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/ ILot wm &<£ Y®ssr ■ saaßßsa We Invite commercial chocking accounts of Individuals, firms and companies. Wo refer those who have not done business with us to those who IIAVK. Let OUR Rank bo YOUR Rank. The First National Bank Under Control of United States Governor . TRINIDAD. COLORADO. For Sale or Rent Hew, two-room house* Colorado Are., and Alta street. Will sell for $450. $lOO down, balance monthly payments. Lots is 80z 190. Handy new five room house on San Juan near Colorado Are. $2,- 190.00 $2OO down, balance monthly payments, like rent -200 beantifnl building lota, located in different parts of the city. Host of them can be sold on payment. Buy now. Build later. If yon want Fire, Life, Accident Insurance, or Surety Bonds* don't fail to call at the ground floor real estate office. The Home Security-Investment Company Insurance. Loans- Beal Estate. Bondi. R. C. HAM. President. Around floor. First National Bank Building. EDWARD D. WIGHT, President. R. P* JONES, Vice-President. W. R. CHAPMAN, Cashier. 11. K. HOLLOWAY, V-Prea. C. R. RAPP. Assistant Cashier. fPte Trinidad National Bank Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $60,000.00 directors: B. D. Wight H. K. Holloway W. J. Murray Philip Schneider D. I*. .Innea W. R. Chapman We will be pleased to taavo your business and offer every ac commodation consistent with safe banking. Intel&st paid on time deposits. ; Cdinnl«OC GENUINE MAZDA Oup JMIC 5 TUNGSTEN LAMPS Superior in Quality — Not 80 Easily Broken We carry a full line of everythin* Costs No More. for the automobile. Presto light and tire tanka In stock. $5 Hot Point Irons For $3.90 B. exchange 53.00 Tb “ Wc * k ‘ e. exchange $2.75 Trinidad Gas and The Trinidad Novelty Works “£?£ Supp ! y . m! Phone Trinidad 128. -Extra Fancy Apples- Washington Jonathans are the finest apples that have been on the market ‘his year. They are (ALV absolutely free from blemish and wrctjn extra large. The very nicest eat- kgl B yV l ing apple that grows. Call us up 1 1\ 1 for prices. Large Isle of Fines f\ ) m\ r Crape Fruit 10c each. V\ V\ Jl Phone 527 HWg $ I SATURDAY *1 Mrs. William liuUou of Aguilar wns In tile city tduy ou u short shop ping trip. G. W. Norman aud J. W. Guynu, of Aguilar arc in the city on a day's business trip. Mrs. Ernest Woodard returned to Ludlow this ufternoon after a shop ping trip in this city. 8. 8. Pells left this afteruoou for Denver, where he will spend Sunday visiting with his wife. F. E. Rose and son George left this morning for liuslluga after it day's busiuess trip in Triuidad. Thomas Goodwin of tho C. & 8. left this after non for Walsenburg on a few hours' business trip. George Roese. the life insurance man, returned this morning from a business trip to Creede, Colo. Mm. Frank Cumpbell of Walsen burg spent the day in Trinidad shop ping and visiting with friends. Miss Emma Fisher left this morn ing for Delagua where she will spend a few days visiting with friends. Mrs. A. Alexander and daughter, Jane, left tills afternoon for aldcz, for a few days' visit with friends. Miss Elizabeth Culley left this aft ernoon for Begundo. after spending the morning in this city shopping. Mrs. L. Ham Smith left this after noon for Aguilar where she will spend Sunday visiting with friends. I/Co Gottlieb returned last night from Raton where ho spent a few hours attending to business matters. O. C. Erwin returned this morn ing from Denver where he spent a few days looking after business mat ters. Miss Paulino Gordon left his after noon for Tabasco, where she will spend three weeks visiting with her aunt. Miss Irma Tritt of Texllne is ex pected to arrive in the eitv tomor row for a short visit with Miss Bur nlo Wolverton. W. J. Gibbons and Tim Henerson were among the farmers from the ! Sunflower valley who were trading in Trinidad today. Mrs. A. C. Gregg returned to Agui lar on the .afternoon train after spending the morning in Trinidad visiting with friends. Miss Ruby Floyd, sehool teacher at Thatcher, arrived in the city this morning for a few days' visit with relatives and friends. Mis. F. E. Rose and daughter Hel en left this morning for Colorado Springs where they will spend a few days on a pleasure trip. E. R. Merrill, chief claim agent for the C. a S.. left this morning for Denver after a few days* business trip in Trinidad and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. E I*awier left tills afternoon for Walsenburg where they wll spend Sunday visiting with their son Claude, who resides there. Mrs. A. E. Thompson left this aft ernoon for Hastings, where she will spend Sunday visiting with her hus band and son who reside in the camp Mrs. Hoyt Schuyler and baby re turned this morning from Fort Col lins and Denver where she spent the par.t few weeks visiting with friends. Mrs. Gus Olson of Itockvale. Colo., and Mrs. Clark of Aguilar, left this afternoon for Aguilar arter spend ing the morning in Trinidad shop ping. A. 11. Duller, the Commercial street shoe merchant, will leave in tho morning for Raton where he will spend tho day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van Slyck. J. L. Ranus, Jr., son of the manag er of-the Crancer Hardware company, is quite nick at the home of his par ents at 1207 Alta street. The young man is suffering from rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Officer of Ra ton arrived in the city this morning from Denver whero they spent a few days on a business nnd pleasure trip. They returned to Raton later in the day. L. Duchnell, cashier for the Moun tain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, left this morning for Den ver where he will spend a few days attending to business matters in the interest, of the company. Leslie McHenry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McHenry of this city, was in Trinidad today from Raton. Mr. McHenry is engaged in the engine service of the Santa Fe, his run be ing between Raton nnd LaJunta. Mrs. C. A. Dloomficid of Marshall town, lowa, mother of Mrs. E. C. Hailey of this city, arrived In Trini dad this morning for a visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. Bloom field expects to be here the greater part of the winter. I/. R. Logan left this afternoon for Fremont. Neb., where he expects to reside. Mr. Logan was employed in the engraving department of the Hall Jewelery Store previous to leaving the city. He will lie joined by his wife and children in a short time. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. A. Thompson re turned this morning from Denver where they spent a few days. Mrs. Thompson has spent the past few months on the coast touring the state of California, and wns joined by her husband on her return to Denver. Mrs. \V. F. Thompson and son Francis of Raton arrived in the city tills morning from Arkansas where they spent the past six months for the benefit of Mrs. Thompson's liealtli. They will spend several days in tills city visiting with Mrs. 1 Thompson's father, F. M. Tipton. THE CHBONICLENEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. PERSONALS Have you started that savings ac count with us yet ? If not, you arc losing money every day Do it now Commercial Savings Bank Mrs. M. M. Henson left this after noon for Pueblo for a short visit with friend*. Mra. Harry Bell aud baby daugh ter left this afternoon for Rntou for a week'* visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. A. Lewis of Weston, returned this morning from Denver, where she has been visiting with friends. She returned to the camp 6n the after noon train. Mis* Margaret Smith returned to Raton this afternoon after a few days* visit In this city with Miss Burnle Vincent. Miss Smith hus been visiting In Boulder, and stop ped In Trinidad for it few days cn toute to her home Opie Read Drama Feature Film at the Photoplay Theatre ~ "The Starburk ' a thrilling two reel picture drama, adapted from the celebrated novel l»y Opl<> Hoad, pre senting the author himself In the tolo of Jasper Starburk. la the feat uro nfforing a* th Photoplay thea tre today. Thlr picture comes di rect from the now l»arln theatre In Denver, la full of wholmmn senti ment and human Intoroat, of atrong plot, depleting that life that ha* boon •umle to pultuite with Interest by the pen of the greatest of all aouthern writer*. It la a pleasing and beautiful story —the story of the Starbucks. The picture drama In splendidly acted by a renowned comedy company of nlayer*. and the two reel feature 1* one of the best seen here in month*. It la one of the many features Hint Manager Dnvh ha* given hi* patrons in the week* past. (Adv. ) 1 RICHARD FROMM 0*ENS HANDSOME NEW STUDIO Richard Fromm, the well known local photographer, has opened up a handsome portrait studio In n suite of romos over the Crystal theatre in the Tafoya block. Mr. Fromm has one of the most modern nnd best equipped studios in southern Colo rado and I* prepared to handle all manner of view and commercial pho tographic work beaide* making n specialty of ixirtralt work. Rvery up-to-date appliance for the making of picture* tins been Installed and his studio apartment* are most attrac tive to the public. Mr. Fromm has on exhibition at hla atudlo some real ly remarkable views of mountain scenery in this vicinity taken at per ilous height* and considerable haz ard. Mr. Fromm occupied hla new studio on November 1. Adv. 1 ELABORATE DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs J. Erickson of El Moro entertained last evening at an elaborate dinner party, complimen tary to the members of the Priscilla club, their husbands and children. The forty cm 's motored from this city to the Erickson home four miles east of the city, where thoy spent the evening, returning at a late hour. Pink and green, the club colors, were used in decorating, a large bouquet of carnations forming the center piece. A five course dinner was served at seven o'clock by the hos tess, assisted by Mrs. F. O. Dougins, Miss Nora Clark, Miss Rapp, Miss Margaret Tipton, and Miss Eth el Crouch. Various games were played during tho evening, and the pilzes for the -uessing contest were won by Mrs Charles Bailey. F. J. Cook, nnd the < insolation prize went to J. S. Grisham. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alien, Mr. nnd Mrs. \V. I. Crouch, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. A. Covington. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. John Maekny, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. T. Mcßory, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Hughs, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Pat terson. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. R. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bunnell, Mr. ami Mrs. D. R. Hindman, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Tipton. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Multure. Mr. and Mrs. Clins. Bailey. Mrs. F. O. Douglas. Miss Ethel Crouch. Miss Louise Rapp. Miss Mar garet Tipton. Miss Nora Clark, Caldwell. J. P. Grisham and E. A. Packer. __ t "THE FORTUNE HUNTER” The nttractlveness of! the story told lu Cohan und Harris' produc tion. ’’The Fortune Hunter," which they will precent at the West thea tre next Sunday night makes this comedy one of the strongest draw ing attractions that lias been offered the amusement world in the past sev eral seasons. While rural iu its Bet ting. it is the type hut Is purely American, and the country characters that surround the youthful fortune hunter as he works out the basic theory of the plot arc not overdrawn ANNUAL W. O. W. BALL One of the most notable events of the season will he the second annu al ball of the degre team on the Trinidad Camp No. 32 W. O W. Elaborate preparations are being made for the dance, which will be given at Madden’s dancing academy on Tuesday night, November 19. Most artistic programs have been Issued, the cover showlug the embossed em blem of the lodge. The affair Is In the hands of the following commit tees: Program: A. J. Young. Ned Ham mer and B. E. Btralt. Arrangement, George Lane. E. Davis and Dnn (layer. Floor: John Piper. John Parise and Sam Terry. Door: W. W. Drowning. F. J Miner and Z. Strait. Decorations: W. Wilcox. W. S Davis and Clyde Hough. DAINTY COMPLIMENTS Thone who have not vinlted the Smiley Stud Ion at the red arrow nlirn. 110 E. Main turret, ran hnrdly real* Iw that Trinidad haa an eatabllnh ment that exrola in equipment and produrt many of the fluent city atu dlna. You are cordially Invited to call nnd Inr.pert thin beautiful atudlo and the fine photographa on exhibition. , The daintlent compliment you can pay a near and dear friend la the *lft of your own picture. A doxcn fine photon auch na they make will endear you to twelve frlenda. and Phrlatmaa drawn nearer every hour (Adv.) 1 MANY LOCAL TEACHERS TO ATTEND MEETING Forty or more rchool teachers of city nnd county will attend the thir ty-eighth annual session of the Colo rado Teachers’ association, to b«* held In Denver November 25 to 27. In order that the teachers tuny attend this imjiortant meeting, the sc boo' Ixiard has authorised the closing of the rchols for one week. Tu the neighborhood of two thuosand Colo rado teachers will be in attendance with noted educators of the schools, colleges and unlversltiea of the l*uli ed States. County Superlmondcnt J. M. Madrid will deliver an addrets on "The Advantages and Disadvan tages of the t’ngrnded School ” Supt. Morgan will lead the no table discussion on a number of sub jects of school work. SUPT. MORGAN SPEAKS The value of Spanish teaching in the grade schools was the subject of discussion at the parents’ meeting at the Rice school yesterday afternoon. Supt. J. R. Morgan and Principal (1 R. Fenton both talked on tho benefit derived from tho Spanish teaching nnd the parents took an interested part In the discussion. T. B. C. CLUB The T. B. C. club met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. A. L. Branson at her home on Prospect street. The afternoon was spent in playing bridge: the prise was won by Mrs. John Drury. Mrs. John Turner was the guest of the afternoon. At the close of the game Mrs. Branson, as sisted by Miss Kate Branson, served light refreshments. Sewing Machines Singer and New Home Pattern Prices $l7 to $3O 10 Day Free Trial Warranted Satisfactory Guaranteed 10 Years Try One CrancerHardware Company 117 Eait Main St. Ph. T. 88 NOVEMBER 16. 1813. $l5 $lB $2O JjL. you a jJ < Fall Suit OR A JjA f Fall Overcoat JmL, THAT WILL LIVE UP TO THE TV \ PROMISES MADE. / |X 1 For $l5 and $lB here are Young I I I Men', two and three button wok coati in fine 10ft color* and tone* at/ < that have to be wen to be appreciated \ I N Norfolk* that ara real aaita. Yea* \y 1 we hare them with ee*t. A We’re a jut right Orercoat for ever; man, $l5 or $9O will corer the coat. Ingr&m-Powder Clothing Company “WHNRB QUALITY COUNTS" I ——"”■ 1 NOTICE I hereby g!v« antics I will ant be responsible for goods ordered by C. F Wilson for the firm of Benton sad M ilena at Red River, New Mexico.— Signed. J. W. Bentna. Pub. Nor. 11, Nov. 29, 1912. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. Special bargain In 4-paeeenger Overland auto f.’ir.o Call Trinidad Novelty Works. Phone Trln. 128. 4 LOST. A Breast Pin mnde of a |6 Gold piece. The owner prixed vary highly end will llbernlly reward finder If returned to this office. tf. NOTICE Christian Science services held at K'ks Hall Suit**? morning a. II o’- civic Subject. '"Mortals and Im mortals." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Poverty is the mother of many ef forts. Shoe Prices W’o do not sell shoes at any 1 8 / old prlco. We think to much of / our reputation for such tactics. / • jA. Hut wo DO sell tho BEST \ SHOES ut any stated price. f W* \ Men u Shoo, $2.75 lo SO.OO \ Women’s Shoes . . .$2 lo $5 Bovs’ and Girls' Shoes . VVf N f1.25 to 03 . The P. 6 W. Shoe Co. THE GOOD SHOE STORE - ■■ , qhc . , Some International p eop i e State Bank Send their money away from Trinidad and buy their goods from outsiders. By so doing they take the profits away from the home mer- A chant curtailing his busi aJLness nnd reducing his pro fits, thus injuring him, the town and themselves. PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS 1,0 y olll ' bfluklng busl' ness with the only bunk iu Trinidad that is owned and controlled by bonis capital. The profits of the bank will SAFETY DEPOSIT | be spent in Trinidad and I BOXES FOR RENT ! »ol sent to outside owners. j PAGE FIVE NOTICE The eepartnsrshrp n arete fora ag ist Ing hat ween William D. Warrap and WHamena Warran under tho firm name of the Warren Blectrfa company In tha City of Colorado, is this day dlaaolvad bf mutual aonoant. All debts owing • tba antd partnership nra to ba ra eelvad by aatd William D. Warran aa| all dsmanda on antd partaarohlp ara to ba praaanted to him for paymant. Dated at Trinidad, Colorado, Lk|p nth day of Novambar, A. D. 1911. * W. D. Warran. WHamena Warren. > Published Nov. 12-18, 1912. ♦ Tba Cbronlele-Nawa cam lor ♦ boys have been supplied with 9 ♦ new whistles and will blow ♦ whan making delivery of paparo. ♦ ♦ Listen for the whistle. Impure blood runs you down-A makea you uo easy victim for dlaeasf. For pure blood and sound dlgeatloa Burdock Blood Ritters. At all drug storea. Prlca 81.00.