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PAGE TWO ♦ 3U Inc*)i Corduroy, per yurd • 75* t !!C-ln<h All wool Horse, por yurd 50* t D 4 -Inch Broadcloth, por yurd 91.00 Z SC-Inch Novelty Suitings, per >nrd 50* T 36-inch Storm Sei se, per .yard 65* } mack and White Checks, per yard 10* to 91.00 4 THE BEE HIVE | 4»3 Commercial Street Trinidad, Colorado | Good Old | I: Schneider Beer | V The favorite drink of the community *f V for more than thirty years *;* X Century Bottled Beer X t|. Light «j* X Muenchener Bottled Beer X X Dark A 4 DEFIES COMPETITION ' T | PH. SCHNEIDER BREWING CO. f 6 Phone Trinidad 54 Trinidad. Colo. V •j. 4 TRINIDAD TURKISH BATH HOUSE Open for Ladies and Gentlemen Sulphur Baths a Specialty sure cure for Sciatic and Chronic Rheumatism Indorsed by many prominent citizens Come and Give Us a Trial Expert German Masseur V . :• THE i j; IDEAL FURNACE FUEL IS; ! GAS I I COKE| I CHEAPEST i I CLEANEST and < LEAST TROUBLE j $3.?5 || IN YOUR BIN ‘I I THE TRINIDAD ELECTRIC j: TRANSMISSION, RAILWAY AND i> l GAS COMPANY j: THURSDAY Baseball News .Moxio Muuucl. oiifo u pitcher with the Chicago White Sox. and for many years in tin* Southern leugue, wax married in St. Louis on November 0 to Mlkk .Mamie l*.tt• ■ t»f Danville. 111. lie met hia bride while playing In the Three-1 league last t-eatton. Mrs. Manuel is something of a hall play er herself, bavins he. ti strong for athleti'H while attending tile 111 I - verslty of Illinois, and she says that if they have oipiul suffrage in l»a ••• hull she ii- sun* she would have made tin* vurslty team as a pitcher. There will be a general ahakeop in managers In the rebuilt Central league next season. Dayton and Springfield are l!ie only clubs posi tive as tn their leaders. Kd Smith. Rud« Myers and Jimmy Burke are paid t«» be under consideration at Cirand Rapid*. Joe McC.lnnity hopes to make n deal by will h he v/11l take charge at Terre Haute: Tunnno hill may he at South Bend. It !- not known wl|o will miccoed Shnuithnecsy at Port Wayne In case he derides to take charge of his Ottawa team In the Canadian league. Herman Nickerson, who has been »h** sporting editor of the Boston lournnl for the pant five years, and one of the most capable writers In the game, has been made secretary of the I lost on National league club by President Gaffney, succeeding Peter Kelly, who returns to newspa per work. Nickerson’s Job will In effect be that of hualncfs manager and he and manager George Stallings will hate practical charge of nil club and team affairs as President Gaff ney desires a free hand In looking after his big contracting business in New York "Hateball In the National league should have a g< od season In lb 13. ’ raid President Lynch when he was WIZARD OF SURGERY GETS NOBLE PRIZE (Copyright by Paul Thompson.) I)r. Alexia Carroll, who was award ed the Nobel Prose for Medicine, may well be called a wizard of the medical world. In hi* laboratory in the Rockefeller Institute for Med ical Research, lie has accomplished wonders with animal life that are analogous to the wonders performed by Luther Iturhunk In the field of botany. It is said that Dr. Carroll has taken the heart out of a dog. put dog and heart in cold storage for a we*»g. and then restored to dog to life, lie is famous In every pnrt of the world as a surgeon. COTTON GINNING REPORT Washington, Nov. 21.—Cotton ginning during the fifth pei*iod of the season, from. November 1 to I I was more active this year than It was during the record crop year of 1911 by about 5,000 bales per working day, tlie census bureaus report today showed: Tim total ginning for the period was 1,422.200 bales, compared with 1.342,331 bales last year. From the beginning of the season to Novem ber 4. the quality ginned was 10.- 201,421 hales compared with 11,313- 230 bales last year. The average ginning per working day was 129.201 bales compared with 122,230 bales during the same sea so nlnst year. REDMEN ELECT OFFICERS The liedmoli Apache Tribe No. 2K held a meeting last night In the lodge rooms for election of officers, and the following officers were elected: R. It. Ross, Sachem; .lack Nash, Senior Sagamore: L. W. Williams, Junior Sagamore; A. P. Thompson, Prophet; It. Hall, Trustee. * Pillows should Itf covered with soft old muslin to prevent the lick ing from showing through the pillow case proper. THE CHRONICLE-NEWS, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. asked if lie ©xpe< ted to see a more prosperous year than 1912 had beeu. "As a matter of fa* i.” he added, •‘this lias not been a poor season by any means, when you take the entire c|r eult into consldcr.ition. Kvury indi cation points to another red hot race next year between New York. Pitts burg and Chicago These three old rivals will be in the field will* prac tically their old-tine- strength and I am looking for •» lively tussle throughout 1913 Then there is an other team which I believe l» des tined to sutprlv the people next Hiring, and that > Cincinnati. This * lull contains some splendid talent and should be a factor In the np prou-hlng championship race.” Fred Clarks |- unlike other big league niunuger* si many respects tint with regard t surrounding him self wjth able lieutenants lie stands in a class hv himself For 1 ■’ vtars he boosted Hans Wagner and Tommy l.ench and welcomed tlielr part In Pirate councils. Now Leach is gone mil he banks u h.t on Captain Hans Wagner. He engaged Donlln. That i was lll** den!. Now there Is said to an arrangem* n whereby lie will ret llresbnabnn The> even go so far ns to predict iliut Clark** will lard Frank Chan*. It doesn’t look (therefore. ns though Clark.* Is "afraid of hlr Job.' »ay* n Plttshptirg i-.crlbel Clarke and th* Pittsburg club would not mind bidding for the service* of McGrnw if he could plav third better than lh*bby llvrne. nor would they tie a hit backward In tn logins back Connie Mack, should Connie ever lose out with the Shlbe*. so long as Conn> could do his turn behind the hut. Fred Clarke doesn’t think of another getting Ills Job. He could t>o*H a train of ex-managers anil make them <!<> Ilia bidding as though they were a lot of fresh |*'bushora' a Just landed nt West Ha ' den In the early hprlng. BEGIN ROAD BUILDING: 58-MILE CONTRACT Orange. Tex.. Nov. 21.—Actual dirt moving on a '.s-mlle contract of road building in Orange county ha* been started by Ray McDonald, of Austin. From to ipo men will be etr.jioycil in the work of rond build ing that I* to be carried on by four crews directed b\ Mr. McDonald and bis assistants. Grading will lie done, on the upper and lower Orange and Bcaunumt roads, the Maurlceville rond and the Newton county road first, the work to atari ns near town a* fiosihle and move In an opposite direction from the city. An oil-en gine will be used to operate one of tlie graders while teams will lie used tn o|H*rati* the rest of the outfits. Mr. McDonald's equipments are said to be the best ami most up-to-ilatc In the stHto. LEAPS TO HER DEATH BY "TAXI” Purls. Nov. 21.—Fannie llergelre of New York. 4(1 years old. during a fit of melancholia. Jumped from the third floor of the Hotel Sainte Anne. She fell on the top of a speeding taxi cab. The driver, pulled up sharply and the woman fell to the roadway. Another taxicab passed over her body. She was taken to a hospital with a fractured skull und died later. SPORT NOTES Frankie White, the Chicago light weight won the decision over Mike Malone, of Denver, in a fast ten round bout at Raton. N. M. White had the best of seven rounds and was awaarded the decision oil points. Johnny Kiihane, champion feath erweight, lias it over a good many other champions-on the easily earn ed kale proposition. For the exact nine hours of milling during his ca reer In the ring, Johnny lias, receiv ed $33,650. The date for the much postponed bout between Knockout Grown, of New York, and Phil Brock, of Cleve land. has been set for Cleveland on Thanksgiving day. An effort is being made by the Pacific coast promoters to match j George Kirkwood, the St. Ixmls I featherweight, who is making things go round in New Y’ork. with Johnny Kilbnne over the 2b round route. Miller Huggins doesn't have to start anything to find out who’s boss around the St. Louis diggings. Pittsburgh funs think the ring, w ill lie assured them if Barney Dre.v-J fuss can get Hreshnahan to sign with the Pirates. Hans Robert is following the ex ample or the renowned Hans Wag ‘ncr in investing his savings. He hn« just purchased « poultry farm and "’ll devote the winter months to raising chickens. If the Milwaukee club agrees to pay Jimmy Block the same amount he drew from the White Sox, the former Chicago catcher will consent Samuel Rea will be Pennsylvania Road’s President Jan. 1. Philadelphia. Pa.. Nov. 21. Fol low In k hi* election to thr presidency of tin* Pennsylvania Raihond coin pany. Samuel Hon will tak.- a abort vacation before be aiutumes the af fnlM of office on January I. An In ti rent closely litentlflcil with tin* Pennsylvania system said that there would be no announcement of Presi dent Ren'* plan* until the annual mooting of tin* stockholders in March but there lx reason to think tliut nd •lit lona I improvement* to the Penn sylvania system to the extent of S will he authorized. Mr. Ren sun-reds Jame- Met’rea, who re signed herausc of a threatened break down of hlii health. GIVE CITY FREE ELECTRIC SIGN Mnrtihnlllown. la.. Nov. 21.—An Imnu-tiftc sign, with the words made of electric lights, giving friendly greetings the strangers, and. per haps. at the same time containing a Jboost for the city, will lie flung across :South Third avenue in the depot dis trict In a few months. Hearing some ’such slogan ns "Marshalltown for Mo" or "Welcome to Marshalltown." •it will lie placed ns to not only he [the first hlng to catch the eye of the I Incomer, hut also to light the vicin ity over which it hangs. Such a sign Is to he given to the city by the Town Hallway and Right rpnipany. suc ressors to Jones A- llovcy. which will maintain It free of charge. The cor poration Is ready to order the sing and hang It as soon as the Marshall town cluli determines what words of greeting or boosting phrase It shall tic ar. ‘ t. play, in the minors a few sennons ■ and forget what he said about quit • ting the game. Forty six games In the box with out a ni Isc Ue is the record of Harry 1 griffin, member of the Richmond pitching staff. The past season he worked in 18 games and last year pitched 28. The Toronto club, of the Interna tional league, will train at Macon, Clu., next spring, according to an nouncement by owner McCaffrey. There was some talk of a trip to Cuba but this plan has been abandoned. The Dayton Central league club I as announced tin* release of mali nger Charles Knoll. His successor Is not named. Knoll formerly managed •the Kvansvillc. Ind., cljih, and was at one time a Washington American It ague player, lie won the Central league pennant foe Dayton in mil. DETERMING THE SPEED OF LIGHT Right travels at the astonishing rate of 180,000 miles a second. To the layman this seems incred ible, and the first question that pops Into Ills head is how do they go about it to measure light. There is a delicate instrument used in meas uring light which throws a beam of i light upon a revolving disk. There | was some debut about the figures oh : tallied in this way until it was ( found that when the earth was In | the part of its orbit nearest to Ju piter eclipses occurred 1C minutes than when It was In the farthermost part, whereas by all rules of astronomy they should have occurred at the same minute, each time. It was deduced from this that the light was not instantaneous, and consequently took 1G minutes to tra verse the diameter of the earth’s or bit, a distance of about 200 million miles, thus giving to light a velocity of 1 80,000 miles a second, which was accurately shown later by other ox-1 1 peri men ts. n NOVEMBER 21. 1912. MERRILL’S Cupel Cleaning Work* * We Cleinie Carpet*, Fath ers end Mattreiiea, end Do Upholiterinß end Repairing. Carpet Work a Specialty— Phone Baca 415.' 511 £. 3d THE HALL-McMAHON Undertaking Company —CiniEBT AKERS— -137 E. Main St—Phone Trin- 883. GRAND HOTEL| Are you experiencing them? I**t us show you how we keep busy, and how wo in creased one business 125 per cent In eight mouths. We have |ilciit> to do; so have our cli ents. Why? PUTATURO BROS. Advertising Expert!. Corner Main and Santa Fe <lhe Pierce Lumber and Manufacturing Co. £> Everythin* in Building Material Mill and Job Work a Specialty 1 Eighty Acre f | Tract | X Kino 80 ncro tract border- » » lug city limits and one of the « (\ hugest snaps we have bad siiice » » we have been In the business. If you arc looking for an In- » » vestment. It would pny you to « ss Investigate this. See us at ouco I Hubbartt. 1 | Agency Company $ « HOOM a. COIX). lIL.DO. V » Phono Trln. 299. « The Arcade Saloon IN# Corinado Bar Robert Branagh. Prop. F. W. CLARK Attorney-at-Law Suite 3, Colorado Builditif' MARCONI'S ARTIFICIAL EYE MOTES LIKE A REAL ONE Venice. Nov :*l. William Mar coni made his first public appearance today, since his recent accident, nt n luncheon given in Ills honor by Prin cess Marie Iterthe, the widow of Count Carlos of I tour bon. Mr. Marconi, who suffered the loss of his right eye as a result of an auto mobile collision Sept. 25 near llor gliotto. surprised everybody by the naturalness of his appearance. lie wears an artificial eye which has been so ingeniously contrived that it is not to he distinguished from the natural one and seems also to be endowed with power of move ment. Misery Hates Company But Loves TIZ A TIZ Foot Bath on Reaching Home Will Make Ton Feel Pleasant Try it With a Praa Trial Package. You can’t hide foot misery. • It runs ■ up Into the nerves, drown tha exprea ; slon into the face, makes you look footslck. TIZ Is for nil people—for nil kinds of feet. Whether Jt Is corns, bunions, ohll- ' blnlns. calluses, or Just feet, TIZ cntiMe* nil those acid poisons to enmo out. Foot, pores nro always enlarged. Nature Intended them so. And TIZ was designed to aid nnturc: millions know this to be a fact. Do you? Get n 25 cent box of TIZ nt onco and havo your shnro of foot comfort. Any druggist, deportment or general store, will supply you. And for a freo trial package, wrlto to Walter l.uthcr 1 ><>dgc * OOm 1223 8. Wabash Ave M , Chicago, UR ill AMUSEMENTS j T!. E CRYSTAL I Where Everybody Goes kS ~V AUDE VILLE~~a7 LAST HALF OF THIS WEEK NOTE:—This it the vaudeville treat oi the year. WILBUR HARRINGTON & CO. Four bits of Vodevil, Singing. Dancing. Talking and Jump ing. Ti» RANDOLPHS The Musical Comedy Two. Singing. Dancing. Music. SEE THE MOTION PICTURES WE ARE FAMOUS FOR. Rowland Plumbing and Heating Company —Rhone llaea 238 120 WEST FIRST ST. Eitimatn Cheerfully Furnished. WILLIAMS Transfer ltd Storage Company S 3! CIIKBTNI'T tfV, S7 He,l «*#3 FUKNITUHE NEW AND SECOND-HAND Bought and Sold A. M. CLEAVINOER Telephone linen |:m NO. :;<»| WKST MAIN STREET ; Assuming One’s Risk IN TUB MATTER OF [ Fire or Accident, is n dangerous i policy, let us fully Insure you In a I atrong old-lluo policy. i Bennett 6 Wilson AGENTS Suit l McCormick llldg. Phone Trinidad IG3. Contractor for the new C-N building W. J. MILLER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Phone Trinidad 408. Telephone Trinidad lIS. TRINIDAD UNDERTAKING CO. UNDERTAKERS 321 WEST MAIN ST* I*. It. SIPK :: :: Funeral Director AUCTION OF FIRNITITRK. CARPETS, DIIAPKII l-'RIKH every Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday. THE J. R. WARD FURNITURE AUCTION COMPANY 311 W. Main St. Trinidad, Colo. STOVES and FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI- TUBE BOUGHT AND SOLD POLIAK & RATNER Phone Trinidad 416—418 N. Com ! JEfFRYES COAL & MINING COMPANY Dealen in Bloom, Forbc! nnd Morley lump coals. For inm mer use try Jewel and Morley Nut Coal- Phone Tiinitlad 223. FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK GO TO 1 T H E if Bar and BIgO Cafe $ Palace Cafe and Bar l J GEO. CLERCI, Prop. | £ 119 West Main Street. .* Ciiiuimk-.Nvwb want ads. a me