in this city visiting with her mother. Mrs. J. Moore, the members of lh« Fraternal Fnlon of this city gave a delightful and well appointed surprise party last evening at thi> Moore home on Spruce street. The evening waa spent by some twenty-five guests In playlog card* and in * social way. During the evening those piesent were enter tained with musical number* by Miss es Lillian and Daisy Moore and Miss ArUi Leonard. At the end of the ev ening refreshments were served by Mrs. Moore, assisted by her daugh-, ter*. Mis* Lillian and Mis* Daisy, and Mrs. G. W. Sherfick and Sir*. Fred Tipton. HOUSEHOLD CHEMISTRY CLASS Thr evening blgh school rUn in llouifliolil (’hctnlstrv will bold lt« Ilmt regular RfMlon nt 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon. N'ovrmlirr 11, In room 37. high school building. All those Intending to take the work, arc urged to b<* present.—J. It. Mor gan. rtupt. 1 All Pattern and Trimmed llata at actual coat. 40. p » South Animas. tf TURKEY SHOOT SUNDAY Itlg turkey shoot at rifle range n*-ar Klka Park tomorow. 10 a. ro. I Dress Slippers —Here are the handtomett and dain tieat creation* in Women'* Drew Slipper* nnd Pumpt we’ve ever ihown \ THEY 'RE BEAUTIES. \ —Patents- Dull Kid. Velvet*. Suede* and *ll ahtde* in Satin*. Ever? vtr iation of *i*e and width for perfect fitting $3.60 and $4.00 a pair. ‘The P. & W. Shoe Co. "THE STOKE OF BETTER SHOES" ( Ihe International State Bank Paid Capital $lOO,OOO This bank strives in every legitimate way to co operate in the business affairs of its de positors and solicits your patronage. A STRICTLY MOM li HANK FINANCED HY HOME FEOI’LE DIRECTORS. JOHN AIBI.1A). President JOHN J. HBNDRICK. WM. O PI.KSTKD, Vice President. Cashier. V B. MrOLARft AN. ALBERT A. WHITE CHAKLKS NICCOLI. JKSBK O NORTIICUTT PAGE FIVE LISTER FOR WHISTLES The Chronicle-New* carrier boys barn been supplied with new whistles and wilt blow when making delivery of papers. Listen for the whistle aa a a P. E. O. SOCIETY The P. E O. Society will m©«t Monday afternoou with Mrs Robert Rons at her home on Baca street. The meeting will Im- at 2:3d o'clock. LOST. . A Itrraat Plu made or a $r. Gold piece. The owner prized vary blgbll and will liberally reward finder If returned to this office. tf. T. B. C. CLUB MEETS The home of Mr*. John Kapey *•* the Sd-eue of « meeting of the T. B. C. club yesterday afternoon The meet- Ipg was mostly confined to the busi ness of reorganization and the Initia tion of new members. The members of the club are: Mrs. James Mc- Keougb. Mrs. \V. L. Wills. Mrs. Freu Clark. Mr*. W. W. Taylor. Mrs. Janie* Kxpvy. Mrs. Frau* llipes. Mr*. J. 11. Drury. Mr*. John Strong. Mrs. .1. 71. Abram. Mrs A L. Data. Mrs. W. K laiwler. Mrs Floyd Beauchamp and Mrs. F J. Radford