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Banking Service Banking service means more than the mere a#- • ceptance of an account. * Our primary object is to satisfy each individual < depositor, and. as far as consistent with good bank- { ’ inje. to carry out his desires. < * The service of the First National Bank is baaed , on fair and courteous treatment to every patron. < Judicious and intelligent Investment of Us funds \ assures full protection. J The First National Bank TRINIDAD. COLORADO : For Sale or Rent Hew, two-room house* Colorado Ave., and Alta street. Will sell for $450. $lOO down, balance monthly payments. Lots is fiOx 100. Bandy new five room house on San Juan near Colorado Ave. $2,- 150.00 $2OO down, balance monthly payments, hk® rent -200 beautiful building lots, located in different parts of the city. Most of them can be sold on payment. Boy now. Build later. If you want Fire, Life, Accident Insurance, or Surety Bonds* don’t fail to call at the ground floor real estate office. The Home Security-Investment Company Insurance. Loans- Real Estate. Bonds. S. C. HALL President. Ground floor. First National Bank Building. EDWAIID D. WIGHT, President. D. P. JONES. Vice-President W. R. CHAPMAN. Cashier. 11. K. HOLIAAVAY. V-Prea. C. R. RAPP, Assistant Cashier. ( Ibt Trinidad National Bank Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $60,000.00 DIRECTORS: K. D. Wight w 11. K. Holloway W. J. Murray Philip Schneider D. P. Jones W. R. Chapman We will be pleased to have your business and offer every ac commodation consistent with safe bunking. Intel.-st paid on time deposits. | Supplies Wo carry a full line of everything for the automobile. Pronto light nnd tire tanks in stock. B, exchange $3.00 K, exchange $2.75 The Trinidad Novelty Works Phone Trinidad 128. TOURIST CLUB The Tourist club will meet with Mrs. J. 11. nllrncs, IMS Arizona ave nue on Wednesday afternoon at 2:.'10 o'clock. TOKAY GRAPES Per Basket * 135 c f l/y l These are California Tokay Ij\ Wll an< * are extra fancy. They v\ Tm Fl/ arc fresh and fine. Try a basket. Y\ V 1 BIG FERNDELL SALE All this week Buy now and save money Three if Three Stores Stores TUESDAY GENUINE MAZDA TUNGSTEN LAMPS Superior In Qnality Rot So Easily Broken Coats No Mote. $5 Biot Point Irons For $3.50 This Week- Trinidad Gas and Electric Supply Co. rh. Trln. 78. 212 E. Main. LOST. A ilrcasl Pin made of n s'• Gold piece. The owner prized very highly nnd will liberally reward finder If returned to this office. tf. THE OHSOmOEZ-VEWS, TEWIDAD. COLORADO PERSONALS 8. I). Trimble of Pueblo is in the city on a short business trip. F. M Clark of Aguilar is in the city on a days business trip. J. U. Vigil left his afternoon for Vigil on u day’s business trip. Luwrcnce Cresto lias returned from Denver where he spent a short time F. T. Woodard of Colorado Springs is in the city on a short business trip. Frank East spent he afternoon in Segutido looking after business mut ters. Mrs. A. F. Stanley of Pryor, is In the city on u short visit und shop ping trip. D. A. Clark of Denver left this af ternoon for Sopris on a few hours' business trip. George Reese, the insurunee man. left this morning for Puelilo on u day's business trip. Mrs. \V. E. Shriller spent the af ternoon In Sopris visiting with her daughter und tuiully. C. L. Hendetbhol returned to Wul sobur.T tills afternoon after u short ; business trip In tills city. Mrs. P. G. Wood returned to Uei wlnd this afternoon after a short shopping trip in Trinidad. Miss Margaret Marsh returned to Va!di7. this afternoon after a short ihopping trip in this city. E. R. Mayer of Denver is in the i Ity on a few days’ business trip, calling on local customers. Mrs. M. Liens of Canon City ar rived It* the city today foi u short visit with Mrs. C. F. Smith. Ml is Klliubeth Kohlnxon returned! to in Inguu this niternnon after it »hoit shopping trip in this city. E. 11. Day returned this morning, Irom Clayton. New Mexico, where he spoilt a day adjusting a fire loss. O. la. Davis. Jr., returned today from lata Vegas, where he spent a few days looking alter business mat* ters. W A. Fowler has gone to Kutisus City where he will spend u week inlying \trtek for the Fowler Furni turn Store. Mrs. (’harles Tnft and father, W. M Watson, left tills morning (or Denver, where they will spend sev eral weeks. A. P. Anderson returned this morning from Denver, where he spent u few days looking after legal loimlio-mm matters. Miss Huelah McClothlin arrived lit the city today from Colorado Springs for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler. R. Cl. CopeiuiKi returned this morning from Colorado Springs where he upent Sunday visiting with his wife und children. Mike May left this afternoon for Pueblo and the northern part of th*» state after n short business trip In this city and vicinity. Dr. Abrahams who has been con fined to his home for the past few months on arount of a broken ankle in able to lie down at his office again. Mr.t. Rose Gntevvncd of L>* An geles. California, is in the city visit ing for n few weeks with Trinidad friends, the guest of Mrs. C. F. Smith. E. 11. Merrill, chief claim agent for the C. and S.. spent the day in Trini dad, and will leave tonight for Clay ton, New Mexico, on a day's business trip. Ed. Lindskey of the Victor Amer ican Fuel compuny returned this morning from Denver, where ho spent a few dnys looking after busi ness mutters. J. O. Law of the Texas Oil com pany left this morning for the north ern part of the state where he will spend a few days looking after busi ness mutters. Mrs. S. A. Russell of Salida, who lias been visiting in Trinidad for a short time, left this afternoon for Wnlsenburg where she will spend a few dnys visiting with friends. W. 11. Jaek of Folsom. New Mexico is in the city on a short business trip Mr Jack, a life-long Republican, suvs: "We’ve been beaten three times since the war nnd every time we de served It.’’ 11. Robinson or New York city who has been in the city for the past few days on a business trip left this morning for California. Mr. Robin son was the guest of Meyer Mans bach while In the city. 11. C. Boohmer of Washington, a nephew of Mrs. John Humphreys of this city, arrived in the city today nnd spout a few hours here visiting with relatives. Mr. Roehmer is on route to St. Louis ou a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mae Kay of Scot land. and Mr. and Mrs. John Mcßaln of this city will leave tonight for Fort Worh, and other places in Tex as on a short business trip in the In terest of the Matador Cattle com pany. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Dnnford and small son. of Segutido, left this af ternoon for Pueblo whore they will spend a few days visiting with rela tives. Mr. Danford will spend a short time in Denver looking after business matters. Mrs. Evans of Birmingham, Ala bama and mother of Mrs. O. L. Davis J»’., is in tlio city visiting for a short time with her daughter at the Dnvls homo on Han Pedro street. Mrs. liv ens will be here for another week be fore leaving for her southern home. 8. D. Renditto, manager of the Cardcnap hotel is spending a few weeks in Las Cruses, New Mexico, enjoying himself ou his ranch near Have you started that savings ac count with us yet ? If not, you arc losing money every day Do it low I Commercial Savings Bank that place. Mr. Campbell, relief man ager. is taking Mi Heudltto’s place dining his absence. Wallace Wood, who has been con fined In Han Itnfsei hospital far tin* past few weeks recuperating from an •elation,* l* nt»le to be out. Mr Wcod win down town yostetday for ttie first time since the operation and i: regaining strergi h'rapidly. Miss Pearl Lett »r. and mother ot Raton. New Mexico, who have been visiting in Amarillo. Texus. for the! >past two weeks will arrive In tills [city in ■ few day* tor a short visit I | with Trinldud friends. They w ill be I | the guests of All** Adah Fowler while | jin the city. , Mrs. Augusta Allteiioll. mother ot i Mrs. hd Wight of ibis city has left tor Albert, New Mexico, where she will spend the winter visiting with her daughter. Mis S. K. Rucker. Mrs. Mitchell spent the summer months In Trinidad visiting with Mrs. Wight at her borne on Pinion j street. Mr. and Mrs. Eat I Carmichael of Victor. Colo., who are visiting in the city have decided *«» locate In Trini dad. Mr. and Airs. < armichuer lmv« many friends in this city who are glad to hear of their return. Afra Carmichael was formerly Mlsa Fran | kin Caldwrell. and was one of the most popular msml'cni or Trinidad's younger social sot. J. H. Thompson of the C. F. ft 1. company has returned from differ ent places in Togas where he spent several weeks on a pleasure trip. Mrs. Thompson and son Jack did not return with Mr. Thompson but will remain in Christmas. The change of eflgigte wri made for the benefit of Jo< It's health, which Is greatly Improved by the lower alti tude. NOTICE Published Nov. 12-18. 1912. The copartnership heretofore ex- Ih!Iiik between William l». Warren and Wllatiicnu Warren under the firm name of the Warren Electric eompuny In the City of Trinidad, Colorado, i» thl* day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the aald partner.ship are to be re* ceived by aald W illiam I). Warren and all demands on .-aid partnership nre to ho presented to him for payment. Dated at Trinidad, Colorado, this 9th day of November. A. D. 1912. W. I> Warren. Wil.tinena Warren. LADIES* GUILD The Ladies* Culld of the Eplsco pal church will meet Wednesday aft* ernoon instead of Thursday, at 2 o'clock with Mrs Chart Halley. SOCIAL SEWING CLUB Social Sewing • dub will meet with Mrs. II. T. Bartbtt. 511 Nevada ave nue on Thursday afternoon at 2:20 o'clock. All members urged to be present PIERI AN CLUB Thn Pleriun Hub will meet with Mrs. Ed Wight. I 125 Pinon street on Wednesday afternoon at 2:.10 o'clock. FUNERAL OF MINE VICTIM The funeral <■: Guisepp! Bcneditti. who was killed l»y a fall of rork In the mine at Toiler on Sunday, took place this morn tig at ten o'clock from the Catholic church. Interment was in the Catholic cemetery. Ladies, \>lsit our eorset fitting par lors. You can have your corets fitted by Mrs. Murchison; our expert corset fitter. —The Emporium. 2 NOTICE 1 hereby give notice I will not* be responsible for gooda ordered by C. F. Wilson for the firm of Burton and Wilson at Bed Kiver, New Mexico.—• Signed. .?. W. Burton. Pub. Nov. 11. Nov. 29, 1912. All Pattern and Trimmed Hats at actunl cost. 4 05 South Animas. tf ATTENTION ELKS Regular meeting Thursday night. All members should be present.—L. R. Gottlieb, exalted ruler; A. J. San ders, secretary. 4 OCTOBER 12, 1912. D. A. R MEMBERS ARE QUESTS OF MRS. WIGHT. Mrs. Ed Wight entertained tho membciH of tho l). A It. yoatorday afternoon at tliclr regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Ed Wight, regent, called tho mooting to order, nud Mm. A C. McCheaney opened the after noon's program with a prayer. The uflurnoou was devoted to the discus sion of restoring the Simpson's (test monument which has been defuced and destroyed by destructive tour ists. The erection of .markers along the old Santa IV trail was discussed, and the members considered erect ing a monument on the old battle field near Soprls. More definite ar rangements for the accomplishment of the work will be made at the next meeting to be held in December with Mrs. John Hell Hughs. Mrs. Wigh*. arslsated by her daughter und son. Ituth and Kenneth served refresh ments. BROTHER OF O. L. DAVIS DIES IN DELAWARE O. I. Davis, proprietor of the Da vis Lumber company has gone to Deluwnre. called there by the death ot his older brother. William Davis. Mr. Davis received tho message of Ills brothers dentil Sunday evening and left on the limited. He will nr- Itvo In the Hast in time for the fun eral. and will return the last of the week. ONE-SENTENCE PHILOSOPHY I Sometimes a straw vote Is a raw vote. * To take your time, so often means to waste it. <‘onvermilion Is no often mosli^ < onversatlon Deserve things and you won't have to want for them. What your op|x>sttlon says about >ou doesn't count for much. Many men are out of work be cause they want a Job as soft un a \amtion hut with larger pay. You can’t gutlier all the ntatlatirs cf matrimonial failure from tha on terprlslug divorce rourt. While a threat is unpleasant. It in well to remember that only a few of them ure ever hurvested. Alt old-tushloui d woman's regard for baker's bread still stands ns a flue example of nupurlatlve scorn. Too many people profess religion without practicing It. It Is also probable that little minds mu in the same channels. rolitlcinns ought to make good football players, they’re such clever dodgers. No man would get the worst of it If somebody else wasn’t looking for the best of it. Maybe men would be more content with their lot If they stopped to tu|nk that In every wcll-regulutud band some one hns to play the bass drum. A musical hit is a piece of gooJ luck. A Judge lays down the law when lie (|iitls tho bench. There are also as good com pi I - I merits its over were fished for. The common people Include all the men who do not shave every day. It takes a man to ninnufnctiire lies out or whole cloth. A woman uses temnnulM. It might be well for some wives j |to remember that nagging doesn't ! i make the nag go. 1 Nothing makes a woman feel so Insignificant ns the refusal of a man to argue with her. A man doesn't have to be very prominent In order to attract people who ure willing to Impose on him. When a woman is getting the best of a ninn In an argument he may win out by suddenly closing her mouth with a kiss. When a man decides to begin to reform work, it's a sign It's not on himself. The reason u man will work so much to touch his wife to think he is never will hlmseir. A woman's Idea of something to keep her warm In cold weather Is anything In openwork. People don’t keep themselves neur it so busy as hitting enemies front mi front as friends front behind. Sewing Machines Singer and New Home Pattern Prices $l7 to $3O 10 Day Free Trial Warranted Satisfactory Guaranteed 10 Years Try One Crancer Hardware Company 117 East Main St. Fh. T. 86 SEVERAL ASPIRANTS FOR FEDERAL PLUM The biggest plum to be picked by ’ local Democrats, when Woodrow Wil son of New Jersey is Imiugurated president of the United States. Is the position of porttmuster. now held by D D. Finch. A number of the parly leaders are making no secrecy of their desire to secure this appoint ment, and some little speculation is riro us to who will land the place. Some of those who are out for the appointment and who have bceu mentioned for the place are .1. U. Vigil. O. T. (Murk. I*. It. Dunluvy. Judge W. (J. Hines, E. (\ Whittlesey j and D. M. Kulston With E. M. Amnions in tho gov- j eruor's chair for two years there are a number of other state appoint ments which look attractive to local Democrats und it Is prohuhlc that a few of the well known Democrats of this county will lie recognized. PRESBYTERIAN BAZAAR Preparations are being made for the bazaar to lie given in the early part of December by the ladles of the First Preabyterlan cburoti. Tho ladies Interested met yesterday aft ernoon with Mrs. John llell Hughs, and spent the afternoon in embroid ering and making salable things fTJr the bazar. A large number were present, and numerous articles were made, after which Mrs Hughs, as slhHted by her mother. Mrs. W. 11. Cooley served light refreshments. The Presbyterian bazaar is an an nual affair, and nffords tho ladles or tho city an opportunity to buy the dnntlcst of blind made Christmas prerents. REV. AND MRS. CHANDLER ENTERTAIN CHURCH ELDERS Tho elders of the First Presbyter inn church were entertained Inform" ally last night by Rev. and Mrs. It. E. Chandler at their home on llac* street. The earlier part of the even ing was devoted to dlsemudug husl nes* matters permitting to the wel fare of the church. A delightful coarse lunch was served by Mrs Chandler. The elders of the church arc: Messrs. C H Nichols. J Harry Ingram. M. O. Dick, L. It. Horn, T. Dawson. J. 11. Simpson. K. A A. Wil liams nud A. 11. McNnughfon. MASONS, ATTENTION! There will be H meeting of* Trini dad lodge No. S 9. work in tho second degree, tonight in the lodge rooms. Ilowdry Floyd. W. M. LISTEN FOR WHISTLES The Chronicle-New* carrier boys have been supplied with new whistles und will blow when making delivery of papers. Listen for the whistle. Storm Shoes For your boy \ :• *' These sturdy shoes arc an I /J |k absolute necessity for every ac- A They’re made to stand the jC sort of eveiyday rough and sl \ tumble service that the heal- wm thy boy {fives his shoes from the minute he pull, them on in \ the morning until he kick, V wzSrKl, *v> them off at night. Vs. ■{JjSSSwC' * Medium or extra high cut $2.25 \ to $4.25 a pair. 4 The P. & W. Shoe Co. ‘ THE STORE OF BETTER SHOES" ■—-—a—- ■■■■■■ i ■■ —,i 1 ■!_ ■■_!. L—l L Lit The International State Bank Paid Capital $lOO,OOO This bank strives in every legitimate way to co operate in the business affairs of its de positors and solicits your patronage. A STRICTLY HOME BANK FINANCED BY HOME PEOI’LE DIRECTORS. JOHN AIRLLO. Prealdeut. JOHN J. HENDRICK, WH. O. PLEBTBD. Vice Pr-sldeut. CmMar. A. E McOLASHAN. AI.RERT A. WHITE. CHARLES NICCOLI. JESSE O. NORTHCUTT. I PAGE FIVE J Monarch, of al! they »urvey— Our Evening Attire. In Full Dreu. Tuxedo Suit* and Waistcoat,, we're getting the Social Lion', (hate of the season', business. This i, simply attested by our latest contribution, to the pleasure, of the Evening—the Dinner the Theater the Dance. The'individuality of our per fectly tailoied and correctly modeled garmenta only har monize with light- laughter and the entrancing Merry Widow. All the correct thing* in Shirta, Tie,, Collar, and other Full Drew accessories. Ingram-Powder Clothing Co* “Where Quality Counta." New feature—our corset fitting parlor. Expert fitter in charge.—• The Emporium. *