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PAGE FOUR TlieClironiole-Xews PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY~~ Entered ai Second-Clnsi Matter at the Foitoffice of Triindad, Colorado JESSEE 0. NORTHCUTT Preaident FRANK C. LAWLER Manager A- R. BROWN Editor F. E. WINSOR City Editor Subscription Rates One month by mull • - r> o (Inn Month by carrier SO Mix Mouths 3.00 Ouo Year tin advance) 0.00 Weekly Chronlele-Nowe, year 1.00 CONCERNING LOSERS \ < «>i iii ii ih-gri**- 4*l * om-id'-rntion nn<l nd’mlratlon Ik u fallen foe. Tin- world |o\ *■ 1 a good 10-i It . (In* filial test of that *•*’*•■lll la I ol**- iii i.i of courage «all ■■gamenas*-.” ••The man woith wltllc* is the one who ran smile When (itiyth. iK goo dead wrong.” Somehow It at least crt'ii\|tices Vou <»f his sincerity in ilt*- cause he pi ill* i'll. I>4-re-int therefore m-ivcs to tiring out the best 4>r tho worst 4>f human nature Of the latt4*r, the leiiHt Mild th«- better. For tin* cringing. sniv eling unit that oil* tnotiir nt cuim-s th«» constituency that til tow ns him iukl th 4* next • ri*»»> out against tin* Inevitable no real man or woman In.- aught hut pltyiiiK contempt lint many ore tin* loser* «»f another sort which brings us back t<» th.» subject 4*l boftsor. dow nfall**n and otherwise. Jefferson It. Furr, run* •n ut flrsti oltl politlral pirait that he Is, is a good loser We holtl n<> brief for Furr but eertaln fa*-t* are to his ercdlt. When his puny cap tain.-, rending the air with hoain* itUh of rag**, rushed pell mel! t4i his Hide beseeching that "fomethlng be done.” Jeff Jus. grinned. It was not exactly a pleasant grin f«»r Ills lips curled a little as lie took the measure <»f some of his *i*t while swuggciing staff offlront. Hut In giimied Just the >umc nml Slid: • We’re honten. that's all fjet busy on tin. emmt. This I- no lime for Huerfano to b«- helilml with returns.” \ tlay or so ago someone naked Jeff how he thought the headless bailor would affect him lit Huerfano. * Well.” said Jeff. "I'm a gooil towmnn. ain't I”" lit view *»f tills element of i hnrncter ilon't bc|l«*ve the fel low who t•*11 h you all «»f Jeff's const I tuents are sheep. They are not 4»n|y just n few by their bleating ye may know them—and may the |.or teni|>er the wind to their shorn Itli'es. WHERE THE WOMEN WON From the Pittsburg Dlspni.-h K'tual suffrage mode a finni stride Tuesilny when It gniit**l four more i.tot*s and came ns fa.- *n-t as Michigan. This gives women the ballot In in of the 4* state-. Three of the recruits adjoin the old suf frage belt Oregon, \rlxon.i • i'l Knnses—iloubtless Influenced by tin* r«--atlt of granting the ballot t*» women In the uelghborlng stai •* Win eon rejected the proposal Ti e* Icy. which would be the more rutnarkubte iu a state *o radical on oth-*r matters were it not for the explnnatio't that the j-’oi ialists having made an *-*u«? of It the adverse vote was probably largely to parti-inn feeling rather than an actual reflectloa of the view of Wisconsin on that issue i*n its merits. Michigan's adltcreii"' more than offsets this rever-". **«ause It murks the first Htirm:d:i! In vnsion of the more conaarvut iv** states. Tlii* vote in California thrown light on many questions that have con funeil the public mind on the matter. It Is very cvltlcnt that the newly enfranchised women voters «*f Cullfnrnla 41l- Pled very much as tli • men •lid 4»n tho president In I con'*-- This may give some color to th-* theory that most women would vo'*» ns their Ituslaiuds «lt«l. hut It Is more reason nit |<* to suppose that the same ngumenta that affected the male voters ap pealed with Just the same fo-» •to the women. One notable fcatur* tn fa vrr of tin women wan tin* p»o4»f that th«-Ir votes were east largely against objectionable state Issu *•*. 'hits confirming the assertion 4»f the suffrage advocates that women''* participation w«*uld he elevating. It must nt 1.-ast be conceded the If their ittlmlssion to tlie suffrage lias not produced the niillcnium «laimod by Its extreme advocaton, tieltli *r has It rniiMul the demoralization iii«vliet«*d so freely by Its opponents. THE SHORT BALLOT NEXT From the Colorado Springs fl ir*:t •. Colorado having adopt-d the hendlenn ballot by n most encouraging majority, the next step forvwu should l»e to secure the nhort hallo. One greet reason for ba«h :o- Tilin' n» lies in the multiplicity of el*»ct •«! tf ficiulr. The people are nb-ol tt-dy I. liable to choose the best man between *:*o many candidates for so manv 4*l flees; they haven't the time t4i study th* m all What th*- short hallo: ha* none t«• improve government has born I* oveil by every commitio'i *dtv. Ilecnuso only a few 4iffield's are elected, the people can go thoroughly into the I'horarti'r of each rnndl ’iite Vnd then the few officials elected an* held .drl-tly to a. .•nun* npr all the *ubordina*i .« appoint* o by them. The result Iwm be.- t great ly to Increase the effU lon*, of municipal government, wlr .**• th** com mission form has been adopt* *.. . There Is no more renson why the people of a state should •*!• • t treas urer. •• • letary of state, attorn *v general, than there is why th«*v should elect the pestilent's cabinet. We Hmlud secure better govern tra. and better state government. If we vluv.!/„*d our governor, leaving it to hint to appoint Ills cabinet. And why would not commission government for the counties prove ns successful u.* commission government for cities? The question of a siiort billin'. for Colorado should be taken up and vigorously pushed in the c*>?ting legislature. It Is probably too much to expert that a short ballot law can bo secured at once, but nt least the necessary education of tin* people can be begun. CAVENDISH WHIST CLUB The members of th*- Cavendish Whist iduh will be entertained to night by .Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Abrams aV their home oil First street. An elaborate course dinner will lie serv ed, at seven o'clock, alter which win-: wiy i"- played. Cut flowers In Wages or Profit health, sooner or later, shows Its value. No man enn exjiect to go very far or very fast toward Fuccess—no woman cithcr—who surt'ers from the headaches, the sour stomach and poor digestion, the unpleasant breath ami the giMMI-fhr-nothing feelings which result from constipation and hi Ihius 11 ess. Hut just learn for yourself what a difference will l»c made by a few doses of BEECHAM’S PILLS Tested through three generations—favorably known the world over this perfect vegetable and always efficient family remedy is univers ally accepted os the l>est preventive or corrective of disorders of tho organsof digestion. Becc ham’s Hills regulate the bowels, the liver to natural activity —enable you to get all the imurishment and blood* makingqunlities from your food. As sure ns you try them you willknoW that—in your looks and in your increased vigor—Beecham’s Pills Pay Big Dividends Th* feutha wMi mrmrr ko» m'vw? nh>Mi-up«tl«l| to WM* Sold cTcrywhfrt. In bo»M 10c., 25c. I ■■■ 1.11 ■■■ll ■ iwM suggestive of the season will bo used in tile tnbo ilocoratlons. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Daln will lie the substitutes for the evening. i l.itci* sashes and sleeves are an other method of using luce and pro ducing a filmy effect THURSDAY BILLY ADAMS GETS FIGHT OF HIS LIFE Denvi'f. Nov. H. -Hilly Ailnms, of Coriejos. bus appareully won ngiilu. Hraileu, bis competitor, subl tills morning that Adams was 110 voti*M alieiiil. but he ntld that there bad b I*4*ll consblrrnlde fraud, and an • f* tort «'4 übl 114— mad** to i-outcst (m*for* tlt4* county canvusslng board. \‘ci y lew people feel a lamte. t would avail very much, because Hilly 4-4>ntrols the county canvass ing board. "Hilly," ns everybody knows Ii I in. lias been iu tin* state n-iiati* twenty-eight years: when h«* S4*rv4*s this icriu. be will have been tlieit* thirty-two years. Hi- Is the !»••»*: I'i.sliml man *>ti parliauii*iitnry proced ure in the state of (‘olorado. lie knows more about how t 4» get t In a fight anil hus always bei*n boss *»f tlii* senate. However. Hilly belongs to tin* obi gang crowd. One by one, the Pro grcsslvi** atiil ri'lormers are tacking tlii'ir bides on the political fi-nci* to dry. When the cumpuign opened this year, the reformers lookeil around ior someone with the nervi* ottackT** ..illy in (*oni*jos county. Hramb-n • lil that he believed In* could whip him The 0111 political bosses, ami i'ieii tin* reforiners, looked Hraden *\4*r. |dfii*d Ills juilgimiit. but saSil ’ Coil bless you go to it.” ami Itrii den went to it. Hilly was given the nice of his llf»*. Those who know say that lie sp-i.t nn e%i*nup s■_•»»,non of 'ei* Adams laiuily money, ami that in was give** s.'*a.Aoo wotth of trans portation to help along the i.iitse. Hill; always enjoys a fight, end its an own break that be hud t'i> tunc of his Ilf** during tin* Inst lour weeks Until4*n w ut to Alamosa with a nn* .1 Ity :.•.■* list th** old llm* crowd. Hut the e.t> of Alamosa irui away Hint majority and gave Hilly II" to go on. Ilrmleii claims that down In ( the red light iltstrirt ami tin- saloon I element of Alamosa those p-educlsl went down the line for Hilly, and I that there were hundreds of frautlu lent votes I'ust. Itrad**n hopes to I change the result by having those von*s thrown out. Howevci. 'then nr** very few who believe this ran lie nccouipllshcil. At any rate. Hra den showeil that he was n fight r nml lie also showed that, unless Hilly |i-i-ts off tin* obi stand-pat wagon ami Icrnwls on the reform automobile, he Iwill get lii*ki*il to a frnxxle four years from now. That Is. if niioth**r lira- 1 ileti can be found. Hraileu was askcl this morning If lie would tackle It ( again In four years, amt ho ia-plU*il • Ome sitting down on a huxz saw Is enDngh.” PHYSICIAN ADVISED WORK: HE ASKED FOR ROCK FILE Wanted To Br Sent to Bridewell To Get Exerciie. But Sergeant Couldn't See It,That Way. cblenao. Nov. 11. —* Tlilh Ih the way it Is.” explaim-d A. Wright, u waiter, when In* wnlkeil up to Dt-sk Sergeant I>ooley of the Hast t’hlcngo Avenue Police station. "My doctor lias ordered mi* to take a gymnasium course for my health ami 1 can't af ford to pay out any money.’* "You don't want mo to pass the bat, do you?" th*- sergeant asked. Wright slink bis head. "No. all I want la to be sent t" the Hrlilewell. nml given food and lodging ior n month while I exercise on the rock pile.” After hearing the remarkable re quest again. Sergeant Dooley told W right Hint lie could not arrest him without th** commission of sonii* of fense. "Well, nlu t that Just like a cop?" W'rig9it complained. "Here I’m all run down and need n treatment nt tin.* Hrlilewell ami I ilon’t g**t it Now if l'il punch your head in I’ll bet you’d look at tin- thing illfferently. “I'll go before Judge Onverly to morrow morning.” said Wright, "and ask him to semi nt** up.” FORTY MILLION DOLLARS IN A TABLOID FORM Washington, Nov. H.—ln one of the treasury buildings nt tills time is a package which contains more real money, it is said, than was ever hunched todgether in as small a place since the world began. It is one foot long, ten inches deep nml eight. Inches wide and rests on one of the shelves, wrapped in ord inary brown paper, tin* ends of which are hold together by two dabs of red sealing wax. | The package contains -1.000 gold certificates of SIO,OOO each, a total ior $40,000,000. It weighs only twen ty pounds. The package will b< brok en soon and the contents will be dis tributed to the various subtrensurles. CONTRACT SYSTEM OF PRISON LABOR CONDEMNED noltlmore, Nov. 14.—The contract system of prison labor was i-ondrm ned Itt the report of the committee on prison labor presented today nt the congress of the American Prison association in annual session here. The committee, however, recom mended the system when no other menns of employment could be pro vided. believing It preferable to idle ness. On© of tho newest features of brassieres Is the trimming ilown I hi? nut 1 r of tin* front. nx oHsoNiou-insws. tjusidad, Colorado, First Application Darkens the Hair A SIMPLE REMEDY GIVES COLOR STRENGTH AND UEAUTY TO THE HAIR You ilon’t have to b.u*- gray hair or fade dlinlr If you don't want to. Why look old or 111 1 ti.ntlve? If your hair is gray or :.< l*d, you can change It easily, quh\!v and effect ively by using Wyeth's Sage nml Sulphur Hair Remod ilj a litti* tonight null In tin* morning you will be agreeably surprised at Hi*- results from a sltigb application Tho gray hairs will I" !• •' conspic uous, and after a few more applica tions will be restored to natural color. Wyeth's Fngo and ulplutr also quickly removes datiil.'i'ff. leaves th* •"•alp clean and healthv. ami pro motes the growth of the hair. It Is a clean wholesome «l:« »sing which may bo used ut any time with per fect safety. Get a fifty cent bottle from your druggist today, ami s. • how quickly It will restors tho >**uthful color ami beauty of your lt.ur and forever <*ml the nasty dandruff, hot. Itchy scalp mid falling huh All druggist* sell It under gunrant'c that the money will he refund- I If you ar* not satisfied after rati tdnl. J B. Hughes agent. Pity Drug Store. Trin idad. Colorado. THE BIGGEST ROCKING STONE IN THE WORLD From tln- Wide World Maga/lm Every one has hen ■! of rocking • ton* - insist ■ofro I o -i. ||<otely l*o I-ted :*. t« move bnckuaid and for ward upon Hu* sUnntf-H Inipiil;*- Then* nr** many uiu-h m-s * a:t**ied throughout the world it th** major ity of them are met** marble* com pared to th** fatuous r«*< king-stone of Tandll, In South An ri a. This giant nmoiif; rocking ion* - weighs, lon u 7 I?.'*" mile* south of the * Ity of Hue -11 \ It eon It*-. ;*ti<l contains I.? 1 11b! • m**t«-rs. [it is In th* shape <*f a irl*o!ol*I. four' imeteis high ami five "i* :* s In illam-; eti-r nt the base. T • stone rocks; upon a knob of rock itli, wh 1 * '• Hi t closely Into a sot i ■ t-Ilk** Imllo.v In th«* gr*at boulder ■ If Th** ac tion of the elements th rough «<>unt j lots centuries lm» Mu- *d*-d In » ar lug away the softM i*.i*ts of tht tone, leatlng behind only th** Irird |cr-grlttcd core The - n#* Is »o *le|l • ntely poised that It - in !»*• made t»» *-rn« k a walnut • wit 11cmt * rushing the ' kernel. THE BATTLE OF THE BOYNE From the W**stmlnstcr CJaxi-tte. ■ Why should the memor> *>f the buttle of I toy in* arouse so much hit- Itcrnitu* when othet battles 1 »*ipht 1 with far greater fli rCencss ami l*l«»«»*l slicd are simply rcgntiled as Int'-r* st ing events in pv t history? At tin tight between William of Ornng* and James II on the I toy no th** lost* of IH** on both sides amounted to alsntt I'.iutii; ut Iloroilliio th** losses of the composite French army and the Uus i.j.cih whs so,nun. and yet Hi** latter historical event uas commemorated the other day Just nt the time when Franco ami lllissii? bad com*- closer Ito **a«*h other without iippnreutl) rousing the sllultt'-st 111-feeling be tween the two nations. Frenchmen totlny do not get excited when w* honor the mcinor\ of Nelson on Trafalgar day. nml as for Marston Moot, nml Nnscby, at.d I'.unbar, thej *lo net ruffle anyom-s stiHieptUdll ties an> mote than the recollection of William the f’ouqucror ami S*-n --lac, when wi* find ourselves on Nor man soil. \V«* know that memories are long In Celtic countries, but to keep up crowing t«*r over 2m» yi.-nrs about a victory lr»«m which the *l*»- feated (Vltlc element HUffttrcd much is sutely utin*‘ccss:ii-|ly provocative. TACKY DANCE AT MADDEN'S Thursday, Nov. I f, piiz** for both indy and Kentlonian In lucklnst ros tum ». Admission .Or n couple. Ex trn Indies 25r. 1 SCENE FROM ACT 111., "Fortune Hunter.” Ladies, bring your Corset Troubles to our Store Carries Fitting Parlor = Dry Goods, Groceries, Heats, And our Mrs. 0. E. Murchison, an expert corset fitter, can adjust Home-made Baker; Goods, the troubles to your entire satisfaction. Consultation free. Beady-to-wear for ladies Thompson's glove fitting Corsets and H. and W. waists arc our tn(J children, Clothing, specialties. Gents' Furnishings. Shoes, Furniture, Carpets, Bugs, ■—■ Glass and Tinware, Crock eryware, etc., etc. € lbe Emporium D. B. HINDMAN Manager. Tel- Trin. 44-45 218-218 West Main. • SIM Reward, SIM Thi* reader* of thin p.i|x*r will h# plmiM-il i<> Kurn that ther* h it Ku»t ono ur« ad*«! tllncant* that wi.-n. c twi > br-'ii able I>» curt* In ull l:n ntaip-n. und In t a'arrh. 11 all'll Catarrh Cure it tin- only imaittvi* rum n-'W known to lli«* rn*•I»mI frati-rnlty. Catarrh Im-Iiik a dlnt-ant*. r«*(|ulr< m a roiintl'.ut lonnl treat* tmnt. Ilall'n Cuturrh Cure li lak<-n In tcmnlly. mtlnic illrfitly tip<»n *!»•• •»! •• *>l ntul riiucoun nurfnm t f th- *•, ..tern. * *»• r * - l»y .1 'troylnn 11>«* found *tlon of ili.* dl«- • I--, am! KtN'ins tin* pall* nt ntn-ni:th l*y liulMItu; up llj** . on-’tltntlon ana a nutur* In ti'-lru; its v »Y pr-mrl.«•»**• hn\p no mm h faith In I’t eumtlv.* i«.w. rm that they off. r On.* >1 V Mam for any cant* that It 1 tin to cure. S nil for l»*t of te*tlronnlnl». AiMrrst K J • IIKM V A CO . Tol do. Ohio. H t! hr all Pmrrl-ta, 7*<*. Taktt tUll'c Fatally 1 UU for c«m.>tipaUoa, WORLD-WIDE BOXING TBIBUNAL TO HAVE CONTROL OF SPORT N**w Y«»rk. \m 1 I \ luixiiiK «< un ni Inn lon llmt will In* wnrltl-wltls* In Hk ruliuz.v in in ill** prnifs of for* nintlon. Chnrlo* .1. Ilnrvcy, nctri*- tarv of th«> Now Yotk Hints* athl**t!r ciiinmlHMlon, luih foiwarded b-ttiTH to • very rollnlils* rluli In thin country nxikug for ths*lr support: ami an rnon an «*uoitgh favorable ronpon*!** ar«* i.- crlvrd tits* nrgniilrnt inn will Its* launched. Tho Mon 1$ lo conduct tlir boxing game* on tli** linen umbr will h tho national baseball commlsdon govern* h.iHPDall. A meeting I* to be held nt Nome rentrni point anil a commission of five or seven men will be appoint •*«l to supervise and liamlls* the var ious qticrtions that may arise. In this manner tlio sport would be placed on n higher “landing Ilian It now s'tijoyx nnd affairs earrled on In .i manner tbnt would permit no ob ject lonx. Tli** organization would protect • lub* against unscrupulous boxers •ml malingers ami at ills* same time protect boxers against unreliable clubs. Through this controlling botlv .ill contracts won hi have to be lived up to, which would help to reassure tbs* public and retain Its support. At tbs* present time tin* stats* ath letic commission has a mutual agree ment with the controlling spirits of l» Jug In France ami Aurtralia. bv which all rulings and suspensions of on-- body are respected by the other organizations. It Is expected that England will Join the International botlv. which will mean the combina tion of three leading powers of box ing. Outside of the main reason to clar ify one sport, one long mooted want will be filled. This Is the scale t>r weight for the different boxing class os. At present nearly every country where boxing thrives has its own schedule, which onuses confusion. There have been so many requests from different states as to the work ing of our commission that Harvey f.«*|s satisfied then* will he no diffi culty in getting nil the lending pro moters in line, and thus assure the success of the newly planned organi zation. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC MANAGERS ELECTED The Athletic Hoard of Control, which has charge or the athletics oT the local high school met last night after scool and elected te manager nnd assistant of basketball Cor the coining season. .!. Richardson was named Tor the orrice of manager and .lohn Abercrombie was elected for as sistant manager. This Ih an orfire which is greatly coveted and there was a great deal of rivalry connected with the olcc t ion. Tho manager-elect was assistant manager last year nnd with these two iif charge of the high school ath letics It is certain that tills will be a banner year along the athletic line for the Trinidad high school. The athletic board of control which is composed of two members Iroin each class in school. On this board nro: Minnie Hu tier nnd Spur geon Herring. Senior; Helen Rose and George Mars. Junior; Mary Hay tier nml George Mctzer, Sophomore; and Irene Jamison nnd Edward Ward Freshmen. Tho faculty members are Tit A. Holt. J. A. Dopp and Miss Marjorie Cline. NOVEMBER 14. 1312- Smoke Commercial II'Z'ZL * Boquet Cigar rrinidsd^^^J SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY Ladies’ House 9C*a Slippers $l.OO kind Lvv A. H. BUTLER SHOE COi IThe Fight Is Unfair if yoor opponent has more ammunition. If he takes an occasional rest and you don t. y«m can’t win. ilrcak away from business f«»r two week*. Lie: the colmcl>s out of vour brain. Hoard a train, any one you like, to New Orleans. Transact buxines* there if you must, then lake one of the 10,4100-ton Southern Pacific Steamships t«i N'c*' Yi ik. I "date your lungs with the ralt air of the Atlantic. It will give y< u a puns h y. i- haven't had in veam. It wiil rent your nerves as well as your lnxJy. You have ten day* on land and sea, and It Costs Only $6O from Denver to Now York, including berth and meals on ship. If you want further information, write t<> wm. k. mcallister, c. a. | 313 Railway Exchange Building, Denver, Colo. Iff? CHRONICLE-NEWS 50 CENTS PER MONTH "Txr COLORADO ROAO. Meeting of the COLORADO TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION DENVER, COLO. Denver and Return $7.20 Tickets on sale November 24th and 25th Return limit December Ist COLORADO & SOUTHERN RAILWAY