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PAGE TWO Royal Worcester Corsets NON-RUBTAIILE Arc* tho lvest stylos. They are up-to-date and the prices are the lowest. ADJUBTO, FULL FIGURE 53.00 .MATERNITY, MEDIUM FIGURE S2.OG 609 AVERAGE FIGURE $1.50 402 SLENDER FIGURE $l.OO 460 MEDIUM FIGURE $l.OO i:JB AVERAGE FIGURE 50<? WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS THE BEE HIVE 423 Commercial Street Trinidad, Colorado | Good Old ||* I Schneider Beer f r The favorite drink of the community V ▼ for more than thirty years y X Century Bottled Beer *:* X Light X i Muenchener Bottled Beer % X Dark A X DEFIES COMPETITION £ I PH. SCHNEIDER BREWING CO. I £ Phone Trinidad 54 Trinidad. Colo. <*• HARRIS-PRESTON BOUT ON NOV. 18 The big heavyweight contest be tween Fireman Harris and Hen Pres ton of Missouri, which will be slutted at the West Theatre next Monday night, November IS, is attracting considerable attention. In the Mis souri colored boy the local white hope will encounter a clever boxer and a hard hitter, one that is likely to eud the mill at any time with n stiff punch. On the other hand Har ris is there with a wallop, ns young Hector Is willing to testify. Hoth Harris and Preston arc training hard and nro in excellent shape for the contest. llrris will weigh about 202 pounds when he enters the ring, and Preston 11*8. Physically Harris has nn advantage, but from the stand|M>int of ring ex pcrlence and the fine points of box ing, the colored man has the advan tage. This will make It nu evenly balanced affair and the fans will get their money's worth. There will be three preliminaries. The pMnii-wludup will lie between Penny Chavez and young Ike. The advance snlo of seats is expected to be large as Harris is a favorite in Trinidad and looked upon ns future top notchcr. In a letter to the Chronicle-Nows, young Hector of Denver, who was de feated by Harris a few* weeks ago, again issues n challenge to the big boy for a return match on Thanksgiv ing day. Hector says he is certain be can defeat Harris. FRONT SEAT IN HEAVEN IS SOLD FOR $1,000 Paris, Nov. 14.— A telegram from Munich says that an extraorfllnary tale of human credulity was told be fore the judge at Kcnpten police court on Saturday, when a Munich housekeeper was sentenced to two years and seven months' imprison ment for obtaining money by false pretenses front an old woman named G i n km. Declining that her father was jan itor in heaven and chief assistant to St. Peter, the accused, ft was stated, succeeded in swindling the old lady, who was very pious and gullible, out of large sums of money. She said she had many good friends in heaven and she promised her victim, in consideration for cer tain payments, to reserve her one of tlic best places in the celestial abode. She obtained over 91.000 from the old woman by stating that to get her a front sent in heaven it was neces snry to propitiate certain itifluen tin 1 saints. TRINIDAD TURKISH BATH HOUSE Open for Ladies and Gentlemen Sulphur Baths a Specialty Sure cure for Sciatic and Chronic Rheumatism Indorsed by many prominent citizens Come and Give Us a Trial Expert German Masseur 9^mm OH M mmmmmmmm^mm^mmmmmm THURSDAY GLOBE-CIRCLING IDEA IN A FAIR DEVICE Globe circling Is the popular di version proposed for visitors of the Panama-Pacific exposition by a (*Til engo Inventor of nu amusement de vice. One will no longer need to make the world Journey, hut need only go to tlie nearest amusement, park nml there take a trip to ih» North Pole, says Popular Mechanics. This extraordinary feat of travel Is accomplished In a brief time by the person taking the trip—for he sim ply climbs upon a freely rotating globe of large dimensions which Is s.*t In n hemispherical pit of slightly larger diameter than the globe. The globe moves in the pit on a series of ball hearings, or may be simply floating In some suitable fluid Hint fills the narrow space* between the globe and Its holder. This miniature world may be climbed by means of ; m.ill swivel grips that provide holds for hoth hands nml feet, and are placed at frequent intervals all over the surfnre. (Icing sunk Into th«* sphere, these grips form no projec tions on the smooth surface by which a person sliding off may be caught and hurt. There sphere rotates so freely on i Its hearings that a man's weight will pull It down on any side, and It woulib scarcely be possible for a sin gle climber to reach the top or pole, but when a number of persons seek to climb to the top of the globe there Is a possibility that some one may reach the goal, which Is a flag sus pended directly above the center. CHANCE FOR CHRONICLE NEWS READERS Coupon Worth 25: if Presented »t Hnuimnn Drue Store. In order to test the Chronicle- News' grout circulation and its su perior advertising value, wo have made arrangements with The llnus man Drug Co., the popular druggist, to offer one of their best selling med icines nt half price to anyone who will cut out the following coupon and present It at their store: Coupon l This coupon entitles tho j | holder to one 60c package of | j Dr. Howard's specific for tho | j cure of constipation and dys- j | pepsin nt half price 23c Wo | | will refund the money to any- | | one dissatisfied. Tho Hnus- | | man Drug. Co. Twenty-five Cents If you ear not call nt their store cut out the coupon and mail It with 26 rents and a 60 cent box of tho specific will l>e sent youby mail, charges pnid. Do not put it off. “One today is wort it two tomorrows." PLAN TO BOOST THE HIGHWAY (Continued from page one.) highway. In view, of the fact that a sum not less than ten million dol lars is to bo raised by tire manufac turers and automobile concerns of the east for the laying out of nn oceau-to-ocenn highway, and in view of the prospect of receiving federal aid for highways through the next congress, it is emphasized that the people of Las Animas county should lose no time In affiliating themselves with the national organization which will carry to tho national congress the clulms of the old trails. Htubhorn opposition to the old trail route was cneountered at the Santa Fo convention. El Paso boost ers in nutnbor wanted the road to come through that city, hut the ad vocates of the old trail route succeed ed iu getting through witli resolu tions endorsing the route of which the old Santa Fo trail from old Franklin. Mo., to Santa Fe, N. M.. Is a part. Tho resolutions nuopted are as follows: WIUvRFAS. tliere was organized iu the city of Phoenix, Arl/otyi, on the 20th day of December, 11*I 1. an Ocean-to-Ocoan highway for the pur pose of designating and securing fed eral aid for Hie construction of a national highway from the city of l/os Angeles. California, to New York York city, to Santa Fo. N. M., as des ignated by the Phoenix meeting, across southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico, to Santa Fe. thence following the old Santa Fe trail to Kansas City and the Santa Fe trail end Home Lick Road to St. Louis, thence the national pike from St. Louis to Cumberland, Md.. and ap proximately Hraddocks road to Washington, thence following the Hnltimorc Philadelphia pike to New Yor k. AND WHEREAS. there was or ganized nt Kansas City on the 17th day of April. IS* 12, the National Old Trails Road Ocean-to-Ocoan hlghwnv association with the same objects In view. THEREFORE, In consideration of the above mutual interests. It Is here by agreed thn: the two above named' organization shall tire all force of said organizations In securing feder al aid for the construction of said national highwny. as tho first na tional highway. TO THE END that no mlsconcep tipn shall exist anywhere as to the absolute affiliation, co-opcratlon and mutual good will of these associa tions. The oce.iu-to-orean highwny umo clntlon will cordially lend any prop er aid to the organizing force of the National Old Trails associations in securing memberships In the states of California. Arizona, and New Mex ico. and tho National Old Trail Ocean to-Ocoaii association, hv its president renews and reiterates the declaration of goodwill and co-operation stated in its constitution ami reiterates its purpose to faithfully and earnestly co-operate with th« Occan-to-Oceau Highwny association, and will lend any proper aid to the organizing force of tin* Occan-to-Ocean High way association In securing members in the territory of the National Old Trail Occan-to-Ocean association, in consummating the great purpose of tho two associations. The manufacturers of automobiles mid automobile tires have agreed to raise a fund of 910.000.0UU to l>«- spent In building a permanent road between New York and San Fran cisco when? the Pan-American expo sition in 1916 will he held. The ma terial will be purchased and the various counties of tho states through which llu?'highway passes will he required to put It down. Numberless routes have been proposed nnd the various sections of tho country e-* in conflict. The plan of the National Old Trails as sociation Is to organize In every city and town between Indiana and Cali fornia and at the proper time present the claims for recognition, also file n list of the membership In Congress and ask for federal aid. Organizations have been perfected all along the way. In California and Arizona and Now Mexico, In Kansas and Missouri the membership Is large. Raton has ninety-one mem bers will reach tho three hundred mark. Some time ago when Dell M. Potter came through here with the l/os Angeles Times car an organiza tion was perfected in Trinidad with twenty-two members, hut no steps to increase the membership has been taken. At the meeting tonight the membership will be Increased. The membership costs 92.60, wiiich is a life membership. Every member that subscribes this amount has his name enrolled on the official roster, receives a subscription to the "Bet ter Roads" magazine, nnd U given A Belmont ••notch” collar In white striped Madras. It's an ARROW COLLAR 15c. 2 for 25c., Peabody U Co. TEE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. the official button of the uutlonal or ganization showing the proposed road across the country. Mr. Klrk •?r is here on his way east und Is go ing to Itidlauu and Ohio to organize there. The Old Hants Fe trail is tiio his toric route and should bo recognized for thut reason. Moreover it Ih tin? title route that is open for travel all tho year round. Tho climate of Hie country through which the trail runs Is mild and iieulthful In sum mer und winter and thereforo of fers every natural attraction for tourists. Also, there is a commercial aspect. Every city and town through which the ocenn-to-ocean highway will paas will realize millions of dol lars In years to come from the trans continental automobile travel as the tourists who go by the auto have wealth und spend it nlong the way. GYP. THE BLOOD BLAMES WITNESSES (Continued from page one) tho witness declared, < and tho strange man walked across forty scond street. lie urpreached Rose, Webber. Vallon md Hchepps, who were standing opposite the Metro pole. All five of them then walked over toward the Metropolo, Webber and Vallon first. "All of a sudden we heard n shot. We saw llarry Vulloti ami llridglo Webber and the strange mun shoot ing." "How many men did you see shooting?" '‘Those three. Hurry Vallon. Itrld gle Webber, and the Htrnuge man." "As soon us we saw them firing," continued "Gyp . "we ran for the subway. a train was Just pulling in ami we hoard* .| it without paying fare. Wo rode to 146th street ami Lenox avenue nml went to our flat." Ciroflcl ("Dago Frank"* was then nt the flat, the witness said. Toe witness denied that Rose had le/cr asked him and his companions | to murder Rosenthal. Rose's rnntivo ;*n seeking them he said, was to ns ' urn them that he had no part In j* be "framing up «»r "Rig Jack" Zellg On cross oxnr licit lon "Gyp" ad mitted that he bad been convicted five times for larceny offenses and had served several terms in penal In stitutions. but denied participation in various cast side holdups. "Gyp" detailed his movements with "Lefty" from the time of the flight the day after the murder un til their arrest in September. Mr. Mohs then rend from stenographers' notes taken at police hendquuters tin* night of thc|g arrest. Thera wen? several conflict’s with today'* testi mony. "I Mod nt headquartets." ad mitted "Gyp." "I wanted my fate in the. hands of a Jury and nil honorable Judge, not with the police." "Why didn't you say then if you kuciv It. that Vallon and Webber r.m! tho strange man hnd killed Rosenthal?" "I would have been n fool to tell it then." Bald "Gyp." "You didn't want that any way. You offered mo immunity if I'd ac cuse the others." ''That'* not true," shouted Mr. The answer wns stricken out. AIR COOLS AFTER FIGHT OVER HOME RULE IN PARLIMENT London. Nov. 14.—The House of Commons this afternoon adjourned until Monday, acting upon tho sug gestion which It is believed came from King George himself. The proposal wns rondo by Speak er l/nwthcr. who intimated that it would be advisable "for the house to take further time to consider the points at issuo" between the two fnet ions In regard to the home rule measure. A graceful apology from Ronald McNeill, the Unionist member who hurled the book at Winston Church ill. first lord of the admiralty, during the dlsturhane, last night helped to eool the atmosphere today. Churchill accepted the . apology with equal heartiness. Sponger Low tiler In his rcmnrke suggested that the members take n period for relaxation and empha sized the urd« sirnbllity of parlia ment departing from its established precedents. He could not help think ing, li». said, that some solution of the difficulty might be found which would be acceptable to nil parties und would l*e more in accordance with precedent. TACKY DAIICE AT MADDEN S Thursday, N'ov. 14th, prize for both Indy and gentleman In tackiest costume. Admission DOc a couple. Extra ladles 2."e. 2 Printing of every description neat ly and qulckh executed at the Chronicle-.\'« ws job rooms. Samples and quotations on request. ITSo the I phone. Trinidad 41U. tf. GOVT. MINE CAR WILL VISIT COUNTY MINES Washington. I). C., Nov. M. — Milit- Mitfety car No. 2 of the United Staten lturcau of Mines, in charge of Koremnu W. |). Schofield and a crow of expert miners, will arrive at Ti oga, Colorado. Saturday, November 23. The car will oe on exhibition at Tioga until November 30, at which time it will leave for Ideal, where It will remain until December 7. On December 1* the ear will he at Agui lar to stay until December 1"., when It will leave for lierwiud. The car will be at Berwln until December 23. Instruction In mine-safety meth ods will he given at each place and an Illustrated lecture on greator saf ety In mining will be given every ovonlng. This mine-safety car is one of eight that constitutes tho lift* Hav ing service of the Bureau of Mine* for the rescue of minors In time of disaster. Each car Is fully manned by a corps of minertt trained In res cue wotk and equipped with the lat est rescue apparatus and first aid to the Injured and is ready at a mo ment's notice to proceed to the scone of n disaster, where the rescue corps. In cooperation with the state mining officials will do everything possible to save the entombed miners. The saving of human life Is the emergency featuruo of a general rniupalgn of educational work among the miners who will not only hr taught to uro the rescue apparatus, but also the proper way to take care rf an Injured mint r. There will be UulHtratcd lectures on the use of ex plosives. electrical equipment In the mine, fire prevention, sanitation r.nd first aid surgical treatment. These lectures are to be given In the <nr whenever a suitable meeting pla< e tan not bo procured. The car contains eight oxygt n helmets, a supply of oxygen in tanks. one dozm safety lamps, one field telephone with 2,000 feet of wire, a collapsible steel mine cage for emergencies, a resuscitating appara tus known ns the pulmetor. for re viving asphyxiated mlncrH, and a small outfit for use In drmonstrnt tion at fli t aid to the Injured. One of the car,.ls fitted up as au air tight room to lx* u*ed In training men in the use of the oxygen holme’.a This room will he filled with nox ious fumes, and the miners wearing helmets will remain Inside for two hours in an atmosphere that would kill without helmets. These are the helmcta that permit one to enter a mine immediately following an ex plosion, while It Is still filled with poisonous gases, and breathe nrtlfi-i daily. The absence of helmets at erent catastrophes In the United States, lias. It is believed, resulted In a greater loss of life than was necessary. Frequently miners who have not suffered physical injury by an explosion have been*entombed in the mine to die slowly from the inhnlntlon of the poisonous gases. Had It been possible to rench these men within a few hoars, their lives might have been saveiff The helmets prnvd their worth at the 111-fated Cherry mine when the reveuers sue. reeded In getting twenty men out alive after they had been entombed seven days. In a number of other Instances, miners have been saved from terrible deaths by the prompt arrival of the helmetcd rescuers. WILSON TO SPEND VACATION ON BICYCLE Princeton. N. .1., Nov. 14.—Presi dent-elect Wilson Is going to lead the newspaper correspondents a merry chase when lie begins bis vacation next week. He said today that lie intended to make long bicycle trips r.s he has been accustomed to do for years on liis vacation in Now En gland. The President-elect will sail on Saturday afternoon for the retreat, a short distance from New York, where he Is going to spend a month and there will be a party of corres pondents along who already are training for the bicycle Journeys. llonus Wagner, tile dread of nil National league pitchers, finds Rube Marqunrd particularly easy. Wag ner lias faced the Rube 23 times and made seven hits for extra bases which would give an average of .304. In nil Hans lias made 12 hits in 23 times at bat, which moans the healthy average of .532. The Dutch man’s hits included ono double, throe triples and throe home runs, so that ills 12 safe hits totaled no fewer- than 28 bnsos. Twice Hans hit Mnrquurd's pitches over the left wall. Wagner’s other home against the Rube was made in New York. NOVEMBER 14, 1912. MERRILL’S! Carpet Cleaning Work* ** We Cleanse Carpeti, Feath en end Mattieieci, end Do Upholitering end Repairing. Carpet Work a Specialty— Phone Baca 415. Sll E. 3d THE HALL-McMAHON Undertaking Company —UNDERTAKERS— -137 E. Main St.—Phone Trin- 895. GRAND HOTEL] DULL TIMES? Are you experiencing them? Let us show you how we keep busy, and how we In creased ono husluesa 125 per cent la eight months. Wc have plenty to do; ao have our cli ents. Why? PUTATURO BROS. Advertising Expert*. * Corner Main and Santa Fe. The Pierce Lumber and Manufacturing Co. £> Everything in Building Material Mill and Job Work a Specialty | Eighty Acre fj I Tract I '5 FI no 80 ncro tract border- » lng city limits and one of tho « (i largest snaps we have had since V » wc havo been In the business. << If you nre looking for an In- 5> » vestment. It would pay you to « (< Investigate this. Seo us at once | Hubbartt I I Agency Company » a ItOO.M 3, COLO. III.IKI. » * Phono Trio. ISO. << leiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeee Iht | Arcade Saloon | and I Corinado Bar I Robert Branagh. Prop. | - F. W. CLARK Attomey-at-Law Suite 3, Colorado Uuilding Call JORDAN FOIt QUICK Parcel Delivery and Messenger Service 215 East Main St or Phone Trin. 423 FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK GO TO THE Bar anZ BIG O Cafe Parisian Sage for Women | Ih-torc you one bottle. of <lc "Khttul PARISIAN Snso hull- tonic, foiling hair will cense; scalp itch "111 lie hut n memory nml nmt dnn ■cirufr win vanish. ] Resides this your hair will bo fr co from Unndrutr norms PARISIAN •Saco will so nourish tho Imlr roots Hint tho hair Itself will become full or lire and nature's own rndlnnt col or. PARISIAN Sane is not a dye—lt docs not contain dangerous lend or any other poisonous Ingredient. |.-„ r your own protection nsl; for PARI SIAN Sage and request your denier not io give you any preparation rontnlnlng Lend or Nitrate nt silver Large bottle of PARISIAN Sage costs but 50 cents nt dealers Ainerl en over. The Iluusmnu Drug Co gunrnntcos 11. CANAL TOLLS FIXED Washington, Nov. li. out or consideration for Hie great mnrtiine Interests or Hie world which nre ex pected io furnish the business for the Pniinmn cnnnl the stulo deport ment today dispatched copies of Pres ident Tnl't's proclnmntlon, fixing t tolls rot- t he use or Hie canal to nil tinted States, embnsslcs and leva Hons abroad, with Instructions to give it wide publicity I AMUSEMENTS II CRYSTAL Where Everybody Gem 0 VAUDEVILLE & CHANGE OF PROGRAM Starting Thursday, Til SumLt; WALKER & WALKER Singing, Dancing and Comedy - LEIGH St LAGRACE That Cyclonic Novelty EXTRA! The Great Battle Picture of tin ITALIAN-TURKISH WAR ON THE FIRING LINE Rowland Plumbing and Heating Company —Phone Bnca 238 12» WEST FIRST ST. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished WILLIAMS Transter and Storaga Company li 1 Chestnut jtrm Bits 87 Red PUHNITUK NEW AND SECOND-HAND Bought snd bom A. M. CIEAVINOEII Tclephouo Baca 124 ; No XDI WEST MAIN STRi Assuming One's Ris!: IN TDK MATTKIt OF | Fire or Accident, Is n dan;:* • policy, lot us fully insure you i | strong old-lino policy. ; Bennett ©Wilson AGENTS J Suit 1 McCormb l: Bldg. Phono Trinidad l Contractor for the now C-N bu'! ! j ij W. J. MILLER CONTRACTOR ANp ‘ BUILDER || Phone Trinidad 408. | Telephone Trntdad 418 UNDERTAKER TRINIDAD UNDERTAKING CO 321 Weit MAIN ST. 11. B. PIPE r. :: Funeral Dire t * AUCTION OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRA PERIES every Tuesday, Thurm* Saturday. THE J. R. WARD FURNITURE AUCTION COMPANY, .111 W 7’Tnin St-, Trinutsd. (' STOVES an! FUBKITh NEW AND SECOND-HAND FUK —-TURE BOUGHT AND SOLD POLIAK O RATNEK Phone Trinidad 416—418 N. Co: J. G. GATES Scientific Optician All work dono satisfactory Trinidad 89 Red I - Room h—opera house hia> > JEEERYES COAL & MININ6 COMPANY Dealers in Bloom, Forbes nrd Morley lump Coals. For sum mer use try Jewel nnd Morley Nut Cohl. Phone Trinidad 225. I Palace Cafe and Bar i • GEO. CLERICI, Prop. ; •j. 119 Weit Main Street. Clironlelo-Ncwa want wdfl. 5e n ~i ‘