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PAGE EIGHT Ladies’ white felt street hats Our regular $2.50 and $3.00 values at $1.98 These hats are sold in many shops at $4 50 to $5.00 Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the great saving S 5198 H. MOSES fr SON * I ■ = wpJtf Bakes Better /pteJeAUJME-r C'-tBAKING B ECONOMY that':, one thing you aro P high living cost—Calumet insures a wonder r ful saving in your baking. Hut it does more. IaLUMKII • B Itiasurss wholesome food.tasty (cod—uniformly rained food. H Calumet it made right-to sell right- to bake right. Ask 'mm ooe of the million* of uomen whonte it—or ask your grocer. B RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS ikjflfcKw H WerW a Par* Food Ea» ■■!*».«. ChUae*. OL W Paris fansßiaa. Frame*. March. 1912. lt^BU WEEK-END SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY-EVERY ITEM A MONEY SAVER BLACK SATEEN PETTICOATS WHITE COTTON BLANKETS LARGE BATH TOWELS. 3 FOE WHITE BED SPREADS WOMEN'S SILK HOSE. AT WOMEN S ONION SUITS AT 59c 49c 50c 79c 98c 29c / 10 YABDS APRON GINGHAM 10 YARDS REST QUALITY OUT- 10 YARDS LONSDALE MUSLIN 10 YABDS 9 4 SHEETINGS 8 YARDS WHITE OIL CLOTH CHILDREN'B DRESSES AT ING FLANNEL 69c 79c 98c $2.15 25c 98c LONG KID GLOVES, BLACK AND CHILDREN'S WHITE BEAR SKIN WOMEN'S BLACK HOSE 3 PAIRS CHILDREN'S OUTING GOWNS LONG CREPE KIMONAS AT iSILK MESS ALINE WAISTS AT COLORS COATS $1.98 98c 25c 49c | 98c $1.98 SGO.CO TAILORED SUITS AT $25.00 TAILORED SUITSh AT $35.00 TAILORED SUITS AT $lO VELVET AND SERGE $25 00 CHARMEUSE DRESSES $35.00 CHARMEUSE DRESSES DRESSES $12.98 $14.98 $24.98 $6.98 $17.98 $24.95 ♦ 12.50 LADIES' AND MISSES' $15.00 LADIES’ AND MISSES' $20.00 LADIES' AND MISBES' $25.00 LADIES' AND MISSES' $3.50 CHILDRENS' COATS SIZES $2.50 CORDUROY COATS FOR COATS COATS COATS COATS 8. 10. 12, 14 LITTLE FOLKS $9.98 $11.95 $16.95 $19.98 $1.69 $1.98 81X90 HEMMED SHEETS AT 75C BOYS' AND GIRLS' UNION SIX SPOOLS THREAD FOB $5.00 CORDUROY AND PANAMA $3.00 MESS ALINE PETTICOATS $l.OO KID GLOVES BLACK AMD SUITS SKIRTS • COLORS 69c 49c 25c $2.98 $1.49 79c NEMO AND HENDERSON CORSETS I IVF 1 I I I 1 ff> NEMO AND HENDERSON CORSETS ♦♦♦+♦+*♦♦♦+♦♦♦++♦♦•>++♦+++•> BP B | * THURSPAT MUNICIPAL THEATRE PUN OF GATE CITY Hilton, the gale city of the new mate of New Mexico, plain* the erec tion of a municipal theater. Since the destruction of the old Coliseum theater by fire several months ago, a modern playhouse has heou need ed aild tnie ideas of the people of that enterprising town have taken the form of a theater that will he manag ed under the supervision of the city. Yesterday Dr. J. .1. Shuler, mayor of Itaton, John Majors. K. H. Humph riys and T. F. Peters, members of the city council visited Trinidad and while here Inspected the West operu house which is being conducted un der lease by K. F. Olllc, formerly ot Itaton. The plun is to build the theater after the Denver auditorium, lucor- IKjrutlug many of the beautiful and convenient features of tin* West, the best road shows will he booked with the idea of making the new piny house the largest and best In New Mexico. The proposed municipal theater it to he built within the next twelve months. M'CLUNG QUITS CABINET Washington. Nov. 14.—Announce ment of the resignation of M*e Me riting. ns treasurer of the l’nltt*4l States, was made by President Tnft today M(Clung tendered his resig nation to the President nt a confer ence at iho executive mansion today and Its acceptance was later an nounced by the President from the executive office with the explana tion that Mr. McCiung resigned vol untarily. v It Is believed that Carmt Thomp son. now private secretary to the President, will succeed him. The Tr< usurer declined to discuss his retirement any way today but It was rumored that his resignation came as the result of continued fric tion with Secretary McVoagh. The resignation or Mr. McCiung means that the money and securities • for which the treasurer Is respon sible must he actually counted and receipted for. this will be the great est single financial transaction In the history of the world. When McCiung assumed the duties of treasurer he gave a receipt to his predecessor for£8 2-3. For regular action of the bowels: rosy, natural movements, relief of ronetlpatlon. try Doan's Kegulets. -T.c at all stores. THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. STRIKE LEADER ADMITS CHARGES (Continued from Page One.) “Did you make any reference to the point* and soldiers there being armed.” District Attorney Atwill asked. "I did" replied Ft tor. “And then didn't you say. ‘ami >ou, too, will bo armed.' and after n pause, with a smile, ‘with the power of your labor.' " *’l did state that." said Ft tor. The district attorney referred to a speech made by Kitor in Cunurd llall. “In that didn't you say that ‘the other side Is too la*y to wash Ibelr own dirty fares?' “ “Yea and added that they hud to hire others to do It/* said Kttor. “And didn’t you also say, ‘they ought to lie glad to In- let lfve?‘ '• “There was something iu be tween.” Kttor answered. “If you won't let me quulifx I won't an swer." “And dldn t you say, ‘wlion we refuse t» work for their benefit they send their police, their fft'ciucii and their soldiers?* ” “Yes,'* Kttor answered. , "And then didn't >ou say. 'this fire of the working class, a rebellion such as we have here never cau b«* quenched by firemen* hose; like iinnqiio's Ghost. It will not down and It can not lie put down and it can not lie put down by jtollrcmen** clubs or soldiers’ bayonets?' " “I did." JOHNSON'S BONDSMAN IS JAILED FOR CONTEMPT Chicago. Nov. 14.—Albert C. Jones, a real estate dealer, who rlgned $30,000 bond* for Jack Johu ron in an attempt to obtain the ne gro pugilist's release from jail, was today sentenreil to one year in Jail for contempt of court by Federal Judge I .and Is. Jbnes, It charged, scheduled property which h«* had deeded to his wife. Judge Igtndls declared Jones had “wilfully and maliciously lied under oath In court In relation to his cdwnershtp of the property." DEMOCRATS LEAD IN WASHINGTON RACE Seattle. Wn., Ngv. ,14. —With on ly eight small to hear fro mthe plurality of Meter <Demo crat ) over. Ilay (Republican) for governor was 472. It was stated to day thnt six'of the mining precincts ' gave Ilay a plurality of 60 and that the other two had. lit 30 registered voters, all told. PULMOTER RESTORES LIFE AFTER PULSE HAD STOPPED At lUt ruwL nnu oiw** Washington. Nov. 17.—Although his pulse virtually had stopj»ed, Wer ner M iloflman was drawn back from the brink of the grave by use or th4- nulmoter and today physicians in a local hospital believe he will live. Hoffman, a former member of the Mitrlne Corps and with an enviable service record in Clilnu and the IMilllpplnes, has been ill for some ttnio because of fever contracted In the Orient. Den|*ondent, he is said to have taken fifteen grains of a virulent poison. When rushed in an uutomohile to the hospital he appar ently was deuil. Artificial respira tion by utilization of the pulmotor was restored with apparent success. rhyaicluns regard the case us re markable. PERJURY SUIT. GROWING OUT OF LORIMER CASE. DROPPED Chicago, Nov. 14.—State's At torney Wayninn today non-suited the cate against State Representative Robert E. Wilson of Chicago, whose trial on charges of perjury wus scheduled to start today. Till* ease was said to he the last of the crim inal matters growing out of the elec tion to the United Slates senate of IWm. l*orlmer. NEW AMBASSADOR TO JAPAN IS NAMED Washing ton, Nov. 14. l*ars An derson of Washington, now minister to Belgium, has been named as am bassador to Japan to succeed Charles Page Bryan, whose resignation was announced a few days ago. Through the Japanese embassy it was learned today that Mr. Anderson would be satisfactory to Japan. FINDS $175 PEARL IN HOTEL OYSTER Chicago. Nov. 14.—" Possession Is j nine points of the law, and the buy-* er Is entitled to all contents of a, package purchased." was a decision ! given by E. J. Stevens, manager of Hotel !<a Salle, In handing to Mrs. , C. F. Kennedy of 1555 East Sixty-! First street a pure white pearl she 1 found In some oysters while dining' In the hotel. She went to the hotel for lunch eon with her hushsnd. an advertis ing manager, and the pearl was found In the second oyster taken. George Wolff, assistant manager of the hotel held that the pearl be longed to the hotel, while Mr*. Ken nedy claimed that ns her husband had bought the oyster containing the' |H>arl she w*as entitled to it. The pearl was said to he worth $175.04 by a Jeweler who was sent ( to estimate Us worth. NOVTMBER 14, 1912- Women’s $4 Knit Sweaters $2.49 Plain and fancy knl. In bolted Norfolk .nd .tripod Illaaer Coat.. All color., White. Cardinal, Oxrord and Navj. All alie». MUses’& Children's Norfolk Sweaters 98c Melted and plain fancy knit yard. White. Red. Oxford and Navy. Children's White Sweaters 79c Gloves and Hosiery Savings Women's Fuat I Hack Hosiery ... • 90 I —lliKh .pllced heel ond toe. You'll buy doxen. when you aee the quality. 1 Hoys' ami itlrls* 20c fust black ribbed stocking* 10^ ONYX pure silk hose 44C Women who appreciate the value of "ONYX' Silk Hose will grasp this opportunity to lay in a supply, lllack and colors. —4»T tor Womens 75c Silk Lined Gloves "KayaerV black cashmere. 25C tor Keyset's Gloves—Coif and Cliamolsotte, block und all shades, 50c value. for Misses’ und Children's 25c all wool Golf Glove*. In plalu und fancy knit. A Collection of New Waists ond Blouses |1,50 white Voile blouses. Hundereds of dainty style* with new est embroidery fronts, long sleeves, dainty lace trimmed • • 98^ Women's 75c Union Saits 49c Women's $l.OO finest white wool vests und pant* ribbed 7B£ Fiuest White Cotton ribbed self fleeced union suits, hand fin ished neck and sleeves. t —Children's union suits fine cotton ribbed, self fleeced, good and warm 45c I —Women's heavy cotton ribbed vests and pants . . . . 25* I EXPRESS OFFICE ROBBED Lake Charles, l*a.. Nov. 14.—The Wells Fargo Express company's of fice here was robbed of a package of currency that la said to have con tinued $25,000 earl today. Thorn tort Che\ Is. night express clerk, who reported the robbery, has been ar rested. According to Chevls* statement, he loft the office In the Southern Pa | rifle depot to meet the east bound midnight train. He locked the safe, and the front office door. When he | 'returned ten mlnutea later, he said. he discovered that a door on tho west side of the building, against which a number of express packages had been piled, was ajar. He found the safe still locked but a package of money w hich he had placed there in was missing. TEXAS BASK ROBBED Merit, Texaa. Nov. 14. —Threo bandit. stolo 14,000 from the Flret National Bank of Merit early today, then v.raped In an automobile. They *ot Into the bank', vault by the uao ofjMtroalyr^rlna^^^^^^^^^